Unit - 6 - DS - Tree - T221

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Prepared By:
Dhaval Gandhi

Learning Outcomes
 Non-linear data structures

 Binary trees : Complete Binary Tree,

 Basic Terms: level number, degree, in-degree and out-degree,

 leaf node, similar binary trees, copies of binary trees,

 directed edge, path, depth, General Tree, Forest.

 Binary Search Tree : Insertion of a node in binary tree, Deletion of

a node in binary tree, Searching a node in binary tree

 Tree Traversal : Inorder, Preorder, Postorder

 Applications of binary tree

A Tree is defined as a finite set of one or more nodes such that:
There is a special node called root node having no predecessor.
All the nodes in a tree except root node having only one
All the nodes in a tree having 0 or more successors.

Root Node

Internal Node

Leaf Node

Node Predecessor Successor
A 0 2(B,C)
B 1(A) 2(D,E)
C 1(A) 2(F,G)
D 1(B) 0
E 1(B) 0
F 1(C) 0
G 1(C) 0

Tree Terminology

Tree Terminology

Tree Terminology
In Degree :-
 In a tree number of edges comes in to particular node is called
In degree of that particular node.
 Root node having in degree always equals to 0 because it is
the first node of tree.
Out Degree :-
 In a tree number of edges comes out from particular node is
called Out degree of that particular node.
 Leaf node having out degree always equals to 0 because it is
the last node of tree having no further sub tree.
Degree or Total Degree :-
 In a tree the sum of edges comes into particular node and
edges comes out from particular node is called degree of that
particular node.
 It means Degree is the sum of in degree and out degree. It is
also called total degree of node.

Tree Terminology
Node In Degree Out Degree Total Degree
A 0 2 2
B 1 2 3
C 1 2 3
D 1 0 1
E 1 0 1
F 1 0 1
G 1 0 1

Tree Terminology

Tree Terminology
Root Node :-
 A node having in degree equal to 0 is called Root Node.
 The first node from where the tree originates is called as a
root node.
 In any tree, there must be only one root node.
 We can never have multiple root nodes in a tree data
Leaf Node :-
 A node having out degree equals to 0 is called Leaf Node.
 The node which does not have any child is called as a leaf
 Leaf nodes are also called as external nodes or terminal nodes.
 Leaf Node does not have any sub tree.

Tree Terminology
Internal Node :-
 The node which has at least one child is called as an
internal node.
 Internal nodes are also called as non-terminal nodes.
 Every non-leaf node is an internal node.

Root Node

Internal Node

Leaf Node

Tree Terminology
Edge :-
 The connecting link between any two nodes is called as an
 In a tree with n number of nodes, there are exactly (n-1)
number of edges.
Directed Edge :-
 In a tree an edge which is given direction from one node to another
node then it is called directed edge.

Tree Terminology
Parent :-
 The node which has a branch from it to any other node is
called as a parent node.
 In other words, the node which has one or more children is
called as a parent node.
 In a tree, a parent node can have any number of child nodes.
 Node A is the parent of nodes B and C
 Node B is the parent of nodes D, E and F
 Node C is the parent of nodes G and H
 Node E is the parent of nodes I and J
 Node G is the parent of node K

Tree Terminology
Child :-
 The node which is a descendant of some node is called as a
child node.
 All the nodes except root node are child nodes. In a tree, a
parent node can have any number of child nodes.
 Nodes B and C are the children of node A
 Nodes D, E and F are the children of node B
 Nodes G and H are the children of node C
 Nodes I and J are the children of node E
 Node K is the child of node G

Tree Terminology
Siblings :-
 Nodes which belong to the same parent are called as siblings.
 In other words, nodes with the same parent are sibling nodes.
 Nodes B and C are siblings
 Nodes D, E and F are siblings
 Nodes G and H are siblings
 Nodes I and J are siblings

Tree Terminology
Level :-
 In a tree distance between two nodes represented as level of a
 In a tree, each step from top to bottom is called as level of a
 The level count starts with 0 and increments by 1 at each level
or step.

Tree Terminology
Height of a node :-
 Total number of edges that lies on the longest path from any leaf
node to a particular node is called as height of that node.
 Height of a tree is the height of root node.
 Height of all leaf nodes = 0
Height of node A = 3
Height of node B = 2
Height of node C = 2
Height of node D = 0
Height of node E = 1
Height of node F = 0
Height of node G = 1
Height of node H = 0
Height of node I , J , K= 0

Height of a tree:
 • The height of a tree is the height of the root.

Tree Terminology
Weight :-
 Total number of leaf nodes available in tree is called weight of
a tree.
 Weight of tree is 4
 D, E , F , G

Tree Terminology
Path :-
 A sequence of connecting edges from one node to another
node is called Path.
 Path from Node A to H is given as A->B->D->H
 Path from Node A to I is given as A->C->G->I

Tree Terminology
Depth :-
 Total number of edges from root node to a particular node is
called as depth of that node.
 Depth of a tree is the total number of edges from root node to
a leaf node in the longest path.
 Depth of the root node = 0
 Depth of node A = 0
 Depth of node B = 1
 Depth of node C = 1
 Depth of node D = 2
 Depth of node E = 2
 Depth of node F = 2
 Depth of node G = 2
 Depth of node H = 2
 Depth of node I = 3
 Depth of node J = 3
 Depth of node K = 3

Tree Terminology
Subtree :-
 In a tree, each child from a node forms a subtree
 Every child node forms a subtree on its parent node.

Tree Terminology
Forest :-
A forest is a collection of two or more disjoint
Consider Following Figure in which a forest is a
collection of two disjoint tree.

Tree Terminology
Binary Tree :-
 It is a special tree data structure in which each node can have at
most 2 children.
 Thus, in Binary tree Each node has either 0 child or 1 child or 2
 A Tree in which out degree of each node is less then or equal to 2
but not less then 0 is called binary tree.
 We can also say that a tree in which each node having either 0, 1 or 2
child is called binary tree.

Tree Terminology
Types of Binary Trees-:-
 Rooted Binary Tree
 Full / Strictly Binary Tree
 Complete / Perfect Binary Tree
 Almost Complete Binary Tree
 Skewed Binary Tree

Tree Terminology
Rooted Binary Tree:-
 A rooted binary tree is a binary tree that satisfies the following 2
 It has a root node.
 Each node has at most 2 children.

Tree Terminology
Full / Strictly Binary Tree :-
 A binary tree in which every node has either 0 or 2 children is called
as a Full binary tree.
 Full binary tree is also called as Strictly binary.
 S.B.T with n leaves contains (2n-1) Nodes.

 First binary tree is not a full binary tree. This is because node C has
only 1 child.

Tree Terminology
Complete / Perfect Binary Tree :-
 A complete binary tree is a binary tree that satisfies the following 2
 Every internal node has exactly 2 children.
 All the leaf nodes are at the same level.
 Complete binary tree is also called as Perfect binary tree.

 First binary tree is not a complete binary tree. This is because all the leaf
nodes are not at the same level

Tree Terminology
Almost Complete Binary Tree :-
 An almost complete binary tree is a binary tree that satisfies the
following 2 properties-
 All the levels are completely filled except possibly the last level.
 The last level must be strictly filled from left to right.

 First binary tree is not an almost complete binary tree. This is because
the last level is not filled from left to right.

Tree Terminology
Skewed Binary Tree :-
 A skewed complete binary tree is a binary tree that satisfies the
following 2 properties-
 All the nodes except one node has one and only one child.
 The remaining node has no child.
 A skewed binary tree is a binary tree of n nodes such that its depth
is (n-1).

Tree Terminology
Binary Tree Properties :-
 Minimum number of nodes in a binary tree of height H = H + 1
 Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height H = 2H+1 – 1
 Total Number of leaf nodes in a Binary Tree = Total Number of
nodes with 2 children + 1
 Maximum number of nodes at any level ‘L’ in a binary tree= 2L

Tree Terminology
Binary Tree Properties :-

 Number of leaf nodes = 3

 Number of nodes with 2 children = 2
 23+1 – 1 = 16 – 1= 15 nodes
 23 = 8
 Thus, in a binary tree, maximum number of nodes that can be
present at level-3 = 8.

Tree Terminology
Similar Binary Tree :-
 If two binary trees are similar in structure then they are said to be
similar binary trees.

Copies of Binary Tree:-

 If two binary trees are similar in structure and their corresponding
nodes having same value then they are said to be copies of binary

Tree Terminology
General Tree:-
 A Tree in which each node having either 0 or more child nodes is
called general tree. So we can say that a Binary Tree is a specialized
case of General tree.
 General Tree is used to implement File System.
 Binary tree is a specialized case of general tree.

Tree Terminology
Ternary Tree:-
 General Tree in which number of sub trees for any node is not
required to 0,1 OR 2.They are highly structured and 3 sub trees per
nodes in which case is called a ternary tree.

 M-Array Tree:-
 Function in M-directed tree, the out degree of every node <= M is called M-
Array Tree.

Binary Search Tree
 Binary Search Tree is a tree in which nodes are arranged
such that all the nodes in a left sub tree having values
less then root node and all the nodes in a right sub tree
having values greater then root node.
 Thus we can say that Binary Search Tree is an ordered
binary tree

Binary Search Tree
 Binary Search Tree having two characteristics:
 All the nodes in a left sub tree having values less then
root node.
 All the nodes in a right sub tree having values greater
then root node.
 Because of the above mentioned characteristics Binary
Search tree allows faster insertion, deletion and
searching facility.

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree
Insertion of a Node in Binary Search Tree :-
45 68 35 42 15 64 78
 Step 1: Insert 45:- First element is 45 so it is inserted as a
root node of the tree.

 Step 2: Insert 68:-

 First we compare 68 with the root node which is 45.
Since the value of 68 is greater then 45 so it is inserted to
the right of the root node.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 3:Insert 35:- First we compare 35 with the root node which is
45. Since the value of 35 is less then 45 so it is inserted to the left of
the root node.

 Step 4:Insert 42:- First we compare 42 with the root node which is
45. Since the value of 42 is less then 45 so it is inserted to the left of
the root node. But the root node has already one left node 35. So
now we compare 42 with 35. Since the value of 42 is greater then 35
we insert 42 to the right of node 35.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 5: Insert 15:-
 First we compare 15 with the root node which is 45. Since the value
of 15 is less then 45 so it is inserted to the left of the root node. But
the root node has already one left node 35. So now we compare 15
with 35. Since the value of 15 is less then 35 we insert 15 to the left of
node 35.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 6: Insert 64:-
 First we compare 64 with the root node which is 45. Since the value
of 64 is greater then 45 so it is inserted to the right of the root node.
But the root node has already one right node 68. So now we
compare 64 with 68. Since the value of 64 is less then 68 we insert 64
to the left of node 68.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 7: Insert 78:-
 First we compare 78 with the root node which is 45. Since the value
of 78 is greater then 45 so it is inserted to the right of the root node.
But the root node has already one right node 68. So now we
compare 78 with 68. Since the value of 78 is greater then 68 we insert
78 to the right of node 68.

Binary Search Tree
 Construct a Binary Search Tree (BST) for the following sequence
of numbers-
 50, 70, 60, 20, 90, 10, 40, 100
 Step1: Insert 50 :-

 Step2: Insert 70 :-
 As 70 > 50, so insert 70 to the right of 50.

Binary Search Tree
 Step3 : Insert 60 :-
 As 60 > 50, so insert 60 to the right of 50.
 As 60 < 70, so insert 60 to the left of 70.

 Step 4 : Insert 20 :-
 As 20 < 50, so insert 20 to the left of 50.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 5 : Insert 90 :-
 As 90 > 50, so insert 90 to the right of 50.
 As 90 > 70, so insert 90 to the right of 70.

 Step 6 : Insert 10 :-
 As 10 < 50, so insert 10 to the left of 50.
 As 10 < 20, so insert 10 to the left of 20.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 7 : Insert 40 :-
 As 40 < 50, so insert 40 to the left of 50.
 As 40 > 20, so insert 40 to the right of 20.

Binary Search Tree
 Step 8 : Insert 100 :-
 As 100 > 50, so insert 100 to the right of 50.
 As 100 > 70, so insert 100 to the right of 70.
 As 100 > 90, so insert 100 to the right of 90.

Binary Search Tree
10,12,5,4,20,8,7,15 and 13

 Step 1: Insert 10:-

 Step 2: Insert 12:-

 12> 10 so Put on R.S.T.

 Step 3: Insert 5:-

 5< 10 so put on L.S.T.

Binary Search Tree
10,12,5,4,20,8,7,15 and 13
 Step 4: Insert 4:-
 4< 10 so Put on L.S.T.
 4< 5 so Put on L.S.T. Of 5

 Step 5: Insert 20:-

 20>10 so Put on R.S.T.
 20> 12 so Put on R.S.T. Of 12

Binary Search Tree
10,12,5,4,20,8,7,15 and 13
 Step 6: Insert 8:-
 8< 10 so Put on L.S.T.
 8> 5 so Put on R.S.T. Of 5

 Step 7: Insert 7:-

 7< 10 so Put on R.S.T.
 7 > 5 so Put on R.S.T. Of 5
 7< 8 so Put on L.S.T. Of 8

Binary Search Tree
10,12,5,4,20,8,7,15 and 13
 Step 8: Insert 15:-

 Step 9: Insert 13:-

Home Work

Binary Search Tree Insertion Algorithm
Step 1: If ROOT = None then
Step 2 : If INFO < ROOT.INFO then
If ROOT.LPTR =None then
Step 3: If INFO > ROOT.INFO then
If ROOT.RPTR =None then

Binary Search Tree Insertion Algorithm

Binary Search Tree Insertion
 Step 1 - Create a new Node with given value and set
its left and right to NULL.
 Step 2 - Check whether tree is Empty.
 Step 3 - If the tree is Empty, then set root to new Node.
 Step 4 - If the tree is Not Empty, then check whether the
value of new Node is smaller or larger than the node (here it
is root node).
 Step 5 - If new Node is smaller than or equal to the node
then move to its left child. If new Node is larger than the
node then move to its right child.
 Step 6- Repeat the above steps until we reach to
the leaf node (i.e., reaches to NULL).
 Step 7 - After reaching the leaf node, insert the new Node
as left child if the new Node is smaller or equal to that leaf
node or else insert it as right child.
Binary Search Tree Insertion Program


Binary Search Tree Deletion
 In order to delete node from binary search tree we have to
consider three possibilities.
 A node to be deleted has no sub tree.
 A node to be deleted has only one sub tree (left or right).
 A node to be deleted has two sub trees (left and right).

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Case 1:If a node to be deleted has no sub tree. In such case a
node is deleted directly.
 Delete 15
 Here node 15 has no left or right sub tree so we can delete it
directly. After deleting node 15 tree looks like as shown below:

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Case 2: If a node to be deleted has only one sub tree
either left sub tree or right sub tree. In such case the sub
tree of the deleted node is linked directly with the parent
of the deleted node.
 Delete 35:-Here node 35 has one right sub tree so we link this right
sub tree with parent of node 35 which is 45. Now the node which we
want to link with node 45 is 42 and value of 42 is less than 45 so we
link it as a left sub tree of node 45. After deleting node 35 tree looks
like as shown below:

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Possibility 3: If a node to be deleted has two sub trees left as
well as right. In such case we have to perform following
 (a) Find in order successor of the node to be deleted.
 (b) Append the right sub tree of the in order successor to its
grand parent.
 (c) Replace the node to be deleted with its in order
 Suppose we want to delete node 68. Here node 68 has both
left and right sub tree.
 So first we have to find InOrder successor of node 68 which
is 78.
 42 45 64 68 78 Now replace the node to be deleted with it’s
Inorder successor.
 So we replace node 68 with node 78. After deleting node 68
tree looks like as shown below:
Binary Search Tree Deletion

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Delete 20:

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Delete 30:

Binary Search Tree Deletion
 Delete 15:
 2 10 12 15 16 17 19 20 30

Binary Search Tree Deletion
Case 1: Deleting a leaf node
 We use the following steps to delete a leaf node from BST...
 Step 1 - Find the node to be deleted using search operation
 Step 2 - Delete the node using free function (If it is a leaf) and
terminate the function.
Case 2: Deleting a node with one child
 We use the following steps to delete a node with one child from
 Step 1 - Find the node to be deleted using search operation
 Step 2 - If it has only one child then create a link between its
parent node and child node.
 Step 3 - Delete the node using free function and terminate the

Binary Search Tree Deletion
Case 3: Deleting a node with two children
 We use the following steps to delete a node with two children
from BST...
 Step 1 - Find the node to be deleted using search operation
 Step 2 - If it has two children, then find the largest node in its left
subtree (OR) the smallest node in its right subtree.
 Step 3 - Swap both deleting node and node which is found in the
above step.
 Step 4 - Then check whether deleting node came to case 1 or case 2
or else goto step 2
 Step 5 - If it comes to case 1, then delete using case 1 logic.
 Step 6- If it comes to case 2, then delete using case 2 logic.
 Step 7 - Repeat the same process until the node is deleted from the

Binary Search Tree Searching
 In order to searching a node in binary search tree we have to
follows the step given below:
 Step 1: First we have to check weather binary search tree is empty
or not. If binary search tree is empty then search is unsuccessful.
 Step 2: If binary search tree is not empty then we compare the
value of a node to be searched with root node of binary search
tree. If both values are equal then search is successful otherwise
we have two possibilities.
 (A) If value of the node to be searched is less than the value of
root node then we have to search node in left sub tree of root
 (B) If value of the node to be searched is greater than the value of
root node then we have to search node in right sub tree of root
 Step 2 is repeated recursively until node to be searched is found or
all the nodes in a binary search tree are compared with the node to
be searched.

Binary Search Tree Searching
Algorithm to Search Node in Binary Search Tree:-
Step 1: If ROOT = None then
Step 2: If X=ROOT.INFO then
Write “Search is Successful”
Return 1
Step 3: If X < ROOT.INFO then

Binary Search Tree Searching

Binary Search Tree Searching

 We start our search from the root node 25.

 As 45 > 25, so we search in 25’s right subtree.
 As 45 < 50, so we search in 50’s left subtree.
 As 45 > 35, so we search in 35’s right subtree.
 As 45 > 44, so we search in 44’s right subtree but 44 has no subtrees.
 So, we conclude that 45 is not present in the above BST.

Binary Search Tree Traversal
 Traversal is the method of processing each and every node in the
Binary Search Tree exactly once in a systematic manner.
 There are three different types of tree traversal.
 Preorder Traversal (Root-L-R)
 In order Traversal (L-Root-R)
 Post order Traversal(L-R-Root)

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Preorder Traversal:- (Root → Left → Right)
Steps for Preorder Traversal:
 Process the root node first.
 Traverse the left sub tree of root in preorder.
 Traverse the right sub tree of root in preorder.

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Preorder Traversal:- (Root → Left → Right)
 Process the root node first. (A)

 Traverse the left sub tree of root in preorder.

 B-D-E

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Preorder Traversal:- (Root → Left → Right)
 Traverse the right sub tree of root in preorder.

 C-F-G

Binary Search Tree Traversal

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Preorder Traversal Algorithm:-
Step 1: If ROOT = None then
Step 2: Write ROOT.INFO
Step 3: If ROOT.LPTR ≠ NULL then
Step 3: If ROOT.RPTR ≠ NULL then

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal:- ( Left → Root → Right)
Steps for Inorder Traversal:
 Traverse the left sub tree in Inorder.
 Process the root node.
 Traverse the right sub tree in Inorder.

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal:- ( Left → Root → Right)
 Traverse the left sub tree of root in Inorder.

 D-B-E
 Process the root node.

 (A)

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal:- ( Left → Root → Right)
 Traverse the left sub tree of root in Inorder.

 D-B-E
 Process the root node.

 (A)

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal:- ( Left → Root → Right)
 Traverse the right sub tree of root in Inorder.

 F-C-G

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal:- ( Left → Root → Right)

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Inorder Traversal Algorithm:-
Step 1: If ROOT = None then
Step 2: If ROOT.LPTR ≠ NULL then
Step 3: Write ROOT.INFO
Step 4: If ROOT.RPTR ≠ NULL then

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Postorder Traversal:- ( Left → Right → Root )
Steps for Postorder Traversal:
 Traverse the left sub tree in Post order.
 Traverse the right sub tree in Post order.
 Process the root node.

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Postorder Traversal:- ( Left → Right → Root )
 Traverse the left sub tree in Post order.

 D-E-B
 Traverse the right sub tree in Post order.

 F-G-C

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Postorder Traversal:- ( Left → Right → Root )

Binary Search Tree Traversal
Postorder Traversal Algorithm:-
Step 1: If ROOT = None then
Step 2: If ROOT.LPTR ≠ NULL then
Step 3: If ROOT.RPTR ≠ NULL then
Step 4: Write ROOT.INFO

Binary Search Tree Traversal

58 82

15 66 80 99

Binary Search Tree Traversal


58 82

15 66 80 99

Preorder (Root-L-R):-78 58 15 5 66 82 80 99
Inorder (L-Root-R):- 5 15 58 66 78 80 82 99
Postorder (L-R-Root):- 5 15 66 58 80 99 82 78

Binary Search Tree Traversal

4 10

9 12

Preorder (Root-L-R):-7 4 2 1 10 9 12
Inorder (L-Root-R):- 1 2 4 7 9 10 12
Postorder (L-R-Root):- 1 2 4 9 12 10 7

Binary Search Tree Traversal
35 55

15 47 52 65
56 75

Preorder (Root-L-R):-50 35 15 33 27 47 55 52 65 56 75 72
Inorder (L-Root-R):- 15 27 33 35 47 50 52 55 56 65 72 75
Postorder (L-R-Root):-27 33 15 47 35 52 56 72 75 65 55 50

Binary Search Tree Traversal


12 58
5 45
30 65


Preorder (Root-L-R):-34 12 5 25 30 58 45 38 65 87
Inorder (L-Root-R):- 5 12 25 30 34 38 45 58 65 87
Postorder (L-R-Root):- 5 30 25 12 38 45 87 65 58 34


Application of Binary Tree
 It is used in Directory structure of a file store
 It is used in Structure/ manipulation of an arithmetic
 It is used in almost every 3D video game to determine what
objects need to be rendered.
 It is widely used in compiler for syntax analysis.
 It is used in implementation of Hash Tree.
 It is used in artificial intelligence.
 It is used to represent more complex data storage having
hierarchical relationship among them.
 It is used in almost every high-bandwidth router for storing
 It is used in compression algorithms, such as those used by
the .jpeg and .mp3 file formats.

Application of Binary Search Tree
 It is used in many search applications where data is
constantly entering/leaving, such as the map and set
objects in many languages' libraries.
 It is used in Storing a set of names, and being able to
lookup based on a prefix of the name. (Used in internet
 It is used in Storing a path in a graph, and being able to
reverse any subsection of the path in O(log n) time.
(Useful in travelling salesman problems).
 It is used in Finding square root of given number
 It is used for allows you to do range searches efficiently.

B.T representation of A.E.

* e

Preorder (Root-L-R):- + * c d e
Inorder (L-Root-R):- c * d + e
Postorder (L-R-Root):- c d * e +

B.T representation of A.E.

a *

b c

Preorder (Root-L-R):- + a * b c
Inorder (L-Root-R):- a + b* c
Postorder (L-R-Root):- a b c * +

Binary Search Tree

 It is a set of items connected by edges.
 Each item is called a vertex or node. Trees are just like a
special kinds of graphs. Graphs are usually represented
by G = (V, E), where V is the set vertices and E is the set
of Edges.

Directed Graph
 It is a graph ( set of vertices connected by edges) where
edges have a direction associated with them.

Weighted Graph
 It is a graph ( set of vertices connected by edges) where
each edge of a graph has an associated numerical values
is called weight.
 Edge weights are non negative integers.
 They may be directed or undirected.

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