Cst0 Computer Science Tripos Part I

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Tuesday 15 June 2021 11:30 to 14:30 BST


Answer one question from each of Sections A, B and C, and two questions from
Section D.

Submit each question answer in a separate PDF. As the file name, use your
candidate number, paper and question number (e.g., 1234A-p1-q6.pdf). Also write
your candidate number, paper and question number at the start of each PDF.

You must follow the official form and

conduct instructions for this online


1 Foundations of Computer Science

Sequences (lazy lists) and trees are fundamental types in functional programming.
Here are definitions of sequences and trees with integer elements:

type iseq = Nil

| Cons of int * (unit -> iseq)

type itree = Leaf of int

| Branch of itree * itree

(a) In an ascending sequence such as 1, 3, 3, 7, . . . each element is at least as large

as the previous elements.

Given two ascending sequences, write a function merge2 that produces

a sequence of the elements of both in ascending order. For example,
passing 1, 3, 3, 7, . . . and 2, 4, 5, 9, . . . to merge2 should produce the sequence
1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, . . .. [5 marks]

(b) Sequences are considered to be equal if corresponding elements are equal.

(i ) Define a function equal_seq that compares two sequences for equality.

[5 marks]

(ii ) Define sequences s1 and s2 for which equal_seq s1 s2 does not terminate.
[3 marks]

(c) The fringe of a tree is the left-to-right sequence of the values at the leaves.
For example, the fringe of Branch (Leaf 3, Branch (Leaf 10, Leaf 4)) is the
sequence 3, 10, 4.

(i ) Define a function fringe that computes the fringe of a tree. Your function
should have the following type:

val fringe : itree -> iseq

[5 marks]

(ii ) Using the functions you have defined above or otherwise, write a function
equal_fringes that determines whether two trees have equal fringes.
[2 marks]


2 Foundations of Computer Science

A W × H matrix can be represented in OCaml by a flat list: a list that concatenates

the rows in order. For each of the following alternative ways to represent a 2D matrix
in OCaml:
ˆ State the type T of the representation;
ˆ Give a function create w m: int -> float list -> T that constructs the
matrix of type T equivalent to the input flat list m with row width w;
ˆ Give a function get r c m: int -> int -> T -> float that gets the ele-
ment of the matrix m at row r and column c.
ˆ State the asymptotic complexity of the get function in terms of W and H

(a) A list of lists. [5 marks]

(b) An array of arrays. [6 marks]

(c) A functional array of functional arrays. [9 marks]

Your answers may use the List module and assume this functional array code:

type 'a tree = Lf | Br of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree;;

exception Subscript;;

let rec update = function

| Lf, k, w ->
if k = 1 then
Br (w, Lf, Lf)
raise Subscript
| Br (v, t1, t2), k, w ->
if k = 1 then
Br (w, t1, t2)
else if k mod 2 = 0 then
Br (v, update (t1, k / 2, w), t2)
Br (v, t1, update (t2, k / 2, w));;

let rec sub = function

| Lf, _ -> raise Subscript
| Br (v, t1, t2), 1 -> v
| Br (v, t1, t2), k when k mod 2 = 0 -> sub (t1, k / 2)
| Br (v, t1, t2), k -> sub (t2, k / 2);;



3 Object-Oriented Programming

A programmer is using a cut-down version of Java that does not support static fields
or inheritance (neither extends nor implements). Static methods and static inner
classes are still supported.

(a) What are the implications of this for static methods in terms of:

(i ) access to static fields; and [1 mark]

(ii ) access modifiers. [1 mark]

(b) Describe how a programmer might use a shared instance of an environment

object to emulate static fields. Consider:

(i ) sharing state between all instances of a class; [4 marks]

(ii ) access-modifiers; and [6 marks]

(iii ) initialisation. [4 marks]

(c) What are the drawbacks and benefits of your scheme compared to static fields?
[4 marks]


4 Object-Oriented Programming

A program which decrypts files under the Swap Encryption Scheme by swapping
pairs of characters is given below. Some code has been omitted and you do not need
to understand the operation of the algorithm.

1 class Swapper extends Reader {

2 private final PushbackReader pushBack;
3 Swapper(PushbackReader p) { pushBack = p; }
5 @Override
6 public int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) {
7 int r = wrap.read(cbuf, off, len);
8 if (r % 2 == 1) { pushBack.unread(cbuf, off + --r, 1); }
9 for (int i = 0; i < r; i += 2) { swap(cbuf, i, i + 1); }
10 return r;
11 }
12 }
14 class Decryptor {
15 static List<String> read(String fileName) {
16 try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new Swapper(
17 new PushbackReader(new FileReader(fileName))))) {
18 return readLines(r);
19 }
20 }
21 }

(a) The four principles of object-oriented programming are encapsulation, abstrac-

tion, inheritance of code and polymorphism. Explain how the program above
makes use of each of them, with reference to specific lines in the code.
[2 marks each]

(b) The program attempts to use Swapper as part of the Decorator pattern. What
changes would you make to improve the design? [2 marks]

(c) Explain how this program demonstrates the open-closed principle. [2 marks]

(d ) How would you change this implementation to allow users to specify an arbitrary
operation to apply to pairs of characters (rather than just swapping them)?
[4 marks]

(e) Explain why this design does not satisfy the open/closed principle with respect
to adding support for decrypting images. What are the implications of this for
object-oriented program design? [4 marks]



5 Introduction to Probability

(a) A travel agency is surveying their customer satisfaction by randomly polling 300
of their customers. From experience, 80% of their customers are typically happy
with their service. Let H be the number of happy customers in the current poll.

(i ) Randomly polling 300 different customers, specify a suitable distribution

for H, including its parameters, expected value and variance. [1 mark]

(ii ) State a suitable approximation of H and specify its distribution including

its parameters, and compute the expected value and variance. [2 marks]

(iii ) Using the approximation from Part (a)(ii ), what is the probability that
more than 220 and fewer that 260 customers are happy in the current poll?
[4 marks]

(iv ) Now, let X be the proportion of customers that are happy in the current
poll. Following your approximation from Part (a)(ii ), give the distribution
for X, including its parameters, expected value and variance. [3 marks]

(b) Let X and Y have a joint density function

cx if 0 < y < x < 1,
f(x, y) =
0 otherwise.

(i ) Find the value of the constant c > 0. [4 marks]

(ii ) Find the marginal density functions of X and Y . [4 marks]

(iii ) Are X and Y independent? Justify your answer. [2 marks]


6 Introduction to Probability

(a) A korfball player is practicing shots and has a 90% chance of scoring. Assume
that their shots are independent of one another.

(i ) Let S be the number of successful shots made in 200 attempts. Specify

a suitable distribution for S including its parameters, and compute the
expected value and variance. What is the probability mass function of S?
[3 marks]

(ii ) Following the experiment in Part (a)(i ), let M be the number of shots
made before the first miss. Specify a suitable distribution for M including
its parameters, and compute the expected value and variance. What is the
probability of M > 100? [4 marks]

(iii ) Use a suitable distribution to approximate the probability that there are
at most 3 misses in the first 200 shots. Note: you do not need to compute
the final numerical value. [3 marks]

(b) Consider an urn containing balls labelled 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 and the experiment

of drawing n of these balls uniformly and without replacement. Let Xi denote
the label of the ball drawn in the i-th step, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

(i ) For any 1 ≤ i ≤ n, what is E[Xi ] and V[Xi ]? Justify your answer.

[2 marks]

(ii ) Compute Cov[X1 , X2 ]. [4 marks]

(iii ) Suppose now that n is an unknown parameter and you observe the absolute
difference between the labels of the first two balls, that is, Z := |X1 − X2 |.
Can you find an unbiased estimator of n based on Z? Justify your answer.
[4 marks]



7 Algorithms

Consider alternative algorithms for sorting an array of n items.

(a) The BST-sort algorithm looks at each element of the array in turn, starting at
position 0, and inserts it into a BST (pass 1). Having processed all elements, it
repeatedly extracts the minimum from the BST, refilling the array from position
0 onwards (pass 2).

(i ) Derive, with justification, the computational complexity of each of the two

passes of BST-sort. [2 marks]

(ii ) Describe a way of asymptotically speeding up pass 2 without changing

the data structure, yielding enhanced BST-sort, and give the new
computational complexity of pass 2 and of the overall algorithm. [2 marks]

(iii ) Compare enhanced BST-sort against heapsort, mergesort and quicksort

with respect to asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity, saying
when (if ever) it would be preferable to any of them. [3 marks]

(b) The enhanced 2-3-4-sort algorithm is obtained by replacing the BST with a
2-3-4 tree in enhanced BST-sort.

(i ) Perform pass 1 of enhanced 2-3-4 sort on the array {6,9,3,1,4,3,6,7,5,0,2},

redrawing the tree at each insertion. [Hint: Remember to split 4-nodes on
the way down when inserting, and to put ≤ keys in the left child and > in
the right.] [5 marks]

(ii ) How much space will enhanced 2-3-4-sort require to sort an array of n items,
if each item is m bits long? Give exact upper and lower bounds in terms
of n and m rather than an asymptotic estimate. [3 marks]

(iii ) Repeat question (a)(i ) for enhanced 2-3-4-sort. [2 marks]

(iv ) Repeat question (a)(iii ) for enhanced 2-3-4-sort. [3 marks]


8 Algorithms

An e-commerce website sells an average of m items per second, from a catalogue

of n digital items. Among other details the website keeps track, for every sale, of
a timestamp, the item’s code and the sale price. It maintains three bestseller lists,
refreshed every s seconds:

ˆ the k best selling items ever, ranked by how many units were sold;

ˆ the k best selling items of the past 30 days, ranked by how many units were

ˆ the k highest-revenue items of this calendar year, ranked by total revenue since
1st of January of this year.

(a) Each item will be held in a record. Describe all the data structures that must
refer to these records to implement the required functionality. Describe all the
fields that the record must have to implement the required functionality, and
how each of these fields has to be updated and when. [5 marks]

(b) The obvious baseline solution is to re-sort the n items and to take the top k
every time the bestseller lists must be produced. Assuming the number of items
and the given average rates stay constant, what is its asymptotic worst-case time
cost per unit time? [1 mark]

(c) Describe three alternative strategies, each better than the baseline, to implement
the required functionality. Use the heaps or search trees of your choice,
explaining precisely what you would store in each data structure to implement
the required functionality. Describe, in each case, how to initialize the data
structures, how to update the data structures after each sale, how to recompute
the three bestseller lists every s seconds, together with the worst-case asymptotic
time cost of each operation as a function of m, n, k, s (cost per unit time for the
second and third operations). [6 marks]

(d ) Recommend the most appropriate strategy for m = 104 , n = 109 , k = 102 , s =

100 , with justification. [2 marks]

(e) Repeat for n = 1014 and the other parameters unchanged. [3 marks]

(f ) Repeat for m = 10−4 , n = 102 , k = 101 , s = 105 , reasoning about the structural
difference between this and the websites of cases (d ) and (e). [3 marks]


9 Algorithms

Consider a directed graph in which each edge is labelled by a pair of non-negative

costs, for example a distance and a travel time. A path between a pair of nodes is
called ‘Pareto efficient’ (after the economist Vilfredo Pareto) if there is no other path
for which both costs are lower.

(a) In the graph shown here, find all Pareto efficient paths from s to t, and state
their costs. [1 mark]

(b) Show that, if v0 → v1 → · · · → vk is a Pareto efficient path from v0 to vk , then

v0 → · · · → vk−1 is a Pareto efficient path from v0 to vk−1 . [3 marks]

(c) Let v0 → · · · vk be a Pareto efficient path from v0 to vk , and let its costs be
(ca , cb ). Show that there is a Pareto efficient path from v0 to vk with costs
(ca , cb ) that has ≤ V − 1 edges, where V is the number of vertices in the graph.
[3 marks]

(d ) We are given a start vertex s. Give an algorithm to compute all costs achievable
by Pareto efficient paths from s to every other vertex. [6 marks]

(e) Prove that your algorithm is correct. [7 marks]


10 Algorithms

This question is concerned with connected undirected graphs in which each edge has
a weight, and with spanning trees in such graphs.

(a) Explain what is meant by the translation strategy, and outline briefly the steps
of a translation-based proof of correctness. [3 marks]

(b) Give an algorithm for finding a maximum spanning tree, that runs in O(E +
V log V ) time. Explain why your algorithm’s running time is as required.
[8 marks]

(c) Prove rigorously that your algorithm is correct. [9 marks]

[Note: You may refer to algorithms from lecture notes without quoting the code. You
may use results from lecture notes without proof, but you must state them clearly.]



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