Gospel Cheatsheet

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SERMON ON THE MOUNT Matthew Mark Luke John

Introduction 4:23 - 5:1 6:17 - 19

Beatitudes 5:2 - 12 6:20 - 26:
The Law 5:17 - 20 16:14 - 17
Killing and Adultery 5:21 - 30
Divorce 5:31-32 16:18
Swearing 5:33 - 37
Love Your Enemy 5:38 - 47 6:27 - 36
Alms and fasting 6:1 - 4, 16-18
Treasures 6:19 - 21 12:32 - 34
The light of the body 6:22 - 23 11:33 - 36
The lillies of the field 6:4, 25 - 34 16:13, 12:22 - 31
The mote in the eye 7:1 - 6 6:37 - 42
Ask and it shall be given 7:7 - 14 11:9 - 13
Enter by the strait gate 7:13 0.5625
A tree is known by it's fruits 7:15 - 20 6:43 - 45
A house's foundations 7:21 - 27 6:46 - 49
Conclusions 7:28 - 29

OTHER SERMONS Matthew Mark Luke John

Sparrows 10:26 - 33 12:1 - 15
Not peace but a sword 10:34 - 42 12:51 - 53
My yoke is light 11:20 - 30
The scribes and Pharisees 23:1 - 35
Being born again 3:1 - 21
God is the father of Jesus 5:16 - 47
The bread of life 6:22 - 70
Jesus teaching in the temple 7:1 - 53
The light of the world 8:12 - 59
The good shepherd 10:1 - 21
The hour is come 12:1 - 11, 20 - 50
The true vine 13:31 - 17:26


Introduction 1:1 - 17
Genealogy of Jesus 1:1 - 17 3:23 - 38 (after Jesus' baptism)
Conception of John the Baptist 1:5 - 25
Annunciation 1:18 - 25 1:26 - 38
Mary meets Elizabeth 1:39 - 55
Birth of John 1:57 - 80
Birth of Jesus 2:1 - 12 2:1 - 20
Flight to Egypt 2:13 - 18
Circumcision of Jesus 2:21 - 39
Childhood of Jesus 2:19 - 23 2:40 - 52
JOHN THE BAPTIST Matthew Mark Luke John
The arrival of John the Baptist 3:1 - 10 1:1 - 6 3:1 - 14 1:1 - 24
John the Baptist talking about Jesus 3:11 - 12 1:7 - 8 3:15 - 20 1:25 - 31
John baptises Jesus 3:13 - 17 1:9 - 11 3:21 - 22 1.32: 34
Jesus goes to the wilderness 4:1 - 11 1:12 - 13 4:1 - 13
Jesus finds his disciples 4:12 - 2 1:14 - 20 5:1 - 11 1:35 - 51
John's disciples question Jesus 11:1 - 19 7:17 -35 3:22 - 36
Death of John the Baptist 14:1 - 13 6:14 - 29 9:7 - 9


Jesus casts out a devil at Capernaum 1:21 - 28 4:14 - 37
The centurion's servant / nobleman's son 8:5 - 13 7:1 -10 4:46 - 54
Jesus heals the mother of Simon 8:14 - 15 1:29 - 31 4:38 - 39
Other healing 8:16 - 17 1:32 - 39 4:40 -44
Healing of the leper 8:1 - 4 1:40 - 45 5:12 - 16
Healing of the ten lepers 17:11 - 19
Healing of the palsy 9:2 - 8 2:1 - 18 5:17 - 26
Healing on the Sabbath 13:10 - 17, 14:1 - 6 5:1 - 15, 7:19 - 24

DISCIPLES OF JESUS Matthew Mark Luke John

Calling of Levi (Matthew) 9:9 - 17 2:14 - 22 5:27 - 39
Foxes have holes / Let the dead bury their dead 8:18 - 22 9:57 - 62
Zacchaeus climbs the sycamore tree 19:1 - 10
The Sabbath 12:1 - 21 2:23 - 28, 3:1 - 6 6:1 - 11
Curing the blind and the dumb 9:27 - 34 3:7 - 12
The disciples of Jesus 10:1 - 4 3:13 - 19 6:12 - 16, 8:1 - 3
Jesus is accused of casting out devils using Beelzebub 12:22 - 37 3:20 - 30 11:14 - 23
The family of Jesus 12:46 - 50 3:31 - 35 8:19 - 21
Follow Jesus, not family 14:25 - 33
The parable of the sower 13:1 - 23 4:1 - 20 8:4 - 15
Light under a bushel 5:14 - 16 4:21 - 23 8:16 - 18
The parable of the mustard seed 13:31 - 35 4:24 - 34 13:18 - 22
The storm 8:23 - 27 4:35 - 41 8:22 - 25
The Gadarene swine 8:28 - 9:1 5:1 - 20 8:26 - 39
Woman with issue of blood / girl brought back from death 9:18 - 26 5:21 - 43 5:40 - 56
Jesus in Nazareth 13:54 - 58 6:1 - 6 4:16 - 30 4:43 - 45
Instructions to disciples 10:5 - 25 6:7 - 13 9:1 - 6, 10:1 - 24
The death of John the Baptist 14:1 - 13 6:14 - 29 9:7 - 9

MIRACLES OF JESUS Matthew Mark Luke John

Wedding at Cana 2:1 - 12
Sheep without a shepherd 9:35 - 38 6:30 - 34
Feeding of the five thousand 14:14 - 21 6:35 - 44 9:10 - 17 6:1 - 13
Jesus walks on the water 14:22 - 36 6:45 - 56 6:14 - 21
Unwashed hands 15:1 - 20 7:1 - 23 11:37 - 54
Curing the non-Jewish girl 15:21 - 28 7:24 - 30
Matthew Mark Luke John
Curing the deaf 15:29 - 31 7:31 - 37
Feeding of the seven thousand 15:32 - 16:12 8:1 - 21
Curing of a blind man 8:22 - 26 9:1 - 41
Who is Jesus? 16:13 - 28 8:27 - 38 9:18 - 27 6:67 - 71, 21:20 - 24
The transfiguration 17: -13 9:1 - 13 9:28 - 36
Curing of the son with fits 17:14 - 21 9:14 - 29 9:37 - 42
Tribute from the mouth of a fish 17:24 - 27
Raising from the dead 7:11 - 16 11:1 - 54

TEACHINGS OF JESUS Matthew Mark Luke John

Jesus foretells his death and resurrection 17:22 - 23 9:30 - 32 9:43 - 45
The child 18: - 5 9:33 - 37 9:46 - 48, 22:24 - 30
He who is not against us is with us 9:38 - 41 9:49 - 50
The millstone 18:6 - 7 9:42 17:1 - 2
If your hand offends 18:8 - 11 9:43 - 48
Salt of the earth 5:13 9:49 - 9:50 14:34 - 35
Forgiving seven times 18:21 - 22 17:3
Divorce 19:1 - 12 10:1 - 12

Woman taken in adultery 8:1 - 11

The Samaritan village 9:51 - 56
The Samaritan woman 4:1 - 42
Asking for a sign 12:38 - 42 11:5 - 32
Mary and Martha 10:38 - 42
Children 19:13 - 15 10:13 - 16 18:15 - 17
The camel and the eye of a needle 19:16 - 30 10:17 - 31 18:18 - 30
Further foretelling of how Jesus will die 20:17 - 19 10:32 - 34 18:31 - 34
James and John ask to sit by Jesus in his glory 20:20 - 28 10:35 - 45
Healing of Bartimaeus 20:29 - 34 10:46 - 52 18:35 - 43

PARABLES OF JESUS Matthew Mark Luke John

The good Samaritan 10:25 - 37
Treasure 12:16 - 59
Weddings 14:7 - 23
The prodigal son 15:11 - 32
The rich man and the poor man 16:19 - 30
The servant 17:5 - 9
Prayer 18:1 - 8
Two men praying in the temple 18:9 - 14
The devil returning with seven more 12:43 - 45 11:24 - 26
Debt 18:23 - 35 16:1 - 12
The talents 25:14 - 30 19:11 - 27
The lost sheep 18:12 - 20 15:1 - 10
The sheep and the goats 25:31 - 46
The tares in the wheat 13:24 - 30, 36 - 53
Matthew Mark Luke John
The labourers 20:1 - 16
Two sons in the vineyard 21:28 - 32
The wedding guest 22:1 - 12
The parable of the virgins 25:1 - 13

JERUSALEM Matthew Mark Luke John

The entry into Jerusalem 21:1 - 11 11:1 - 11 19:28 - 44 12:12 - 19
The moneychangers in the temple 21:12 - 17 11:15 - 19 19:45 - 48 2:13 - 17
The fig tree 21:18 - 22 11:12 - 14, 20 - 23 13:1 - 9
The Lord's Prayer 6:9 - 15 11:24 - 26 11:1 - 4
By what authority? 21:23 - 27 11:27 - 33 20:1 - 8
The parable of the husbandmen who kill the son 21:33 - 46 12:1 - 12 20:9 - 19
Giving tribute to Caesar 22:15 - 22 12:13 - 17 20:20 - 26
The seven brothers and their wife 22;23 - 33 12:18 - 27 20:27 - 38
The two commandments 22:34 - 40 12:28 - 34
Is Christ the son of David? 22:41 - 46 12:35 - 37 20:39 - 44
Praying 6:5 - 8 12:38 - 40 20:45 - 47
The widow's mites 12:41 - 44 21:1 - 4
Jerusalem kills the prophets 23:36 - 39 13;31 - 35
The Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy 10:22 - 42
The temple will be thrown down 24:1 - 2 13:1 - 2 21:5 - 6 2:18 - 25
The end of the world 24:3 - 22 13:3 - 20 21:7 - 38
When will the kingdom of God come? 24:23 - 51 13:21 - 27 17:20 - 37

THE LAST SUPPER Matthew Mark Luke John

Plotting the death of Jesus 26:1 - 5 14:1 - 2 22:1 - 2 11:55 - 57
Anointing of Jesus 26:6 - 13 14:3 - 9 7:36 - 50 12:3 - 8
Judas visits the priests 26:14 - 16 14:10 - 11 22:3 - 6
Getting ready for the passover 26:17 - 19 14:12 - 16 22:7 - 13 13:1 - 2
Jesus washes his disciples feet 13:3 - 20
Jesus says that he will be betrayed 26:20 - 25 14:17 - 21 22:21 - 23 13:21- 30
Bread and wine 26;26 - 29 14:22 - 25 22:14 - 20
Jesus says Peter will deny him 26:30 - 35 14:26 - 31 22:31 - 34 13:36 - 38
Jesus instructions his disciples 22:35 - 38
Garden of Gethsemane 26:36 - 46 14;32 - 42 22:39 - 46 18:1
Betrayal of Jesus 26:47 - 56 14:43 - 52 22:47 - 53 18:2 - 11

THE CRUCIFIXION Matthew Mark Luke John

Jesus is taken before the High Priest 26:57, 59 - 68 14:53, 55 - 65 22:54, 63 - 71 18:12 - 14, 19 - 28
Peter denies Jesus 26:58, 69 - 75 14:54, 66 - 72 22:55 - 62 18:15 - 18, 25 - 27
Judas kills himself 27:3 - 10
Jesus is taken before Pilate 27:1 - 14 15:1 - 5 23:1 - 6 18:29 - 37
Jesus is taken before Herod 23:7 12
Barabbas 27:15 - 26 15:6 - 15 23:13 - 25 18:38 - 40
Before the crucifixion 27:27 - 31 15:16 - 20 19:1 - 15
Jesus is crucified 27:32 - 36 15:21 - 25 23:26 - 34 19:16 - 18, 23 - 24
Matthew Mark Luke John
The mocking of Jesus 27:37 - 44 15:26 - 32 23:35 - 43 19:19 - 22
Jesus dies 27:45 - 56 15:33 - 41 23:44 - 49 19:25 - 37
Jesus is taken down from the cross 27:57 - 66 15:42 - 47 23:50 - 56 19:38 - 42

THE RESURRECTION Matthew Mark Luke John

The women find the tomb empty 28:1 - 8 16:1 - 8 24:1 - 12 20:1 - 10
Mary Magdalene sees Jesus 28:9 - 10 16:9 - 11 20:11 - 18
The watch are bribed 28:11 - 15
Jesus appears to two men 16:12 - 13 24:13:32
Jesus appears to the eleven disciples 28:16:20 16:14 - 18 24:33 - 49 20:19 - 23
Doubting Thomas 20:24 - 31
The miraculous draft of fishes 21:1 - 19, 25
The Ascension 16:19 - 20 24:50 - 53

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