Opinion Column - Docxnike
Opinion Column - Docxnike
Opinion Column - Docxnike
Opinion columns are usually written by journalists on a beat (covering the city, or politics, or
sports, for example) or professionals who are paid to present the position of a particular
company, advocacy group or public official on an issue. Outside
experts may also be invited to present their opinion in this kind of public forum.
Editorials are usually written by the publisher or an editorial board member for the media outlet.
They represent the view of the media outlet’s publisher or board, rather than an individual writer.
Editorials are usually unsigned, unlike an opinion column, which has a byline
An editorial is written by the Chief editor or under his guidelines. It basically reflects views and
opinions of the newspaper. It does not have any by line. You won't see name of writer in a
editorial in a newspaper.
A column is written by a columnist who is not associated with newspaper. SHe expresses his her
own views and opinions . The column is known by his name. Eg - Twinkle khanna 's Mrs funny
bones. Cyrus Barocha's Seriously Cyrus.
There are many kinds of articles like news articles or feature articles.
News articles are hard news, filled with facts and information
An editorial is a representation of opinion from the editorial board. It may well be the opinion of
the owners and/or publishers. It is the voice of the newspaper (or whatever the news outlet is).
An article simply labeled “Opinion” could well be by a columnist (i.e. someone on staff), an op-
ed contributor (a regularly used freelancer) or somebody well-spoken and lucky enough to get
published and paid. The opinion represents only that writer, and does not necessarily correlate
with the official voice of the news outlet
Opinion writing is more general term that refers to any piece of writing that expresses the
writer’s point of view. Opinion writing can take many forms, such as editorials, letters to the
editor, and personal essay. It can be found in variety of publications, such as newspaper,
magazines and online platform( a digital service that facilitates interaction between two or more
Column writing is a specific type of opinion writing that is regular feature(fitur) while opinion
writing refers to any piece of writing that expresses the writer’s point of view