Canal Paramecium - Full
Canal Paramecium - Full
Canal Paramecium - Full
part of one conjugant went to the other. In other pairs most of one conjugant was
cut off with a micromanipulator, the residual part persisting as a graft on the other.
The progeny of animals bearing such spontaneous and experimentally produced
grafts were observed from fission to fission in order to follow the development of the
grafted piece. The methods of culture and handling of the organism have been
described elsewhere.4 For detailed study of the cortical geography, specimens were
prepared by a modification of the silver nitrate impregnation technique' and pieces
of isolated cortex by a simplification of the digitonin technique.6 Each method
revealed details of organization not shown by the other.
Determination at the Level of the Repeating Unit of Cortical Structure.-Origin and
nature of the mutant "twisty": This mutant was derived from an exconjugant that
received a piece of its mate during spontaneous breakage of the conjugation bridge.
The piece formed a little tail near the posterior end on the ventral side. Because of
its posterior position, it passed to successive opisthes (posterior products of trans-
verse fission), but became less and less obvious, disappearing by the fourth fission.
Nevertheless, the clone derived from the fourth successive opisthe displayed ab-
normal swimming, designated as "twisty." This gives the impression of marked
twisting during progression forward, but is merely an exaggeration of normal spiral
Twisty swimming has a structural basis which appears from a comparison of
normal (Fig. 1) with twisty (Fig. 2) cells. Unlike the regular spacing of the rows of
cortical granules in normal cells (Fig. 1A,B), cells of the twisty clone (Fig. 2) show
a patch of four rows bounded on one side by an unusually wide space and, on the
other side, by an unusually narrow space. The intervening rows consist of cortical
units with reversed polarities: instead of the normal polarity described in the
Figure 1, legend the kinetosomes lie to the left (instead of the right) of the unit mid-
line, the parasomal sacs are to the left (instead of the right) of the kinetosomes, and
the kinetodesmal fibers (see Figs. 1C and 3) emerge to the left (instead of the right)
of the kinetosomes and extend posteriorly (instead of anteriorly). This reversal
of both antero-posterior and right-left polarities will be symbolized henceforth by
RP; it is equivalent to 1800 rotation in the plane of the body surface. Such rows
of RP units constitute the first reported exception to the rule of desmodexy,7 the
rule that kinetodesmal fibers in Ciliates always lie to the right of the kinetosomes.
This exception explains the abnormally wide and narrow spaces at the edges of the
patch of RP rows in the twisty clone (Fig. 2, rpr). When a row of normal units has
a row of RP units on its left, the larger clear areas of units in both rows are adjacent
and the space therefore appears unusually wide. Conversely, when an RP row has
a normal row on its left, the visible structures of both rows are brought into juxta-
position, leaving hardly any clear space between them.
Experimental production of cells with rows of RP cortical units: The simplest
hypothesis as to the origin of the twisty clone is that the tail of the ancestral excon-
jugant included a piece of cortex of its mate which became assimilated in reversed
orientation. This assumption is reasonable, for exconjugant pairs held together
by a cytoplasmic bridge often twist into a settled heteropolar position (Fig. 4A).
Moreover, it can be verified experimentally. By cutting off most of one cell from
a heteropolar pair of exconjugants, one can observe that the remaining fragment
becomes grafted to the intact cell and that the progeny include twisty sublines of
descent. But the easiest way to obtain clones of cells with complete rows of RP
cortical units was the following.
Pairs of conjugants united in heteropolar position (Fig. 4A) were isolated. Such
pairs grow and divide and at each fission (Fig. 4B, C, D) give off a proter from each
end while, in the central heteropolar double opisthe, the zone of union extends
progressively. By about the third fission (Fig. 4D) the opisthes are fused up to or
beyond the vestibular region, so that the fission furrows cut through a mixed cortex.
At this stage each newly arising proter has most of its cortex derived from its "own"
parent cell, but contains a little heteropolar bit in its posterior end. If such a cell
is cultured, the normal process of cortical growth associated with fission brings
about, in successive opisthes, the extension forward of the "grafted" rows. In the
third opisthe they extend all the way to the anterior pole. All the clones derived
from isolation of the third opisthe of third proters given off by a heteropolar pair
displayed the twisty swimming behavior. Each clone was characterized by a dis-
tinctive number (up to 12) of rows of RP cortical units inserted as a single patch or
as two or three patches separated by a few normal rows.8
Inheritance of rows of RP cortical units: The original twisty, as well as the many
twisty clones obtained by the procedure just described, reproduced true to type
through hundreds of fissions, dozens of autogamies, and conjugations with normals,
with or without endoplasmic exchanges. Occasionally one or more RP rows could
be lost from a particular subline of descent.
This persistence of rows of RP cortical units can be understood from Dippell's9
analysis of production of new cortical units. She has shown that new structures
(kinetosomes, parasomal sacs, and kinetodesmal fibers) arise within each "old"
unit in locations and with polarities that are fixed in relation to the "old" com-
ponents of the unit. For example, new kinetodesmal fibers grow out from kineto-
somes on the same side and in the same direction as the old ones, and comparable
definite spatial relationships are shown by new and old kinetosomes and parasomal
sacs. Then, longitudinal growth of cortical membranes and appearance of trans-
verse partitions yield identically organized units from each old one. In this way
the units of a row are traceable to a common ancestral unit, the orientation of which
is always perpetuated by the same mechanism, regardless of the orientation of the
unit and of the polarity of the cell.
Determination at the Level of Differentiated Fields of Cortical Rows.-The question
may now be asked: what determines the path followed by a row of cortical units
and (or) what determines the differentiation of groups of rows into characteristic
patterns (Fig. 1A, B): circumoral and vestibular fields around the ingestatory
apparatus, right fields of rows running from anterior suture to posterior pole, left
fields running from anterior to posterior sutures, and dorsal field extending from
pole to pole?
First, as became evident from further observation of the twisty clones, the paths
followed by the rows are not intrinsic properties of any of them. All RP rows were
initially located close to the suture line on the right side. In the course of hundreds
of fissions, they were observed to be located progressively further to the right,
eventually reaching the left side of the cell. The mechanism of this shift relative
to the oral meridian is not yet understood, but it is clearly not peculiar to RP rows,
for the normal rows interspersed among them accompany them. As such groups
ts*X f DcXr
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v B b 4 A
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of normal and RP rows are followed into different fields, they fit the path char-
acteristic of the region in which they come to lie. These paths are therefore some-
how imposed on the rows by their location or their "cortical environment." This
will now be demonstrated by a second type of observation.
In a pair of exconjugants united by a cytoplasmic bridge, one exconjugant was
cut (Fig. 5A, B) so as to remove roughly the anterior 2/3 of the cell including the
whole ingestatory apparatus (vestibule, mouth, and gullet). What remains of the
posterior left field (Fig. 5B, 12) of the amputated cell (represented in black) is fused
to the posterior right field (ri) of the host. Conversely, 1800 away (on the side not
visible in the figure), what remains of the posterior right field of the amputated cell
is fused to the host's posterior left field. The host's vestibule lies anterior to the
graft and is surrounded on both sides by only host circumoral material. Figure
5C, D, E shows the development of the graft during the first three fissions. In the
first two successive opisthes (ol, 2), the cortical growth accompanying fission en-
larged the graft forward to the vestibular region. Then by the third fission (Fig.
5E) the "daughter" vestibule, which goes to the opisthe, came to lie at the juncture
of the right field (ri) of the host with the left field (12) of the graft. At the other
juncture (1800 away) between host and graft cortex, the whole ingestatory appara-
tus being absent, no circumoral or vestibular fields developed; but at both junctures
the other features (anterior and posterior sutures and cytopyge, see Fig. iB) of the
FIG. 1.-Normal cortical geography of Paramecium aurelia. (A) Dorsal view, and (B) ventral
view, of a silver nitrate impregnated cell. Magnification: X 416. A cell's right and left sides
and anterior and posterior ends are defined in relation to the major landmarks of the ventral
aspect. "To the right" means clockwise around the body from the anterior (as) and posterior
(ps) sutures in (B) when facing the anterior end (top of fig.); the right and left sides [r and t in
(A) and (B)] are to the animal's right and left of the sutures, respectively. (C) Diagrammatic
enlargement of the unit of cortical structure, including one or two kinetosomes (k) or ciliary basal
bodies, slightly to the right of the unit midline, one parasomal sac (psc) to the right of the kineto-
some and anterior to it (or to the posterior kinetosome in units possessing two), and one kineto-
desmal fiber (kf) emerging to the right and extending anteriorly (a) from the kinetosome (or from
the posterior one when two are present). The 1 or 2 kinetosomes and parasomal sac of one unit,
lying close together, appear as a single granule (silver deposit) in photographs (A) and (B), but
they are partially resolvable (see Fig. 2). Kinetodesmal fibers show only in digitonin preparations
(see FIG. 3).
a, anterior. as, anterior suture. c, cytopyge or cell anus. cvp, pores of the contractile vacuoles. k,
kinetosome. kf, kinetodesmal fibre. 1, left. p, posterior. ps, posterior suture. psc, parasomal sac. r,
right. v, vestibule leading inward to mouth and gullet.
FIG. 2.-Part of dorsal surface of a silver impregnated typical cell of the twisty clone after about
300 cell generations. Magnification: X 1800. In the four rows with reversed polarities (rpr),
the compound granules "point" to the observer's right, while in the normal rows (nr) they point
to the observer's left (i.e., animal's right).
FIG. 3.-Digitonin preparation of a cell from a clone possessing a single row with reversed
polarities (rpr). The kinetodesmal fibers in this row, unlike those in the normal rows (nr), emerge
to the animal's left (1) and extend posteriorly (toward bottom of figure). Magnification: X
FIG. 4.-Origin of cells possessing some rows of cortical units with reversed polarities. (A)
Pair of exconjugants united in heteropolar position; (B), (C), and (D), first, second, and third
fissions of the heteronolar doublet cell. prl and prl', pr2 and pr2', pr3 and pr3', are the three pairs of
proters (anterior fission products) given off from the two anterior ends (a) of the heteropolar
doublet at its first three fissions. Small ovals are the vestibules leading inward to the mouth and
gullet. In the diagrams [(A), (B), and (D)], one row of cortical units on either side of the juncture
between the two fused cells is represented by a row of triangles pointing in opposite directions.
This shows the opposite polarity of the units, the points of the triangles representing the position
of the parasomal sacs (see Figs. 1C and 2). The photograph (C) shows that all rows beyond the
juncture are oriented like the row nearest the juncture. Note that at the third fission (D), the
proters (pr3 and pr3') receive a mixed cortex including oppositely oriented rows on both sides of the
juncture line.
FIG. 5.-Origin of clone of incomplete doublets (lacking one ingestatory apparatus) by excision
of part of one conjugant of a homopolar fused pair. For description, see text.
cific gene. Nevertheless, certain variants, such as complete doublets and cells with
rows of RP cortical units, can apparently be maintained indefinitely with periodic
selection. Even those which revert 100 per cent to normal and do so rapidly (for
example, incomplete doublets that revert after 30-40 cell generations) transmit the
variant organization to a remarkably large number of progeny cells (109 to 1012 in
the example cited). Hence, even imperfections of transmission do not greatly
lessen the problem of accounting for the impressive degree of transmission that
does occur in the less persistent types.
How then can the hereditary maintenance of cortical variations in the absence
of relevant nuclear or endoplasmic differences be understood? Would the assump-
tion that the cortical structures themselves, or any components of them, replicate
resolve the problem? The question is most pertinent in regard to the kinetosomes
which have been thought to be both self-reproducing and directive or instrumental
in morphogenesis." Recent evidences, at the electron microscope level, still leave
the matter unsolved. However, even if they reproduced themselves or even if they
contained DNA, this would not explain the hereditary maintenance of our cortical
variations. These variations are not changes in the kinetosomes or associated
structures per se. They are variations in spatial relationships among elementary
structures, which themselves appear to be structurally unaltered.
The maintenance of normal or variant patterns of organization can be understood
simply in terms of existing structures and the restraints they impose on the develop-
ment and positioning of new structures. For example, grafted segments of rows of
cortical units can be integrated only by being sandwiched between the existing
rows. They are forced to grow parallel to them and their only degree of freedom
is to have normal or reversed polarities. Once a row is integrated, no degree of
freedom is left: as Dippell has shown,9 new parts, as they arise, are positioned
within, and in definite relations to, those of the existing unit.
We have no evidence concerning the molecular nature of such structural con-
straints or interactions between structures or groups of structures, but it may be
worth calling attention to the absence of any necessary theoretical conflict between
our results and the implications of the "self-assembly" hypothesis which ascribes
the formation of organelles and subcellular structures solely to the properties of
their constituent molecules. Our results merely underline a missing and probably
decisive component in the system of molecular interactions which should have been
recognized a priori, namely, the existing organization that constitutes the milieu
where other subcellular organelles and structures are assembled. Newly formed
molecules do not enter a vacuum, but a structured cell, the molecules of which are
an essential part of the determinism for locating, orienting, and patterning new
molecular formations. In this perspective it is conceivable that any subcellular
structure might be affected, in the course of its formation, by changes in physical,
chemical, or organizational properties of the surrounding intracellular milieu.
Some changes may not allow the new structure to be formed at all; but with some
probability they may induce a structural alteration in it. A modified structure
might in turn, by itself constituting a change in the milieu, no longer permit the
formation of the normally patterned structure, but permit reproduction of only the
modified form. Such interactions at the molecular level might then result in hered-
itary extragenic variations.