ARTS EXPRESS - Day Two Lesson Plan

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Day Two

- Remind everybody about dismissal.

- Today is about using movement, tableau and environment to create a story.
- Home time


Extremely silly game, to pump up the energy. Get everyone in a circle. One player becomes the body of
a bunny - this is done by holding both arms in front of your chest, elbows touching your rib cage, and
letting hands hang. Her 2 neighbors become the `ears` of the bunny, by waving a hand next to the
middle player`s ears. All 3 say `bunny bunny bunny` together, until the middle player `throws` a `bunny`
to another player in the circle. This player becomes the bunny body, and his neighbors get to do the

Play this game at a high speed. Mumbling `bunny bunny` en masse gives a nice energy boost.

Variations: Play in slow motion. Hilarious!

Alternatively, you can really invent any object or create or replace the bunny, as long as you invent a
sound along with it. Try

 a car, with 2 wheels and a set of wind screen wipers, going `vroom vroom`

 a cow, with an udder and 2 horns, going `moo moo`

 a washing machine, with 2 players building a `box` with both arms, and the middle player
waving her arms in a circle in front of her. All go `rumble rumble`

 an elephant, with 2 big ears and a trunk, making an elephant sound (if you don`t know what an
elephant sounds like, just invent a sound).

Accepting Circle

Get everyone in a big circle. One player starts by making a little gesture, perhaps with a little sound. His
or her neighbor then tries and does exactly the same. And so on. Although we expect the gesture/sound
not to change, it will.

Notes : Watch for movements that suddenly change left/right arm or leg. This is not really supposed to
happen, but it will. Once happened, it should be accepted by the next player.
Also watch/listen for little moans or sighs that players might make before or after their turn - these
should also be taken over by the next player.

And Go! – Start in a circle. Listen and follow instructions. You’ll be working with people you don’t know
very well and that’s okay! You must find a way to work things out. Countdown from 5 to Freeze. Have
groups turn into something, like the CN Tower, or a toaster, a blender, giant spider. Test if they are
listening by calling out “clap once if you hear me, clap twice if… touch your nose if…”


To Play: Explain DS, US, SL, SR. Have players form groups of 3 or more. Teacher calls out various
situations and the players have to arrange themselves as if on stage in a scene. Encourage the use of
Standing, Sitting, Lying Down. Purpose: To work together, to be aware of space, to create interesting
levels, to be visually interesting to an audience. To create an awareness of acting for an audience.


Create an audience. One person silently enters into the center and freezes into a position. The rest of
the group decides silently how to they can fit themselves into the picture. What story does the picture
tell? (20 min.)

Fairytale Slideshow

Break into groups of three or four. Give each group a fairytale and take them through the plotline. Give
them 10 minutes to come up with five “slides” in tableau that show the beginning, middle and end. We
will present one by one near the end of the class.

Closing Game
The Machine

Closing Circle
Grab your bags and wait INSIDE the library in a line. I will call your names one by one for dismissal.

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