UNIPORT Post UTME Past Questions For Sciences
UNIPORT Post UTME Past Questions For Sciences
UNIPORT Post UTME Past Questions For Sciences
Passage 1
2. Farming in many countries today is____.
Read this passage carefully and answer A. An alternative to poultry
the questions that follow. B. Of great assistance to the economy
C. For those who are out of jobs
Farming is the most important aspect of D. For the illiterates
agriculture that has attracted attention
within the last few years. Agriculture has 3. Some countries produce more and better
several other aspects like fishery, livestock crops than others because the farmers in the
and poultry. All these are also important in former_____.
that they have to do with the production of A. Are more educated
food items which human beings consume for B. Have greater manpower
survival. C. Have more modern equipment
D. Have more fertile land
In many parts of the world today, farming
has been regarded as the mainstay of the 4. In order to help improve the state of
economy. Crops such as cocoa, rubber and farming, the government should____.
cotton have been produced in such A. Give all farmers enough money to work
commercial quantities that they are sold to with
other countries. B. Sell enough fertilizers to all farmers
them have no place to store their crops, A. Allow insects and pests to destroy their
most of which are always destroyed by crops
insects and pests before harvest time. All B. Do not have enough money to invest in
these have adverse effects on their harvesters
productivity. C. Do not have good storage facilities
D. Harvest too much at a time
The government can do a lot to help
farmers. Farmer's cooperative societies can In questions 6 - 15, choose the option
he encouraged and loans can be made opposite in meaning to the underlined
available to farmers through government word.
institutions, like banks and Finance
Corporation. Farmers can be taught how to 6. Mr. Jack was most flexible in his
build good storage structures for their instruction.
products. All these and a lot more can help A. Rigid
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coarse floor.
A. Smooth In questions 16-31 choose the option
B. Rough nearest in meaning to the underlined word
C. Bad or phrase.
D. Harsh
16. It is claimed that there is an extinct
9. Jim was one of the spectators at the volcano near Jos.
concert. A. Extinguished
A. Ushers B. Inactive
B. Judges C. Dead
C. Guests D. Disused
D. Performers
17. Bola has a sonorous voice.
10. The governor declined to give audience A. High pitched
to the journalist. B. Beautiful
A. Ignored C. Strong
B. Accepted D. Throaty
C. Forgot
D. Rejected 18. Some workers went on rampage at the
trade fair
C. Unquestionable
D. Accountable 19. We have to identify the protagonists of
the new movement.
12. The lotion recommended by the doctor A. Enemies
23. I cannot understand how he suddenly D. More obligations
became audacious contrary to his nature.
A. Proud 31. The company has gone under.
B. Bold A. Suffered some loss
C. Rude B. Broken up
D. Hostile C. Become broke
D. Become bankrupt
24. His has been a life of make-belief.
A. Faith. For questions 32-36, fill each gap with the
B. Fantasy appropriate option from the list following the
C. Grandeur gap.
D. Religion
32. Every programming language and
25. Our teacher seldom comes late to software package____ limitations.
school A. Have its
A. Very often B. Have their
26. At the age of 80, Muse wished he could a person fight____ cold.
put the clock back. A. Out
A. Stop the clock B. At
B. Put down the clock C. With
28. The Chief approached the issue with 35. A number of students_____ missed the
convincing disinterestedness. opportunity to reregister.
A. Lack of interest A. Is
B. Lack of personal interest B. Have
C. Inability to be interested C. Do
D. Unwillingness D. Will
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36. A survey of opinions on how pupils feel 42. A man invested a total of ₦50,000 in two
about teachers____ carried out. companies. If these companies pay dividend
A. Has been of 6% and 8% respectively, how much did
B. Have been he invest at 8% if at if the total yield is
C. Are being ₦3,700?
D. Is been A. ₦15,000
B. ₦29,000
In questions 37 - 40 select the option A C. ₦21,400
to D that explains the information D. ₦27,800
conveyed in the sentence. E. ₦35,000
37. People may pick flowers in this park 43. Find correct to two decimal places
A. People can pick flowers in this park 1 3 27
100 + 100 + 1000 + 10000
B. People may not wish to pick flowers in this
A. 100.02
park B. 1000.02
C. People are prohibited from picking flowers C. 100.22
in this park D. 100.01
D. People cannot pick flowers from this park E. 100.51
38. Tom ought not to have told me 44. In a restaurant, the cost of providing a
A. Torn did not tell me but he should particular type of food is partly constant and
B. Perhaps Tom, was wrong to have told me partly inversely proportional to the number
C. Tom told me but it was wrong of him of people. If the cost per head for 100
D. It was necessary for Tom not to tell me people is 30k and the cost for 40 people is
60k, find the cost for 50 people.
39. Bolade would make a mess of cooking A. 15k
the rice B. 45k
A. It was typical of Bolade to make a mess of
C. 20k
things D. 50k
B. Bolade cannot cook E. 40k
C. Bolade will not cook the rice well
D. Bolade does not like cooking rice 45. The ration of the length of two similar
A. 234.00cm3
C. He does not have the ability to swim all B. 526 cm3
day C. 166cm3
D He would not like to swim all day D. 729cm3
E. 104.00cm3
MATHEMATICS 46. Three boys shared some oranges. The
first received 1/3 of the oranges, the second
41. The letters of the word MATRICULATION received 2/3 of the remainder. if the third boy
are cut and put in a box. One of the letters is received 12 oranges, how many oranges did
drawn at random from the box. Find the they share?
probability of drawing a vowel A. 60
A. 2/13 B. 54
B. 5/13 C. 48
C. 6/13 D. 42
D. 8/13
E. 4/13 47. The angle of elevation of the top of a
vertical tower 50 meters high from a point X
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on the ground is 30 degrees. From a point Y 52. A ship traveling towards a cliff receives
on the opposite side of the tower, the angle the echo of its whistle after 3.5 seconds. A
of elevation of the top of the tower is 60 short while later, it receives the echo after
degrees. Find the distance between the 2.5 seconds. If the speed of sound in air
points X and V. under prevailing conditions is 250m/s, how
A. 14.43m much closer is the ship to the cliff?
B. 77.73m A. 10m
C. 101.03m B. 125m
D. 115.47m C. 175m
D. 350m
48. Peter's weekly wages are ₦20.00 for the E. 1000m
first 20 weeks and ₦36.00 for the next 24
weeks. Find his average weekly wage for the 53. A force of 16N is applied to a 4.0kg block
remaining 8 weeks of the year if his average that is at rest on a smooth horizontal
weekly wage for the year is ₦30.00 surface. What is the velocity of the block at
A. ₦37.00 t = 5 seconds?
B. ₦35.00 A. 4m/s
C. ₦30.00 B. 10m/s
D. ₦5.00 C. 20m/s
D. 50m/s
49. If X is the addition of the prime numbers E. 80m/s
between 1 and 6 and Y the H.C.F of 6, 9, 15.
Find the product of X and Y. 54. The distance travelled by a particle
A. 27 starting from rest is plotted against the
B. 30 square of the time elapsed from the
C. 33 commencement of motion. The resulting
D.90 graph is linear. The slope of this graph is a
measure of ___
51. Which of the following statement about I. There is tension on the water surface
liquid pressure is NOT correct? II. Kerosene reduces the density of water so
A. At a point in a liquid is proportional to the that the needle becomes denser than water
depth III. Kerosene reduces the surface tension of
B. At any point in a liquid is the same at the water
same level A. I only
C. Is exerted equally in all directions at any B. II only
point C. III only
D. Of a liquid at any point of its container D. l and. II
acts in a direction perpendicular to the wall E. I and III
E. At a particular depth depends on the
shape of th€ vessel 56. Which of the following is a correct
explanation of the inertia of a body?
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centre of gravity of the system is____. E. Cooling to freeze out the petroleum
A. At the midpoint of the meter rule
B. 40 cm from the lighter mass 61 Solution X, Y and Z have pH values of
C. 40 cm from the heavier mass 3.0, 5.0 and 9.0 respectively. Which of the
D. 60 cm from the heavier mass following statements are correct?
A. All the solutions are acidic
58. The mode of heat transfer which does B. All solutions are basic
not require a material medium is___. C. Y and Z are more acidic than eater
A. Conduction D. Y is more acidic than X
B. Radiation E. Z is the least acidic
C. Convection
D. Propagation 64. A molar solution of caustic soda is
prepared by dissolving____.
59. When two objects P and arc supplied A. 40g NaOH in 100g of water
with the same quantity of heat, the B. 40g NaOH in 1000g of water
temperature change in P is observed to be C. 20g NaOH in 500g of solution
17.B 18. A 19.B 20. D 21. B 22. B 23. B
A. Concentrated sulphuric acid
B. Quicklime
24. C 5.D 26. C 27.D 28. A 29. 30. C.
C. Anhydrous calcium chloride
D. Magnesium sulphate 31. D 32. C 33. D 34. D 35. 36. A 37. A
69. Oxygen demanding wastes a considered 38. C 39. C
to be a water, pollutes because they;
A. Deplete oxygen which necessary for the MATHEMATICS
survival of aquatic organisms
B. Increase oxygen which necessary for the 41. C 42. E 43. D 44. D 45. A 46. B 47. D
survival of aquatic organisms
C. Deplete other gaseous species which are 48. A 49. B 50. D
necessary for the survival of aquatic
organisms PHYSICS
Questions From
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In many places in the world today the poor situation means_____.
are getting poorer while the rich are getting A. Walk from one village to another
richer, and the programmes of development B. Migrate from village to city
planning are foreign and appear to be unable C. Work their way out their village
to reverse this trend. Nearly all the D. Change their circumstances
developing countries have a modes sector,
where the patterns of living any working are 4. Migration to the city among villages is
similar to those ii developed countries. But caused by____.
they also hay a non-modern sector, where A. Attraction of the city
the pattern of living and working are not B. Low productivity in the village
one, unsatisfactory, but in many cases are C. Inadequate job opportunity in the village
even getting worse. D. Shortage of land for cultivation
What is the typical condition of the poor in 5. Underemployment among the villagers
developing countries? Their work refers to____.
opportunities are so limited that they cannot A. Lack of sufficient land for everyone
work in their way out of their situation. They B. Low productivity when working
are underemployed, or totally unemployed C. Fewer people for many jobs
when they do find occasional work their D. More people for fewer jobs
productivity is extremely low Some of than
have land, but often too little land. Many 6. Where are the rich getting richer and the
have no land, and no prospect of ever poor poorer?
getting any. There is no hope for them in the A. in nearly all developing counties
rural areas and so they drift into the big B. In a majority of countries in the world
cities. But there is no work for them in the C. In developing countries with modem
big cities either and of course no housing. All sectors
the same they flock into the cities because D. In countries with nonmodem sectors
their chances of finding some work appear to
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based on fair representation and liberty for 17. I am very sorry_____ to attend the
the individual. meeting yesterday.
A. For failure
The _7_ [A. principles B. examples C. B. In failing
purposes D. statements ] of liberty and C. To having failed
equitable representation are rooted in the D. To fail
definition given by Aristotle of Greek about E. For failing
2500 years ago. In the words of Aristotle, "
the basis of democratic _8_ [A. instinct B. 18. When you are faced with an examination
population C. law D. state] is liberty. of this nature, endeavour to keep your
Aristotle also emphasized the democratic mind____ the job and not be distracted for
_9_ [ A. issue B. law C. ideal D. form] of one moment
'freedom based on equity'. A. At
More than 2000 years after Aristotle, the B. In
tenets of liberty, justice, and equitable C. For
representation continue to _10_ [A. draw up D. On
B. hold sway C. move on D. swing up]. From E. To
the time of the Greek city states to the
emergence of the modern nation states, the 19. It all depended on what_____.
fundamentals of democratic rule have A. Does he want
remained universal _11_ [A. values B. B. He wants
practices C. subjects D. elections]. C. He does want
D. He wanted
In the western hemisphere, revolutionary E. Did he want
struggles were waged to enthrone
democracy over _12_ [A. liberal B. individual 20. James____ reminding that not all that
C. autocratic D. collective] rules. glitters is gold
A. Needs
In Questions 16 to 25 choose the word 22. The old politicians were discredited
or phrase which best fills the gap in because they tried to____ the people's
each sentence. ignorance.
A. Cash in on
16. The student's unrest resulted_____ the B. Catch in with
expulsion of the ringleaders. C. Catch in on
A. To D. Cash in with
B. In E. Cash in by
C. From
D. With 23. That single_____, was enough to spoil
E. By lifetime good living.
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A. occurence C. 56°C
B. ocurence D. 65˚C
C. occurrence E. 75°C
D. occurrense
E. ocurrence 4. An electric cell has an internal resistance
of 2 ohms, a current of 0.5 A is found to flow
24. Whilst the thief was____ the passenger when a resistor of 5 ohms resistance is
he kept apologizing for the inconvenience he connected across it. What is the
was causing them. electromotive force of the cell?
A. Robbing A. 5 volts
B. Rubbing B. 3.5 volts
C. Robbering C. 2.5 volts
D. Rubbering D. 1 volt
E. Robbed E. 10 volts
25. The court ordered the lorry driver to pay 5. A uniform beam HK of length 10m and
for the_____ to my car. weighing 200N is supported at both ends. A
A. Damages man weighing, 100N stands at a point P on
B. Heavy damages the beam. if the reactions at H and K are
C. Destruction respectively 800N and 400N, then the
D. Many damages distance HP is
E. Damage A. 4m
B. 3 m
D. 6 3m
1. A solid weighs 4.8g in air, 2.8g in water E. 7m
and 3.2g in kerosene. The ratio of density of
the solid to that of the kerosene is____. 6. What are the units of thermal
A. 12 conductivity?
B. 3 A. kg.m.sec2
C. 2 B. joule.sec-1m-1k-1
D. 3/2 C. kg.m
E. 5/4 D. newton. sec-1m-1k-1
E. m1
2. The extension in spring when 5g weight
was hung from it was 0,56cm. if Hooke's law 7. A 500kg car which was initially at rest
is obeyed, what is the extension caused by a travelled with an acceleration of 5m/s2, its
load of 20g weight? kinetic energy after 4 seconds was____.
A. 1.12cm A. 105J
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C. 4
9. In a D.0 circuit a 10 microfarad (mf) D. 6
capacitor is placed in series with a 10-ohm
resistor. The total resistance of the 15. The mean of the numbers 3, 6, 4, x and
combination is____. 7 is 5. Find the standard deviation.
A. 10 ohms A. √2
B. 1 ohm B. √3
C. Zero C. 3
D. 20 ohms D. 2
E. Infinite
16. A straight line y=mx meets the curve
10. A potential difference of 6V is used to
y = x2−12x + 40 in two distinct points. If
produce a current of 5A for 200s through a one of them is (5, 5) find the other
beating coil. The heat produced is____. A. (5,6)
A. 4800 cal B. (8,8)
B. 6000 cal C. (8,5)
C. 2400 J D. (7,7)
D. 240 kcal E. (7,5)
E. 6000J
17. If (x−2) and (x + 1) are factors of the
11. Solve the simultaneous linear equation expression x3 + px2+qx+1, what is the sum
2x + 5y = 11 of p and q?
7x + 4y = 2 A. 0
B. -3
A. x=-8, y=1
C. -17/3
B. x= -2, y = 4 D.-2/3
C. x = 2, y= -3
34 73
D. x = − 27,y=27 18. The ratio of the lengths of two similar
E. x
346 73
=189, y=− 27 rectangular blocks is 2:3. if the volume of
the larger block is 351cm3, then the volume
of the other block is
12. solve the system of equation A. 234.00 cm3
B. 526.50 cm3
2x+y=32 C. 166.00 cm3
33y-x=27 D. 729.75 cm3
A. (3, 2)
E. 104.00 cm3
B. (-3, 2)
C. (3, -2) 19. At what real value of x do the curves
D. (-3, -2) whose equations are y = x3+x and y=x2+1
E. (2, 2)
A. -2
13. Solve the equation for all positive values B. 2
of 0 less than 360°, 3 tanθ + 2 = -1 C. -1
A. 135° or 315° D. 0
B. 45° or 135° E. I
C. 315° or 45°
D. 315° or 180° 20. Find the area of a regular hexagon
E. 360° or 315° inscribed in a circle of radius 8cm.
A. 16√3 cm3
14. Determine the maximum value of y =
B. 96√3 cm3
A. 0 C. 192√3cm3
B. 2 D. 16 cm2
E. 32 cm2
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17. E 18. D 19. D 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C
20cm3 of oxygen at 100'C and I
atmosphere. The total volume of the residual
24. A 25. E
gas is
B. 10cm3
C. 40cm3 1. E 2. E 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. A
D. 30cm3
E. 70cm3 10. E 11. D 12. A 13. A 14. D 15. A 16.
23. 0.16g of methane when burst raises the 17. B 18. A 19. E 20. B
temperature of 100g of water by 40°C. what
is the heat of combustion of methane if the CHEMISTRY
heat capacity of water is 4.2Jkg-1C-1? [CH4=-
16] 21. D 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. B
A. 1, 160kJmol-1
B. 1, 180 kJmol-1
C. 1,560 kJmol-1
D. 1 ,600 kJmol-1
E. 1,680kJmol-1 Download More Free Past
Questions From
B. 5
C. 7
D. 10 [M=56, S =32, O=16, H=1]
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century; insufficient, cheap, convenient rich nations
energy. For without such energy, industrial D. People in developed nations will
production will fall, agricultural production experience boom
will drop, transport will be restricted and
standard of living in developed countries will 2. The writer warns that the world
plummet. At present, almost all out energy could____.
comes from fossil fuels. The earth' s reserves A. Lose all its oil reserves in a matter of
of fossil fuels have been formed from organic years
matter subjected to enormous heat and B. Face energy crisis soon if production is
pressure for millions of years. But such not stepped up
reserves are finite. C. Experience scarcity and low energy price
Because power demand is increasing very D. Face low energy supply and poor
rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within a agricultural output
relatively short time We can estimate the
amount of recoverable fuel under the surface 3. Fossil fuels as used in the passage include
of the earth and we know the calculations A. Wood, kerosene and natural gas
can therefore determine the remaining life. B. Oil, coal and natural gas
C. Limited, butane and charcoal
If present trends continue, gas and oil D. Wood, coal and oil
For too many years, the world has consumed D. Review industrial dependence on energy
fossil fuels with little thoughts of the future.
In fact, world energy consumption increased 5. From the writer's description of the world
almost 600% between 1900 and 1965 and it energy situation, we may conclude that
is projected to increase by another 450% A. Developing nations will soon experience
between 1965 and the year 2010. Crude oil poverty
has been pumped out of the ground for B. Demand for recoverable fuel will plummet
about 100 years, but over half of it has been C. Consumption has not affected production
consumed in the past 18 years. D. Industrial production will plummet
Coal has been mined over 800 years but In each of the questions 11-25, choose
over half of it has been extracted in the past the option that best complete the gap(s)
37 years. In sum, most of the world's
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6. Yesterday, my mother asked me____. 14. The public library has stopped____
A. If I am tired books to readers.
B. Are you tired? A. Borrowing
C. Whether was I tired? B. Lending
D. If I was tired C. Renting
D. Loaning
7. The bank manager assured us that there
was nothing to worry about___. 15. We won't leave until it____ raining.
A. As regards to the loan A. Will stop
B. With regards to the loan B. Stopped
C. In regard of the loan C. Stops
D. With regard to the loan D. Has stopped
8. The first prize was____ tray. 16. The_____ event marked the beginning of
A. A carved wooden attractive a new life for the entire cabinet.
B. A wooden attractive carved
C. An attractive carved wooden 17. The train_____ before I arrived.
D. A carved attractive wooden A. Was leaving
B. Has left
9. The class teacher always cautions that C. Had left
difficult jobs should be done ___. D. Would leave
A. Step from step
B. Step by step 18. You can't travel on your own,______?
C. Steps after steps A. Isn't it
D. Steps by steps B. Can't you
C. Won't you
10. I was often angry_____ my brother since D. Shan't you?
he differed____ me often.
C. Have sold
11. I am writing to you for____ reasons. D. Be selling
A. concerned
B. Several 20. The Secretary-General was shocked at
A. Hipopotamus
B. Hippopotamus 30. A simple pendulum with a period of 2.0 s
C. Hippopotamis has its length doubled. Its new period
D. Hippoppotamas is_____.
A. 1.00s
25. You, who____ convicted should append B. 1.41s
A. Has been C. 0.35s
B. Is D. 2.83s
C. Was E. 4.00s
D. Are
31. In order to find the depth of the sea. A
PHYSICS ship sends out a sound wave and receives an
echo after one second. If the velocity of
26. A weight of 1000grams hangs from a sound in water is 1500ms-1 What is the
lever 20cm to the right of the fulcrum. At the depth of the sea?
left is a 500-gram weight 20 cm from the A. 0.75 km
B. 20 cm
C. 10cm 32. A uniform cylindrical block of wood floats
D. 30 cm in water with one-third of height, above the
water levels. in a liquid of relative density
27. What is the relative permittivity of a 0.8. what fraction of its height will be above
capacitor if its capacitance with a medium as the liquid level?
dielectric is 16 farads and its capacitance A. 1/6
with vacuum as dielectric is 2 farads? B. 1/5
A. 1/3 C. 4/5
B. ½ D. 5/6
C. 2
D. 8 33. The resistance of a platinum wire at the
E. 32 ice and steam points are 0.75 ohm and 1.05
ohm respectively. Determine the
28. If the magnification of a virtual image temperature at which the resistance of the
formed of an object 10cm from a convex wire is 0.90 ohm?
lens is 3, the focal length of the lens is A. 43.0 °C
A. 10cm B. 50.0°C
B. 7.5cm C. 69.9°C
C. 16cm D. 87.0°C
D. 19cm
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A. 200g tower. A man standing 60m away from the
B. 300g tower observes that the angles of elevations
C. 320g of the top and bottom of the flagstaff are
D. 400g [specific heat capacity of water 64° and 62° respectively. Find the length of
— 4200.11kg/k, specific latent of fusion of the flagstaff
ice = 3.4 x 105J/kg/k] A. 60(tan62° -tan64°)
B. 60(tan64° -tan62°
36. The minimum point on the curve C. 60(cot62° -cot64°)
y=x2−6x+5 is at____. D. 60(cot64° -cot62°)
A. (1, 5)
B. (2, 3) 43. Given that Q = (
6 0
) and
C. (-3, 4) 4 5
7 −2
D. (3, -4) Q+P =( ).Evaluate [Q+2P]
6 8
A. 90
37. Find the mean deviation of 1, 2, 3 and 4 B. 9
A. 1.0
C. 102
B. 1.5 D. 120
C. 2.0
D. 2.5 44. A function f(x) passes through the origin
and its first derivative is 3x+2 what is f(x)?
C. 𝑦 = 3𝑥 2 + 2𝑥
C. 1/27 1
C. 𝑦 = 2 𝑥
D. 18
E. 81
45. A ship sails a distance of 50 km in the
17. C 18.A 19. B 20. D 21. B 22. D 23. C
C. 27.0g
D. 13.6g
24. B 25. A
energy change of the reaction above is? 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. A 33. B
A. -565.21kJ
B. -282.6kJ 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. A 39. A 40. A 42. B
C. +282.6kJ
D. +565.2kJ 43. D 44. A
D. 0.56 mol
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50. One mole of propane is mixed with five
moles of oxygen. The mixture is ignited and Questions From
B. 67.2 dm3
C. 56.0 dm3
D. 44.8 dm3
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B. 0 respect to x
C. 7 A. -8x − 1
D. 9 B. 1 − 6x
C. 6
2. Determine the maximum value of D. -3
A. 0 9. Find the derivative of the function y = 2x2
B. 2 (2x−1) at the point x = -1
C. 4 A. -6
D. 6 B. 12
C. 16
3. By how much will the mean of 30, 56, 31, D. 18
55, 43 and 44 be less than the median
A. 035 10. Find the mean deviation of 1, 2, 3 and 4
B. 0.50 A. 1.0
C. 0.33 B. 1.5
D. 0.17 C. 2.0
D. 2.5
4. The range of 4, 3, 11, 9, 6, 15, 19, 23,
27, 24, 21 and 61 is; 11. Find the value t if the standard deviation
D. 4
5. The mean of the numbers 3, 6, 4, x and 7
is 5. Find the standard deviation 12. In how many ways can 6 coloured chalks
A. √2 he arranged if 2 are of the same colour?
B. √3 A. 60
C. 2 B. 120
D. 3 C. 240
D. 360
6. Find the remainder when 3x3 + 5x2 - 11x
+ 4 is divided by x + 3 13. A final examination requires that a
A. 4 student answer any 4 out 6 questions. In
B. 1 how many ways can this be done?
C. -1 A. 15
D. -4 B. 20
C. 30
D. 45
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C. 4
D. 6 23. The correct unit of density is
A. Kgm-3
16. For what values of n is n-1
C3 = 4(nC3)? B. Kgm-1
A. 6 C. Kgm3
B. 5 D. Kgm-2
C. 4
D. 3 24. The motion of smoke of particles from a
chimney is typical of
17. Find the root of x3−2x2−5x+6=0 A. Oscillatory motion
A. 1, 2, -3 B. Rotational motion
B. -1, 2, 3 C. Circular motion
C. 1, 2, 3 D. Random motion
D. 1, -2, 3
25. One of the properties of gamma rays is
18. Find the value of k if the expression that they are is that they are
C. -10
D. -8 26. The process whereby the molecules of
different substances move randomly is
19. If y=x2−x−12. find the range of values of called____.
C. —3 < x < 4
D. —3 < x 4
27. The process whereby a liquid turns
20. How many terms of the series 3, -6, 12, spontaneously into vapour is called
-24 .... are needed to make a total of 1−28? spontaneously into vapour is called____.
A. 12 A. Evaporation
B. 10 B. Relegation
C. 9 C. Boiling
D. 8 D. Sublimation
A. 8A C. Wax
B. 9A D. Glass
C. 7A
D. 6A 38. The instrument used for securing a large
number of similar charges by induction is
31. Satellite communication network makes called____.
use of_____. A. Capacitor
A. Infrared rays B. Electrophorus
B. Sound wave C. Electroscope
C. Visible light D. Proof plane
D. Radio wave
39. The pitch of a sound note depends
32. If two inductors of inductances 3H and on____.
6H are arranged in series, the total A. Timbre
inductance is B. Harmony
A. 18.0H C. Quality
B. 9.0H D. Frequency
C. 2.0H
D. 0.5H 40. In which of the following material media
would wound travel fastest
C. Holes
D. Minority carriers CMEMISTRY
34. In an A.C circuit that contains only a 41. Maximum number of electrons is found
44. In the electrolysis of brine, the anode is 52. When iron is exposed to moisture and it
A. Platinum rusts, the value of ∆G for the reaction
B. Copper is____.
C. Zinc A. Neutral
D. Carbon B. Zero
C. Positive
45. Which of the following hydrogen halides D. Negative
has the highest entropy value?
A. HF 53. A substance that is used as a ripening
B. HCl agent for fruits is
C. HBr A. Ethane
D. HI B. Propane
C. Methane
46. The allotrope of carbon used in the D. Butane
decolonization of sugar is
A. Graphite 54. The shape of the hydrocarbon compound
B. Soot CH4 is
C. Charcoal A. Square planar
D. Lampblack B. Planar
C. Linear
47. Sulphur (IV) oxide bleaches by D. Tetrahedral
A. Reduction
C. Mordant A. Proton
D. Dispersant B. Nucleus
C. Neutron
49. An isomer of C5H12 is____. D. Electron
A. Butane
B. 2 methyhutane 57. An element will readily form an
C. 2 ethylbutane electrovalent compound if its electron
D. 2 methyethane configuration is
A. 2, 8, 1
50. Vulcanization involves the removal B. 2, 8, 4
of____. C. 2, 8, 8, 12
A. A monomer D. 2, 8, 5
B. The single bond
C. The double bond 58. The most suitable metal that can be used
D. A polymer as a lightning conductor is
A. Silver
B. Copper
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B. Metals D. With
C. Colloids
D. Non-metals 68. It was quite dark in the room_____ we
couldn't see.
61. The ores that can be concentrated by A. So
flotation are B. Because
A. Nitride ores C. Through
B. Sulphide ores D. Yet
C. Oxide ores
D. Chloride ores ANSWERS TO 2008/2009
From the list of words choose the one UNIPORT POST UTME
that best completes each sentence from QUESTIONS
62 to 68
A. Too
B. Very 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. 9. C
C. Pretty
D. Fairly 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. D
63. You have given me one orange_____ 17. D 18. C 19. C 20. B
A. Very
B. So
C. Too 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. A
D. More
65. I became depressed_____ hearing the 48. C 49. B 50. C 51. C 52. D 53. A 54. D
A. At 55. B 56. D 57. A 58. B 59. C 60. A 61. B
B. With
C. As 62. A 63. C 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. A 68. A
D. On
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2. They_____ by now; I can hear all the 8. Following the gap police are looking
people shouting. for_____.
A. Would have arrived A. Two big cars black
B. Must have arrived B. Two cars big black
C. Had arrived C. Two big black cars
D. Should have arrived D. Two black big cars
3. Many streets in the town____ in need of 9. Our president and chairman of the
lights at night. occasion ___ _ just arrived.
A. Stand A. Has
B. Stood B. Having
C. Have stood C. Have
D. Are standing D. Had
4. The boy who stole mango was given 10. In ____, we as politicians are identified
_____ by an eye witness. with the masses.
A. Out A. A more deeper sense
B. In B. A much deeper sense
C. Away C. A most deeper sense
In each of the questions 5 to 7, choose 11. It has been confirmed that the
the option opposite in meaning to the election_____ held in July.
A. Enriched
B. Exaggerated In each of questions 12 to 14, choose
C. Adorned the most appropriate option opposite in
D. Obliterated meaning to word(s) or phrase in italics
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14. The girl's idiosyncrasy was passion for Choose the option which correctly fills
bread and butter. the blank space in questions 20 - 25
A. Stupid outburst
B. General tendency 20. A swarm of_____ attacked the picnic
C. Singular characteristic makers.
D. Occupational calling A. Termites
B. Birds
In each questions 15 & 16, select flu C. Gorillas
option that best explains the D. Bees
information, conveyed in the sentence.
21. The night watchman has a______ of
15. Ngozi has always considered he: father arrows.
to be an impassioned man. A. Bag
A. Her lather is a very lively man B. Cache
B. Her father is an emotional man C. Quiver
C. Her lather is a disciplined man D. Bundle
D. Her father is a very strict man
22. The huge dragnet enclosed a of____
16. If he went to London, he would sec the fish.
Queen A. Shoal
A. When he goes to London, he will see the B. School
Queen C. Den
B. He did not go to London and did not see D. Flock
the Queen
C. He did not see the Queer when he went to 23. Within one minute, Okocha hit the back
London of the net twice, and the____ roared in
D. He would like to see the Queen when he applause
18. Agbenu was ecstatic about her result. 25. A motorist who accidentally killed an old
A. Dispassionate woman was arrested and charged to court
B. Sad with____.
C. Pessimistic A. Murder
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B. Manslaughter C. ¾
C. Suicide D. 7/10
D. Assassination
32. A man stands 4m in front of a plane
PHYSICS mirror. If the mirror is moved 1m towards
the man, the distance between him and his
26. An electric kettle with negligible heat image is
capacity is rated at 2000W. if 2.0kg of water A. 3m
is put in it, how long will it take the B. 5m
temperature of water to rise from 20°C to C. 6m
100°C? [specific heat capacity of water D. 10m
A. 420s 33. An astronomical telescope is said to be in
B. 336s normal adjustment when the:
C. 168s A. Eye is accommodated
D. 84s B. Focal length of objective lens is longer
than that of the eye piece.
27. Which of the following is the exclusive C. Final image is at near point of the eye
property of a transverse wave? D. Final image is at infinity
A. Diffraction
B. Refraction 34. The core of an efficient transformer
C. Compression should consist of laminated pieces of metal
D. Polarization in order to___.
A. Increase the heat produced by increasing
28. The pitch of an acoustic device can be eddy current
increased by B. Increase the heat produced by reducing
A. Increasing the frequency eddy current
B. Increasing the amplitude C. Reduce the heat produced by increasing
gives the widest separation in the spectrum 35. A 3000W electric cooker is to be used on
of white light? a 200V mains current. Which of the fuses
A. Red and violet below can be used safely with the cooker?
B. Green and yellow A. 2A
Ohm resistor is 20V, then the maximum 36. Na + Proton→ 𝑝𝑋 + 𝑎𝑙𝑝ℎ𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠. What
power it can dissipate is____. are the values of p and q respectively in the
A. 5.00W equation above?
B. 4.00W A. 10 and 20
C. 2.00W B. 12 and 24
D. 0.25W C. 20 and 10
D. 24 and 12
31. A solid weighs 10.0N in air, 6.0N when
fully immersed in water and 7.0N when fully 37. One end of a long wire is fixed while a
immersed in a certain liquid X. Calculate the vibrator is attached to the other end. When
relative density of the liquid the vibrator is energized, the types of wave
A. 5/3 generated in the wire are
B. 4/3
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D. 8.0m D. 0.27A
E. 16.49A
39. Radio is operated by eight cells each of
e.m.f 2.0V connected in series. If two of the 45. An inductor, L = 75mH is connected in
cells are wrongly connected, the net e.m.f of series to a source of alternating emf of rms
the radio is value 250V and frequency 50Hz. What is the
A. 16V rms value of the current?
B. 12V A. 21.22A
C. 10V B. 1.69A
D. 8V C. 10.46A
D. 5.31A
40. A stone of mass 1kg is dropped from a E. 26.53A
height of 10m above the ground and falls
under gravity, its kinetic energy 5m above 46. A series RLC circuit consists of a 75Ω
the ground kinetic energy 5m above the resistor, a 5.0 μf capacitor and a 75mH
ground is the equal to____. inductor. They are connected across a
A. Its kinetic energy on the ground generator of frequency 250Hz with a rms
B. Twice its initial potential energy voltage of 12V. Determine the impedance of
C. Its initial potential energy the circuit.
D. Half its initial potential energy A. 127.32 Ω
B. 117.8 Ω
41. Ice cubes are added to a glass of warm C. 84.51Ω
water. The glass and water are cooled by D. 74.39Ω
cooled by___ E. 75.6Ω
A. Conduction only
B. Convection only 47. A circuit consists of a 220.0Ω resistor
C. Conduction and convection and a 0.5II inductor connected across a
D. Convection and radiation generator that has a frequency of 120Hz and
43. The cell of internal resistance r supplies 48. A 2500Ω resistor and 2.5 μf capacitors
current to a 6.0 ohms supplies current to a are connected in series across a generator of
6.0 ohms resistor and its efficiency is 75%. 60Hz frequency and 121V. Determine the
Find the value of r Find the value of r power dissipated in the circuit.
A. 4.5 Ohms A. 2.07W
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B. 2.25W D.
[−𝑢 ± √𝑢2 − 2𝑎𝑠]
C. 4.88W 𝑎
D. 4.14W
E. 45W 5. Evaluate (𝑥 + 1)2 − (𝑥 − 1)2
A. 4x2
49. A converging lens can be used a B. 2x−2
magnifying glass if the C. 4x
A. Object is placed at F D. 4(1+x)
B. Object is placed between F and the pole
C. Object is placed at the pole 6. If the function f is defined by
D. All of the above f(x + 2) = 2x2 + 7x−5. Find F(-1).
A. -10
50. A convex lens of focal length f, forms a B. -8
real image whose size is the same as that of C. 4
the object. The object distance is equal D. 10
A. 4F
B. 2F 7. If the 6th term of an arithmetic
C. F progression is 11 and the first term is 1, find
D. F/2 the common difference.
E. F/4 A. 3
B. 5
C. -2
1. If 2257 is the result of subtracting 4577 8. A binary operation is defined by the set of
from 7056 in base n, find n all positive integers a∗b. Which of the
A. 8 following properties does not hold?
B. 9 A. Closure
C. 10 B. Sociability
D. 11 C. Identity
D. Inverse
2. Musa borrows ₦10.00 of 2% per month
interest and repays ₦8.00 after 4 months. 9. Find the inverse of p under the binary
However, how much does he still owe? operation p*q=p+q -pq. Where p and q are
A. ₦10.80 real numbers and zero is the identity of a, p.
B. ₦10.67 A. p
C. ₦2.80 B. p−1
D. ₦2.67 C. 𝑝−1
36 𝑝+1
3. If x= 3√3, find x + 2
A. 9 10. The chord ST of a circle is equal to the
B. 24 radius of the circle. Find the length of the arc
C. 18 T.
D. 27 𝜋
4. Make t the subject of the formula in 𝜋𝑟
1 2 3
s = ut + 𝑎𝑡 𝜋𝑟
2 C.
1 6
A. [𝑢 ± 𝑠] 𝜋𝑟
𝑎 D.
1 12
B. [−𝑢 ± √𝑢2 − 2𝑎𝑠]
1 11. A hunter 1.6m tall, views a bird on top of
[𝑢 ± √𝑢2 − 2𝑎𝑠] tree at angle of 45°, if the distance between
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B. 090° not English?
C. 135° A. 3/4
D. 225° B. 5/8
C. 3/8
13. A trapezium has two parallel sides of D. 8/9
length 5cm and 9cm, if the area is 121cm2,
find the distance between the parallel sides. 20. The score of a student in five courses are
A. 17cm given as 70, 75, x, 80, 90. If the mean of
B. 13cm the students' score is 78, find the value of x.
C. 14cm A. 75
D. 16cm B. 85
C. 95
D. 120
14. Find the sum to infinity of the series 1/2,
1/6, 1/18,…. 21. In a box there are 10 T-shirts, 15 long
A. 1 sleeves shirts and 25 gowns. If one attire is
B. 9/10
C. 10/9 and 90, if the sum of the term is 750, find
D. 10 the number of terms.
A. 12
B. 15
A. Into
24. It is usually hard to change the course of B. Over
action when one crosses the Rubicon. The C. Down
underlined expression as used in the D. Up
sentence means to____. E. Across
A. Pass through a place called Rubicon
B. Cross a river called Rubicon 30. The chairman of the state school board
C. Cross a bridge called Rubicon advised students to desist ____ blackmailing
D. Be irrevocably committed and victims should call the authorities.
A. From
25. Solo has resigned his job with the textile B. In
mills. He doesn't seem to worry about C. On
getting another job, His plans are still quite D. Against
in the air. This means that his plans are E. By
A. Airmailed
B. Air light 31. It took the father many days to get the
C. Uncertain untimely death of his son____
D. Certain A. Off
E. Airborne B. Over
C. By
26. Old customs die hard. This implies old D. Through
customs. E. Across
A. Cause a lot of hardship and death
B. Must be stopped In questions 34 to 37 choose the Words
C. Never die out or Phrase which best fills the gap(s).
D. Cause hardship for younger people
E. Tend to last for a long time 32. You could see that Akpan did not give
C. Interesting B. Intend
D. Satisfactory C. Intendment
E. Attractive D. Intent
37. The chief will launch the fund-raising D. Would have perished
A. Make a speech at 45. Typical Zachariah Devil-may-care and
B. Eat his afternoon meal during reverberant as ever. No doubt he was just
C. Travel by boot to the same when he was cook to Greek trader
D. Start off in town. In fact, I suspect that to him the
Reverend father is just another sort of
38. As the wedding day approached, the trader. Cancelled ass, thinking himself to be
bride began to develop cold feet. superior to the father! And in what is he
A. Fall sick superior? Success with women, perhaps?
B. Feel cold Zachariah knows that they all admire him
C. Be reluctant and is always striving for still more
D. Become aggressive admiration. He dresses sharply and walks in
haughty manner that suits his tallness. And
39. The clerk refused to answer for the then he feeds his pride on the swarms of
mistakes made by the manager and his girls who run after him. It's maddening to
the words(s) or phrase(s) which best without shuddering and why? Just money!
fill(s) the gaps Money! Ah, what a world! And my father
replied in a buried voice, it's the times! The
40. Many in the town____ in new of light at times shouted mother, can you imagine my
17. A 18.D 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. A 23. D
D. Arrogance
E. insubordinate
24. C 25. B
A. Wealth 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. C
B. The life of the towns
C. The appearance of the young man 33. D 34. B 35. D 36. A 37. B 38. D 39. B
D. The fact that the young mart spoke
strange dialect 40. D 41. C 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. E
E. Food
47. A 48. – 49. B 50. B
49. From the passage we can conclude that
the young girls were___ MATHEMATICS
A. Attractive
B. Religious
1. A 2. C 3. – 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C
C. Modem
D. Easily led 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. – 14. B 15. D 16. D
E. Indifferent
17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. D 22. D 23. D
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D. C6H6O3 8. How long will it take to deposit 0.08g of
(H =1, C = 12, O =16) copper from CuCl2 solution by passing a
current of 0.5A
2. Aluminium hydroxide is used in the dyeing A. 6 mins
industry as a___ B. 8 mins
A. Salt C. 24 mins
B. Dye D. 48 mins
C. Mordant (Cu = 64, F = 96500C mol-1)
D. Dispersant
9. How much faster does a Helium atom
3. Air element that occurs in the free state travel than a nitrogen molecule at the same
is___ temperature?
A. Pb A. 1.68
B. K B. 1.70
C. Al C. 150
D. Ar D. 2.65
E. C E. 2.90
C. 40.0g
5. Calculate the mass of chloride gas which D. 80.0g
occupies a volume of 1.12dm3 at s.t.p. (Cu = 64, O = 16, S = 32, H = 1)
A. 15.50g
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14. The mass of silver deposited when a 21. What volume of 0.5 moldm-3 H2O4 will
current of 10A is passed through a solution exactly neutralize 20 cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3
of silver salt for 4830 sec is___ NaOH solution?
A. 108.0g A. 2.0 cm3
B. 54.0g B. 5.0 cm3
C. 270g C. 6.8 cm3
D. 13.5g D. 8.3 cm3
(Ag=108, F=96500 Cmol-1)
22. What volume of gas is evolved at s.t.p if
15- The oxidation state of oxygen in 2g of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) is added
tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid is to a solution of hydrochloric acid?
A. -4 A. 112 cm3
B. -2 B. 224 cm3
C. +4 C. 448 cm3
D. -8 D. 2240 cm3
(Ca=40, C=12, O=16, Cl=35, H=1, molar
16. The reaction that takes place in Daniel volume of gas at s.t.p. = -22.4 dm3)
cell is____
A. Direct combination 23. Which experiment led to measurement of
B. Redox charge on an electron?
D. Acidic B. SO2
C. H2S
18. The type of reaction that is peculiar to D. CO2
benzene is to benzene is___
D. 4.00 x 10-2N D. 2%
33. A piece of iron weighs 250N in a liquid of
27. A 200W heater is used to heat a metal density 100kgm-3. The volume of the iron is
object of mass 5kg initially at 10°C. if the ___
temperature rise of 30°C is obtained after A. 5.0 x 10-3m3
10mm, the heat capacity of the material is: B. 4.5 x 10-3m3
A. 1.2 x 104J°C-1 C. 2.5 x 10-3m3
B. 6.0 x 104J°C-1 D. 2.0 x 10-3m3
C. 8.0 x 104J°C-1
D. 4.0104J°C-1 34. A ray of light is incident on an equilateral
triangular glass prism of retractive index
28. A boy drags a bag of rice along a smooth 3/2. Calculate the angle through which ray is
horizontal floor with a force of 2N applied at minimally deviated in the prism.
an angle of 60° to the floor. The work done A. 37.1°
after a distance of 3m is B. 48.6°
A. 3J C. 30.0°
B. 4J D. 42.0°
C. 5J
D. 6J 35. A reservoir 500m deep is filled with a
fluid of density 850kgm-3. If the atmospheric
29. A car of mass 1500kg goes round a pressure is 1.05 x 105Nm-2, the pressure at
circular curve of radius 50m at a speed of the bottom of the reservoir is___
40ms-1. The magnitude of the centripetal [g = 10ms -2]
farce on the car is___ A. 4.72 x 106Nm-2
A. 4.8 x 104N B. 4.36 x 106Nm-2
B. 4.8 x 103N C. 4.28 x 106Nm-2
C. 1.2 x 104N D. 4.25 x 106Nm-2
D. 1.2 x 103N
36. A string of length 4m is extended by
30. A converging, lens of 15crn focal length 0.02m when a load of 0.4kg is suspended at
forms an image of an object placed 9cm its end. What will be the length of the string
from it. What is its position and when the applied force is 15N? [g 10ms-2]
magnification? A. 4.05m
A. 6cm and 3/2 B. 4.08m
B. 6cm and 1/3 C. 5.05m
its constant angular velocity of 4πrads-1 from 1.2m, if water is slowly poured into the tube
rest. Find it constant angular acceleration. at what maximum height will resonance
A. 0. 4πrads-2 occur?
B. 0.87πrads-2 A. 0.45m
C. 1.3πrads-2 B. 0.95m
D. 2.0 4πrads-2 C. 0.60m
D. 0.50m
32. A machine has a velocity ratio of 4. If it
requires 800N to overcome a load of 1600N, [speed of sound in air = 340ms-1]
what is the efficiency of the machine?
A. 60% 38. A wire of 50Ω resistances is drawn out
B. 50% so that its new length is twice the original
C. 40% length. If the resistivity of the wire remains
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A. 300V C. 20.17°
B. 30V D. 18.97°
C. 400V E 25.00°
D. 40V
45. On a rainy day of 20°C, the length of a
40. An object is placed 20cm in front of a steel track is 20m. what will be its length on
concave mirror whose focal length is 10cm. a hot day with temperature of 40°C?
where and how is the image formed? A. 20.009m
A. Center of curvature and inverted B. 20.002m
B. 20cm behind the mirror and inverted C. 20.013m
C. 20cm in front of the mirror and upright D. 20.004m
D. 20cm in front of the mirror and virtual
[Coefficient of linear expansion of steel = 1.1
41. Caesium has a work function of 3 x x 106K-1]
1019J, the maximum energy of liberated
electrons when it is illuminated by light of 46. One of the following phenomena must
42. Given that Young's modulus for is 800 count/min. If the half-life of the
aluminium is 7.0 x 1010Nm-2 and density is material is 4 days what would the count rate
2.7 x 103 kgm-1, find the speed of sound be 16 days later?
produced if a solid bar is truck at one end of A. 50 count/min
24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. A 30. D
A. Pressure is increased
B. Pressure is reduced
31. B 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B 36. B 37. A
C. The rays of sun assists
D. The saturated vapour pressure is 38. A 39. A 40. B 41. A 42. B 43. A 44. B
E. None of the above 45. D 46. D 47. A 48. D 49. D 50. B
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2. Which of the following statement is true of
∆H, the enthalpy of reaction? It is; 6. How many isomers can be obtained from
A. The heat of change accompanying a C4H10?
chemical change A. 0
B. Negative for exothermic reactions B. 1
C. Positive for endothermic reactions C. 2
D. All of the above D. 3
was prepared at X˚C. If 30m3 of this solution A. Rutherford
required 22.5cm3 of silver trioxonitrate (V) B. Dalton
solution, containing 34g in 100cm3 solution C. Neils Bohr
for complete precipitation. Calculate the D. Goldstein
solubility of potassium chloride at X°C in
moldm-1 (take KCl=74.5, AgNO3=170) 9. The technique used for the separation of
A. 1.5 moldm-3 immiscible liquids is ___
B. 2.0 moldm-3 A. Distillation
C. 0.15 moldm-3 B. Chromatography
D. 0.20 moldm-3 C. The use of separating funnel
D. Fractional distillation
C. II and III
11. The shapes of CO2, H2O and CH4
D. I, II, III and IV
respectively are:
5. When a metal plate is placed in a solution A. Bent, linear and tetrahedral
B. Bent, tetrahedral and linear
containing its ions, some of the metallic ions
in the solution will take up electrons from C. Linear, bent and tetrahedral
D. Tetrahedral, linear and bent
the metal plate and deposit themselves as
neutral atoms on the plate, which favours
the reaction? 12. Wives maximize their singleness and do
not fret over whom they would be found by,
A. The electrode or metal plate becomes
positively charged with respect to the how and when they would be found. They
solution/electrolyte trust God always and strive to please Him,
knowing assuredly that good and perfect
gifts come from Him. Wives cherish their
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be all that some men would want them to this feeling of certainty, Chike had a vague
be, but most times they turn out to be what suspicion that the house he had passed so
God wants them to the man so that he also often that day might be the wrong house
can become what God wants him to be. after all. Could an absence of two years have
blurred his memory so badly? After a few
A woman may prefer you if your parents moments' hesitation, Chike began to move
were dead, but a wife is groomed to handle towards the house and then stopped, as if
the complicated patterns of relating with her held back by an invisible hand, His attention
in-laws. Wives are not rigid, rather they are had been attracted by a girl of about twenty-
malleable, trustworthy, loving and loveable, four, who was tripping along the pavement
forgiving and forgivable, submissive and to his right. He turned and advanced towards
respected. They are almost always prepared her, and was about to call her by what he
for your ministry and are willing to stand by felt was her name when he discovered that
you at both good and had times. Remember he had made a mistake in respect to her
friends, except the woman is prepared she identity. Just as Chike turned from the girl to
cannot be a wife. The period of singleness is continue his quest, he heard voices shouting,
not just a period of waiting but more of the 'thief thief!' and saw a crowd materialize in
period of preparation and training for her seconds. At the head of this justice-impelled
man. If she's not prepared as a wife, it may rabble, was a ludicrously fat woman who, in
be difficult to make her one. Arise sisters, spite of her size, pounced along with the
prepare yourself; be wives and not just agility of her outburst. And as she did so, the
women for it is only when a man finds a wife surplus flesh on her podgy arms quivered.
(and not a mere woman) that he finds a 'They are all the same,' this woman
good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. screamed, addressing nobody in particular.
MARRIAGE IS ABOUT WIVES NOT WOMEN. They dress gorgeously, but underneath they
are rogues,' Again, she clapped her hands
(Adapted from Peculiar Truth, 2002) and again, there was a quivering of loose
flesh. Chike was so busily occupied with
"...but most times they turn out to be what watching the antics of this woman that he
God wants of them to the man so that he did not notice at first that the object of the
also can become what God wants him to be." venom is the girl that he had seen earlier. It
means that: was this girl that was now surrounded by the
A. Women are good advisers crowd, with many people groaning, sighing
B. God makes wives for their husbands and hissing in unison. Chike relaxed and
C. Husbands are made gods by their wives prepared to watch the drama unfolding
D. Wives help husbands fit into God's plan before him.
(Jamb 1997)
13. From the passage, when does a man find
a good thing and obtains favour from the The expression "justice-impelled" in the
lord? passage refers to the desire of the crowd to:
A. See that the case was taken before a
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language users who are generally set apart therefore mummy left me, It is well to
from standard usage by cultural group or remember that the child will react in the
geographical region. For example, Nigerian, same manner if he loses a parent by divorce,
American, Irish and British English differ separation or desertion. Death is often seen
from one another in many respects and each by the child as an impeachment and
is identifiable, yet in every case the standard therefore has little distinction from a divorce
variety approaches a single and hypothetical in which he may have an opportunity to see
classification known as International English. a parent again.
As one moves towards informality and away
from the observance of strict rules, emphasis The passage emphasizes:
falls on the difference between dialects. In A. A child growing up in ignorance
addition to American English being B. Our unconscious mind
distinguishable from British English, it is also C. A child's inability to distinguish between
true that British English is not uniform within dream and reality
the United Kingdom. The level of formality is D. Illogical dreams
determined by education and aspiration
while dialects vary from region to region. 8. ____ is the owner of this pair of scissors?
A. Who
One characteristics of a dialect as mentioned B. Whom
in the passage is___ C. Which
A. Informality D. Whose
B. Possession of various forms
C. Distinction from British English 19. This____ be Asawo’s handwriting. I
D. Restricted area of usage know his handwriting well enough.
A. May
16. Identify the sentence with the wrong B. Will
punctuation mark. C. Ought
A. He doesn't know the answer, does he? D. Can't
D. Predicate adjective C. ₦80.00
D. ₦125.00
23. In the sentence "My rather, who is
standing over them by the wall is a VERY 29. Find the length of an arc of a circle
good dancer", the capitalized word is an having radius 66cm and subtends and angle
example of___ of 60˚ at the circle center.
A. An adverb A. 5.6
B. A coordinating conjunction B. 6.7
C. An adjective C. 5.8
D. An indefinite pronoun D. 6.9
24. The sentence "The student didn't know 30. X varies directly as the square of Y and
the rules until they were explained to him", inversely as P, when y = 5, x =8 and P = 10.
contains ___ Find the value of when y = 3 and P = 1/3
A. Coordinating conjunction A. 28.8
B. Subordinating conjunction B. 86.4
25. The lengths of the parallel sides of a 31. A university lecturer earns ₦60,000 per
trapezium are 9cm and 12cm. if the area of month. He pays tax of 10kobo on every
the trapezium is 105cm2, find the naira he earns. Calculate his net income.
perpendicular distance between the parallel A. ₦54,000
lines. B. ₦67,000
A. 5cm C. ₦22,000
B. 7cm D. ₦72,000
C. 10cm
D. 15cm 32. The score of a student in five courses are
A. 1
11 A. 7/11
B. 1 B. 11/23
11 C. 7/100
24 D. 7/10
2 41. Calculate the force acting on an electron
of charge 1.6 x 10-19C placed in an electric
35. ¾ of a class of 32 students study English
field intensity 108Vm−1.
and 3/8 study mathematics. Every student
A. 1.6 x 10−11N
studies at least one of these subjects. What
B. 1.6 x 10−14N
fraction of the class study mathematics but
C. 1.6 x 10−16N
not English?
D. 1.0 x 10−16N
A. ¼
B. 5/8
42. A body of mass 400g is whirled in a
C. 3/8
vertical of radius 2m at a steady rate of
D. 8/9
2rev/s. find its centripetal force.
A. 160N
36. Water flows through a 3cm diameter
B. 102N
pipe at the rate of 3 meters/second.
C. 320N
How many cm3 of water flow through the
D. 252N
pipe in one second?
A. 450 cm3/S
43. Find the SUM of 7th terms of the G.P 12,
B. 900 cm3/S
6, 3……….
C. 225 cm3/S
A. 23.76
D. 2121 cm3/S
B. 27.36
C. 26.73
37. The product of two numbers is 12. The
D. 23.81
sum of the larger number and twice the
25. C 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. A
A. 105J
B. 104J
32. A 33. – 34. B 35. A 36. D 37. A 38. B
C. 103J
D. 102J
39. C 40. D 41. A 42. D 43. D 44. D 45. A
47. Evaporation is affected by EXCEPT___
46. A 47. D 48. B 49. A 50. D
A. Wind and air dryness
B. The liquid's nature
C. Temperature
D. The freeness of the liquid Download More Free Past
Questions From
48. To reduce heat loss in transformer, ____
A. The number of turns shot he increased
B. The soft iron core should be laminated
C. The area of the coils in t soft iron core
should increased
D. All of the above
of 2secs.
A. 25W
B. 50W
C. 5W
D. 100W
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D. Doesn't he? D. 2 hours
2. The score of a student in five courses are 7. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
given as 70, 75, x, 80, 90. If the mean of word or group of words, correct word or
the students' score is 78, find the value of x. group of words, from the options lettered A-
A. 75 D.
B. 85
C. 95 This is not your book, it is___
D. 120 A. Johns
B. John's
3. The marks obtained by students in C. John's own
mathematics test are given below 1, 3, 2, D. For John's
23, 4, 1, 5, 10, 11, 9, 8, 12, 14. If A is the
mean and B is the median, then calculate 8. From the option lettered A-E, choose the
A + B. one that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the
A. 11.67 word written in capital letters.
B. 12.85
C. 10.57 Our school prefect is too OFFICIOUS and we
D. 15.56 all hate him because of his behaviour.
A. Efficient
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D. Was given A. does he?
B. Has he?
13. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct C. Hadn't he?
word or group of words from the options D. Hasn't he?
lettered A-D.
19. From the options lettered A-D, choose
When two or more independent clauses are the one that BEST INTERPRETS the
joined together by using a co-ordinating expression written in capital letters.
conjunction, the type of sentence is referred
to as ___ The senior prefect had to CARRY THE CAN
A. Simple sentence because he refused to identify the culprit.
B. Compound sentence A. Dispose the can of refuse
C. Compound-complex sentence B. Accept responsibility
D. Simple-compound sentence C. Be made one of the scapegoats
D. Bear the brunt
14. In the sentence "He listed HIMSELF in
the directory", the capitalized word is an 20. A carton of hard drinks containing 20
example of ____ bottles or Guider, 15 bottles of Star and 5
A. Relative pronoun bottles of Harp. What is the probability of not
B. Personal pronoun choosing any of the bottles from the
D. Reflexive pronoun 28. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
word or group of words, from the option
23. The probability of three events A, B, C lettered A-D.
happening are 1/2, 2/3, 1/4. Find the
probability that event A and C only occur. The sentence "Ireland is MUCH BETTER". The
A. 2/11 capitalized phrase is correctly classified
B. 3/11 as___
C. 1/12 A. A comparative adverb
D. 1/8 B. Positive adverb
C. Superlative adverb
24. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct D. Accumulative adverb
word or group of words, from the options
lettered A-D. 29. From the options lettered A-D, choose
the one that is NEAREST IN MEANING to the
Every community from time immemorial word(s) ‘written in capital letters.
must have had _____ known and respected
for their ability to guide and ____ younger His ANTIPATHY to religious ideas makes him
members of their community towards the unpopular.
____ of the desired goals of their group. A. Remedy
A. Teachers/direct/attainment B. Consciousness
B. Priests/follow/enforcement C. Hostility
C. Fathers/flog/creating D. Perceptiveness
D. Coaches/frustrate/achievement
30. A student travelled for x hours at 5km/hr
25. A girl is 6 years younger than her and for y hours at 10km/hr. The journey was
brother. The product of their ages is 135. 35km altogether, find x and y if the average
Find their ages. speed of the journey was 7km/hr.
A. 15 years, 6 years A. 3hrs, 3hrs
26. 1f a:b = 6:5, Find the value of 31. In a poll, it was noticed that 22 people
(4a + 6b 4a
/3a − b) ÷ ( /5b) read biology text books and 37 people read
A. -73 physics text books. If 45 people read either
or biology text books, find the probability of
B. 73
C. -7.03 the people who read both to books i.e.
D. 7.03 physics and biology.
A. 14/45
B. 15/45
The word written in capital letters in the 32. From the option A-D, choose the one
sentence "You have to put it IN their food", that is OPPOSITE IN MEANING to the
is an example of___ word(s) with the words written in capital
A. A coordinating conjunction letters.
B. A subordinating conjunction
C. An indefinite pronoun She is a PROUD Girl
D. A preposition A. Arrogant
B. Stubborn
C. Humble
D. Rude
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34. From the options lettered A-E, choose at the rate of 60 pages per hour, in the
the one that BEST INTERPRETS the word(s) evening, when he is tired, he reads another
written in capital letters. 100 pages at the rate of 40 pages per hour.
What was his average rate of reading fa the
The discussion became ANIMATED. day?
A. Specialized A. 45
B. Lively B. 48
C. Intellectual C. 50
D. Unruly D. 55
35. If the length of a square is increased by 40. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
20% while its width is decreased by 20% to word or group of words, from the options
form a rectangle, what is the ratio of the lettered A-D.
area of the rectangle to the area of the
square? In the sentence "We ATTENDED the seminar
A. 6:5 together", the capitalized word is an example
B. 23:24 of ____
C. 5:6 A. Preposition
D. 24:25 B. Auxiliary verb
C. Modal verb
36. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct D. Main verb
word from the options lettered A-D.
41. A university lecturer earns ₦60,000 per
Kurile's wife is in the hospitality____ month. He pays tax of 10kobo on every
D. ₦72,000
37. From the options lettered A-U, choose
the most appropriate interpretation for the 42. From the options lettered A-D, choose
statement below. the one that best interprets the expression
written in capital letters.
The opposition party is merely making a
mountain out of a molehill by insisting that All we need, is a CONCERTED EFFORT to
the President resigns. This means that the combat the epidemic.
opposition is____ A. Persistent
A. Defending the president B. Dramatic
B. Exaggerating the situation C. Joint
C. Going mountaineering D. Concentrated
D. Suspecting the president
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A. 23.76 marbles. The number of red marbles is 4/5,
B. 27.36 the number of white ones and the number of
C. 26.73 white ones is 3/4. If there are 470 marbles,
D. 23.81 how many of them arc blue?
A. 184
45. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct B. 150
word or group of words, from the option C. 200
lettered A-D. D. 120
In the sentence, "The girl AT THE GATE saw ANSWERS TO UNIPORT 2012/2013
me". The capitalized expression is correctly POST UTME QUESTIONS
classified as:
A. An adverbial phrase 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C
B. An adjectival phrase
C. A verbal phrase 10. C 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. C
D. A noun phrase
D. Indefinite pronoun
2. From the option lettered A - D, choose the
one that BEST INTERPRETS the expression 8. Find two consecutive odd numbers whose
written in capital letters. product is 195
A. 21, 23
The senior prefect had to CARRY THE CAN B. 15, 17
because he refused to identify the culprit C. 18, 20
A. Dispose the can of refuse D. 13, 15
B. Accept responsibility
C. Be made one of the scapegoats 9. From the options lettered A-D, choose the
D. Bear the brunt word or group of words that best completes
the sentence.
3. Fill in the space(s) with the correct
question tag. My friends seemed to be having more fun
He has stopped drinking, ____ than____
A. Does he? A. I
B. Has he? B. Me
C. Hadn't he? C. Myself
D. Hasn't he? D. Them
4. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct 10. A girl is 6 years younger than her
word or group of words, from the options brother. The product of their age is 135. Find
lettered A-D. their ages
A. 15 years, 6 years
6. The second and sixth terms of a G.P are 7 12. From the option lettered A-D, choose the
and 243/18, what is their common ratio? most appropriate interpretation for the
A. 2.48 sentence below.
B. 3.68
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The mysterious death of the popular teacher 18. The probability of three events A, B, C
sparked off a wave of protests. This means happening are ½, 2/3, ¼. Find the probability
that his death____ that events A and C can only occur.
A. Caused a lot of trouble A. 2/11
B. Caused a fire outbreak B. 3/11
C. Took place amidst protests C. 1/12
D. Always try to be honest D. 1/8
13. In the afternoon, Sonny read 100 pages 19. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
at the rate of 60 pages per hour, in the group of words, from the options lettered A -
evening when he is tired, he reads another D.
100 pages at the rate of 40 pages per hour.
What was his average rate of reading for the The _____ came here last week.
day? A. Handsome tall young man
A. 45 B. Young tall handsome man
B. 48 C. Tall handsome young man
C. 50 D. Young handsome tall man
D. 55
20. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
14. What is the probability that 3 customers word or group of words from the option
waiting in a bank will be served in the lettered A-D.
sequence of their arrival at the bank?
A. 1/6 That is not your book, it is____
B. 1/3 A. Johns
C. ½ B. John's
D. 2/3 C. Johns' own
D. For John's
15. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
word or group of words, from the option 21. The statement "My father gave me this
lettered A-D watch", rewritten in the passive form
Every community from time immemorial
must have had ____ known and respected I _____ this watch by my father.
for their ability to guide and younger A. Had been given
members of their community towards the of B. Am given
the desired goals of their group. C. Were given
17. Find the sum of 70, 69, 68, …………… 21 23. Express 65 to 3 significant figures
A. 4289 A. 6500
B. 6341 B. 650
C. 3412 C. 6.500
D. 2275 D. 65
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C. 96
She is a PROUD girl. D. 69
A. Arrogant
B. Stubborn 31. Calculate the rate percent per annum at
C. Humble which ₦2200 will yield ₦2650 in 4 years.
D. Rude A. 4%
B. 21%
26. A box has 5 black balls and 7 green C. 5%
balls. Two balls are drawn from the box D. 13%
without replacement, find the probability
that both balls drawn are black, if drawn 32. From the options lettered A-D, choose
with replacement. the most appropriate interpretation for the
A. 22/43 statement below.
B. 25/144
C. 25/12.4 The opposition party is merely making a
D. 30/111 mountain out of molehill by insisting that the
28. A box contains 5 green and 7 blue flying towards each other. One is flying at
identical tennis balls. Two balls are chosen at 200 miles per hour and the other is flying at
random from the box without replacement, if 160 miles per hour. How long will it take for
the balls are chosen with replacement, find the two planes to meet?
and they are placed vertically and they have D. Unruly
uniform reducing power. The power of first,
second, third and fourth resistors are 3000, 41. From the options lettered A-D, choose
2600, 2200 and 1800 respectively. Find the the word that best completes the sentence.
power of the resistor.
A. 9500 Madam Abike turned ____ 13 bags of maize
B. %00 at the first harvest.
C. 9700 A. On
D. -9600 B. Out
C. Up
37. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct D. In
word or group of words, from the options
lettered A-D. 42. From the options lettered A-D, choose
then question that is best answered by the
When two or more independent clauses are statement containing the stressed word
joined together by using a co-ordinating which is written in CAPITAL letters.
A. Comparative adverb 43. Fill in the blank space(s) with the correct
B. Positive adverb word or group of words, from the options
C. Superlative adverb lettered A-D.
D. Accumulative adverb
The word written in capital letters in the
39. Diki drives to work in 40 minutes. She sentence "you have to put it IN their food",
take the same route to return home. If her an example of_____
average speed on her way home is half as A. A coordinating conjunction
her average speed on the trip to work, how B. A subordinating conjunction
much time does she spend driving on the C. An indefinite pronoun
round trip? D. A preposition
A. 1 hour
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various duties _____ to him. B. Many information
A. Detailed C. Sufficient information
B. Assigned D. An information
C. Prescribed
D. Enlisted ANSWERS TO UNIPORT 2014/2015 Post
46. Which of the following BEST INDICATES
a question? 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. B
A. I’ll ask him what time it is?
B. I wonder if he knows the answer to all the 10. D 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A 15. A 16. C
C. Are you the daughter of the plumber? 17. D 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. D 22. C 23. D
D. Your name is Jack?
24. B 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. B
47. James and Daniel, owners of J.D
chemicals shared their end of the year profit 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. C 36. C 37. B
B. ₦14,000
C. ₦16,000
D. ₦2.0,000
𝑣(1+ 𝑢} 𝑉
2 3 𝑊
𝑦(8𝑦−3) C. t = +
(1+ 𝑢} 𝑉
D. X = √( )
2 3 𝑊
D. +
𝑣(1+ 𝑢} 𝑉
2. A trader realizes 25x − x naira from the
sale of x bags of rice. Find the sum of bags
that will give him the maximum profit. a boy as 1.80cm. find the % error in his
A. 14 measurement.
B. 11 A. ±50%
C. 12½ B. ±27%
D. 22 C. ±18%
D. ±75%
3. P = make y the subject of the 9.If Boneri adds 2 to the numerator of a
formula. fraction, the fraction becomes 13. If he
A. y = 2x2 — 5p subtracts 3 from the denominator of the
(2𝑝+5𝑐) fraction, it becomes 3/4. What is the
B. y =
𝑝 fraction?
C. y =
3𝑝𝑥 A. 1/5
(2𝑥+5𝑐) B. 2/3
C. 3/5
D. y =
D. 4/5
4. The mean of the following numbers 2.3,
10. The time taken for a committee meeting
2.1, 0.75, 0.25, 2.8, 0.9, 15, and 15 is____
D. 1.6735
twenty-five it takes exactly 2hrs 15 minutes.
𝐾𝑅 How long will it last if there are thirty
5. When V = 𝑇
, find k when V=60, R = 25 members there?
and 7 = 20 A. 3hrs
A. 54 B. 3hrs 17mins
B. 46 C. 2hrs 19mins
C. 45 D. 1 hr 18mins
D. 48
11. Find the equation of the s.-7-aph shown
6. A note book has 145 pages and 15 of below
them have been used. What fraction of the
note remains?
A. 11/29
B. 5/29
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A. y = 2x2 — 2x + 3 18. Sir Daniel Akomah estimated that the
B. y = X2 ± 2x + 3 amount for producing a piece of furniture
C. y= x2 — 2x + 3 would be ₦7,000. He purchased the material
D. y = x2 — 2x — 3 and it amounted to ₦7,500. Calculate the
percentage error.
12. The sum of the roots of a quadratic A. 6.67%
equation is and the product of its roots is B. 7.55%
4. The quadratic equation is____ C. 9.72%
A. 2x2 + 5x + 8 = 0 D. 8.26%
B. 2x2 — 5x + 8 = 0
19. Which of the following shows the
C. 2x2 — 8x + 5 = 0
D. 2x2 + 8x — 5 = 0 emission of beta particle?
88𝑅𝑎 ⟶ 86𝑅𝑎 + 2𝐻𝑒
A. 226 222 4
13. An object moves in a straight line and B. 7𝑁 + 2𝐻𝑒 ⟶ 8𝑂 + 11𝐻
14 4 17
A. λ =
D. 187m/s 𝑓
B. λ = 2dsin 0
14. Make R the subject of the formula from C. λ =
the equation V = πL(R2) – (R – t)2 ℎ
𝑉 𝑡
D. λ =
A. R = +
2𝜋𝐿𝑡 2
𝑉2 21. To make a highly sensitive
B. R = – L2
2𝑡 2 galvanometer, _____
(𝑉 2 +2𝑡 2 )
C. R = A. The magnetic field should be made
𝜋𝐿 stronger
𝜋𝐿2 +𝑡 2
D. R = B. The number of turns of coil should be
2𝑉 large
C. The coil should have a small area
15. Factorize x + y ax — ay
D. Should be suspended so it can turn easily.
A. (x — y)(1 — a)
B. (x + y)(1 + a)
22. All these are devices that uses
C. (x + y)(1 — a)
electromagnet in its mode of operation
D. (x — y)(1 + a)
A. Cell phone
B. Transformers
C. Microphone
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C. XL =
24. The emitted energy from a radiation is D. XL =
what form?
A. Continuous energy 30. What is the energy requirement of
B. Discrete packets of energy another energy level from the energy level of
C. Scattered form of energy -3.7eV, if wavelength is 2.1 x 10-7m?
D. None of the above [take c = 3.0 x 108m/s, 1eV = 1.6 x 10-19J, h
= 6.6 x 10-34]
25. A silicon material is doped with an A. 5eV
element of a certain group and an n-type B. 6eV
semi-conductor is formed. The most likely C. 10eV
group of the element is____ D. 8eV
A. I
B. II 31. Maximum current is obtained in a series
C. III RLC circuit when the
D. V
I. total reactance is zero
II. impedance is equal to the resistance
26. Which of these type of galvanometer III. capacitive reactance is equal to the
converts electrical energy to sound? inductive reactance
A. Avometer IV. circuit is in resonance
D. I, II III and IV
27. The equations in the options represents
Einstein photoelectric equation EXCEPT 32. A current of 21A is passed through a
A. 𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = hf – Wo 20m length of two conducting wire placed
35. A generator manufacturing company was 40. The provocation had an instantaneous
contracted to produce an a.c dynamo but effect on him.
inadvertently produced a d.c dynamo. To A. A lasting
correct the error, the____ B. An immediate
A. Armature coil should be made of C. A terrifying
aluminium D. A momentous
B. Armature coil should be made of silver E. A lasting
C. Commutator should be made of silver
D. Commutator should be replaced with 41. The sudden death of the king put paid to
rings the ambition of the minister.
A. Contributed
36. Which of the following statements are B. Rewarded
true of Isotopes? C. Benefited
I. Isotopes of an element has the same D. Terminated
properties E. Started
II. Isotopes of elements are normally
B. I and III only 42. The old woman smiled at me and walked
C. II and III only away.
D. I, II and III A. Laughed
B. Frowned
38. Kwame is pessimistic about our chances 44. The statement "the prisoners have been
of winning the trophy. released" is in the _____ tense.
A. Concerned A. Past progressive
B. Indifferent B. Present perfect
C. Happy C. Present perfect progressive
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10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. D
46. _____ compares two different things
usually using like or us.
17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. C 23. A
A. Synecdoche
B. Oxymoron 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C
C Alliteration
D. Personification 31. B 32. D 33.B 34. C 35. C 36. D 37. C
E. Simile
38. D 39. A 40. B 41. D 42. B 43. A 44. B
47. From the word lettered A - E, choose the
option that bests completes the sentence.
45. E 46. E 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. B
Though Yusuf is a much younger lawyer, you
cannot compare his eloquence ____ his
A. By Download More Free Past
Questions From
B. With
C. From
D. For
E. At
D. 1/3
2. Find the principal which amounts to
₦5,500 at simple interest in 5 years at 2% 9. if the 9th term of an A.P is live times the
per annum. 5th term, find the relationship between a
A. ₦4,700 and d.
B. ₦4,900 A. a + 3d = 0
C. ₦5,000 B. 2a + d = 0
D. ₦4,800 C. a + 2d = 0
D. 3a + 5d = 0
3. If y = cos 3x, find dy/dx.
A. −1/3sin3x 10. Simplify (3
5 2
× )÷(
B. 3sin 3x 3 6 4 15 4 27
C. -3sin 3x A. 30
D. 1/3sin3x B. 50
C. 5 2/3
4. Find the size of each exterior angle of a D. 4 1/3
regular octagon.
A. 36 11. The length a person can jump is
B. 45 inversely proportional to his weight. If a
C. 51 20kg person can jump 1.5m, find the
constant of proportionality.
D. 40
A. 15
5. Find the number of ways or selecting B. 60
subjects from 12 subjects for an C. 30
examination. D. 20
A. 495
B.498 12. A sector of a circle has an area of 55
C. 490 cm2, If the radius of the circle is 10cm,
A. 184
B. 150 21. A perfect emitter or absorber of radiant
C. 200 energy is a
D. 120 A. conductor
B. Black body
16. On a fairly cool rainy day when the C. Red body
temperature is 20˚C, the length of a steel D. White body
rail road track is 20cm. What will be its
length on a hot dry day when the 22. In a discharge tube, most of the gas is
temperature is 40˚C? pumped out so that electricity is conducted
[Coefficient of linear expression of steel = at___
11 x 10-6K-1] A. high pressure
A. 20.009m B. low pressure
B.20.004m C. Low voltage
C. 20.013m D. steady voltage
D. 20.002m
from a copper compound.
[Cu = 64, F = 96500 Cmol-1] 35. If the electron configuration of an
A. 30156.3 element is 1s22s22p5, how many unpaired
B. 60784.5 electrons are there?
C. 15196.5 A. 2
D. 32395.5 B. 5
C. 1
29. mass of silver deposited when a current D. 4
of 10A is passed through a solution of silver
salt for 4830s is___ 36. Oxygen in air can be removed using___
A. 27.0g A. slaked lime
B. 108.0g B. caustic soda solution
C. 13.5g C. lime water
D. 54.0g D. pyrogallol solution
30. On heating, which of the following 37. A common charlatanistic of copper and
compound will decompose to the free metal, silver in their usage as coinage metals is that
nitrogen (IV) oxide and oxygen? they____
A. AgNO3 A. are easily oxidized
B. Cu(NO3)2 B. are not easily oxidized
31. The general formula of haloalkanes 38. The woman won't have lived through the
C. smoothened/off
40. One advantage of the English language D. smoothed/down
in Nigeria is that it puts everyone _____
a common_____ 43. In the mammalian male reproductive
A_ in/standing system, the part that serves as a passage for
B. in/advantage both urine and semen is the____
C. on/footing A. bladder
D. at/equality B. ureter
C. seminal vesicle
41. The scholar examined _____, of the D. urethra
A. three-part analysis 49. In which part of the human body does
B. a three-part analysis the secretion of the growth hormone occur?
C. three a part analysed A. Waist region
D. a part- three analysis B. Gonads
C. Neck region
42. Lima doesn't like working in the dark, D. Head region
A. Did she 50. The most effective method of dealing
B. has she with non-biodegradable pollutants is by____
C. will she A. dumping
D. Does she B. burying
C. incineration
43. When Ajike met her ____ husband at the D. recycling.
party, she felt like reconciling with him.
B. strange
C. loving 2017/2018 POST UTME
D. estranged QUESTIONS
44. Instead of _____, she lied. 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. A
A. her to plead
45. I missed the match though it was shown 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. D
on television on two ____ nights.
A. concurrent 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. C 36. D
B. consistent