UNREQUITED LOVE Unrequited lovers have always enjoyed a special kind of attention and sympathy from our society. We mostly never worry about how uncomfortable unrequited love is, for the rejecter. A MESSAGE FOR UNREQUITED LOVERS Don’t let your insecurities get the better of you. Desperation is an ugly little thing that can damage relationships. Desperation will drive potential dates away. Being confident and independent, prioritizing, and doing what’s best for you will pay off. Be proud of who you are and don’t change yourself for someone just to get another date. Be honest with him and yourself. Confidence, however, is a proven trait that will get you more dates and will make you happier in many other aspects of life aside from dating. Confident people are less likely to be in unrequited love. Perhaps your beloved has a fear of commitment or this simply isn’t the right one. We all want someone to share life’s sorrows and joys day in and day out. If this person can’t do it, we need someone who will. Perhaps there is something more troubling such as narcissism or a personality disorder that you have not thought about yet. Too often people hold out hope that the person will change, see the error of their ways, go to counseling, and come back to the relationship. That’s a fantasy that usually doesn’t happen. It helps to see what may be keeping you stuck and to accept that it’s not changing any time soon. It’s time to let that one go. A person who walks out or puts you on hold or wants you only as a friend, is not that person. Anyone who has rejected you in any way, for any reason, is not for you. THE FLAWS OF UNREQUITED LOVE When we are able to give our love freely, when just to love someone feels like appreciation of self, without any strings attached; that is the state of loving detachment. It is very important for unrequited lovers to understand this form of love, because if you are able to love with detachment, the one-way love will not have as much negative impact on you. If you are able to love the unavailable object like we love the beauty of the setting sun, knowing that this beauty belongs to nature and we can only watch it, and let it have the calming effect on, without expecting anything else, then unrequited love does not encumber you. It does not pull energy from you. It simply Loves. APPRECIATING UNREQUITED LOVE If you are the one who fell and fell hard, there is nearly nothing worse than unrequited love. Things may seem grim, I’m not going to lie, and it feels like the world just tipped off of its axis and sent you hurdling, but there is hope and there is healing, after the pain. We have all felt it before, that hole in our chest that seethes with pain as you realize the object of your affection, the one you’ve bared your heart and soul to, does not return the feeling. UNREQUITED LOVE AND SELF-REALISATION Unrequited love is difficult to sort out, and confusing. I know. But trust me, you are not the only one who is going through unrequited love. Perhaps, there are more people in unrequited love in this world than in a complete, reciprocal relationship. While it is certainly going to take time, breaking the recovery process down into small, manageable parts will enable you to look at all of the pieces and find out exactly why you are suffering. Love Unrequited
Just because you know that there is something like a soul companion, don’t start imagining that your beloved can become your soul companion.