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Doc. No.

: QM-01
Quality Manual (Section No.:07)
Rev. No.:00/01.07.22
Subject: Support Page: 1 of 4

7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines and provides the resources needed for the
establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality
management system. Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. considers:
a) The capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal resources;
b) What needs to be obtained from external providers?
At present Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. gets calibration, purchasing of raw material from
external service providers.
7.1.2 People
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines and provides the person necessary for effective
implementation of its Quality Management System and for the operations and control of its
Refer Procedure for training (Doc. No. PR.07)
7.1.3 Infrastructure
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. has determines, provides and maintains the infrastructure for the
operation of its processes to achieve conformity of products and services.
Refer Procedure for Total Productive Maintenance (Dc. No. PR.26) Plant, facility, and equipment planning
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. uses a multidisciplinary approach including risk identification and risk
mitigation methods for developing and improving plant, facility, and equipment plans. In
designing plant layouts, Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd.:
a) optimizes material flow, material handling and value-added use of floor space including
control of nonconforming product, and
b) Facilitate synchronous material flow.
Refer procedure for new part development (Doc. No. PR.12) which also covers methodology
adopted to conduct manufacturing feasibility for new product or new operations.
Manufacturing feasibility assessments include capacity planning for whenever any enquiry is
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. maintains process effectiveness including periodic revalidation, to
incorporate any changes made during process approval, control plan maintenance and
verification of job set ups.
Assessments of manufacturing feasibility and evaluation of capacity planning are inputs to
management reviews.
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines, provides and maintains the environment necessary for
the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services which
includes social, psychological and physical factors. Environment for the operation of processes - supplemental
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. shall maintain its premises in a state of order, cleanliness, and repair
that is consistent with the product and manufacturing process needs.

Prepared by:- Approved by:-

Doc. No.: QM-01
Quality Manual (Section No.:07)
Rev. No.:00/01.07.22
Subject: Support Page: 2 of 4

7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources General
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines and provides the resources needed to ensure valid and
reliable results when monitoring or measuring is used to verify the conformity of products
and services to requirements.
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. ensures that the resources provided:
a) Are suitable for the specific type of monitoring and measurement activities being
b) Are maintained to ensure their continuing fitness for their purpose.
Refer ‘Procedure for Control of monitoring and measuring resources (Doc. No.: PR.08)’ Measurement System Analysis
GRR studies (Average & Range method) are conducted to analyze the variation present in
the results of each type of inspection, measurement, and test equipment system identified in
the control plan. The analytical methods and acceptance criteria used shall confirm to those
in reference manuals on measurement systems analysis.
The documented information of MSA Plan (F/QA/16) and GRR Record (F/QA/17) is
maintained. Calibration verification records Measurement traceability Calibration/verification records
Refer ‘Procedure for Control of monitoring and measuring resources (Doc. No.: PR.08) Laboratory requirements

7. internal laboratory

Organization's internal laboratory facility has defined scope (Doc. No.: ML-11) that includes
its capability to perform the required inspection tests. External laboratory
External laboratories facilities used for inspection, test, or calibration services by Stefen
Electric Pvt. Ltd. have a defined laboratory scope and are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 or
national equivalent and include the relevant inspection, test, or calibration service in the
scope of the accreditation (certificate). It is ensured that the certificate of calibration or
test report include the mark of a national accreditation body logo.
7.1.6 Organizational knowledge
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines the knowledge necessary for the operation of its
processes and to achieve conformity of products and services. This knowledge is maintained,
and made available to the extent necessary. When addressing changing needs and trends,
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. considers its current knowledge and determines how to acquire or
access the necessary additional knowledge.

Prepared by:- Approved by:-

Doc. No.: QM-01
Quality Manual (Section No.:07)
Rev. No.:00/01.07.22
Subject: Support Page: 3 of 4

7.2 Competence
Refer ‘Procedure for Training (Doc. No.: PR.08)’

7.2.1 Competence -- supplemental

Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. has established and maintained a documented procedure for
identifying training needs including awareness and achieving competence of all personnel
performing activities affecting conformity to product and process requirements. Personnel
performing specific assigned tasks are qualified, as required, with particular attention to
the satisfaction of customer requirements.
Refer procedure for Training (PR.08) for same.
7.2.2 Competence - on-the-job training
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. provides on-the-job training (which includes customer requirements
training) for personnel in any new or modified responsibilities affecting conformity to quality
requirements, internal requirements, regulatory or legislative requirements; this includes
contract or agency personnel. The level of detail required for on-the-job trainings are
commensurate with the level of education the personnel possess and the complexity of the
task(s) they are required to perform for their daily work. Persons whose work can affect
quality are informed about the consequences of nonconformity to customer requirements.
Refer procedure for Training (PR.08) for same.
7.2.3 Internal auditor competency
The documented information for auditor competence criteria is maintained in procedure for
auditor competency (Doc. No. PR.05). Maintenance and improvement of internal auditor
competence, the record of competence evaluation is maintained format no: (ML.08) ‘Internal
auditor competence matrix’.
7.2.4 Second-party auditor competency
Refer procedure for auditor competency (Doc. No. Pr.05)
7.3 Awareness & 7.3.1 Awareness-Supplemental
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. ensures that persons doing work under Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd.’s
control are aware of:
a) the quality policy;
b) relevant quality objectives;
c) their contribution to the effectiveness of the quality management system, including the
benefits of improved quality performance;
d) the implications of not conforming with the quality management system requirements.
7.3.2 Employee Motivation and Empowerment
Refer procedure for Employee motivation & empowerment (Doc. No. PR.29)
7.4 Communication
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines the internal and external communications relevant to the
quality management system including:
a) On what it will communicate;
b) When to communicate;

Prepared by:- Approved by:-

Doc. No.: QM-01
Quality Manual (Section No.:07)
Rev. No.:00/01.07.22
Subject: Support Page: 4 of 4

c) With whom to communicate;

d) How to communicate.
7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General & Quality management system documentation
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd.’s quality management system includes four-level document structure
as under:-
Level 1. The Quality manual including Quality policy and Quality objectives.
Level 2. Procedures.
Level 3. Work instructions, Master lists, Standards, Quality plan etc.
The quality manual include, at a minimum, the following:
7.5.2 Creating and updating, 7.5.3 Control of documented Information, &
Refer procedure for control of documents & records (Doc. No. PR.15) Record retention
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. defines document, and implement a record retention policy. The
same is defined in Master list of Formats. The control of records satisfies statutory,
regulatory, Organizational and customer requirements.
Production part approvals, tooling records (including maintenance and ownership),
product and process design records, or contracts and amendments are retained for the
length of time that the product is active for production and service requirements, plus
one calendar year unless otherwise specified by the customer or regulatory agency. Engineering specifications
Refer procedure for engineering changes (Doc. No. PR.22)

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