: QM-01
Quality Manual (Section No.:07)
Rev. No.:00/01.07.22
Subject: Support Page: 1 of 4
7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines and provides the resources needed for the
establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the quality
management system. Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. considers:
a) The capabilities of, and constraints on, existing internal resources;
b) What needs to be obtained from external providers?
At present Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. gets calibration, purchasing of raw material from
external service providers.
7.1.2 People
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines and provides the person necessary for effective
implementation of its Quality Management System and for the operations and control of its
Refer Procedure for training (Doc. No. PR.07)
7.1.3 Infrastructure
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. has determines, provides and maintains the infrastructure for the
operation of its processes to achieve conformity of products and services.
Refer Procedure for Total Productive Maintenance (Dc. No. PR.26) Plant, facility, and equipment planning
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. uses a multidisciplinary approach including risk identification and risk
mitigation methods for developing and improving plant, facility, and equipment plans. In
designing plant layouts, Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd.:
a) optimizes material flow, material handling and value-added use of floor space including
control of nonconforming product, and
b) Facilitate synchronous material flow.
Refer procedure for new part development (Doc. No. PR.12) which also covers methodology
adopted to conduct manufacturing feasibility for new product or new operations.
Manufacturing feasibility assessments include capacity planning for whenever any enquiry is
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. maintains process effectiveness including periodic revalidation, to
incorporate any changes made during process approval, control plan maintenance and
verification of job set ups.
Assessments of manufacturing feasibility and evaluation of capacity planning are inputs to
management reviews.
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. determines, provides and maintains the environment necessary for
the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services which
includes social, psychological and physical factors. Environment for the operation of processes - supplemental
Stefen Electric Pvt. Ltd. shall maintain its premises in a state of order, cleanliness, and repair
that is consistent with the product and manufacturing process needs.
7.2 Competence
Refer ‘Procedure for Training (Doc. No.: PR.08)’