Factory Talk View Studio
1. Create the ladder program for Industrial Oven as
2. Define a DINT value as program tag with name “BIT”
3. Include BIT.0 as a parallel Remote Start XIC (See attached ladder
4. Include BIT.1 as a series Remote Stop XIC (See attached ladder
5. Toggle the values of BIT.0 as open and BIT.1 as closed.
6. Down load and run the ladder program in RS5000
14. Right click on the first application name, select Add New Server and
select the Rockwell Automation Device Server (RSLinx Enterprise)
15. Under RSLinx Enterprise Server Properties accept with „OK‟
19. In the Device Shortcuts box: Click in the “Add” button and type a
name for the New_Shortcut giving it the selected name “Link “.
20. In Primary Box: Scroll down under the EtherNet connection until you
get to your OWN local PLC slot 0 location.
21. Both your shortcut name and the ethernet location should be
highlighted indicating the primary path you have selected.
22. Click “Apply” and accept by clicking “Yes”
23. You can Verify your path by clicking on”Verify”
24. Click on OK to accept the Communication Setup as configured
Update Rate: Locate under Edit > Display Settings > At the bottom
on box you can type value under “Maximum Tag Update Rate”
25. Set update rate of screen to 0.05 sec.
30. Move to the Display Screen. Click on the point in the screen you wish
to place the button and keep the left click button down (ON). Start to
draw the button, hold click down and release the button when the
rectangle has been sized to your design. A coloured rectangle should
appear on your display.
31. Double click on the rectangle to edit the properties of the button:
32. General: Can edit appearance (Keep current selection), Select here
Normally Open or Closed button setting (Select Normally Open) and
Hold time (Keep current selection).
33. States: Select State0, Select Green Back colour, Black Border, In
Caption type “START”
Select State1, Select Red Back colour, Black Border, In Caption type
Select Error, Select Yellow Back colour, Black Border, In Caption
type “START”
34. Common: Leave unchanged
35. Connections: Find the path to the required tag through setup in this
Double click on the three dots on the Value line.
Scroll down under OVEN> Link > Online > Program:MainProgram
Select and High light the Program:MainProgram Folder
36. You can now select in the right hand box the variable you are
interested in, for example by clicking on “BIT”.
Notice also the other variable that are available DIN or DOUT or in
the folders below Program:MainProgram Folder Timer1 and Timer2
37. Double click on the Value line where the BIT tag is displayed, and
you should be able to edit the path to point to the exact bit that you
require. A blinking line appears at the end of the bracket “ }| ”. You
can move this line to where you can edit your text.
38. In our case the required START bit is BIT.0 which has to be modified
by typing in the “.0” of the tag.
41. In this case the required STOP bit is BIT.1 which has to be modified
by typing in the “.1” of the tag.
43. Move to the Display Screen. Click on the point in the screen you wish
to place the rectangle and keep the left click button down (ON). Draw
the lined box, hold click down and release the button when the
rectangle has been sized to your design. A coloured rectangle should
appear on your display.
44. Right Click on the coloured Rectangle and select Animation, Colour
48. By clicking on the START Button you should be able to start the oven
with the Fan and Horn energized. After 10 seconds the Horn should
switch OFF and the Heater should be energized. By clicking STOP
the Heater should be switched OFF immediately and after 10
seconds the Fan should switch OFF.
49. Save your Display program by selecting and clicking on the save
button and give the display a name for example MAIN.
50. Close your application by selecting File > Close Application.
For applications in the P202 lab you should use the F: directory as
permanent memory space and also save to your own memory stick.