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Internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor–Functional block diagram

Instruction set-Addressing modes - Classification of instructions - Status flags.

Machine cycles and T states – Fetch and execute cycles- Timing diagram for instruction and data

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1.1 8085 Microprocessor
Features of 8085:
➢ It is an 8 bit microprocessor.
➢ It is manufactured with N-MOS technology.
➢ It has 16-bit address bus and hence can address up to = 65536 bytes (64KB) memory
locations through A0-A15.
➢ It has 8-bit data bus.
➢ It supports external interrupt request.
➢ It requires a signal +5V power supply and operates at 3.2 MHZ single phase clock.
➢ It is enclosed with 40 pins, DIP (Dual in line package).

Architecture of 8085

Figure 1.2 Internal architecture of 8085

The architecture of 8085 is shown in figure 1.2. The internal architecture of 8085 includes the ALU,
register array, timing and control unit, instruction register and decoder, interrupt control and serial
I/O control.


Functions of ALU:
➢ It performs arithmetic operations like ; addition, subtraction, increment, etc.
➢ It performs logical operations like ; AND ing, OR ing, X-OR ing, NOT etc.
➢ It accepts operands from accumulator and temporary register.

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➢ It stores the result in accumulator.
➢ It provides states of result to the flag register.

Register Array:

1. General Purpose Registers:

➢ The 8085/8080A has six general-purpose registers to store 8-bit data; these are identified as
B,C,D,E,H, and L.
➢ They can be combined as register pairs - BC, DE, and HL - to perform some 16-bit operations.
➢ The temporary registers W and Z are intended for internal use of the processor and it cannot
be used by the programmer.

2. Accumulator:
➢ The accumulator is an 8-bit register that is a part of arithmetic/logic unit (ALU). This register
is used to store 8-bit data and to perform arithmetic and logical operations.
➢ The result of an operation is stored in the accumulator.
➢ The accumulator is also identified as register A.

3. Flag Register/ Status Flags:

➢ Flag is a flip-flop which changes its status according to the result stored in the
➢ Flag register is also known as status register.
➢ 8085 has an 8-bit Flag register with 5 active flags. They are called Zero (Z), Carry (CY),
Sign (S), Parity (P), and Auxiliary Carry (AC) flags.
➢ The bit position of the flip flop in flag register is:

Sign Flag- If D7 of the result is 1 then sign flag is set otherwise reset. As we know that a
number on the D7 always decides the sign of the number.

Zero Flag (Z)-If the result stored in an accumulator is zero then this flag is set otherwise it is

Auxiliary carry Flag (AC)-If any carry goes from D3 to D4 in the result, then it is set otherwise
it is reset.

Parity Flag (P)-If the no of 1's in the result stored in the accumulator is even, then it is set
otherwise it is reset for the odd.

Carry Flag (C)-If the result stored in an accumulator generates a carry in its final output then
it is set otherwise it is reset.

4. Program Counter (PC):

➢ This is a 16-bit register used to hold the address of the next instruction to be executed.

➢ When a byte (machine code) is being fetched, the program counter is incremented by
one to point to the next memory location.

5. Stack Pointer (SP):

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➢ The stack pointer is also a 16-bit register used as a memory pointer.
➢ It points to a memory location in R/W memory, called the stack.
➢ The beginning of the stack is defined by loading 16-bit address in the stack pointer.

6. Instruction Register (IR):

➢ It is a 8-bit register. An instruction fetched from memory is temporarily stored in
Instruction Register before decoding.
➢ The register is not accessible to user.
➢ Instruction register holds the opcode of instruction that is to be decoded and executed.

Instruction Decoder:

➢ Instruction decoder takes bits stored in the instruction register and decodes it and tells to
CPU what it need to do for it and enable the components for the operation.
➢ Simply, instruction decoder is like a dictionary. It tells the meaning of the instruction.

Timing and Control Unit:

➢ It provides timing and control signal to the microprocessor to perform the various
➢ It has three control signals. It controls all external and internal circuits.
➢ It operates with reference to clock signal.
➢ It synchronizes all the data transfers.

Serial Input Output Control:

➢ There are two pins in this unit. This unit is used for serial data communication.

Interrupt Unit:

➢ Interrupt is a mechanism by which an I/O or an instruction can suspend the normal

execution of processor and get itself serviced.
➢ There are 6 interrupt pins in this unit. Generally an external hardware is connected to
these pins.
➢ These pins provide interrupt signal sent by external hardware to microprocessor and
microprocessor sends acknowledgement for receiving the interrupt signal.

1.2 Instructions
➢ An instruction is a command to the microprocessor to perform a given task on a specified data.
Each instruction has two parts: one is task to be performed, called the operation code (op-
code), and the second is the data to be operated on, called the operand.

Instruction Set Classification:

➢ The entire group of instructions is called the instruction set.
➢ These instructions can be classified into the following five functional categories: data transfer
(copy) operations, arithmetic operations, logical operations, branching operations, and
machine-control operations.

1. Data Transfer (Copy) Instructions:

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➢ This group of instructions copy data from a location called a source to another location called a
destination, without modifying the contents of the source.
➢ The various types of data transfer (copy) are listed below together with examples of each type:

2. Arithmetic Instructions
These instructions perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
increment, and decrement.
➢ Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register or the contents of a memory location can be
added to the contents of the accumulator and the sum is stored in the accumulator.
➢ No two other 8-bit registers can be added directly (e.g., the contents of register B cannot be
added directly to the contents of the register C).
➢ Eg:- ADD B,ADI 09

➢ Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or the contents of a memory location can be
subtracted from the contents of the accumulator and the results stored in the
➢ The subtraction is performed in 2's compliment, and the results if negative, are expressed in
2's complement. No two other registers can be subtracted directly.
➢ Eg:- SUB C, SBI 08

➢ The 8-bit contents of a register or a memory location can be incremented or decrement by 1.
Similarly, the 16-bit contents of a register pair (such as BC) can be incremented or decrement
by 1.
➢ Eg:- INR D, DCR D
3. Logical Instructions
These instructions perform various logical operations with the contents of the accumulator.
AND, OR Exclusive-OR: -
➢ Any 8-bit number, or the contents of a register, or of a memory location can be logically ANDed,
ORed, or Exclusive-ORed with the contents of the accumulator.
➢ The results are stored in the accumulator.
➢ Eg:- ANA D, ORA C
➢ Each bit in the accumulator can be shifted either left or right to the next position.
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➢ Any 8-bit number or the contents of a register, or a memory location can be compared for
equality, greater than, or less than, with the contents of the accumulator.
Eg:- CMP B, CPI 08

➢ The contents of the accumulator can be complemented. All 0s are replaced by 1s and all 1s are
replaced by 0s.
Eg:- CMA
4. Branching Instructions
This group of instructions alters the sequence of program execution either conditionally or
➢ Conditional jumps are an important aspect of the decision-making process in the
➢ These instructions test for a certain conditions (e.g., Zero or Carry flag) and alter the program
sequence when the condition is met.
Eg:- JC address ,JNC address, JZ address
➢ In addition, the instruction set includes an instruction called unconditional jump.
Eg:- JMP address
Call, Return, and Restart:-
➢ These instructions change the sequence of a program either by calling a subroutine or
returning from a subroutine.
➢ The conditional Call and Return instructions also can test condition flags.
Eg:- CALL address, RET

5. Machine Control Instructions

These instructions control machine functions such as Halt, Interrupt, or do nothing.
Eg:- i) SIM ii) RIM iii) HLT

1.3 Addressing Modes

➢ The method by which the address of source of data or the address of destination of result is
given in the instruction is called Addressing Modes.
➢ The term addressing mode refers to the way in which the operand of the instruction is
➢ Intel 8085 uses the following addressing modes:
1. Direct Addressing Mode
2. Register Addressing Mode
3. Register Indirect Addressing Mode
4. Immediate Addressing Mode
5. Implicit Addressing Mode

Immediate Addressing

➢ In immediate addressing mode, the data is specified in the instruction itself.

➢ The data will be a part of the program instruction.
➢ All instructions that have ‘I’ in their mnemonics are of Immediate addressing type.

Eg. MVI B, 3EH - Move the data 3EH given in the instruction to B register.

Direct Addressing

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➢ In direct addressing mode, the address of the data is specified in the instruction. The data will
be in memory.
➢ This type of addressing can be identified by 16-bit address present in the instruction.

Eg. LDA 1050H - Load the data available in memory location 1050H in accumulator.

Register Addressing

➢ In register addressing mode, the instruction specifies the name of the register in which the data is
➢ This type of addressing can be identified by register names (such as ‘A’, ‘B’, … ) in the instruction.
Eg. MOV A, B -Move the content of B register to A register.

Register Indirect Addressing

➢ In register indirect addressing mode, the instruction specifies the name of the register in which
the address of the data is available.
➢ Here the data will be in memory and the address will be in the register pair.
➢ This type of addressing can be identified by letter ‘M’ present in the instruction.

Eg. MOV A, M - The memory data addressed by HL pair is moved to A register.

Implied Addressing

➢ In implied addressing mode, the instruction itself specifies the type of operation and location
of data to be operated.
➢ This type of instruction does not have any address, register name, immediate data specified
along with it.
Eg. CMA - Complement the content of accumulator.

1.4 The 8085 Machine Cycles and Timings

Timing diagram:
➢ It is the graphical representation of process in steps with respect to time.
➢ The timing diagram represents the clock cycle and duration, delay, content of address bus
and data bus, type of operation ie. Read/write/status signals.


➢ T-state is the time corresponding to one clock period. It is a basic unit used to calculate
the time taken for execution of instructions and programs in a processor.

Machine Cycle:

➢ A machine cycle is the time required to complete one operation of accessing the
memory, I/O or acknowledge an external signal or request.
➢ Usually machine cycle consists of 3 to 6 T-states.
➢ The different types of machine cycle available in 8085 microprocessor are:
o Opcode Fetch
o Memory Read
o Memory write
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o I/O Read
o I/O Write
o INTR Acknowledge
o Bus Idle

Instruction Cycle:

➢ An instruction is a command given to the microprocessor to perform a specific

operation on the given data.
➢ Sequence of instructions written for a processor to perform a particular task is called a
➢ Program & data are stored in the memory.
➢ The microprocessor fetches one instruction from the memory at a time & executes it. It
executes all the instructions of the program one by one to produce the final result.
➢ The necessary steps that a microprocessor carries out to fetch an instruction &
necessary data from the memory & to execute it constitute an instruction cycle.
➢ In other words, an instruction cycle is defined as the time required completing the
execution of an instruction.
➢ An instruction cycle consists of a fetch cycle and an execute cycle. The time required to
fetch an opcode (fetch cycle) is a fixed slot of time while the time required to execute
an instruction (execute cycle) is variable which depends on the type of instruction to
be executed.

Instruction cycle(IC) = Fetch cycle(FC) + Execute cycle(EC)

1. Timing diagram of Memory Read Machine Cycle

The memory read machine cycle is executed by the processor to read a data byte from memory. The
processor takes 3 T-states to execute this cycle. The timings of various signals during memory read
cycle are shown below.

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Fig 2.1: Timing diagram of memory read machine cycle

After the falling edge of T1,

➢ The microprocessor outputs the low byte address on AD0 – AD7 lines and high byte address
on A8 to A15 lines.
➢ ALE is asserted high to enable the address latch.
➢ The other control signals are as follows
IO/M =0, S0=0, S1=1.

In the second T-state (T2),

➢ The memory is requested for read by asserting read line RD low.

➢ When read is asserted low, the memory is enabled for placing the data on the data bus.

In the third T-state T3,

➢ Data from data bus are placed into the specified register (A,B, C, etc.) and raises RD so that
memory is disabled.

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2. Memory Write Machine cycle
This cycle is used for sending data from the registers of the microprocessor to the memory. The
processor takes 3 T-states to execute this cycle. The timings of various signals during memory write
cycle are shown below.

Fig 2.2: Timing diagram of memory write machine cycle

After the falling edge of T1,

➢ The microprocessor outputs the low byte address on AD0 – AD7 lines and high byte address
on A8 to A15 lines.
➢ ALE is asserted high to enable the address latch.
➢ The other control signals are as follows
IO/M =0, S0=1, S1=0.

In the second T-state (T2),

➢ During this state the data to be written is placed on the Data bus.
➢ The write control signal WR goes low.

In the third T-state T3,

➢ The data which was placed on the data bus is now transferred to the specific memory
➢ In the middle of this state the WR goes high and disables the memory.

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3. I/O Read Machine Cycle
In the I/O operations, since the address of I/O ports is 8-bits, external latching using ALE is not
necessary. Hence in I/O operations, the address is duplicated and is available on the address bus till
the end of the machine cycle.

The I/O Read cycle is executed by the processor to read a data byte from I/O port. The processor
takes 3 T-states to execute this machine cycle. The timings of various signals during this machine
cycle are shown in figure below.

Fig 2.3: Timing diagram of I/O read machine cycle

At the falling edge of T1,

➢ The microprocessor outputs the 8 bit port address on both the low order address lines
(AD0-AD7) and high order address lines (A8 to A15).
➢ ALE is asserted high to enable the address latch. The other control signals are asserted as
IO/M =1, S0=0 and S1=1. (IO/M is asserted high to indicate I/O read operation).

In the second T-state (T2)

➢ The I/O device is requested for read by asserting read line RD low.
➢ When RD is asserted low, the I/O port is enabled for placing the data on the data bus.

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At the end of T3,

➢ The data is transferred into microprocessor. The read signal is asserted high. Other control
signals remains in the same state until the next machine cycle.

4. I/O Write Machine Cycle:

The I/O write cycle is executed by the processor to send a data byte from processor to I/O port.
The processor takes 3 T-states to execute this machine cycle. The timings of various signals during
this machine cycle are shown in figure below.

Figure 2.4 : Timing diagram of I/O write machine cycle

At the falling edge of T1,

➢ The microprocessor outputs the 8 bit port address on both the low order address lines
(AD0-AD7) and the high order address lines.
➢ ALE is asserted high to enable the address latch. The other control signals are asserted as
IO/M =1, S0=1 and S1=0. (IO/M is asserted high to indicate I/O read operation).

In the second T-state (T2)

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➢ In the falling edge of T2 the processor outputs data on AD0-AD7 lines and then request I/O
port for write operation by asserting the write control signal WR to low.

At the end of T3,

➢ The data which was placed on the data bus in the previous state is now transferred to the
I/O device.
➢ In the middle of this state the WR goes high and disables the I/O device.

5. Opcode Fetch Machine Cycle of 8085:

Each instruction of the processor has one byte opcode. The opcodes are stored in memory. The
opcode fetch machine cycle is executed by the processor to fetch the opcode from memory. Hence,
every instruction starts with opcode fetch machine cycle.

The time taken by the processor to execute the opcode fetch cycle is either 4T or 6T. In this time,
the first 3T-states are used for fetching the opcode from memory and the remaining T-states are
used for internal operations by the processor. The timings of various signals during opcode fetch
cycle is shown as:

Figure 2.5: Timing diagram of opcode fetch machine cycle

After the falling edge of T1,

➢ The microprocessor outputs the low byte address on AD0 – AD7 lines and high byte address
on A8 to A15 lines.
➢ ALE is asserted high to enable the address latch.
➢ The other control signals are as follows
IO/M =0, S0=1, S1=1.

In the second T-state (T2),

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➢ The memory is requested for read by asserting read line RD low.
➢ When read is asserted low, the memory is enabled for placing the data on the

data bus. In the third T-state T3,

➢ Data from data bus are placed into the Instruction Register and raises RD so that memory is

In the fourth T-state T4,

➢ This t-state is used for internal operations by the processor like decoding.


1. Timing Diagram for MOV A,B

The instruction MOV A,B is a 1-byte instruction. Microprocessor takes only one machine cycle (op-code
fetch) to complete instruction. Hence, hex code for MOV A,B is passed to the microprocessor.

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2. Draw the 8085 timing of execution of the 2 byte instruction MVI A, 32H (load the
accumulator with the data 32 H) store in location as follows
Memory location Machine Code Mnemonics
2000 3E MVIA,32H
2000 32


This is a 2 byte instruction so it requires 2 machine cycles to fetch the instruction

1. Op code fetch and
2. Memory read

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8085 µP Instructions

• An Instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a µP to

perform a specific function.

• The entire group of instructions, called the instruction set

determines what functions the microprocessor can perform.

• The entire 8085 Instruction set can be classified into 5

functional categories.

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Classification of 8085 Instructions

• Data Transfer Instructions

• Arithmetic Instructions

• Logic Instructions

• Branch Instructions

• Machine Control Instructions

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Data Transfer Instructions

• This group of instructions copies data from a location called

source to another location called destination without
modifying the contents of the source.

• While transferring the data, the source contents are retained

without any changes.

• Various types of data transfer operations are possible in 8085


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Types of Data Transfer Operations

Sl No Types Examples

1 Between Registers Copy content of register B into register D

Specific data byte to a

2 Load register B with data byte 33H

Between memory
3 Copy from location 2000H to register B
location and a register

Between an I/O device

4 From an Input Keyboard to the Accumulator
and Accumulator

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Arithmetic Instructions

• These instructions perform arithmetic operations

1. Addition – Can perform 8-bit and 16-bit addition. 8-bit

addition can be performed only by keeping one number in
the Accumulator. The other number can be can be stored in
any register or memory location. The sum is stored in
Accumulator. (special case – DAD instruction)

2. Subtraction – Can perform 8-bit and 16-bit subtraction. Any

8-bit number or contents of a register or the contents of a
memory location can be subtracted from the contents of
accumulator and result is stored in Accumulator.

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Arithmetic Instructions
• Subtraction in 8085 µP is performed in 2’s complement and
result, if negative, is expressed in 2’s complement.
• 2’s complement method helps to reduce hardware
requirement. It has unique representation of zero. For an n-
bit word range of numbers in this method is –(2n-1) to +(2n-1 -

• Increment/Decrement – The 8-bit contents of a register or a

memory location and a 16-bit content of a register pair can be
incremented or decremented by 1.
• Increment/Decrement instructions does not require use of
Accumulator register and can be performed in any one
register or memory location.

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Logical Instructions

• Performs logical operations with the Accumulator control

1. AND, OR, X-OR – Any 8-bit number (or contents of Reg. /

Memory) can be logically ANDed, Ored or X-Ored with
contents of Accumulator. Result stored in Accumulator.
2. Rotate – Each bit in Accumulator can be shifted either left or
right to next position.
3. Compare - Any 8-bit number (or contents of Reg. / Memory)
can be compared with contents of Accumulator (> = <)
4. Complement – The contents of Accumulator can be
complemented ( 1 0 & 0  1)

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Branching and Control Instructions
• These instructions alter the sequence of program execution
either conditionally or unconditionally

1. Jump – Conditional Jumps are decision making instructions

which checks for a certain condition (flags) and alter the
program sequence if the condition is met. It also includes an
unconditional jump instruction
2. Call, Return and Restart – These are used to change the
sequence of program by calling a subroutine or returning
from a subroutine. Generally used in unconditional manner
but can also be used conditionally.
• Control instructions are used to control machine functions
such as Halt, Interrupt or do-nothing(NOP).
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More about Instructions

• An instruction is a command given to the µP to perform a

given task on specified data.
• It has two parts
– Operation Code (Opcode) : Task to be performed
– Operand : Data to be operated on.

• The operand can be specified/given in various forms. The

different ways of specifying the operand are called the
addressing modes.
• Operands can be specified as 8-bit (or 16-bit) data, as internal
register, a memory location, an address of location or even
implicitly (hidden).

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Instruction Word Size

• Depending on the word (or byte) size the 8085 instructions

are classified into the following 3 groups.

1. 1-byte instructions

2. 2-byte instructions

3. 3-byte instructions

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1-Byte Instructions
• It includes the opcode and operand in the same byte.

• Example
Task Opcode Operand Binary Code
Copy contents of Accumulator to
MOV C,A 0100 1111 4FH
register C
Add contents of register B to contents
ADD B 1000 0000 80H
of accumulator
Complement each bit in accumulator CMA 0010 1111 2FH

• All these instructions are stored in 8-bit binary format and

require only one memory location.
• The first operand is destination and the second is source.
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2-Byte Instructions
• The first byte specifies the opcode and the second byte
specifies the operand.

• Example
Task Opcode Operand Binary Code

Load an 8-bit data (32H) into 0011 1110 3E

MVI A, 32H
Accumulator 0011 0010 32

• These instructions require two memory locations to store the

binary codes.

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3-Byte Instructions
• The first byte specifies the opcode and the following two
bytes specifies the 16-bit memory address where the operand
is stored. (In memory, first lower order address is stored)

• Example

Task Opcode Operand Binary Code
0011 1010 3AH
Load contents of Memory location
LDA 2050H 0101 0000 50H
2050H into accumulator
0010 0000 20H

• These instructions require three memory locations to store

binary codes.
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Addressing Modes
• Various ways of specifying data/operand are called addressing

• In any 8085 instruction, the programmer need to specify the

following details,

– Operation to be performed - Opcode

– Source of Data
- Operand
– Destination of Result

• While giving instructions in 8085, the operand source and

destination location need to be specified. Different ways in
which the processor identifies the source and destination of
data from an instruction are called addressing modes.

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Addressing Modes

• The various addressing modes help us to understand how

operands are identified in various instructions
• Generally, the source and destination of operands can be
– Register
– Memory Location
– 8-bit number (through instruction or input device)

• There are five addressing modes available in 8085.

• Each addressing mode will have a specific way of

providing/storing the data (operand).

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Addressing Modes

• Immediate Addressing Mode

• Direct Addressing Mode

• Register Addressing Mode

• Register Indirect Addressing Mode

• Implicit Addressing Mode

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Immediate Addressing Mode

• In this mode, data is specified with the instruction as operand.

• If the data is 8-bit, the instruction is of 2-byte and if the data is

of 16-bit, the instruction is of 3-byte.

• Example,
– MVI B, 45
– LXI H, 3050
– JMP 8004

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Direct Addressing Mode

• In this mode, the data is available in a memory location and

memory location is specified in the instruction.

• Here operand of the instruction consists of the memory

address of data

• Example,
– LDA 2050 – load contents of memory location 2050 to Accumulator
– LHLD 9500 – load contents of 16-bit memory into HL pair

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Register Addressing Mode

• In this mode, the data is available in a register and the register

is specified in the instruction.

• Here operand of the instruction consists of the source or

destination register.

• Example,
– MOV A, B

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Register Indirect Addressing Mode

• In this mode, the data is available in a memory location and

the address of the memory location is provided by the
register pair

• The operand will be the register pair

• Example
– MOV A,M – Move contents of the memory location pointed by HL pair
– LDAX B – Move contents of B-C register pair to Accumulator

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Implicit Addressing Mode

• In this mode, the operand is hidden and the data to be

processed is available within the opcode

• Example,
– CMA – Complement contents of Accumulator
– RRC – Rotate Accumulator content right by 1bit
– RLC – Rotate Accumulator content left by 1 bit

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Data Format
• Data formats provide various binary representation of decimal
numbers, letter and symbols that are required for

1. ASCII Code – 7-bit binary code that represents numbers,

letter and special characters.
2. BCD Code – Binary coded decimal system is used to
represent decimal numbers in binary form.
3. Signed Integer – Used to represent positive and negative
numbers. MSB is used to represent the sign of the number.
4. Unsigned Integer – Used to represent positive integers. All
the bits are used to represent the number

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8085 Instruction Set – Frequently Used
• There are 74 different opcodes that results in 246 instructions.
The most frequently used instructions are provided in the
following slides.

• The following notations are used in the description of

instructions :
– R – 8085 8-bit Register (A, B, C, D, E, H & L)
– M – Memory location
– Rs – Register Source
– Rd – Register Destination
– Rp – Register Pair (BC, DE, HL, SP)

• Complete instruction set is provided in the Appendix F

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Data Transfer Instructions

Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

1.1 MVI R, 8-bit MVI B, 4F Load 8- bit data in a register

Copy data from source register (Rs) to

1.2 MOV Rd, Rs MOV B, C
destination register (Rd)

1.3 LXI Rp, 16-bit LXI B, 2050 Load 16-bit number to a register pair

Send (write) data byte from A register to an

1.4 OUT 8-bit OUT 01
output device

Accept (read) data byte into A register from

1.5 IN 8-bit IN 07
an input device

Copy data into A register from the memory

1.6 LDA 16-bit LDA 2050
location specified by 16-bit address

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Data Transfer Instructions

Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

Copy data from A register into the memory location

1.7 STA 16-bit STA 2070
specified by the address

Copy the data into A register from the memory

specified by the address in the register pair

Copy the data from A register into the memory

specified by the address in the register pair

Copy the data byte into the specified register from

1.10 MOV R, M MOV B, M
the memory specified by the address in HL pair

Copy the data byte from the specified register into

1.11 MOV M,R MOV M, C
the memory specified by the address in HL pair

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Arithmetic Instructions
Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

Add contents of the specified register to the

contents of A register

2.2 ADD 8-bit ADI 37 Add the data to the contents of A register

Add the contents of memory to A register.

The memory address in HL register pair
Subtract contents of the specified register to
the contents of A register
Subtract the data to the contents of A
2.5 SUI 8-bit SUI 7F
Subtract the contents of memory to A
2.6 SUB M SUB M register. The memory address in HL register
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Arithmetic Instructions
Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

Increment the contents of the specified

Increment the contents of the memory, the
address of which is in HL pair
Decrement the contents of the specified
Decrement the contents of the memory, the
2.10 DCR M DCR M
address of which is in HL pair

2.11 INX Rp INX H Increment the contents of a register pair

2.12 DCX Rp DCX B Decrement the contents of a register pair

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Logic and Bit Manipulation Instructions

Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

Logical AND the contents of register specified with

contents of A register

3.2 ANI 8-Bit ANI 2F Logical AND 8-bit data with contents of A register

Logical AND the contents of memory with contents

of A; The memory address in HL register pair
Logical OR the contents of register specified with
contents of A register

3.5 ORI 8-bit ORI 3F Logical OR 8-bit data with contents of A register

Logical OR the contents of memory with contents

of A; The memory address in HL register pair

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Logic and Bit Manipulation Instructions
Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

X-OR the contents of register specified with

contents of A register

3.8 XRI 8-bit XRI 6A X-OR 8-bit data with contents of A register

X-OR the contents of memory with contents

of A; The memory address in HL register pair

Compare contents of register specified with

3.10 CMP R CMP B
that of A register (>= <)

Compare data with contents of A register

3.11 CPI 8-bit CPI 4F
(> = <)

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Branch Instructions
Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation
Change program sequence to specified
4.1 JMP 16-bit JMP 2050
Change program sequence to specified
4.2 JZ 16-bit JZ 2080
address if Zero flag is Set (1)
Change program sequence to specified
4.3 JNZ 16-bit JNZ 2070
address if Zero flag is reset (0)
Change program sequence to specified
4.4 JC 16-bit JC 2055
address if carry flag is Set (1)
Change program sequence to specified
4.5 JNC 16-bit JNC 2030
address if carry flag is reset (0)
Change program sequence to specified
4.6 CALL 16-bit CALL 2075
subroutine location
Return to Calling program after completing
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Machine Control Instructions

Sl. No Mnemonics Example Operation

5.1 HLT HLT Stop processing and wait

5.2 NOP NOP Do not perform any operation

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Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle and T-State
• The general operation of 8085 µP consists of sequential
execution of instructions stored in the R/W Memory.
• To differentiate opcode from data, 8085 µP assumes the first
byte of hexadecimal numbers it fetch from memory as opcode.

• The execution of each instruction requires communication

between microprocessor and memory or peripheral devices.
• The 8085 µP operations are synchronized by clock pulses and
each instruction will require certain number of clock pulses for
its execution.

• The knowledge about instruction cycle, machine cycle and T-

state is essential to determine the time required for completing
execution of an instruction or an operation in terms of clock

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Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle and T-State

• Instruction Cycle is defined as the time required to complete

the execution of an 8085 instruction.
• An instruction in 8085 µP could be 1-byte, 2-byte or 3-byte in
• Further, each instruction cycle consists of one to six
operations (parts) such as opcode fetch, read and write

• Machine Cycle is defined as the time required to complete

one operation of an instruction.

• All the instructions will have at least one operation. If an

instruction has only one operation, then the machine cycle
and instruction cycle are same.

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Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle and T-State

• T- State is defined as one sub-division of the operation

performed in one clock period.
• Each sub-division or T-state of an operation is synchronized
with the system clock and each T-state is precisely equal to
one clock period.

• The terms T-state and clock period are often used

• T-state or clock period is taken as the basic unit of operation
time in 8085 µP.

• Execution of each operation or machine cycle will require

specific number of T-states or clock period.

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8085 µP Operations or Machine Cycles
• Execution of each 8085 µP instruction, requires performing
various operations such Memory Read/Write, I/O Read/Write.
• The different operations or machine cycles present in 8085
µP are:

1. Opcode Fetch (OF)

2. Memory Read (MR)
3. Memory Write (MW)
4. I/O Read (IOR)
5. I/O Write (IOW)
6. Interrupt Acknowledge (IA)

• Each of the 74 instructions in 8085 µP Instruction set

consists of one or more of these machine cycles.
• Each machine cycle is further divided into T-states

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Examples of Instructions and Machine Cycles
No. of
Instruction Machine MC-1 MC-2 MC-3 MC-4

1 MOV A,B 1 OF - - -

2 MVI A, 50H 2 OF MR - -

3 LDA 5000H 4 OF MR MR MR

4 STA 5000H 4 OF MR MR MW

5 IN 80H 3 OF MR IOR -

6 OUT 80H 3 OF MR IOW -

• All instructions have at least one (Opcode Fetch) machine cycle

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8085 µP Machine Cycle Timing Diagrams
• Each machine cycle requires specific T-states for its
• The timing diagrams of each machine cycle represents the
signals on various buses and pins of 8085 µP in relation to
system clock pulse (T-state).

• The various signals represented in timing diagrams include

– Clock Pulse or T-state (reference signal)
– Address / Data Bus (parallel lines)
– ALE (Address Latch Enable)
– Status Signals (IO/M, S1 and S0)
– Control Signals (RD, WR and INTA)

• A group of lines (Data / Address Bus) are represented by two

parallel lines.

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Opcode Fetch (OF) Machine Cycle
• The first operation in any instruction is Opcode Fetch. All the 8085
instructions will have one byte opcode and hence OF machine cycle
is first operation of all the instructions.

• Generally, the one byte instructions in 8085 Instruction set contains

only opcode fetch machine cycle except some special cases.

• The OF cycle takes 4 T-states for completion. The first 3 T-states are
used to fetch the opcode and the last T-state is used to decode and
execute the opcode.

• Since the opcodes are stored in the R/W Memory, it is actually a

Memory Read cycle.

• However, unlike OF cycle, the Memory Read cycle, requires only 3


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Timing Diagram of Opcode Fetch MC

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Opcode Fetch (OF) Machine Cycle
• The address location of the opcode is assumed to be 2005H
and the opcode is assumed to be (4FH – MOV C,A).
• Different steps in OF machine cycle are given below

Sl. No. T-State Steps in OF Machine cycle

The PC places the HO 8-bits of the memory address on A15 – A8 and LO
8-bits of the memory address on AD7 – AD0.
2 T1 ALE signal is set HIGH and at the middle of T1 state, it goes LOW.
3 Status signals: IO/ = 0, S1 =1 and S0 = 1. They remain unchanged.
4 The RD signal is set LOW to enable memory read and increment PC.
5 The opcode is placed on AD7 – AD0 from the memory location 2005H.
6 The µP transfers the opcode on the A/D bus to Instruction Register (IR).
7 The µP makes the RD line HIGH to disable memory read.
8 T4 The µP decodes the instruction and execute the commands.

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Memory Read (MR) Machine Cycle
• A Memory Read machine cycle will be present if the 8085 µP
instruction require reading data/operand from memory
registers. The MR cycle will be present on all the 2-byte and
3-byte instructions.
• The MR cycle is similar to OF cycle as both reads hexadecimal
numbers stored in memory registers.

• The MR cycle requires 3 T-sates for its completion.

• Example: MVI A, 50H - Hex Codes in Memory : 3EH 50H

• In the above instruction, fetching first byte (3EH) is OF cycle

and fetching second byte (50H) is a MR cycle.

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Timing Diagram of Memory Read (MR) MC

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Memory Read (MR) Machine Cycle
• The address location of the operand (50H) is assumed to be
• Different steps in MR machine cycle are given below
Sl. No. T-State Steps in MR Machine cycle
The PC places the HO 8-bits of the memory address on A15 – A8 and LO
8-bits of the memory address on AD7 – AD0.
2 T1 ALE signal is set HIGH and at the middle of T1 state, it goes LOW.
3 Status signals: IO/ = 0, S1 =1 and S0 = 0. They remain unchanged.
4 The RD signal is set LOW to enable memory read and increment PC.
T2 The operand / data is placed on AD7 – AD0 from the memory location
The µP stores the data on the A/D bus to Accumulator register
T3 according to the decoded instruction.
7 The µP makes the RD line HIGH to disable memory read.

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Memory Write (MW) Machine Cycle
• A Memory Write machine cycle will be present if the 8085 µP
instruction require storing data/operand in memory registers.

• The MW cycle differs from MR cycle only in the state of status

signals and control signal (WR instead of RD)

• The MW cycle requires 3 T-sates for its completion.

• Example: STA A, 5000H - Hex Codes in Memory : 32H 00H 50H

• In the above instruction, fetching first byte (33H) is OF cycle.

Fetching 2nd and 3rd bytes (00H and 50H) are MR cycles and
storing the contents of Accumulator to memory register
5000H is a MW cycle.

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Timing Diagram of Memory Write (MW) MC

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Memory Write (MW) Machine Cycle
• The address location of memory register is assumed to be 5000H
and the data in Accumulator to be stored is assumed to be 50H.
• Different steps in MW machine cycle are given below.
Sl. No. T-State Steps in MR Machine cycle
The PC places the HO 8-bits of the memory address on A15 – A8 and LO
8-bits of the memory address on AD7 – AD0.
2 T1 ALE signal is set HIGH and at the middle of T1 state, it goes LOW.
3 Status signals: IO/ = 0, S1 =0 and S0 = 1. They remain unchanged.
4 The WR signal is set LOW to enable memory write and increment PC.
T2 The operand / data is placed on AD7 – AD0 from the Accumulator
The µP store the data on the A/D bus to memory register 5000H
T3 according to the decoded instruction.
7 The µP makes the WR line HIGH to disable memory write.

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I/O Read (IOR) Machine Cycle
• I/O Read machine cycle will be present if the 8085 µP
instruction require reading data/operand from input devices.
• The data transfer between 8085 µP and the peripheral
devices is completed using the instructions IN/OUT.

• The IN/OUT instructions are used if the interfacing is done

using peripheral mapped I/O (8-bit identification).
• The IN instruction consists of IOR cycle and the IOR cycle takes
3 T-states for its completion.

• Example : IN 84H - Hex Codes in Memory : DBH 84H

• In the above instruction, fetching first byte (DBH) is OF cycle.
Fetching 2nd byte (84H) is a MR cycle and storing data at the
input port 84H into the Accumulator is an IOR cycle.

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Timing Diagram of I/O Read (IOR) MC

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I/O Read (IOR) Machine Cycle
• The port address of input device is assumed to be 84H and the data
from the selected input device to be stored in Accumulator is
assumed to be 50H.
• Different steps in IOR machine cycle are given below.
Sl. No. T-State Steps in IOR Machine cycle
The PC places the port address of the I/O port specified in the
instruction on both A15 – A8 and AD7 – AD0.
2 T1 ALE signal is set HIGH and at the middle of T1 state, it goes LOW.
3 Status signals: IO/ = 1, S1 =1 and S0 = 0. They remain unchanged.
4 The RD signal is set LOW to enable I/O read.
5 The input data from the connected device is placed on AD7 – AD0. (50H)

The µP store the data on the A/D bus to Accumulator according to the
T3 decoded instruction.
7 The µP makes the RD line HIGH to disable I/O Read.

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I/O Write (IOW) Machine Cycle
• I/O Write machine cycle will be present if the 8085 µP
instruction require writing data/operand to output devices.

• The OUT instruction is used for sending data to interfaced

output devices and it consists of IOW cycle
• The IOW cycle takes 3 T-states for its completion.

• Example : OUT 01H - Hex Codes in Memory : D3H 01H

• In the above instruction, fetching first byte (D3H) is OF cycle.

Fetching 2nd byte (01H) is a MR cycle and sending data to the
output port 01H from Accumulator is an IOW cycle.

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Timing Diagram of I/O Write (IOW) MC

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I/O Write (IOW) Machine Cycle
• The port address of input device is assumed to be 01H and the data
send to the selected output device from Accumulator is assumed to
be 50H.
• Different steps in IOW machine cycle are given below.
Sl. No. T-State Steps in IOW Machine cycle
The PC places the port address of the I/O port specified in the
instruction on both A15 – A8 and AD7 – AD0.
2 T1 ALE signal is set HIGH and at the middle of T1 state, it goes LOW.
3 Status signals: IO/ = 1, S1 =0 and S0 = 1. They remain unchanged.
4 The WR signal is set LOW to enable I/O write.
5 The contents of Accumulator is placed on AD7 – AD0. (50H)

The µP sends the data on the A/D bus to the output port specified in
T3 the decoded instruction.
7 The µP makes the WR line HIGH to disable I/O Write.

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Machine Cycles of 8085 Instructions
• Generally, any 8085 µP instruction consists of one or more of the
above discussed machine cycles.
• The opcode fetch cycle will be present in all the instructions and it
will be the first machine cycle.

• Use the following steps to draw the timing diagram of a given

instruction :
1. Identify the opcode and operand of the given instruction
2. Find the byte size of the instruction
3. Identify the type of instruction and its function
4. Based on the above steps identify the required machine cycles to
complete the instruction execution.
5. Calculate the no. of machine cycles and total no of T-states required for
the timing diagram.
6. Identify the control and status signals required for each machine cycle.
7. Identify the memory/port addresses and data that need to be passed on
to address bus and data bus respectively.

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Machine Cycles of 8085 Instructions
• Let us take an example of OUT instruction

• Example: OUT 01H Hex-codes : D3 (2050H) 01 (2051H)

1. Opcode – D3 and Operand – 01

2. 2-byte instruction – 2 memory locations
3. Instruction Type – Data Transfer ; Function – Send data in
accumulator to output
4. Required Machine Cycles : OF cycle, MR cycle and IOW cycle
5. No of MC – 3 ; Total No of T-States – 4+3+3 = 10
6. Control Signals : MEMR and IOW ;
7. Port Address – 01 ; Memory Address – 2050 and 2051
Data – Contents of Accumulator

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Machine Cycles of 8085 Instructions

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