0607 Cambridge International Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2012 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
0607 Cambridge International Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2012 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
0607 Cambridge International Mathematics: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2012 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the
• Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2012 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
Page 2 Mark Scheme: Teachers’ version Syllabus Paper
IGCSE – May/June 2012 0607 41
(ii) 1.6 × 108 or 1.62….. × 108 1ft ft their (i) or their more accurate value seen in (i)
3.27 × 10 7
(b) 0.482 (0.4823…) 2 M1 for [×100] oe implied by figs 48…
6.78 × 10 9
(c) 2 520 000 000 or 2.52(0) × 109 or 2520 3 SC2 for 2 520 4 - - - - - or 2.5204… × 109 or
million 2520.4 million
M2 for ÷ 2.69 oe (M1 for evidence of 269 (%))
If M0, SC2 for 4 012 000 000 or
4.012 × 109 or 4012 million
or SC1 for 4 010 000 000 or 4 011 8 - - - - - or
4.01 × 109 or 4.0118.. × 109
or 4011.8 million (this is ÷ by 1.69) [8]
(b) 130 (129.7….) www 3 3 M1 for 0.5 × 18 × their (a) oe (75.5 to 75.6)
M1 for 0.5 × 18 × 9 × sin 42 oe (54.19 to 54.20)
3 (a) (i) 5 1
− 3
(ii) Enlargement, (0, 0) [Factor] 3 3 B1, B1, B1 independent lose all marks if extra
transformation [8]
(b) Curve through (20, 20), (30, 56), 3 B1 for 56, 88 and 100 seen
(40, 88), (80, 100) P1 ft for three correct plots ft attempt at cum.
C1 for correct shape through at least 2 of their
(ii) 12 to 15 2 Dependent on P1
M1 for (34 to 37) or (21 to 22)
(iii) 100 – their reading off cum freq graph 2 Must be an integer.
(0.5 square accuracy) SC1 for their reading off cum freq graph (0.5 square
accuracy) – may be on graph or answer 62 [10]
(b) (i) 744 (743.5 to 744.2) www 4 4 M1 for (sloping edge)2 = 112 + 82 or better seen (=
(sq root = 13.60…)
M1 for cone = π × 8 × their ( 112 + 8 2 ) (soi by
341.6 to 341.9)
M1 for hemisphere = 2π × 82 soi (401.9 to
6 (a) (i) 86 1
(ii) 188 1
x x
(b) (i) 9x or 9 × x or x × 9 2 M1 for 7.5 × x or 3 × (not from x + )
2 2
(iii) (0.775 or 0.7745 to 0.7746, – 0.186 or 2 B1, B1 SC1 for 0.77 or 0.78 and – 0.19
– 0.1859…)
(v) Rotational, [order]2 or point symmetry 3 B2 (or B1 for rotational) condone 180 for order 2
[about] (0, 0) B1
Deduct 1 if line symmetry also given
(b) (i) y=− oe 1
(ii) Reasonable line through origin with 1 Must cut curve 5 times
negative gradient
(a) 8 2 4
oe www 2 2 M1 for × oe
30 5 6
(0.266 to 0.267)
(b) 108 1 2 2 1 1 4 3
= oe www 3 3 M2 for × × + × × oe (M1 for either
540 5 3 5 4 3 6 5
(c) 3 3 M2 for combining valid probabilities e.g. then
3 or 2
(M1 for first probability tried ) [8]
10 (a)
(b) y = – 3 oe 1
(d) log 3
or log 2 3 final answer 2 SC1 for 1.58 or 1.584 to 1.585 – may be on diagram
log 2
log 3
or or log 2 3 seen [8]
log 2
(c) 8
B2 Curve(s) could be for other equation(s) but
2 must lead to 2 correct solutions.
Allow B1 for curve leading to correct solutions but
poor quality.
(−2) 2 − 4(1)(−2) or
3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(d) x−3
oe final answer 2 y 3
2 M1 for x = 2y + 3 or y – 3 = 2x or = x+
2 2
i.e. a correct first step
12 (a) B1 x = 5 ruled
B1 y = − x ruled
1mm accuracy at ( – 2, 2) and (2, – 2)
B1 y = 4 − 2 x ruled
6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Allow 1 mm accuracy at (0, 4) and (2, 0)
In each case line must be long enough to enclose
area in next part
13 (a) Points (50, 8), (55, 10) and (45, 13) 2 P1 for 2 correct points
(f) Ruled line from x = 30 to 55, through 2 B1 if ruled line through mean point with negative
(their 47, their 11.9) with 1 mm gradient
accuracy and 18 on the vertical axis
with 1 small square accuracy
(g) Their integer reading at x = 43 1 ft Integer only Strict ft their graph if ruled line
with negative gradient [11]
1 -0.5 0 0.5 1