0581 s10 Ms 43

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2010 question paper

for the guidance of teachers

0581/43 Paper 43 (Extended), maximum raw mark 130

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

• CIE will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

CIE is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2010 question papers for most IGCSE, GCE
Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level syllabuses.

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cao correct answer only
cso correct solution only
dep dependent
ft follow through after error
isw ignore subsequent working
oe or equivalent
SC Special Case
www without wrong working

Qu. Answers Mark Part Marks

1 (a) (i) 2:3 1
(ii) 30 ÷ 2 × 3 o.e. E1 Allow 2 : 3 (oe) = 30 : 45
(iii) 60 2 M1 for 3 ÷ 5 × 100 oe

(b) 31.83 3 SC2 for 31.827 as final answer or not spoiled.

or M1 for × 1.03 twice oe

30 × r × 5
(c) 1.5 2 M1 for = 2.25 oe
or for 2.25 ÷ 5 then ÷ 30 × 100
2 (a) 5.83 (5.830 to 5.831) 2 M1 for 32 + 52
Any other method must be complete

2 2 2
(b) 5 + 8 − 11
113. 6 (114 or 113.5 to 113.6) www 4 4 M2 for (cosC) =
2× 5×8
or M1 for correct implicit expression
A2 (A1 for –0.4 or – )

(c) 25.8 (25.77 to 25.85) cao www 3 3 M1 for 0.5 × 5 × 8 × sin (their angle C) o.e
must be full method e.g. Hero’s formula.
M1 for 0.5 × 3 × 5 oe

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3 Throughout this question isw any cancelling

or changing to other forms, after correct
answer seen. Do not accept ratio or worded
(a) 0.4, 0.1 oe 1

(b) (i) 1 1
(ii) 0.7 oe ft 1ft ft their first three probabilities

(c) (i) 0.04 oe 1

(ii) 0.03 oe ft 2ft M1 for their 0.1 × 0.3
(iii) 0.12 oe ft 3ft ft their 0.1, their 0.4 and their (c)(i)
M2 for their 0.4 × their 0.1 + their 0.1 × their
0.4 + 0.2 × 0.2 (or their (c)(i))
or M1 for any two of these products added or
two of each

(d) 0.147 oe ft 2ft ft their (b)(ii).

M1 for their 0.7 × their 0.7 × (1 – their 0.7)
4 (a) Triangle drawn , vertices (6, 10), 2 SC1 reflects correctly in x = 6
(10, 10), (10, 8)
 − 4 k 
(b) Triangle drawn , vertices (2, 8), (6, 8), 2 SC1 for translation   or  
(6, 10)  k  6

(c) Translation 2 B1 All part marks spoiled if extra

 4  o.e.
 − 6 B1 Indep. Allow other clear forms or words
 

(d) (i) Enlargement 3 B1 All part marks spoiled if extra

(centre) (4, 6) B1 Indep.
(factor) 0.5 B1 Indep.
(ii) or 0.25 oe 1

(e) (i) Stretch 3 B1 All part marks spoiled if extra

y-axis o.e invariant B1 Indep
(factor) 0.5 B1 Indep
 0.5 0  ft
(ii)  0 1  2ft ft their factor in (e)(i) only if stretch
 SC1 (also ft) for left-hand column

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5 (a) (i) Similar 1 Accept enlargement

PQ 3
(ii) 2.7 2 M1 for = oe
3.6 4
2 2
3 4
(iii) 3.15 2 M1 for   or   o.e seen
4 3
If ab sin C used or base and height used then
must be full method for M1

(b) (i) 29 1
(ii) 61 ft 1ft ft 90 – their (i) if (i) is acute
(iii) 61 ft 1ft ft their (ii) if their (ii) is acute, but can recover
(iv) 119 ft 1ft ft 180 – their (iii)

(c) (i) 20 1
(ii) 110 3 M1 for adding 6 angles going up 4 each time
M1 (indep) for 720 seen and not spoiled
(6A + 60 = 720 o.e. scores M2)
6 (a) –2.5, –2, 2, 2.5 2 B1 for 3 correct

(b) 4 points correct ft P1ft

Correct shape curve through at least 9 C1ft ft only if correct shape and isw any curve
points over full domain outside domain (including crossing y-axis)
Two branches either side of y-axis and B1 Independent
not touching it

(c) –1, 0, 1 2 B1 for two correct, each extra –1

(d) (x) < –1 and (x) > 1 as final answer 2 B1 B1 Condone inclusive inequality, allow in
words, condone inclusion of – 4 and + 4 as
limits. 1 < x < −1 or − 1 > x > 1 SC1
− 1 < x < 1 scores 0. Each extra –1 if more
than two answers.

(e) (i) Correct ruled line though (–2, –3) to 2 SC1 for ruled line gradient 2 or y-intercept 1
(1, 3) from x = –2 to 1 or correct line but short or
good freehand full line.
(ii) Some reasonable indication on graph 1 e.g. points of intersection marked, or, lines
for both points drawn from point of intersection to x-axis etc
(iii) x2 + 1 = 2x2 + x oe then x2 + x – 1 = 0 3 E2 Must be intermediate step before answer –
no errors or omissions
or = x + 1 then 1 = x2 + x or E1 Either no intermediate step or one error
x or omission.
then x2 + x – 1 = 0
1, –1 B1

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7 (a) (Mode) = 11 1 B1
(Median) = 12.5 2 M1 for evidence of finding mid-value
e.g. (126 + 1) ÷ 2 oe, (condone 126 ÷ 2)
(Mean) = 12.8 (0 ….) 3 M1 for correct use of Σfx (allow one slip)
M1 (dependent) for ÷ 126

(b) (i) 15, 27, 30, ……. 3 B1 B1 B1

(ii) 9.67 (9.674 to 9.675) cao www 4 4 M1 for mid-values, condone one error or slip
M1 for use of Σfx, with x’s anywhere in
intervals and their frequencies (allow one slip)
M1 (dependent on second M) for ÷ 126 (or
their Σf)
isw any conversion into hours and minutes
8 (a) 40 ÷ 10 and 12 ÷ 6 (or 12 ÷ 3) and E2 M1 Allow drawing for M1 but must see
6 ÷ 3 (or 6 ÷ 6) oe reaching 16 for E2
4 × 2 × 2 = 16 reducing (seen) to 16 Reaching 16 without any errors or omissions
40 × 12 × 6
SC1 for even if = 16
their (b)
or 4 × 2 × 2 = 16 or 4 × 4 × 1 = 16 without
other working

(b) 180 1

(c) (i) 23 640 (allow 23 600) 2 M1 for their 180 × 8 × 16 + 600

(ii) 23.64 (or 23.6) ft 1ft ft their (i) ÷ 1000

(d) (i) 216 2 M1 for (10 × 6 + 10 × 3 + 6 × 3) × 2 oe

(ii) 8.64 3 M1 for their (i) × 16 × 25
M1(indep) for ÷ 1002
Figs 864 imply M1 only

4 3
(e) 75.3 (75.26 to 75.33….) 3 M1 for π × 0.5 (0.5235..) Implied also by
then M1 (dep) for their (b) – 200 × their
4 3
π × 0.5 must be giving positive answer

4 3
(f) 0.842 (0.8419 – 0.8421) 3 M1 for ( πr ) = 50 ÷ 20
50 ÷ 20
then M1 for (0.5966 to 0.5972)
After 0 scored SC1 for (implied by 2.29)
3 4

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9 (a) 8w + 2j = 12 5 B1 condone consistent use of other variables

12w + 18j = 45 B1
Correctly eliminating one variable M1 allow one numerical slip
Water 1.05, Juice 1.8(0) A1 A1 If A0, SC1 for 1.80, 1.05

2 4 40 2 4
(b) (i) + = oe M2 M2 If M0, SC1 for or
y y − 4 60 y y−4
2 × 3( y − 4) 3× 4y 2 y ( y − 4)
+ = E2 E2 Correct conclusion reached without any
3 y ( y − 4) 3 y ( y − 4) 3 y ( y − 4) errors or omissions including at least 3
oe or better intermediate steps.
6(y – 4) + 12y = 2y(y – 4) oe or E1 if any one slip, error or omission that is
6y – 24 + 12y = 2y2 – 8y oe recovered or correct with only two steps.
0 = 2y2 – 26y + 24
y2 – 13y + 12 = 0
(ii) (y – 1)(y – 12) 2 SC1 for (y + a)(y + b) where ab = 12 or
a + b = –13
(iii) 1, 12 ft 1ft Only ft SC1 but can recover to correct answer
with new working or if (ii) not attempted
(iv) 8 ft 1ft ft a positive root –4 if positive answer

− (−1) ± (−1) − 4(1)(−4) 2
(c) 2 B1 for (−1) − 4(1)(−4) or better
p+ q p− q
If in form or
r r
then B1 for –(–1) and 2(1) or better
Brackets and full line may be implied later
–1.56, 2.56 2 B1 B1 If B0, SC1 for –1.6 or –1.562 to
–1.561 and 2.6 or 2.561 to 2.562
10 (a) Dots all correctly placed in Diagram 4 1

(b) Column 4 16, 25, 16, 41 7 B2 or B1 for three correct

Column 5 25, 41, 20, 61 B2 or B1 for three correct
Column n: n2, 4n, n2 + (n + 1)2 oe B1 B1 B1 oe likely to be (n –1)2 + n2 + 4n or
2n2 + 2n + 1
After any correct answer for column n, apply isw

(c)(i) 79 601 cao 1

(ii) 800 ft 1ft ft their 4n linear expression only

(d) 12 cao 1

© UCLES 2010


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