Questionnaire Exam 10th

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Questionnaire. 5.- Put in order the next words.

a.- always / My father / in the morning / runs.

1.- Choose the correct present simple forms of
‘to be’ for the gaps below. _________________________________________

A: _____ (Are / Is) you a teacher? b.- Ronald and Ruddy /go / at School / sometimes.

B: Yes, I ____ (am / is / are).
c.- eats / Paula / sandwich / often / for the breakfast
A: _____ (Are / Is) your mother police officer?
B: Yes, it ___ (am / is / are). d.- They / listen / romantic music / usually.

A: _____ (Are / Is) your children here? _________________________________________

6.- Choose the correct structure to create a negative

B: No, they ___ (am not / are not). sentences with simple present.
A: _____ (Are / Is) this your Book? a.- Subject + verb + Complement

B: No, it ____ (is not / are not). b.- Does/Do + Subject + verb + Complement + ?

2. Circle the correct option. c.- Subject + does/ do + not + verb Complement

7.- Put in order the next letters and form adverbs of


L W A Y A S = ____________

L U L Y U S A = _____________

S M O E I T M S E = ____________
3. Complete the next phrase. F E C R U N E L T Y = _____________
Moon and _________ 8.- Fill in the blank with this, that, these or those
___________ in the sky
_______ and ________
Sleeping in the _______
4.- Complete The statement in present continuous use
the verbs in parenthenses.

9.- Write the 7 Days of the Week.

a) __________________ b) __________________

c) _________________ d) __________________

e) __________________ f) __________________

g) __________________
11.- Put in order the next interrogative sentences. morning.

a) What / play / you /do / ? 3. We (am / is / are) in the park.

_______________________ 4. This (am / is / are) my new laptop.
b) Do / they / when / work / ? 5. Our friends (am / is / are) on their
_______________________ summer holidays.
c) Study / does / where / she / ?
_______________________ 17.- Choose the correct word
d) Tennis / she / play / why / does / ?
12.- Read the passage and choose the correct word.

Hello. My name ___ (am/ is / are) Petter.

I ____ (´m/´s /´re) from Ecuador.

I _____ (work / works) in a big company with my dad.

He is my friend his name is (Marco / Martha)

13. Choose was/were or am/is/are to complete

the following sentences.
19.- Write the correct simple past
1 My son ___ (was / were) short in school,
but now he ___ (is / are) tall.
2 ___ (Was / Were) you at the stadium
'Yes, I ___ (was / were).'
3 Yesterday Philip and Emma ___ (was /
were) in London.
Today they ___ (am / is / are) in Paris.
4 Sara and I ____ (was / were) at home that
night, and you ___ (are / is / am) with us.
20.- Choose the correct option acoording your knolegde.
15. Circle the correct option.

a) We like to (play / go / do) football every

b) I usually (play / go / do) cycling in the park
c) My father loves to (play / go / do) exercise.
d) I (play / go / do) baseball with my Friends.
e) I don´t like to (play / go / do) tennis but I like
to watch Tennis.
f) I (play / go / do) yoga every day
16.- Complete the sentences with the forms of
to be in the present simple (am, is, are).

1. I (am / is / are) at home.

2. She (am / is / are) not at home in the

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