Notes On Periodic Properties of The Elements
Notes On Periodic Properties of The Elements
Notes On Periodic Properties of The Elements
Across a period and within a group of the periodic table, trends in atomic size, ionization energy and electron
affinity can be observed. In understanding these trends in atomic properties, knowledge of effective nuclear charge and
electron configuration is essential.
The greater the Zeff, the greater is the attraction between the nucleus and the electrons being drawn closer to the
nucleus. Consequently, atomic size is reduced.
Electron shielding greatly affects Zeff. The greater the shielding constant, the lower is the Zeff resulting in lesser
attraction between the nucleus and the electrons.
Electrons in the inner shell (lower n values) effectively shield the electrons in the outer shell (higher n values).
However, electrons in the same shell do not effectively shield one another. For example, let us consider the electrons
in third main energy level (n = 3). The electrons in the third main energy level do not effectively shield each other but
the electrons in the first and second main energy level levels (n = 1, 2) effectively shield the electrons in the third main
energy level from the nucleus.
It is difficult to define the size of an atom. However, its atomic radius can be estimated. In metals like sodium,
their atomic radius is assumed to be half of the internuclear distance between adjacent atoms. Similarly, for diatomic
molecules like chlorine, their atomic radius is assumed as half of the distance between the two nuclei of the molecule.
The atomic radius of the elements in the second period is given below. Try to recognize the trend in atomic
radius across the second and third periods.
What is the general trend in the atomic radius across the period? How can you account for this trend?
Now let us see the trend in the atomic size within the group. The atomic radius of groups 1, 2, and 7 are given
Did you notice the trend in atomic size down the group?
How can you account for the observed trend?
1. In going from left to right across a period, atomic radius generally __________.
2. Down a group, atomic radius generally __________.
Using the general trend in atomic size observed across a period and down a group, one can predict the relative
size of the atom just by looking at the periodic table. For example in the series:
[Q2] Arrange the species in each group in order of increasing atomic radius.
Ionization energy is defined as the minimum energy required to remove an electron from gaseous atom or
ion. If the electron removed is the first (outermost) electron from the atom in its ground state, the energy required is
referred to as the FIRST IONIZATION ENERGY (IE1)
For subsequent removal of electrons as shown by the following equations, the energy involved is referred to
Study the subsequent ionization of sodium. What can you say regarding the subsequent ionization energies?
[Q3] Using the information given in Table 4, fill the blanks with > or <.
Can you see any regularity? How can you account for this?
Just like the atomic radius, there is a general trend in the first ionization energy of elements. Let’s see if you
can recognize it from the ionization energy values given in the table below.
Do you recognize the trend in the first ionization energy across a period and down a group?
1. In going from left to right across a period, the first ionization energy _______________.
2. Down a group, the first ionization energy ________________.
II. From the following list, choose the element that has the lowest first ionization energy and the element
that has the highest first ionization energy.
In as much as ionization energy can be described as the minimum energy required to remove an electron from
a gaseous atom, it can be used to compare the ease by which a cation can be formed by an atom. The lower the ionization
energy, the easier it is to remove an electron and consequently, the greater the tendency of the atom to form a cation.
The higher the ionization energy, the more difficult it is to remove an electron and consequently, the lower the tendency
of the atom to form a cation.
Let us compare Na (IE1 = 495 kJ/mol) and Cs (IE1 = 382 kJ/mol). Of the two, Cs requires less energy for the
removal of its valence electron therefore, Cs forms a cation more easily compared to Na.
1. In going from left to right across a period, the tendency to form a cation _______________.
2. Down a group, the tendency to form a cation _______________.
II. From the following list, choose the element that has the least tendency to form a cation and the element
that has the greatest tendency to form a cation.
The ability of an atom to accept one or more electron is measured by ELECTRON AFFINITY. Electron affinity is
defined as the NEGATIVE OF THE ENERGY CHANGE associated with the addition of an electron to gaseous atom.
Although there are some exceptions, generally, electron affinity increases from left to right across a period but
only up to Group VIIA. There is a marked decrease in electron affinity for Group VIIIA. In fact, the electron affinity of
the noble gases is endothermic or energy requiring. Why?
On the other hand, in going down a group electron affinity generally decreases.
[Q6] From the following list, choose the element that has the lowest electron affinity and the element that has the
highest electron affinity.
If ionization energy is related to cation formation, electron affinity is related to anion formation. A high electron
affinity implies a greater tendency to form an anion while a low electron affinity implies a lower tendency to form an
For example, bromine has an electron affinity of 324.6 kJ/mol while iodine has an electron affinity of 295.4
kJ/mol. Comparatively we can say that bromine has a greater tendency to form an anion than iodine.
[Q7] From the following list, choose the element that has the lowest tendency to form an anion and the element that
has the highest tendency to form an anion.
The larger the Electronegativity of an element, the greater is the tendency of an atom of that element to pull
electrons toward itself in a bond.
Ba, B, I, Sn, Sr
The electronegativity difference of two atoms allows us to predict the type of bonding that will result.
Difference in EN
of combing atoms Type of Bond
0 to 0.4 Covalent
Between 0.4 and 2.0 Polar Covalent
2.0 and greater Ionic
[Q9] Consult the Periodic Table of Elements for the electronegativity of each element that makes up the ten
compounds in the table. Find the electronegativity difference between the elements in the compound and
classify the bond formed.