The Economic, Social and Cultural Well Being of The Employees - Incl Udes Both Statutory As
The Economic, Social and Cultural Well Being of The Employees - Incl Udes Both Statutory As
The Economic, Social and Cultural Well Being of The Employees - Incl Udes Both Statutory As
well as nonstatutory activities undertaken by theEmployers, trade unions and both the
central and state governments for thePhysical and mental development of the
workers.Emplo yee welfare enables workers to have richer and more satisfying life. Itraises the
standard of living of workers by indirectly reducing the burden ontheir pocket. Welfare
measures improve the physical and physiological healthOf the employees, which in turn
belongings among the workers,Preven ting them from resorting to unhealthy practices like
absenteeism, Employeeunres t strike, etc. welfare work improves the relations betweenEmplo
facilities, services and amenities provi ded to workers for improving their health, efficiency,
regular wages and other economic benef its available to workers due to legal provisions and
ever-changing. New welfaremeasure s are added to the existing ones from time to time.
industrializatio n
interpretation from country tocountry and from time to time and even in the same country
n and general level of social andeconomic development. Even with one country its context may be
C.B.Memoria (1966) points out the following aims of Labour Welfare Work.1. It is
partly humanistic to enable the workers to enjoy a fuller and richer lif
where it is scarce and keep him contended so as to minimize theinducement to form or join
unions and to resort to strikes.3. The aim of partly civic develop a sense of responsibility
and dignityamong the workers and thus to make them worthy citizen of the nation.In
moresatisfactor y life.
in India started with the abolition of slaverysystem in 1833. Based on the recommendatio
n of the International Labour Confere nce in 1870 held in Berlin, the Government of
International Labour Organization,w hich set up in the year 1919, the Government of
India enacted the factories act in1922, the Government of India launched scheme of Labour Welfare
in their ordnance ammunition and other factories in war production, to keep up the
moralof workers and also to increase their productivity.Af ter the Independence
the amendment of factories act in 1948, the Labour Welfare movement acquired new dimension, for
one thing, the massiveinvestm ents in industry during various plans increased in number of workmen.
Itwas realized from the beginning that Labour Welfare had a positive role inincreasing
productivity and reducing industrial tensions. At this State Governmentena cted various
Welfare measure inside the work place : Condition of the Work Environ ment,
Social security measures : Welfare Services are render to workers and their families
by an individual enterprise with the proposes of raising their morale,material , social and
The directive principles of state policy in the Indian Constitution refer generally to the
promotion of the welfare of people when lay down that the stateshall strive to promote the
welfare of the people by securing and protecting aseffectively as it may, a social order in which
justice, social, economic and political, shall inform all the institution of natural.In its specific
application to the working class, security and humanconditio n of work has been
highlighted with a view to ensure them provision of a decent standard of life and full employment to
leisure and social and cultureopportun ities (Article 43).These principles also refer to taking
of the steps to secure the participationof workers in the management of industries. Article 45 also
deals with provisionof free and compulsory education for children, which impliedly
ways [ ] Sometimes [ ] Never [ ] No opinion [ ]18. Are you satisfied with the festival or family function to
Dissatisfied [ ]19. How would you rate the time spent in BIRLA WHITEHighly satisfied [ ] Satisfied [ ] Neutral [