IN BAD FAITH: The Republican Plan to Destroy Social Security
About this ebook
A change in political leadership led Joseph Newcome to a shocking revelation: Social Security is under attack. What he discovered resulted in the writing of his first book, titled: IN BAD FAITH: the Republican Plan to Destroy Social Security. The book is an attempt to expose Republican attacks on Social Security before it is too late (like Roe v Wade). Everyone who receives Social Security now or who will in the future will benefit from the information in this book and hopefully it will motivate all citizens to vote to protect Social Security.
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IN BAD FAITH - Joseph Newcome
The Republican Plan to Destroy Social Security
Joseph Newcome
Copyright © 2024 Joseph Newcome
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Cover design by: Joseph Newcome
First Edition 2024
For information, address CPS Press LLC, 815 Pittsburgh Street, Springdale, PA 15144
Title Page
THE QUEST 2019-2020
THE QUEST 2021-2022
About The Author
In the 2022 midterm elections the Republican Party regained control of the House of Representatives by a narrow margin. Republicans announced that one of their top priorities would be to reduce government spending. They blamed the spending on the Democrats and revealed that the targets for spending cuts were programs like Medicare and Social Security. Early in 2023 Republicans threatened to use the debt ceiling negotiations as a way to force cuts to Social Security. A few months later, prior to a meeting with President Biden, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that cuts to Social Security were no longer being pursued. Their demand was withdrawn, for the time being, and the debt ceiling was increased, but there was significant Republican opposition.
As a Social Security recipient, I oppose any cuts to benefits. I feel the same way about Medicare. And I'm sure all other recipients would agree with me on that point. Republicans threatening my Social Security benefits and my Medicare benefits got my attention. The position taken by Republicans to target Social Security and Medicare, and to try to include them in debt ceiling negotiations, was not smart politics. These are extremely popular programs. Republicans voted to increase the debt ceiling 3 times during the Trump Administration, so they can't say they are just opposed to raising the debt ceiling. So the question is: why threaten these extremely popular programs that benefit American citizens and voters?
Although I get Social Security benefits, I never knew much about the program itself. When I became aware of the threat to Social Security I started to do some research to determine why Republicans would target it for benefit cuts. What I found, and I think it's worth repeating, is that Social Security is an extremely efficient, and very popular, government program. Since the beginning, in 1935, Social Security has been a huge American success story. In 2022, 66 million American adults and children received Social Security benefits totaling $1.23 Trillion.
I also found that there is a current shortfall in the Social Security Trust Funds. If it is not corrected by Congress, Social Security will only be able to pay out 77% of promised benefits in 2034. The current situation was inevitable and is not Social Security's fault. It is a result of demographics, as you will see. There is time to fix the shortfall and there are many good ideas on how to do that. Social Security is currently paying out 100% of promised benefits. In my research on Social Security, mentioned above, I found no credible reason to target the program for benefit cuts. So, why then is Social Security being targeted? I discovered several outside forces directed against Social Security. They have been active for more than 40 years. Investigating those outside forces may provide the answer. I do that, in a chronological format, by following news reporting that documents Republican and conservative efforts to target, attack, and ultimately destroy Social Security.