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Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan et al.

International Journal of Cultural Heritage


Authenticity in adaptive reuse of heritage building in Malaysia

Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA ,32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan,
[email protected]

Abstract: -
Heritage building is one of the urban identities for the city and should be well-preserved not only because of the
value and story but it also because of existing building stock. Reusing existing building stock can contribute to
combat the environmental load significantly by reducing the material, transport, energy consumption and
pollution in the construction of new building. In recent years, adaptive reuse of heritage building is popping out
so fast, compared to the previous years which heritage building mainly suffers from dilapidated and poor
building conditions. Adaptive reuse is converting the original function of existing buildings which services and
technology are outdated to a new building purpose for new need to meet the current development. However, in
the eagerness of the owner and local authority when applying the adaptive reuse approach in heritage building,
this approach has been recently criticised for jeopardizing the authenticity of the heritage building. Hence, the
aims of this study are to highlight the authenticity issue in adaptive reuse of heritage building. It is believed that
this study can help alert among stakeholders regarding the challenges to implement adaptive reuse in retaining
the authenticity of the heritage building. To do so, a pilot study by interview has been conducted to the
conservators in Malaysia to embrace all information pertaining issues in authenticity in adaptive reuse of
heritage building faced in a practical scenario. It is hoped that the outcome of this study will help the
organization or individuals interested in adaptive reuse for future references.

Key-Words: - Authenticity, adaptive reuse, heritage building, issue, problems, Malaysia

1 Introduction life and avoid demolition waste, encourage

Heritage building in Malaysia have their own reuses of the embodied energy and also provide
value and story, [1] and they are portrayed significant social and economic benefits to the
through building styles [2]. These buildings society[6], [7].
have a variety of interesting styles, influences,
as well as a sign of the economy change and
become one of the urban identities of the 2 Heritage Building
city[3]. Presently, heritage building preserved Building is a structure with a roof and walls that is
not only because of the value and story but also used as a place for people to live, work, do
activities, store things, etc.: the act or process of
because of existing building stock. By using
making structures by putting together materials [8].
existing building stock, it contributes to combat Heritage means features belonging to the culture of
the environmental load significantly within the a society, such as traditions and languages. Heritage
next 20 years and this can contribute to is something transmitted by or acquired from a
sustainable development by mitigating the predecessor [9], [10]. In short, the definition of
material, transport, energy consumption and heritage building is a building possessing
pollution in the construction of new building architectural, aesthetic, historic or cultural values
[4]. 75% of all buildings expected to be which is declared as heritage building by local
operating in the year 2040 by reusing the authority or competent authority in whose
existing building[5]. This statement stressed jurisdiction such building is situated. Heritage
that it is vital to conserve heritage building for building serve as cultural and heritage symbols and
our future development. As heritage building thus, act as a hub of individual and community life.
Heritage building have a variety of interesting
show a lot of signs as mentioned above, architectural styles, influences, and become one of
adaptive reuse approach will be used to retain the urban identities for the city, example for heritage
the heritage building to extend the building’s

ISSN: 2367-9050 33 Volume 4, 2019

Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan et al. International Journal of Cultural Heritage

buildings situated in Ipoh, Malacca and Georgetown development needs [25]. However, presently in the
[2], [11], [12]. eagerness of owner and local authority applying the
Heritage building portrays the character of adaptive reuse, this approach has been recently
the city at various time [13] as well as symbol of the criticised for compromising the authenticity [26]–
economic development [3]. Heritage building [30] which continue to harm and resulted the great
should be preserved because they have their own impact on the heritage building. They want to
emotional, cultural, and historical values[1], [14], conserve the heritage building but at the same time
[15]. However, failure to maintain the property can ruin the authenticity [31]. If no tremendous effort is
impair the structural integrity of the fabric and thrown in an adaptive reuse approach, it can
accelerate the decline in investment returns[16]. jeopardize the precious heritage building life, value,
One way of keeping the heritage building is by and story. This paper’s aim is to identify a problem
applying adaptive reuse on them to contemporary in implement the adaptive reuse of heritage building
uses which fit the new development need. The in Malaysia which contribute to the authenticity
practice of adaptive reuse of heritage building could issues.
save them from being replaced by new buildings
which will contribute to social, economy and 4 Authenticity
environment purpose [17]. Therefore, the best way Authenticity can be defined as a condition of the
to keep the minimum loss of heritage building heritage resource including artistic, historical and
authenticity and contribute to combat the cultural dimensions. It is related to the aesthetic,
environmental load significantly is by applying structural and functional form of the object or site,
adaptive reuse in the right way. If not, the heritage material, and technology, as well as physical and
building was turned into corpses, dead spaces in the socio-cultural context [32]. Authenticity can be
daily life of the street, where nothing useful to the defined as something that sustains and proves itself,
local community is happening. Consequently, after a as well as having credit and authority from itself.
while, people no longer care about these buildings This refers to something creative, an authorship,
[18]. something having a deep identity in form and
substance. It means something specific and unique
3 Adaptive reuse [33]. Authenticity is a principle that shared by
Adaptive reuse converted the function of the old conservation and sustainability [34]. In conservation
building which services and technology were based on the Venice Charter, authenticty indicates
outdated into a new building purpose for new needs how to slow down the heritage property erosion
of the inheritors due to development by injecting process; especially in buildings. Based on
new materials and ideas while at the same time conservation principle, authenticity can minimize
retaining the original structure and fabric[6]. the intervention and can be considered as an
Adaptive reuse is beginning to receive widespread aesthetic aspect while the process is the ethics to
attention because of the economic, social and restore it [35]. In the context of adaptive reuse of
environmental benefits that can be espoused. heritage building approach, the most important
Adaptive reuse of heritage building is popping out aspect is the ethics rather than aesthetics. Thus, in
so fast, compared to the previous year which mainly conservation, beauty is not the measurement of
suffers from dilapidated[19], neglected and turned restoring the heritage building to the original [36].
into corpses [20]. Adaptive reuse is one of the The authenticity can slow down the heritage
conservation techniques which can save heritage building property erosion process[37]. The
building being replaced by the new building and authenticity based on conservation principle does
preserve the identity of the place[21], [22]. The not hinder development, but in fact act as a catalyst
reuse of heritage building enables a future to the development and well-being of a town [38]. It
generation to appreciate the identity of the building will be most important to take great care to maintain
[23] as the heritage building represent unique the authenticity of existing heritage resources from
architectural, aesthetic, political and social features the past as they will form a reference for future
of a different time[24]. Therefore, the best way to memory and will, therefore, need to be conserved
keep the minimum loss of heritage building with due respect for relevant issues [32].
authenticity and contribute to combat the
environmental load significantly is by applying 5 Authenticity Issues in Adaptive
adaptive reuse in the right way.
Adaptive reuse of heritage building might
Reuse of Heritage Building from
compromise the authenticity to satisfy the Previous Studies

ISSN: 2367-9050 34 Volume 4, 2019

Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan et al. International Journal of Cultural Heritage

People nowadays paying greater attention to [12]

Only certain heritage building in the row to be
preserved, the rest were subjected to the hideous
adaptive reuse, but the issue appears now is conservation works that totally destroy the authentic
regarding the authenticity of the heritage building as value
stated in table 1. Previous studies have discussed the There are still many buildings that have been
improper conservation of the heritage building that [28] adaptively reused without following the regulations,
diminishes the authenticity of heritage building. thereby, losing the building’s authenticity and
historical significance
Owner of building reuse and adapt all sorts of Most of the walls in adaptive reuse of heritage
buildings without proper planning [39]. 8% of the buildings lose their authenticity of material and
early heritage building in Malacca are still in the
original form while 51% had been renovated and
41% had either perished or lost in originality due to Table 2: Problems contribute to the adaptive reuse
renovation works in adaptive reuse [27]. Only issue
certain heritage building in the row to be preserved,
Authors Problem
the rest were subjected to the hideous conservation
works that totally destroy the authentic value [12]. [20], [41], [42] There is no effective legal protection,
There are still many buildings that have been neglected to the point, and control pertaining
adaptively reused without following the regulations, to authenticity within the local authority in
adaptive reuse.
thereby, losing the building’s authenticity and The stakeholders unable to follow most of
historical significance[28]. Most of the walls in [18], [28] the guidelines due to incomplete information
and details for each component of the
adaptive reuse of heritage building lose their building element regarding authenticity in
authenticity of material and design [26], [40]. It is adaptive reuse approach.
showed that lack of authenticity in heritage building
is a serious issue and need to be properly addressed
due to the negative effects happened to the heritage 6. Research Method
building value as well as the environmental To obtain the objective, the essential stages of
significance. From this issue, the lack of methodology were performed in several stages. This
authenticity may be influenced by many interrelated research begins with completion of literature
factors as stated in table 2. Most of the researchers reviews from publication. The literature review is
agreed that there is no effective legal protection and mainly acquired from published books, research
control pertaining to authenticity within the local papers, seminar papers, and journals. The research is
authority in adaptive reuse[20], [41], [42] and the further reinforced by a pilot study by interview
stakeholders unable to follow most of the guidelines conducted to the conservators in Malaysia to
due to incomplete information and details for each embrace all information pertaining a problem in
component of the building element regarding implement the adaptive reuse of heritage building in
authenticity in adaptive reuse approach [18], [28] Malaysia which contribute to the authenticity issues.
contribute to this issue. It is vital to review previous A set of semi-structured interview questions are
studies pertaining assessment in the authenticity of handed over to four experts in adaptive reuse in
adaptive reuse of heritage building to highlight Malaysia. This interview was done to the experts
overlooking in implementing adaptive reuse of with at least 10 years’ experience or minimum
heritage building. For that reason, to tone up the involved in 5 projects in adaptive reuse of heritage
information pertaining to issues faced in adaptive building in Malaysia to identify the authenticity
reuse, it is vital to interview the experts in issues in adaptive reuse of heritage building faced in
conservator to gain more information in a practical a practical scenario. Through studies on the previous
scenario when implementing adaptive reuse of researches and experts’ interview, the problem in
heritage building as well as can help the author to implement the adaptive reuse of heritage building in
fill the loophole in applying this approach. Malaysia which contribute to the authenticity issues
are identified at the end of the stage. The results of
Table 1: Issue in implementing adaptive reuse of the pilot study will help to fill the loophole in
heritage building applying this approach and give benefit to all
Authors Issue

[27] 8% of the early heritage buildings in Malacca are still

in the original form while 51% had been renovated
and 41% had either perished or lost in originality due
to renovation works in adaptive reuse.

ISSN: 2367-9050 35 Volume 4, 2019

Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan et al. International Journal of Cultural Heritage

your adaptive
7 Authenticity Issues in Adaptive reuse project?
Reuse of Heritage Building in 3. What is the 1 Usually follow the guideline as a
current guide provided by local authority.
Practical Scenario practiced No evaluation provided to control
assessment of
Pilot study has been conducted to obtain detailed authenticity in
authenticity in adaptive reuse.
The guideline by local authority
information on authenticity issues in adaptive reuse adaptive reuse state simple guide.
of heritage building in practical scenario and help of heritage
2 No assessment provided. Only
buildings in
author to get precise problem. By conducting a pilot Malaysia?
guideline used, and it depended
study, unnecessary risks could be avoided [43]. on the client or end user needs.
But so far, there are no standard
Surveys have been conducted with a semi-structured rule provided from local authority
interview with four experts in conservation to to control in preserving
identify: authenticity of adaptive reuse
work. Any further improvement
a) The understanding about authenticity in is welcomed.
adaptive reuse based on conservation principles. 3 No specific control from local
b) The application of authenticity in adaptive authority. The guideline provided
reuse based on conservation principle in respondent was not detail enough in
elaborating on how to retain the
adaptive reuse project. elements. Detail to conserve each
c) The current practice in assessment of building elements depend on the
authenticity in adaptive reuse of heritage building in conservator’s wisdom.
4 So far, no assessment focus on
Malaysia. authenticity. All the conservator
d) The respondent opinion relating to current will follow the guideline from
practiced assessment aids the expert in retaining local authority and if there is a
conflict among us, it will be
authenticity in adaptive reuse of heritage building in discussed before the
Malaysia. implementation of the project.
e) The most affected building elements in 4. Are the 1 Sometimes
adaptive reuse of heritage buildings. practiced 2 No, not all situation stated in the
f) The most difficult building element to be assessment guideline.
help you in 3 No specific control in authenticity
preserved its authenticity when adaptive reuse is in building element
applied in heritage building. authenticity in 4 Sometimes but still need to be
From table 3 below, it shows the response adaptive reuse improved
of heritage
from four experts in conservator regarding the building in
authenticity issues in a practical scenario. All the Malaysia?
pilot study below was done by using the semi- 5. What are the 1 Roof finishes(tiles), door &
five most window, partition wall and
structured interview. affected corridor
building 2 Façade, floor, internal wall,
elements in sewerage and door & window
adaptive reuse
3 Depends on types of building, for
Table 3: Analysis of respondent in semi-structured of heritage
example floor, wall, window, roof
interview building?
finishes and roof truss
4 Façade, roof, window, door and
Questions Respondents Feedback wall
1.What do you 1 It is about retaining the method, 6.Which 1 Depends on the project and types
understand architecture, fabric and material building of building. Roof
about of heritage building element is 2 Floor
authenticity in 2 Apply adaptive reuse in heritage most difficult
adaptive reuse to be preserved 3 Roof truss
building but in the same time we
based on its authenticity
must retain original structure of
conservation when adaptive 4 Façade
the building to meet end user reuse is
need. applied in
3 Respect the subject, minimum heritage
intervention and try to increase building?
the long life of subject as we can.
4 To conserve the originality of the
heritage building. 8 Conclusion
2. Do you 1 Yes After reviewing and analyzing all semi-structured
authenticity in
2 Yes interview above, the problem in implement the
adaptive reuse 3 Yes adaptive reuse of heritage building in Malaysia
based on
conservation 4 Yes which contribute to the authenticity issues are
principle in

ISSN: 2367-9050 36 Volume 4, 2019

Hasni Suryani Mat Hasan et al. International Journal of Cultural Heritage

identified. This semi structured interview revealed 9 Acknowledgment

that: The author would like to thank the main supervisor,
a) Most of the respondents understand that Dr. Lilawati Ab.Wahab for her exceptional patience,
authenticity in adaptive reuse are to retain the encouragement, guidance, counsel, and advice
workmanship, design, material, setting of the throughout all the stages of this paper. Special
heritage building. They try to increase the long life thanks go to my second supervisor, Dr. Dzulkarnaen
of subject as they can in the same time try to fulfill Ismail, for his comments and suggestions given
the development needed. during the completion of this paper. It is a great
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apply the authenticity in adaptive reuse based on their supervision.
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