Speaking Rubric With Welly Belly

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Grammar Vocabulary Discourse management Pronunciation

o Shows a good degree of control of o Uses a range of appropriate o Produces extended stretches o Is intelligible
a range of simple and some vocabulary to give and exchange of language with very little o Intonation is
complex grammatical forms. views on a wide range of hesitation. appropriate.
o Produces a majority of error-free familiar topics. o Contributions are relevant o Sentence and word
5 sentences with only very o Uses paraphrase effectively as and there is a clear stress is accurately
occasional errors. required. organization of ideas. placed.
o Uses less common and idiomatic o Uses a range of cohesive o Individual sounds are
vocabulary skillfully devices and discourse articulated clearly.
4 Performance shares feature of Scores 3 and 5
o Shows a good degree of control of o Uses a range of appropriate o Produces extended stretches o Is intelligible
simple grammatical forms and vocabulary to give and exchange of language despite some o Intonation is generally
attempts some complex views on a range of familiar hesitation. appropriate.
grammatical forms. topics. o Contributions are relevant o Sentence and word
o May make frequent mistakes with o Generally paraphrases and there is very little stress is generally
3 complex structures though these successfully repetition. accurately placed.
rarely cause comprehension o Uses a range of cohesive o Individual sounds are
problems. devices. generally articulated

2 Performance shares feature of Scores 1 and 3

o Shows a good degree of control of o Uses a range of appropriate o Produces responses which o Is mostly intelligible
simple grammatical forms. vocabulary when talking about are extended beyond short and has some control of
o Complex structures are rare everyday situations. phrases, despite hesitation. phonological features at
o Errors are frequent and may lead o Rarely attempts to paraphrase o Contributions are mostly both utterance and
1 to misunderstanding. relevant, despite some word levels.
o Uses basic cohesive devices.

0 Performance below Score 1

Groups: A and B
Speaking Test
Assessment Criteria

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