Scheme For The Oral Exam Administration: Language Institute
Scheme For The Oral Exam Administration: Language Institute
Scheme For The Oral Exam Administration: Language Institute
So that, it’s important to keep in mind that assessment rubrics are there to accomplish three
• inform the students of standards and expectations
• inform the students about levels of achievement
• inform the students about specific areas in need of improvement.
In addition, teachers may prefer to distribute assessment rubrics at the beginning of the
semester, so that students are aware of expectations and understand how their work will be
Consequently, the following chart is the scoring table which is going to be included in the Exam
Answer Sheet. There are listed 4 criteria which must be evaluated during the Oral Exam; each
one has a grading scale ranging from 0ii to 2.5 points.
There’s also a place where the teacher could either take notes of all the mistakes the student
makes during his/her performance, or write some recommendations to the student.
At the end of this evaluation, it’s necessary to write down the final GRADE of the exam.
In order to have a better administration of this scoring table, it’s important to understand what
each criterion means or represents.
Comprehensio ability to understand questions and respond appropriately
Grammar ability to use correct grammar and sentence structures
Vocabulary ability to understand and use vocabulary words and phrases
Fluency and, ability to speak quickly, naturally, and without many pauses
Pronunciation ability to use correct stress, rhythm, and intonation patterns
CRITERION 0 .5 1 1.5 2 2 .5
Seriously incoherent Produces simple Produces Produces Produces extended
responses. speech responses extended stretches
fluently, but more which are stretches of of language with very little
complex extended language despite hesitation.
communication causes beyond short some hesitation. Contributions are relevant
fluency phrases, Contributions are and
problems. despite relevant and there is a clear
hesitation. there is very little organization of
Comprehension Contributions repetition. ideas.
are mostly Uses a range of Uses a range of cohesive
relevant, cohesive devices. devices
despite some and discourse markers.
Uses basic
Severely restricted Use of some simple Shows a good Shows a good Shows a good degree of
command of simple structures and degree of degree of control control
grammatical forms. expressions control of of simple of a range of simple and
but makes frequent simple grammatical some
systematic errors. grammatical forms, complex grammatical
Grammar forms. and attempts forms.
some complex
The lowest grade a student could get during this evaluation is 0.5 points; although some of the best known exams as Cambridge
exams (KET, PET, FCE) is 0 (zero)