Nurse Practitioner Specific Criteria Information

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Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) Admission criteria

A successful applicant for admission to the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) will hold:

a) Current general registration as a Registered Nurse

Applicants for admission to candidature for the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) will be registered to
practise nursing in an Australian state or territory and satisfy the English language proficiency requirements
detailed in the school resolutions.

Evidence required from applicants

 A copy of current authority to practice as a registered nurse from an Australian state or territory.

b) Experience – a minimum of two years full-time equivalent (FTE) as a Registered Nurse in a specified clinical
field and two years FTE of current advanced nursing practice in this same field
Admission to the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) program requires:
- a minimum of two years full-time equivalent experience as a registered nurse in a specified clinical field, and
two years full-time experience of advanced nursing practice in the same clinical field.
- Applicants need to be concurrently employed in the area of clinical practice that is relevant to the nurse
practitioner application (minimum 15 hours weekly) while undertaking their studies.

Evidence required from applicants

 curriculum vitae detailing both education and clinical experiences, role description and advanced
practice experience
 minimum of two references* from two senior clinicians attesting to the applicant’s advanced practice
experience and capabilities (see reference guidelines below). Referees should be the applicant’s line
manager (senior nurse) or a senior colleague who has had an established clinical relationship with the
applicant over a minimum of one year.

* Reference guidelines for senior clinicians

When providing a reference for applicants to the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) please refer to the
following guidelines and include the following information:
- Applicant’s name and clinical position
- Referee’s name, qualifications and clinical position
- Length of time applicant known to referee
- Capacity in which applicant is known to the referee. The applicant’s ability to conduct advanced
practice (^see definition below) nursing in relation to the areas of practice listed below with examples
of how the applicant demonstrates these skills:
 Advanced level health assessment skills
 Advanced level therapeutic management skills
 Advanced level differential diagnostic skills and knowledge
 Advanced level pharmacology knowledge
 Advanced level triage/prioritisation skills
 Ability to evaluate practice at an advanced level
 Effective clinical leadership
- Signature and date.

^Advanced nursing practice (ANP) may be defined as a continuum along which nurses develop their
professional knowledge, clinical reasoning and judgement, skills and behaviours to higher levels of
capability (that is recognisable). Nurses practicing at an advanced level incorporate professional leadership,
education and research into their clinically based practice. Their practice is effective and safe. They work
within a generalist or specialist context and they are responsible and accountable in managing people who
have complex health care requirements. ANP is a level of practice and not a role. It is acknowledged that
advanced nursing practice is specific to the individual within their context of practice [enrolled nurse,
registered nurse or nurse practitioner]. (NMBA 2016).

See NMBA (2016) Fact Sheet: Advanced nursing practice and specialty areas within nursing available at:

Advanced practice may be demonstrated with evidence relating to the following practice domains:
- direct and comprehensive care
- support of systems
- education
- research
- publication, and
- professional leadership.

c) A postgraduate qualification at Australian Qualifications Framework Level 8 in a clinical field

Admission to the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) requires:
- a preregistration nursing degree from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification with a credit
average, or
- a graduate diploma with a credit average in a nursing discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent
qualification, and
- a minimum of a graduate certificate in:
i. the area of clinical practice relevant to the Nurse Practitioner application, or
ii. another area and be able to demonstrate advanced skills in the area of clinical practice relevant to the
Nurse Practitioner application by portfolio and referee reports.
Evidence required from applicants:
 application for admission to this coursework degree, and
 copies of academic transcripts or clinical qualifications/achievements.

d) In addition to the evidence previously outlined, applicants will require evidence of confirmed support to
complete all professional experience requirements of the course:
Applicants for admission to the candidature for the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner) shall:
- have organisational support to carry out the clinical practicum (including 300 supernumerary integrated
professional practice hours) prescribed in the course. Clinical practicum refers to activities undertaken
within the clinical setting in order to advance the candidate’s scope of practice for the purpose of
completing the requirements of the Master of Nursing (Nurse Practitioner)
- have a nominated Primary Clinical Supervisor to support the student’s learning while undertaking clinical
practice embedded in the course
Evidence required from applicants
 letter from employer confirming employment status
 letter of support from Director of Nursing, or delegated responsible person (proposed or current)
indicating that the applicant will be supported to carry out the 300 advanced clinical practice hours
during enrolment and confirming that facility indemnity arrangements apply to these designated
learning hours
 letter from a nominated Primary Clinical Supervisor stating that they have sighted the role description
for Primary Clinical Supervisors and are willing to fulfil the role of mentor, teacher, supervisor and
assessor of the student while conducting the required clinical advanced practice hours and;
 a copy of the proposed Primary Clinical Supervisor’s Curriculum Vitae (CV).


Students will be required to be supported by their approved Primary Clinical Supervisor while undertaking the
degree. The Primary Clinical Supervisor will have responsibility to act as a mentor/teacher, supervisor and clinical
assessor while the student undertakes the required clinical components of this course.
Mentor and teacher
 Interacts with the student on a regular basis to discuss learning objectives of specific focus and interest
to the student. While it is understood that the frequency of supervisor/student interactions will vary
throughout the student’s candidature, it is expected that the student will take responsibility to initiate
regular contact, and that the supervisor will communicate time availability to facilitate such
 Provides role support at the advanced and extended nursing practice level
 Specifies, in conjunction with the student, specific goals and objectives for the relationship
 Acts as a role model and provide role support to the student as they develop their advanced and
extended nursing practice skills
 Assists the student to engage in reflection-on-practice throughout the units of study and in the
development of their portfolio in the final year of study.
 Facilitates the student’s required advanced clinical practice hours (total 300 hours) and undertake
formal assessment of the student’s clinical performance as outlined in the units of study
 Assists the student to engage in an advanced and extended nursing practice role
 Provides support in challenging or difficult circumstances.
 Completes evaluations of clinical performance at the times specified by the University
 Assists in the evaluation of the student through participation in the Multidisciplinary Assessment Panel
at the completion of the course
 Maintains student confidentiality and liaise with the Nurse Practitioner Coordinator as necessary.


After enrolment, each student is required to develop a Clinical Support Group, in addition to establishing
their Primary Clinical Supervisor. This group should consist of a multi-disciplinary team to support the
students’ clinical learning. The multi-disciplinary team will be determined by the context of the student’s
practice and may be comprised of nurse practitioners where possible, specialist clinical nurses at clinical
nurse consultant level, medical officers, pharmacists, radiologists, physiotherapists or other relevant
members of the multi-disciplinary team. The size of this group will be determined by the students
learning needs, consist of a minimum of two members, and include members with expert knowledge of
advanced assessment and pharmacological therapies in clinical practice. Student will be required to
provide a CV for each member of their clinical support group together with a letter confirming the
member is willing to undertake the supporting role.

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