AgTech To Grow You Need A Strong Agri Extension

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Revolutionizing Extension for

Agri-Tech Adoption

Despite being the backbone of

India's economy, employing over
half the workforce and contributing
significantly to GDP, the agricultural Complex Demographic
sector faces significant challenges. A
large portion consists of small and
marginal farmers cultivating less India's agricultural sector, though vast and
than two hectares. These farmers diverse, faces significant demographic
struggle with limited access to challenges. Firstly, a low literacy rate hinders
credit, water resources, and progress. Studies show an average literacy
essential inputs. Traditional rate below 50% for all farmers, with even
practices, while ingrained, may not lower rates for women (around 30%). This
be optimized for the changing limits their ability to understand complex
climate or market demands. The technical information and navigate the digital
Indian farmer's life is a constant world essential for adopting modern AgTech
battle against information gaps, solutions.
uncertainty, and unforeseen risks. Secondly, the sector grapples with a decline in
They lack crucial knowledge on youth participation. Estimates suggest youth
crops, weather patterns, and best involvement is below 30%, likely due to a lack
practices. Traditional methods may of perceived career opportunities compared to
lead to inefficient water use and urban jobs. Finally, fragmented landholdings
fertilizer application. Market access present another hurdle. Many farmers,
remains uncertain, with a particularly in some regions, are smallholders
disconnect between farmers and with limited land parcels. This fragmented
buyers. Additionally, unforeseen structure, with an average landholding size of
pests and unpredictable weather less than 2 hectares, can hinder productivity
add another layer of stress. This and investment in modern technologies like
marginalization hinders AgTech solutions. These demographic
productivity, limits income potential, challenges create a complex landscape that
and perpetuates a cycle of poverty requires innovative solutions for successful
in rural communities AgTech integration in Indian agriculture.
Technology-based solutions offer a ray of hope, with the potential India's AgTech
to revolutionize agricultural practices, improve yields, and
empower these marginalized farmers. From soil management
The Indian agritech sector is
tools that utilize satellite imagery and data analytics to optimize
brimming with innovation, boasting
fertilizer and water use, to precision agriculture techniques that
over 3,000 startups according to
provide targeted interventions based on real-time field conditions,
industry estimates. This vibrant
a plethora of innovative technologies are emerging. Additionally, ecosystem is fuelled by more than
post-harvest solutions that minimize spoilage and waste through 1,300 startups that leverage
improved storage facilities and transportation networks can cutting-edge technologies like
significantly enhance the income earned by farmers. However, artificial intelligence and machine
bridging the gap between what tech companies can offer and how learning to address challenges
these solutions are perceived and utilized by rural communities across the agricultural value chain.
remains a critical challenge. As of April 2023, the Department
for Promotion of Industry and
Ecociate, a knowledge agency with a deep understanding of the Internal Trade (DPIIT) specifically
agricultural sector, has been working with more than 30 recognized around 2207 startups in
technology companies to support them map and refine their the Agri-Tech industry, highlighting
business models. This collaboration has yielded valuable insights, the government's focus on
highlighting a significant mismatch between the technology being fostering this dynamic sector.
offered and the needs and realities of the farming community.
The agritech sector has seen a
Tech companies, often operating with an urban-centric approach,
surge in investment in recent years.
may develop solutions that are too complex, lack local language Between January 2020 and June
support, or fail to address the specific challenges faced by small 2022, nearly $1.33 billion was
and marginal farmers. This highlights the need for a more human- raised across 139 deals. There was
centered approach to technology development and its extension a 300% jump in funding from 2020
amongst Indian small and marginal farmers. to 2021.

From Soil to Supermarket - Navigating the AgTech Revolution

AgTech solutions are rapidly taking root, offering a stages, enabling them to take targeted
helping hand to farmers at every stage of their interventions and minimize crop losses.
journey. AgTech is weaving a powerful web of
But the impact of AgTech extends far beyond the
support. This technological transformation
farm. Once the harvest arrives, farmers can
empowers farmers to optimize every step, from
leverage online platforms to connect with a
planting to profit, fostering a more efficient,
wider range of buyers and distributors,
sustainable, and prosperous agricultural ecosystem.
facilitating a more efficient marketing process
The table 'Agriculture value chain technology map'
and potentially fairer prices. Real-time market
below captures this with greater details.
analysis empowers them to make informed
In India's fertile ground of innovation, AgTech is decisions about when and where to sell their
transforming the agricultural landscape from seed produce, maximizing their return on investment.
to sale. Precision agriculture takes root with data- Imagine a farmer in a remote village using a
driven technologies guiding every step. Soil sensors mobile app to connect directly with consumers in
meticulously analyze conditions, informing the urban centers, eliminating middlemen and
selection of the most productive seeds. Satellite getting a better price for their high-quality goods.
imagery and advanced drones equipped with high- AgTech empowers farmers to become not just
resolution cameras and spectral imaging cultivators of crops, but strategic business
capabilities scan vast fields, meticulously monitoring managers, ultimately building a more secure and
crop health. This digital eye in the sky empowers prosperous future for themselves, their families,
farmers to detect pests and diseases at the earliest and the agricultural sector as a whole.
Agriculture Value Chain Technology Map
Crop Stage Agriculture practices Innovative technologies (Physical & Digital) Companies providing solution*

n Smart soil testing devices n AgroNXT

Remote sensing and GIS application n Krishitantra
n Land n
preparation for soil monitoring. n NutrienAg Solutions

Soil sensors n ARMS4AI

n Soil n
management n Smart transplanters n Oscilo
n Savana Seeds
n Seed selection n Climate resilient seeds
n EF Polymer
n Seed treatment n Zero tillage machines
n Dehaat
n Sowing/planting n Soil amendments
n Bighaat
methods n Smart land levelers
n Bijak
n Marketplace for agriculture inputs n Agrostar

n Deep fertilizer placement n Distinct Horizon

n Smart weeders n Bharat Rohan
n Solar and light traps n FIB-SOL
n Fertilization
n Bio fertilisers n Marut Drones
n Weed Delta things
n Sensor for pest monitoring n
n Drones for pest monitoring and n Manna technologies
n Pest and disease

pesticide application n Phyfarms

n Irrigation scheduling through remote n Agrirain
n Crop protection sensing and on filed sensors. n FIB-SOL
n Soil Organic n Farm mechanization n Cultyvate
Carbon n Irrigation pump controllers n Virenxia
n Irrigation Planning n Soil amendments to improve SOC n Cropin
and monitoring n Farm management and predictive n SatSure
analysis n Fasal
n Weather Advisory n WRMS
n Digital agriculture advisory n IFFCO Kisan

n Timing and n Waycool

n Quality Assessment and Supply AgNext
methods for n
harvest & logistics
Harvest and post-

Chain Efficiency
harvesting n Intello Labs
n Weather data n Supply Chain Analytics n Ecozen
n Post-harvest n Hermetic bags and cocoons for n Newleaf dynamics
handling storage n KisanHub
n Storage techniques n Solar cold storage n Arya collateral
n Transportation n Warehousing solutions n Ergos
methods n Solar dryers n Agricx
n Distribution n S4S Technologies

n Determining n NinjaCart
market demand n AgriBajar
n Farm-to-Consumer Supply

n Packaging n Otipy
Pricing strategies Chain
n n Farm2Kitchen
n Distribution n Market platforms for safe and n Amal farms
channels organic produces n Two Brothers Organic
n Consumer Farm
connect n FarMart
Agritech solutions
Support services

n Green house n Kheyti

n Financial solutions n Jai Kisan
& Other

n Agriculture finance and fintech

n Protected n FarMart
n FPO management
cultivation n Dvara e-registrty
n Credit rating platforms for farmers
n Ayekart

*Some companies are offering services in multiple stages of the value chain.
By integrating agri-tech solutions across each level of digital literacy and access to technology
stage of the agricultural value chain, farmers can that may not be present in rural communities.
improve efficiency, resource management, and Their communication materials might be in
overall productivity. This not only benefits English, a language unfamiliar to many farmers.
farmers' livelihoods but also contributes to a more Additionally, the user interfaces of their tech
sustainable and secure food system. solutions may be complex and difficult for
farmers with limited technological experience to
navigate. This lack of cultural sensitivity and
From Traditional extension understanding of the ground realities faced by
small and marginal farmers creates a significant
to Tech-Driven delivery: barrier to trust and hinders the adoption of
the TRANSFORMATION potentially life-changing technologies.

of Indian Agricultural
Extension The Need for a Responsive
While mobile phone adoption has revolutionized Extension System by
rural communication, replicating this success with
AgTech isn't straightforward. Unlike a one-size-
Adopting a
fits-all mobile phone, AgTech solutions need to be HOLISTIC APPROACH
tailored to address the complex and diverse To unlock the transformative potential of
needs of different farmer segments. Scaling these technology in Indian agriculture, a more
solutions requires a nuanced understanding of responsive extension system is essential. The
factors like farm size, crop types, the agroecology current system, while well-intentioned, often falls
zone farmers reside, access to resources, and short in effectively delivering tech-based services
technological literacy. to marginalized farmers. Hence, a regular and
periodic conversation amongst the tech providers
Traditional extension services, delivered by a
(AgTech companies), the disseminators (existing
network of local representatives who share a
extension agencies and personnel) & the tech
common language and cultural background with
users (farmers) is warranted to move forward on
the farmers they serve, is the norm. These
the transformation agenda. This conversation, to
representatives include Krishi Vigyan Kendras
create greater awareness and appreciation
(KVKs) - science centers focused on agricultural
around what these three actors bring to table to
research and extension; staff from the
develop mutual synergies, through workshops,
Department of Agriculture, who provide technical
writeshops, targeted trainings and joint field trips
advice and support; local lead farmers - respected
to farmers,' is desired. The actors therefore feed
individuals within the community who can share
each other and fine tune, upskill themselves so
their knowledge and experiences; Community
that the tech companies get sensitized on the
Resource Persons (CRPs) - who act as a bridge
extension challenges and work towards them, the
between farmers and government programs or
extension delivery agencies and personnel
schemes; and most importantly, retailers who play
become an effective conduit, while the farmers
a crucial role in disseminating information,
are not just users but co-creators of a product /
providing access to inputs, and sometimes even
service / advisory that really addresses their
offering basic agronomic advice to farmers. challenges. Few action areas are:
Tech companies, on the other hand, often lack this n Improving Digital Literacy: Many farmers
local touch. They tend to develop and market their lack the digital literacy skills required to
solutions with an urban perspective, assuming a operate tech-based solutions effectively.
Traditional extension services need to be
equipped to bridge this digital divide by making
use of relevant technologies. Trust
n Bottom Up Approach: The traditional model Women in
often follows a top-down approach, where pre- rment
determined solutions are disseminated to
farmers without considering their specific needs
and contexts. Greater sensitization to integrate
customization can lead to higher adoption Curriculum Clear Value
Reform Proposition
rates, wherein use of IT, IoT etc. has
demonstrated great potential to regularly
engage and seek feedback, without being Localized
resource intensive.
Dissemi- Commu-
nation nication
n Embracing Language and Cultural Aspects:
Extension workers may not be fluent in the local
languages spoken by farmers, creating wider adoption. Early adopter engagement for
communication gaps and hindering effective technology refinement is crucial to address
knowledge transfer. Additionally, cultural initial challenges and ensure the technology
sensitivities might not be adequately addressed. aligns with farmers' specific needs and
Effective use of technology can neutralize and practices.
their offering inclusive.
n Women in Focus: Women play a pivotal role
n Increasing Reach and Awareness: Traditional in Indian agriculture. Therefore, technology
extension services may not have the capacity or solutions must be designed with their specific
resources to reach all farmers, particularly needs in mind. User interfaces should be
those in remote areas while they need to be intuitive, and operations simple to ensure
reached out in the best interest of agricultural seamless adoption. By making technology
growth. By utilizing digital measures, not only accessible and user-friendly for women
farmers outreach can be improved , but also farmers, we can maximize its impact on
greater awareness about latest technologies agricultural productivity and household
and their benefits can be expected. incomes.

India's agricultural sector stands to gain n Clear Value Proposition: The benefits of the
immensely from technological advancements. technology need to be clearly articulated and
However, to truly unlock this transformative demonstrably showcased. Farmers need to
potential, a one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice. understand how the technology will improve
It would need a holistic strategy that builds trust, their yields, incomes, or overall agricultural
empowers women, and clearly communicates the practices. Clear communication on investment
value proposition to farmers in their local and returns, coupled with accessible financing
language and preferred channels. options, will encourage technology adoption.

n Building Trust: Farmers need to be convinced n Localized Communication: Effective

of the technology's effectiveness and potential knowledge dissemination necessitates a deep
impact on their livelihoods. Demonstration understanding of the target audience.
plots, field trials, and success stories from Information, Education, and Communication
similar contexts can foster trust and encourage (IEC) materials must be meticulously adapted
to resonate with local contexts,
languages, and cultural nuances. This
requires a localized approach, ensuring Social Behaviour
that messages are not only understood
but also relevant and impactful. Change as the Solution
n Technology Disseminators: To India's agricultural sector faces
effectively bridge the digital divide in challenges due to low literacy rates
agriculture, a dedicated cadre of locally among farmers, declining youth
embedded technology champions is participation, and fragmented
essential. These individuals, equipped landholdings. These factors limit the
with both technical expertise and adoption of AgTech solutions.
strong communication skills, can serve
Simply introducing AgTech solutions
as a critical link between tech
companies and rural farming without considering the social and
communities. cultural context will result in limited
adoption. This is where a Social
n Curriculum Reform: To bridge the Behaviour Change (SBC) model can
digital divide and foster effective bridge the gap. An SBC approach can
technology adoption among farmers, tailor communication and training
ITIs (Industrial Training Institutes) and
methods to different literacy levels and
ITCs (Industrial Training Centers) should
preferred learning styles, utilizing
integrate courses that focus on the
visuals, local languages, and storytelling
behavioral aspects of technology. By
alongside digital tools. Building trust is
equipping individuals with a strong
crucial, so the SBC model can address
understanding of human-technology
concerns about cost, complexity, and
interaction, these institutions can
potential risks through peer-to-peer
cultivate a skilled workforce capable of
effectively disseminating and
learning, testimonials, and
supporting technological solutions in demonstrations. Leveraging existing
rural areas. social networks of farmers through
groups, local leaders, and influencers
n Women Empowerment: The NRLM's can also promote AgTech adoption.
extensive grassroots network, Empowering young people as champions
particularly its focus on women's
and facilitators can bridge the digital
empowerment, positions it strategically
divide and encourage their peers to see
to champion the adoption of tech-led
agriculture as a viable career option
solutions in rural India. By training and
with the help of AgTech. By employing
equipping Self Help Groups (SHGs) and
an SBC model, AgTech can reach a wider
their federations with digital literacy
user base, improve user experience
and skills, NRLM can cultivate a cadre of
through tailored communication, and
women leaders capable of not only
ultimately contribute to a more
adopting technology but also guiding
their communities in its effective use. sustainable agricultural sector by
This approach will be instrumental in promoting practices that optimize
bridging the digital divide and ensuring resource use and improve overall farm
that the benefits of technology reach
the most marginalized farmers.
A Quantum Leap: By prioritizing factors like trust-building through

Collaboration at the Heart transparent communication and capacity-

building programs, empowering women
of Extension farmers through accessible technology and
training, and fostering effective communication
To truly revolutionize technology adoption in the
through localized outreach in preferred
agricultural sector, a collective effort transcending
languages and channels, we can pave the way
traditional boundaries is crucial. This requires a
for a quantum leap in India's agricultural
symphony of collaboration: government agencies
landscape. This shift will not just enhance
setting the vision and providing extension
productivity and overall prosperity, but also
infrastructure, NGOs serving as knowledge
unlock the immense potential of technology to
bridges and social safety nets, tech companies
empower farmers and create a more
developing user-centric solutions, and most
sustainable future for generations to come.
importantly, farmer organizations actively
participating in design, testing, and dissemination.

For more informa on please contact:

Ecociate Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
B-160, Sector 51,
Noida – 201301, U ar Pradesh, India
[email protected]

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