AgTech To Grow You Need A Strong Agri Extension
AgTech To Grow You Need A Strong Agri Extension
AgTech To Grow You Need A Strong Agri Extension
Chain Efficiency
harvesting n Intello Labs
n Weather data n Supply Chain Analytics n Ecozen
n Post-harvest n Hermetic bags and cocoons for n Newleaf dynamics
handling storage n KisanHub
n Storage techniques n Solar cold storage n Arya collateral
n Transportation n Warehousing solutions n Ergos
methods n Solar dryers n Agricx
n Distribution n S4S Technologies
n Determining n NinjaCart
market demand n AgriBajar
n Farm-to-Consumer Supply
n Packaging n Otipy
Pricing strategies Chain
n n Farm2Kitchen
n Distribution n Market platforms for safe and n Amal farms
channels organic produces n Two Brothers Organic
n Consumer Farm
connect n FarMart
Agritech solutions
Support services
*Some companies are offering services in multiple stages of the value chain.
By integrating agri-tech solutions across each level of digital literacy and access to technology
stage of the agricultural value chain, farmers can that may not be present in rural communities.
improve efficiency, resource management, and Their communication materials might be in
overall productivity. This not only benefits English, a language unfamiliar to many farmers.
farmers' livelihoods but also contributes to a more Additionally, the user interfaces of their tech
sustainable and secure food system. solutions may be complex and difficult for
farmers with limited technological experience to
navigate. This lack of cultural sensitivity and
From Traditional extension understanding of the ground realities faced by
small and marginal farmers creates a significant
to Tech-Driven delivery: barrier to trust and hinders the adoption of
the TRANSFORMATION potentially life-changing technologies.
of Indian Agricultural
Extension The Need for a Responsive
While mobile phone adoption has revolutionized Extension System by
rural communication, replicating this success with
AgTech isn't straightforward. Unlike a one-size-
Adopting a
fits-all mobile phone, AgTech solutions need to be HOLISTIC APPROACH
tailored to address the complex and diverse To unlock the transformative potential of
needs of different farmer segments. Scaling these technology in Indian agriculture, a more
solutions requires a nuanced understanding of responsive extension system is essential. The
factors like farm size, crop types, the agroecology current system, while well-intentioned, often falls
zone farmers reside, access to resources, and short in effectively delivering tech-based services
technological literacy. to marginalized farmers. Hence, a regular and
periodic conversation amongst the tech providers
Traditional extension services, delivered by a
(AgTech companies), the disseminators (existing
network of local representatives who share a
extension agencies and personnel) & the tech
common language and cultural background with
users (farmers) is warranted to move forward on
the farmers they serve, is the norm. These
the transformation agenda. This conversation, to
representatives include Krishi Vigyan Kendras
create greater awareness and appreciation
(KVKs) - science centers focused on agricultural
around what these three actors bring to table to
research and extension; staff from the
develop mutual synergies, through workshops,
Department of Agriculture, who provide technical
writeshops, targeted trainings and joint field trips
advice and support; local lead farmers - respected
to farmers,' is desired. The actors therefore feed
individuals within the community who can share
each other and fine tune, upskill themselves so
their knowledge and experiences; Community
that the tech companies get sensitized on the
Resource Persons (CRPs) - who act as a bridge
extension challenges and work towards them, the
between farmers and government programs or
extension delivery agencies and personnel
schemes; and most importantly, retailers who play
become an effective conduit, while the farmers
a crucial role in disseminating information,
are not just users but co-creators of a product /
providing access to inputs, and sometimes even
service / advisory that really addresses their
offering basic agronomic advice to farmers. challenges. Few action areas are:
Tech companies, on the other hand, often lack this n Improving Digital Literacy: Many farmers
local touch. They tend to develop and market their lack the digital literacy skills required to
solutions with an urban perspective, assuming a operate tech-based solutions effectively.
Traditional extension services need to be
equipped to bridge this digital divide by making
use of relevant technologies. Trust
n Bottom Up Approach: The traditional model Women in
often follows a top-down approach, where pre- rment
determined solutions are disseminated to
farmers without considering their specific needs
and contexts. Greater sensitization to integrate
customization can lead to higher adoption Curriculum Clear Value
Reform Proposition
rates, wherein use of IT, IoT etc. has
demonstrated great potential to regularly
engage and seek feedback, without being Localized
resource intensive.
Dissemi- Commu-
nation nication
n Embracing Language and Cultural Aspects:
Extension workers may not be fluent in the local
languages spoken by farmers, creating wider adoption. Early adopter engagement for
communication gaps and hindering effective technology refinement is crucial to address
knowledge transfer. Additionally, cultural initial challenges and ensure the technology
sensitivities might not be adequately addressed. aligns with farmers' specific needs and
Effective use of technology can neutralize and practices.
their offering inclusive.
n Women in Focus: Women play a pivotal role
n Increasing Reach and Awareness: Traditional in Indian agriculture. Therefore, technology
extension services may not have the capacity or solutions must be designed with their specific
resources to reach all farmers, particularly needs in mind. User interfaces should be
those in remote areas while they need to be intuitive, and operations simple to ensure
reached out in the best interest of agricultural seamless adoption. By making technology
growth. By utilizing digital measures, not only accessible and user-friendly for women
farmers outreach can be improved , but also farmers, we can maximize its impact on
greater awareness about latest technologies agricultural productivity and household
and their benefits can be expected. incomes.
India's agricultural sector stands to gain n Clear Value Proposition: The benefits of the
immensely from technological advancements. technology need to be clearly articulated and
However, to truly unlock this transformative demonstrably showcased. Farmers need to
potential, a one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice. understand how the technology will improve
It would need a holistic strategy that builds trust, their yields, incomes, or overall agricultural
empowers women, and clearly communicates the practices. Clear communication on investment
value proposition to farmers in their local and returns, coupled with accessible financing
language and preferred channels. options, will encourage technology adoption.