Improving the quality of instruction in biomedical Identifying and setting minimum specifications for
technician education programs. The HRH Project required medical devices. Biomedical engineers
supported the development of five training packages seconded to Ethiopia’s Food, Medicines and Health
on operating room, maternal and child health, imaging, Care Administration and Control Authority (FMHACA)
laboratory, and ophthalmic medical devices. They were by the HRH Project led the development of a national
used during a series of technical updates for instructors medical devices list. This activity was the first of its kind
at health education institutions and practitioners at at FMHACA and at the national level. The next step was
hospitals, as well to build the capacity of government to categorize the medical devices required at different
regulators (Table 1). levels of health facilities.
No. of
trainings Organizations Number
Technical updates
Capacity building
just the first step; the bigger challenge is keeping them Improve and expand biomedical education.
running. The Project’s biomedical engineering team was Expanding the production of biomedical engineers
able to maintain functionality in 407 out of 496 pieces
and technicians requires increasing the number
at skills development lab in Jhpiego-supported university
of qualified instructors, and technical assistants at
teaching hospitals and Regional Health Science Colleges
(RHSCs). However, 89 pieces of equipment required biomedical training institutions. Capacity building
spare parts that were not available or were otherwise trainings should be conducted for each of these
unfixable. This experience is confirmed by a series of case
studies that found over half of medical devices in public
health facilities in Ethiopia were inoperable or not fully Build the capacity of regional maintenance
functional because of a lack of spare parts.
centers. The distribution and installation of
Regional maintenance centers offer an efficient and essential testing and measuring equipment at regional
sustainable solution for maintaining medical devices, but
maintenance centers should continue until all of
they must be fully equipped and staffed. It is inefficient
for biomedical technicians to travel to health facilities and them are fully equipped. Technical update trainings
training institutions to maintain medical devices, carrying should be offered to the biomedical technicians and
tools and spare parts with them. A better solution is to
engineers who staff the centers.
send the devices to the 13 regional maintenance centers
established by the FMOH at selected health care facilities.
Assess and address the need for spare parts.
At many of these maintenance centers, however,
necessary testing and measuring devices have not yet A baseline assessment should be conducted
been installed. In addition, the biomedical engineers and to determine which spare parts are not readily
technicians on staff are few in number and could benefit
available and why and to calculate the amount and
from technical updates.
types of spare parts in greatest demand. Based on
the results of this assessment, a pilot program can
be devised to increase the availability of spare parts
for selected medical devices.
For more information: Kirkos Subcity, Woreda 02/03 | House No. 693 | Wollo Sefer/Ethio-China Street, near Mina Building | P.O. Box 2881 | Code 1250
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia| Tel: +251(0)115-502-124 | Fax:+251(0)115-508-814 |