Ayush Cme Guidelines
Ayush Cme Guidelines
Ayush Cme Guidelines
Scheme Guidelines
Central Sector Scheme for supporting Continuing Medical
Education (CME) in AYUSH
The scheme of Continuing Medical Education (CME) was implemented in 11th Plan and
about 22,000 AYUSH personnel were given need-based training. The target in 12th Plan is to cover
maximum number of AYUSH teachers, doctors, paramedicals and others personnel. There is a need
for continuing the training for upgrading their professional competence & skills and their capacity
building. Emerging trends of healthcare and scientific outcomes necessitate time to time
enhancement of professional knowledge of teachers, practitioners, researchers and other
professionals. Many issues of the profession cannot be covered through stereotyped course
curricula, and need augmentation & clarification through direct interaction with the resource
persons and domain experts. Good Clinical Practices and Good Teaching Practices are the two areas
where AYUSH practitioners and teachers need to be regularly updated to keep up the standards of
health delivery and adequate training of students respectively in accordance with the emerging
demands. Policy makers and administrators need to be given training for effective management of
institutions. Similarly, use of Information Technology as a tool for widespread dissemination of
AYUSH developments and updates is need of the hour in the present era of fast changing trends &
methodologies. Many AYUSH teachers and practitioners, do not have access to professional
journals and web-based CME like their allopathic counterparts. Web-based distant educational
programmes like the ones conducted by UGC are required for AYUSH for wider dissemination of
current information and trends. The services of AYUSH paramedics and health workers are also of
utmost importance in healthcare. Hence, the upgradation of knowledge of these personnel with
updates and changing trends is proposed under this Scheme.
The updated pattern of the scheme is based on the experience gained during 11th Plan,
feedback received from various institutions, requirements for varied nature of training of AYUSH
personnel, their exposure to AYUSH centres of best practices and the recommendations of the
private agency, which evaluated the scheme that was implemented during 11th Plan. Overall
structure of the scheme is aimed at encouraging AYUSH personnel to undergo need-based
professional training and bridge the knowledge gaps.
(I) CME programmes:
a. 6-days subject-/specialty-specific CME programme for AYUSH teachers.
b. 6-days Orientation Training programme (OTP) of AYUSH systems for non-AYUSH
c. 6-days specialized training for AYUSH Paramedics/ Health workers / Instructors /
d. 3-days/5-day training in Management/ IT to AYUSH administrators/heads of
e. Theme-specific 6-days CME programme for AYUSH medical officers/practitioners or
those deployed in stand-alone and co-located AYUSH facilities.
f. 6-day Training of Trainers programme (ToT) in AYUSH for eligible resource persons
of CMEs.
g. 6-days OTP programme Yoga/Naturopathy training for AYUSH/allopathy doctors.
h. 6-days CME for Yoga/Naturopathy Teachers of university departments, institutes of
repute at national level and degree colleges conducting courses in Yoga/Naturopathy.
i. 6-days training programme in current trends in R&D, modern scientific advances &
technology for scientific understanding and promotion of AYUSH systems for
AYUSH doctors/scientists.
(II) Web-based (on-line) educational programmes:
a. Development of web-based training programmes in various AYUSH specialties.
b. Preparation, launch and running of web-based Peer Reviewed journals for up-to-date
education and research developments in AYUSH sector for up-gradation of
professional knowledge.
(III) Making available the lectures of CMEs in CDs/DVDs in AYUSH sector:
a. Preparation/Compilation of CDs/DVDs on lectures delivered at various CME
programmes to facilitate distance learning of AYUSH for wider dissemination, and up-
gradation of professional knowledge.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Financial assistance through the scheme will be provided to the following institutions /
organizations on receipt of component-specific proposals.
A. Criteria for institutions: Institutions having at least 5 years of standing are eligible to
apply for CME programmes.
1. Institutions for holding Training of Trainers (ToT) in AYUSH:
a. AYUSH National Institutes, Ayurveda and other Health Universities.
b. Colleges of AYUSH in other universities
c. Renowned institutions like ICMR, AIIMS, NIHFW, JIPMER etc.
2. Institutions for holding CME for teachers in AYUSH:
a. AYUSH National Institutes, Universities.
b. PG Institutions fulfilling infrastructure, staff requirement in concerned subject as per,
CCIM/CCH norms.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
b. Any other Registered Body successfully publishing a Scientific Journal for continuous
three years.
c. AYUSH recognised reputed post-graduate teaching/ research institutes engaged in
intra mural/ extra mural/ collaborative research.
6. Institutions for holding Orientation Training programmes (OTP) in AYUSH for Non-
AYUSH doctors/scientists:
a. AYUSH and other Health Universities
b. National Institutes, University colleges/Ministry of AYUSH
c. Selected PG Institutions.
d. Selected central institutes of research councils.
e. Allopathy institutions having AYUSH Department.
f. AYUSH recognised Institutes, preferably teaching/ research institutes having learned
faculty and good audio-video-internet- facilities.
7. Institutions for holding Orientation Training programmes (OTP) in Yoga & Naturopathy for
AYUSH & Allopathy doctors:
a. National and government Institutes in Yoga & Naturopathy.
b. Universities with Yoga Department.
c. Private Yoga & / or Naturopathy Institutes, preferably teaching/ research institutes
recognized by Ministry of AYUSH and having learned faculty, clinical/ research units.
8. Institutions for holding CME programmes for Yoga/ Naturopathy teachers/ Instructors/
a. National and government Institutes in Yoga & Naturopathy.
b. Universities with Yoga Department.
c. Private Yoga & / or Naturopathy Institutes, preferably teaching/ research institutes
recognized by Ministry AYUSH and having learned faculty, clinical/ research units.
9. Institutions for holding Management training to AYUSH teachers and doctors:
a. Reputed government/private management institutions with qualified and experienced
10. Institutions for holding 6-day training programme in current trends in R&D, modern
scientific advances & technology for scientific understanding and promotion of AYUSH
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
a. Research councils of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Ministry of Science and
Technology or under any other ministries of Government of India.
b. Renowned Institutes involved in Research and Development activities and having
adequate facilities like IITs, IISc, Bangalore etc..
c. Other reputed institutes involved in advance research in basic sciences.
d. Research & Development laboratories in public/private sector having working in Bio-
medical or related area or of reputed pharma companies.
B. Criteria for Resource Persons:
1. CME for Teachers:
i) Renowned Teacher/ Researcher/ Practitioner holding PG qualification with 10 years of
teaching/ clinical/ research experience in AYUSH in concerned subject/ specialty and
having good communication skills.
ii) Preference to those having prestigious publications to his/ her credit.
iii) In case of Non-Medical subjects, those holding PG qualification with 15 years of
experience in the concerned area or Ph.D. with 5 years experience for Bio-science,
Bio-statistics etc.
2. CME for Doctors/OTP in AYUSH for Non-AYUSH doctors & scientist/OTP in Yoga &
Naturopathy for AYUSH & Allopathy doctors: Teachers/ private practitioners holding
Graduate degree with at least 15 years of clinical experience and eminent in the concerned
3. ToT: Heads, Professors and Associate professor of National Institutes and Health
University, AYUSH colleges, technical officers of Ministry of AYUSH and senior, eminent
practitioners of AYUSH.
4. CME for Paramedics and Health Workers/ Instructors/ Therapists: Renowned Teacher/
Researcher/ Practitioner holding PG qualification with 5 years of teaching/ clinical/
research/ nursing experience in AYUSH in concerned subject/ specialty and having good
communication skills.
5. Management Training Programme:
Qualified and experienced faculty of reputed institutions.
6. 6-day training programme in current trends in R&D, modern scientific advances &
technology for scientific understanding and promotion of AYUSH systems:
Renowned teachers (preferably PG guides)/researchers of ASU and H systems having
at least 5 years of teaching/ research experience.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Financial assistance will be provided directly to institutions/ organizations approved by the
Screening Committee. Funds for a programme will be released to the institute on approval of
the proposal as per the following pattern:
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
(iii) 6-days Training of Trainers programme (ToT) in AYUSH for eligible resource persons
of CMEs:
Host institutions will be supported in the manner applicable to CME programme for AYUSH
teachers. Trainees and resource persons are allowed to travel by 2AC rail/economy class by
Air India at apex fares. Other expenditure will be supported in a manner applicable to CME
programme of AYUSH teachers/Doctors/Scientist.
(iv) 3-days/5-days training in Management / IT to AYUSH administrators / heads
of departments / institutions:
The proposals submitted by eligible institutions and the Expenditure projected in the
proposal will be subjected to appraisal by Proposal Evaluation committee followed by
approval of Screening Committee. Funds would be released in accordance with the
Screening Committee's recommendations.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
xiii) Conduction of programme should commence within two months after release of
grants with preparation of Schedule of the programme and it should be widely
circulated well in advance to institutions & State Directorates for nomination of
xiv) National health programmes, experiential knowledge of experts in the field, research
findings, current developments, more emphasis on teaching methodology and
training modules on improvement of examination system (paper setting, evaluation
etc.) in CMEs for teachers & current trends relevant to the theme of CME programme
must find place in the modules.
xv) Resource persons: Twelve experts of concerned specialty (four from same
college/State and eight external experts) in 6-day CME/OTP as per the given
modules. Experts from Ministry of AYUSH and Research Councils as per their
expertise should be called wherever required.
xvi) Trainees are allowed to attend up to two programmes of CME in a year. Every
Resource person is allowed to attend a maximum of four CME in a year, and the
period of the training program in case of trainees and resource persons is to be treated
as on duty and applicable even during CCIM/CCH visits/inspections.
xvii) Trainees/ Resource persons for all types of CME may be taken from any State subject
to the condition of limitation of attendance prescribed in a year.
xviii) The deputing AYUSH teaching Institutions/Hospitals/State Directorates should
utilize the trainees in respective institutions/patient care facilities the skills gained by
the participants in CMEs and also through rational deployment in AYUSH facilities.
xix) The State Governments should sanction grants to such private institutions/ hospitals
for equipping necessary infrastructure so that the training given to the AYUSH
personnel is put to use.
xx) Structure of the CME program shall be as under-
(a) There shall be four sessions each day, with each session of 90 minutes. There
shall 30 minutes lecture using audio-visual aids and 60 minutes practical
demonstration/ hands-on training in each session. Medical officers shall be
given hands-on training.
(b) Each external/ internal expert shall deliver two theory/ practical sessions in
one day in CME.
(c) Each theory and practical session shall be followed by questions & answers
for necessary clarifications/ explanations.
(d) Reading material & copies of the presentations, CDs etc. should be
distributed to all participants at the beginning of the programme.
xxi) Institutions interested to take up CME programmes may design modules and submit
the same along with application for approval. The modules shall include assessment
of the trainees during the course of the training. In case of pre-structured modules/
package training programmes prepared by Ministry of AYUSH, no prior approval is
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
xxii) Programme for management training shall be worked out by the host institute(s).
xxiii) Institutions willing to conduct web-based training programmes and/or prepare and
run CME journals/peer-review journals are required to send proposals with complete
technical & financial details indicating the project implementation schedule and
xxiv) The proposal of innovative initiative should be worked out in all technical &
financial details keeping in mind the scope & limitations of the scheme.
xxv) No expenditure is liable to be reimbursed that has been incurred before the approval
of CMEs/sanction of the grant and implementation of the approved program/activity
and for other than sanctioned items.
xxvi) Re-appropriation within sanctioned items of expenditure may be done to the extent
not more than 10%.
xxvii) The heads of the institutions/ departments/ organization meet the expenses as per the
scheme pattern.
xxviii) The institutions/ organizations conducting CME programmes prepare quality audio-
video recording of lectures delivered during CMEs through professionals and submit
to RAV along with U.C and other documents.
xxix) The project Sanctioning Committee may relax eligibility criteria for special category
States and UT like North-eastern States, J &K and Andaman & Nicobar and also in
other cases on case to case basis on merits.
xxx) After completion of the CME programme following documents, duly signed by
Head of the host institution, may invariably be submitted to Rashtriya Ayurveda
Vidyapeeth, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi within one month for liquidation of
a. Authenticated Utilization Certificate in the prescribed proforma (Annexure -
B) to the effect that the grant has been utilized for the purpose for which it was
b. Audited Accounts statement in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-C)
reflecting therein the Grant-in-aid and item-by-item expenditure as per the
funding pattern incurred there from;
c. A certificate that the organization has not received financial assistance for the
same purpose from any other Department of the Central or the State
Government or any Government/ non-government agency;
d. Achievement-cum-performance report (Annexure - D) indicating the
performance for which the grant was received; the manner in which it has
been utilized; and how the grant helped to improve the performance of the
participants/ institution;
e. Feedback report in the proforma (Annexure - E), in separate sealed
envelopes, from each of the trainees in case of all training programmes;
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
f. A statement showing the names and addresses of the trainees, which should
be certified by the Head of the Institute/ College that all the trainees were
registered AYUSH practitioners wherever applicable;
g. A statement showing the names & addresses of the resource persons
participated in the programme along with their bio-data showing their
qualifications, experience in the subject etc. for their further utilization, as
and when required;
h. Unspent balance of the grant, if any, may be returned to the Ministry of
AYUSH in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Pay and
Accounts officer(Scett.), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, payable in
New Delhi;
i. All original receipts/vouchers may be kept with the organizing institution for
a period of 5 years for any audit check.
xxxi) Secretary (AYUSH) in consultation with Financial Adviser shall approve any
relaxation in the scheme guidelines on case to case basis on merits.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Application for seeking grant to conduct Continuing Medical Education Programme for
teachers/doctors or other programmes is to be made, in the Performa given to-
All proposals received under the scheme will be subjected to appraisal by the Proposal
Evaluation Committee (PEC) comprising of senior technical officers of the Ministry of
AYUSH headed by Joint Secretary (AYUSH) and then submitted for consideration and
approval by a Screening Committee comprising of -
1. Secretary (AYUSH) - Chairperson
2. Additional Secretary & FA or his nominee - Member
3. Joint Secretary (AYUSH) - Member
4. Advisers of concerned system - Member
5. Director in-charge of the scheme - Member
6. Director, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth - Member
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Name: ___________________________
Postal address_____________________
Tel./Fax No. & E-mail_______________
Mobile No._______________________
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - B
Certified that out of Rs……………… (Rupees …………………………………….. only)
of advance of grant-in-aid sanctioned during the year …….............…………… in favour of
…….………………………………………………...........................……., vide Sanction letter No.
………………dated…………………., a sum of Rs…………………………………… (Rupees
………………….................. only) has been utilised for the purpose of holding of CME on
…………………………………. for which it was sanctioned.
Certified that we have satisfied ourselves that the conditions on which the grants-in-aid was
sanctioned have been duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that we have exercised the following
checks to see that the money was actually utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned. The
institution has committed no deviation from the scheme.
Kinds of checks exercised
1. Checked the Individual Vouchers.
2. Checked the ledger Account of Expenses.
3. Checked the Cash Book and Bank Book to see that the amounts have actually been
4. Checked the total of the disbursement made.
5. Checked that the payments pertained to the concerned above mentioned
6. Checked all documentation.
7. Made out a list of payments (as per attached annexure).
This certificate is issued on the basis of books and records produced before us and as per the
information and explanations provided to us.
Signature & Seal of Head of the Institution Signature & Seal of Chartered Accountant/
Govt. Auditor
(in ink) (in ink)
Date: Date:
Name: Name:
(In block letters) (In block letters)
Registration No. of Firm
Membership No. of the signatory CA
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - C
Name of the Institution:
Name of the Programme: CME/OTP/EV/………………….. programme
Dates of the Programme:
Signature & Seal of Head of the Institution Signature & Seal of Chartered Accountant/
Govt. Auditor
(in ink) (in ink)
Date: Date:
Name: Name:
(In block letters) (In block letters)
Registration No. of Firm
Membership No. of the signatory CA
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - D
This institution was sanctioned one programme of ……. days CME of teacher/CME for
doctors/ Management programme in the subject of ………............…….......…………..held on
………………………. during the year …………………. A grant of Rs. ………………….
(Rupees…………………………………..) was sanctioned and released by Ministry of AYUSH,
Government of India through demand draft No. ……………………. dated ……………... drawn on
Bank of Baroda vide letter no. ……………………………. dated…………………….Out of the
advance, an amount of Rs.………………….. (Rupees…………………..................…………...)
has been utilized the purpose for which it was sanctioned leaving a balance amount of
Rs.……………………… (Rupees ………………………………) which was sent through a
demand draft No. …………………. dated ……………. Proper procedure was followed as per the
prescribed guidelines in making payments.
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - E
(To be filled by the trainee during the Training Programme and given to Organizing Institution at the
end in a sealed envelope)
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - F
1 Type of Registration:
1. Central Government 2. Central Government PSUs 3. State Government PSUs
4. Statutory Bodies 5. Local Bodies 6. Trusts
7. Registered Societies (NGOs) 8. Private Sector companies 9. Registered Societies
(Govt. Auto. Bodies)
10. Individuals 11. International Organizations.
2 Name of Organization:
3 Date of Registration (DD/MM/YYYY): -
4 Number or Act of Registration:-
5 Registering Authority:
6 State of Registration (Name of the State):
7 TIN/TAN No.:
8 Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Address Line 3:
9 City:
10 State:
11 District:
12 Pin Code:
13 Contact Person: Director / Dean / Principal /
Any other (Specify)
14 Name of the Contact Person:-
15 Phone:
16 Mobile No.:
17 Fax:
18 Email:
19 Unique Agency Code:
20 Scheme: HRD Training Programme Fellowship
Exposure Visit Upgradation of Skills etc.
21 Name of Bank (Specify):
22 Address:
23 Branch:
24 Account No.
25 Organization Name as per Bank
26 MICR Code:
AYUSH-CME Guidelines
Annexure - G
Check List
(Details required on submission of Utilization Certificate)
Sl. No Documents
Yes No
1. Authenticated Utilization Certificate as per Performa
a Sanction Number & date
b Membership No. of Chartered Accountant
c Signature of head of the Institute & Chartered Accountant/Govt. Auditor
d Date of Programme
2. Statement of Accounts
a Boarding & Lodging for trainees
b Boarding & Lodging for Resource persons
c Honorarium for Resource persons
d Honorarium for supporting staff
e Training Materials
f Consolidated amount for institutional suport
g Consolidated amount for contigencies
h Consolidated amount for consumables in practical demonstrations
Quality Audio-Video recording of lectures
j Signature of head of the institution & Chartered Account/Govt. Auditor
3. A certificate that the organization has not received financial
assistance for the same purpose from any other Department of
the Central or the State Government or any Government
agency (duly signed by the Head of the Department/Institute)
4. Achievement-cum -performance report (duly signed by the
Head of the Department/Institute)
5. Feedback reports as per format attached
6.a. A statement showing the name and address of the trainee
(duly signed by the Head of the Department/Institute)
6.b. Certificate by the institute that all the trainees are registered
under CCIM/CCH (duly signed by the Head of the
7. List of Resource Persons with address certified by head of
institute (duly signed by the Head of the Department/Institute)
8. Study material, hard copies and CDs given to trainees (duly
signed by the Head of the Department/Institute)
9. Certificate that all payment are made on production of the
original tickets (duly signed by the Head of the
10. Unspent balance of the grant, if any, may be returned to the
Ministry of AYUSH in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour
of the Accounts officer, Cash (Health) payable at New Delhi