BALD1-3 Tome of The Traitor Story Awards
BALD1-3 Tome of The Traitor Story Awards
BALD1-3 Tome of The Traitor Story Awards
Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From: Has Received Story Awards From:
(cross out those not received) (cross out those not received) (cross out those not received)
BALD1-3 Tome of the Traitor BALD1-3 Tome of the Traitor BALD1-3 Tome of the Traitor
Note: These three story awards are mutually exclusive. Note: These three story awards are mutually exclusive. Note: These three story awards are mutually exclusive.
Cross off the story awards that you did not receive. Cross off the story awards that you did not receive. Cross off the story awards that you did not receive.
BALD07 Dedicated to the Duke BALD07 Dedicated to the Duke BALD07 Dedicated to the Duke
You have trusted the judgment of Lord Balkal that the You have trusted the judgment of Lord Balkal that the You have trusted the judgment of Lord Balkal that the
Baldur’s Gate government will use the knowledge Baldur’s Gate government will use the knowledge Baldur’s Gate government will use the knowledge
found in the Tome of Twisted Truths to keep in check the found in the Tome of Twisted Truths to keep in check the found in the Tome of Twisted Truths to keep in check the
groups that seek to further the goals of evil. groups that seek to further the goals of evil. groups that seek to further the goals of evil.
If you haven’t completed it already, this story If you haven’t completed it already, this story If you haven’t completed it already, this story
award also completes the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship award also completes the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship award also completes the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship
major quest from BALD1-1. (You can’t complete a major quest from BALD1-1. (You can’t complete a major quest from BALD1-1. (You can’t complete a
quest more than once, so if you’ve already completed it, quest more than once, so if you’ve already completed it, quest more than once, so if you’ve already completed it,
you don’t get the bonus XP in this adventure.) you don’t get the bonus XP in this adventure.) you don’t get the bonus XP in this adventure.)
If you are on the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship major If you are on the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship major If you are on the Flaming Fist Apprenticeship major
quest but you did not receive this award, you have not quest but you did not receive this award, you have not quest but you did not receive this award, you have not
failed the quest! Keep an eye out for future Baldur’s failed the quest! Keep an eye out for future Baldur’s failed the quest! Keep an eye out for future Baldur’s
Gate regional adventures that may allow you another Gate regional adventures that may allow you another Gate regional adventures that may allow you another
opportunity to impress the leaders of the Flaming Fist. opportunity to impress the leaders of the Flaming Fist. opportunity to impress the leaders of the Flaming Fist.
BALD08 Friend of the Library BALD08 Friend of the Library BALD08 Friend of the Library
Thanks to you, the Tome of Twisted Truths has been Thanks to you, the Tome of Twisted Truths has been Thanks to you, the Tome of Twisted Truths has been
returned to its rightful owners at Candlekeep. The First returned to its rightful owners at Candlekeep. The First returned to its rightful owners at Candlekeep. The First
Reader holds you in high regard, and has granted you Reader holds you in high regard, and has granted you Reader holds you in high regard, and has granted you
one free pass to the Edificant Library, allowing you to one free pass to the Edificant Library, allowing you to one free pass to the Edificant Library, allowing you to
visit the library for one day without having to provide a visit the library for one day without having to provide a visit the library for one day without having to provide a
rare book to get inside. rare book to get inside. rare book to get inside.