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A Seminar Report on


Submitted in the Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Name: Rajarshi Raj Registration No: 0801289320 2008-2012


HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

This is to certify that the Seminar Report entitled HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE being submitted by RAJARSHI RAJ bearing Registration No: 0801289320, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the 6th semester of Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology is a bonafide work carried out at Trident Academy of Technology, Bhubaneswar under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this seminar report is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.







HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

First of all I would like to thank the Almighty, who has always guided me to work on the right path of the life. My greatest thanks are to my parents who bestowed ability and strength in me to complete this work. This work would not have been possible without the encouragement and able guidance of my Guide Mr. ADITYA NARAYAN DAS . His enthusiasm and optimism made this experience both rewarding and enjoyable. Most of the novel ideas and solutions found in this thesis are the result of our numerous stimulating discussions. I am equally grateful to Ms. ALKA NANDA TRIPATHY, B.Tech. Seminar Coordinator, Information Technology , a nice person, who always encouraged me to keep going with work and always advised me with his invaluable suggestions. I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. NANI GOPAL DAS, H.O.D, Information Technology, and the entire faculty and staff members of Information Technology Department for their directindirect help, cooperation, love and affection, which made my stay at Trident Academy of Technology memorable. RAJARSHI RAJ Registation No: 0801289320 6th Semester B.Tech (IT-F) 2008-2012
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )


HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

Holographic Data Storage System

Holographic data storage is a potential replacement technology in the area of high-capacity data storage currently dominated by magnetic and conventional optical data storage. Magnetic and optical data storage devices rely on individual bits being stored as distinct magnetic or optical changes on the surface of the recording medium. Holographic data storage overcomes this limitation by recording information throughout the volume of the medium and is capable of recording multiple images in the same area utilizing light at different angles. Additionally, whereas magnetic and optical data storage records information a bit at a time in a linear fashion, holographic storage is capable of recording and reading millions of bits in parallel, enabling data transfer rates greater than those attained by optical storage. Holographic data storage captures information using a non optical interference pattern within a thick, photosensitive optical material. Light from a single laser beam is divided into two separate optical patterns of dark and light pixels. By adjusting the reference beam angle, wavelength, or media position, a multitude of holograms (theoretically, several thousand) can be stored on a single volume. The theoretical limits for the storage density of this technique is approximately several tens of Terabytes (1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes) per cubic centimeter. From this we can deduce that a regular disk (with 4 cm radius of writing area) could hold up to a maximum of 3895.6 GB. Holographic data storage can provide companies a method to preserve and archive information.

Guided By : Aditya Narayan Das Submitted By: Rajarshi Raj Regd. No:-0801289320 5
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

Branch:- IT



Every enterprise needs archival storage to meet compliance requirements and address litigation issues, but "deep" archiving remains a challenge. Nobody wants to keep discs powered, spinning and serviced for up to 50 years or more. Tape is removable and securable, but tape carries its own long-term readability and reliability concerns. Optical storage is emerging as an attempt to fill this gap, and holographic storage may emerge as the next vehicle for longterm offline archival storage, bringing a mix of large capacity and decades of media stability. However, holographic storage technology is far from being the next big thing. It has been on the drawing boards for years, and even though most of its technological components are well-founded in current CD/DVD devices, practical holographic storage systems are still in development. In fact, there are really only two principal suppliers. This article examines holographic storage technology, highlights its anticipated deployment and considers the potentially rocky road ahead for this high-capacity optical storage scheme.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )


Holographic storage works by storing a sequence of discrete data snapshots within the thickness of the media. The storage process starts when a laser beam is split into two signals. One beam is used as a reference signal. Another beam, called the data-carrying beam, is passed through a device called a spatial light modulator (SLM) which acts as a fine shutter system, passing and blocking light at points corresponding to ones and zeroes. The reference beam is then reflected to impinge on the data-carrying beam within the media. This creates a three-dimensional refraction pattern (the "hologram") that is captured in the media. Holographic storage uses circular media similar to a blank CD or DVD that spins to accept data along a continuous spiral data path. Once the media is written, data is read back using the reference beam to illuminate the refraction. This three-dimensional aspect of data recording is an important difference between holographic storage and conventional CD/DVD recording. Traditional optical media uses a single laser beam to write data in two dimensions along a continuous spiral data path. In contrast, prototype holographic storage products save one million pixels at a time in discrete snapshots, also called pages, which form microscopic cones through the thickness of the light-sensitive media. Today's holographic media can store over 4.4 million individual pages on a disc.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

Today, holographic storage is a Worm technology that relies on light-sensitive media housed in removable protective cartridges. Although rewritable media and drives will appear in the next few years, much like the progression from CD-R to CD-RW or from DVDR to DVD-RW, experts note that the most likely application for Worm media is for long-term archiving.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



Devices that use light to store and read data have been the backbone of data storage for nearly two decades. Compact discs revolutionized data storage in the early 1980s, allowing multimegabytes of data to be stored on a disc that has a diameter of a mere 12 centimeters and a thickness of about 1.2 millimeters. In 1997, an improved version of the CD, called a digital versatile disc (DVD), was released, which enabled the storage of full-length movies on a single disc. CDs and DVDs are the primary data storage methods for music, software, personal computing and video. A CD can hold 783 megabytes of data, which is equivalent to about one hour and 15 minutes of music, but Sony has plans to release a 1.3-gigabyte (GB) high-capacity CD. A double-sided, double-layer DVD can hold 15.9 GB of data, which is about eight hours of movies. These conventional storage mediums meet today's storage needs, but storage technologies have to evolve to keep pace with increasing consumer demand. CDs, DVDs and magnetic storage all store bitsof information on the surface of a recording medium. In order to increase storage capabilities, scientists are now working on a new optical storage method, called holographic memory, that will go beneath the surface and use the volume of the recording medium for storage, instead of only the surface area. Three-dimensional data storage will be able to store more information in a smaller space and offer faster data transfer times.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



Holography is a technique which enables a light field to be recorded, and reconstructed later when the original light field is no longer present. It is analogous to sound recording where the sound field is encoded in such a way that it can later be reproduced. Though holography is often referred to as 3D photography, this is a misconception. A photograph represents a single fixed image of a scene, whereas a hologram, when illuminated appropriately, recreates the light which came from the original scene; this can be viewed from different distances and at different orientations just as if the original scene were present. The hologram itself consists of a very fine random pattern, which appears to bear no relationship to the scene which it has recorded. To record a hologram, some of the light scattered from an object or a set of objects falls on the recording medium. A second light beam, known as the reference beam, also illuminates the recording medium, so that interference occurs between the two beams. The resulting light field generates a seemingly random pattern of varying intensity, which is recorded in the hologram. The figure on the right is a photograph of part of a hologram - the object was a toy van. The photograph was taken by backlighting the hologram with diffuse light, and focusing on the surface of the plate.
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

It is important to note that the holographic recording is contained in the random intensity structure (which is a speckle pattern), and not in the more regular structure, which is due to interference arising from multiple reflections in the glass plate on which the photographic emulsion is mounted. It is no more possible to discern the subject of the hologram from this random pattern than it is to identify what music has been recorded by looking at the hills and valleys on a gramophone record surface or the pits on a CD. When the original reference beam illuminates the hologram, it is diffracted by the recorded hologram to produce a light field which is identical to the light field which was originally scattered by the object or objects onto the hologram. When the object is removed, an observer who looks into the hologram "sees" the same image on his retina as he would have seen when looking at the original scene. This image is often called a virtual image, as it can be seen even though the object is no longer present. The figure shown at the top of this article is an image produced by a camera which is located in front of the developed hologram which is being illuminated with the original reference beam. The camera is focused on the original scene, not on the hologram itself.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



The components of Holographic data storage system is composed of Blue-green argon laser Beam splitters to spilt the laser beam Mirrors to direct the laser beams LCD panel (spatial light modulator) Lenses to focus the laser beams Lithium-niobate crystal or photopolymer Charge coupled device camera They can be classified into three sections namely recording medium, optical recording system and photodetector array. The laser is used because it provides monochromatic light. Only the interference pattern produced by the monochromatic beam of light is stable in time. Lithium niobate crystal is used as photosensitive material on which hologram is recorded. It has certain optical characteristics that make it behave as photosensitive material. CCD camera detects the information in the light, converts to digital information..

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



When the blue-green argon laser is fired, a beam splitter creates two beams. One beam, called the object or signal beam, will go straight, bounce off one mirror and travel through a spatial-light modulator (SLM). An SLM is a Liquid crystal display (LCD) that shows pages of raw binary data as clear and dark boxes. The information from the page of binary code is carried by the signal beam around to the light-sensitive lithium-niobate crystal. Some systems use a photopolymer in place of the crystal. A second beam, called the reference beam, shoots out the side of the beam splitter and takes a separate path to the crystal. When the two beams meet, the interference pattern that is created stores the data carried by the signal beam in a specific area in the crystal -- the data is stored as a hologram.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



When reading out the data, the reference beam has to hit the crystal at the same angle thats used in recording the page. To read out the data, the reference beam again illuminates the crystal. The stored interference pattern diffracts the reference beams light so that it reconstructs the checkerboard image of the light or dark pixels. The image is directed upon a charge-coupled device (CCD) sensor array that reads the data in parallel, and it instantly captures the entire digital page. The binary information can now be read from this CCD and the data is retrieved. This parallel read out of data provides holography with its fast data transfer rates.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



Once one can store a page of bits in a hologram, an interface to a computer can be made. The problem arises, however, that storing only one page of bits is not beneficial. Fortunately, the properties of holograms provide a unique solution to this dilemma. Unlike magnetic storage mechanisms that store data on their surface, holographic memories store information throughout their whole volume. After a page of data is recorded in the hologram, a small modification to the source beam before it reenters the hologram will record another page of data in the same volume. This method of storing multiple pages of data in the hologram is called multiplexing. The thicker the volume becomes, the smaller the modifications to the source beam can be. 1. Angular Multiplexing When a reference beam recreates the source beam, it needs to be at the same angle it was during recording. A very small alteration in this angle will make the regenerated
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

source beam disappear. Harnessing this property, angular multiplexing changes the angle of the source beam by very minuscule amounts after each page of data is recorded. Depending on the sensitivity of the recording material, thousands of pages of data can be stored in the same hologram, at the same point of laser beam entry. Staying away from conventional data access systems that move mechanical matter to obtain data, the angle of entry on the source beam can be deflected by high-frequency sound waves in solids. The elimination of mechanical access methods reduces access times from milliseconds to microseconds. 2. Wavelength Multiplexing Used mainly in conjunction with other multiplexing methods, wavelength multiplexing alters the wavelength of source and reference beams between recordings. Sending beams to the same point of origin in the recording medium at different wavelengths allows multiple pages of data to be recorded. Due to the small tuning range of lasers, however, this form of multiplexing is limited on its own. 3. Spatial Multiplexing Spatial multiplexing is the method of changing the point of entry of source and reference beams into the recording medium. This form tends to break away from the nonmechanical paradigm because either the medium or recording beams must be physically moved. Like wavelength multiplexing, this is combined with other forms of multiplexing to maximize the amount of data stored in the holographic volume. Two commonly used forms of spatial multiplexing are peristrophic multiplexing and shift multiplexing.
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

4. Phase-Encoded Multiplexing The form of multiplexing farthest away from using mechanical means to record many pages in the same volume of a holograph is called phase-encoded multiplexing. Rather than manipulate the angle of entry of a laser beam or rotate/translate the recording medium, phase-encoded multiplexing changes the phase of individual parts of a reference beam. The main reference beam is split up into many smaller partial beams that cover the same area as the original reference beam. These smaller beamlets vary by phase that changes the state of the reference beam as a whole. The reference beam intersects the source beam and records the diffraction relative to the different phases of the beamlets. The phase of the beamlets can be changed by non-mechanical means, therefore speeding up access times. Combining Multiplexing Methods No single multiplexing method by itself is the best way to pack a hologram full of information. The true power of multiplexing is brought out in the combination of one or more methods. Hybrid wavelength and angular multiplexing systems have been tested and the results are promising. Recent tests have also been formed on spatial multiplexing methods which create a hologram the size of a compact disc, but which hold 500 times more data.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



HIGH CAPACITY: Holographic storage devices having 125GB capacity has already been realized. Eventually these devices could have storage capacities of 1TB or even 1PB. HIGH TRANFER RATE: Early holographic data storage devices have transfer rates up to 40MB/sec .It is expected that it would have transfer rates up to 1GB/sec PARALLEL SEARCHING: Holographic data storage enables rapid parallel searching as data is stored and retrieved in parallel. Hence searching is very fast. REDUNDANCY: Because a single page of bits may be stored at one time, the information content of the page is intermingled. Thus any defect occurring in the recording medium would not destroy the data bits .Rather, only the signal to noise ratio is affected. BANDWIDTH: Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be contained in Individual channels.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



The key component of any holographic data storage system is the angle at which the second reference beam is fired at the crystal to retrieve a page of data. It must match the original reference beam angle exactly. A difference of just a thousandth of a millimeter will result in failure to retrieve that page of data. The recording mechanism for photopolymers also leads to some disadvantages, including shrinkage of the material wit polymerization and the possibility of nonlinear response. Both of these distort the reconstructed holograms and thus cause errors in decoding digital data. On the other hand, holographic data storage currently suffers from the relatively high component and integration costs faced by any emerging technology. In contrast, magnetic hard drives, also known as direct access storage devices (DASD), are well established, with a broad knowledge base, infrastructure, and market acceptance. Another important problem that arises is that the whole recording medium and apparatus should exhibit high degree of perfection. That is it should be able to even withstand the slightest of jerks.
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



There are many possible applications of holographic memory. Holographic memory systems can potentially provide the high-speed transfers and large volumes of future computer systems. PARALLELISM: In conventional storage, data is recorded and retrieved serially. Holographic storage, on the other hand, uses the information capacity of an optical wave-front so that data can be recorded and retrieved in parallel, one page at a time. Due to the page-oriented nature of holographic storage, the potential exists for extremely high data rates, subject only to the limitations imposed by I / O (input/output) devices. Holographic storage systems can have data rates approaching 1.0 Gbytes / sec. In addition, because beam deflection, as opposed to moving parts, is used to access the stored holograms, access times in the 10-ms range could be achieved. Hence searching can be very fast since it uses parallel search. DATAMINING: One possible application is data mining. Data mining is the process of finding patterns in large amounts of data. Data mining is used greatly in large databases which hold possible patterns which cannot be distinguished by human eyes due to the vast amount of data. Some current computer systems implement data
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

mining, but the mass amount of storage required is pushing the limits of current data storage systems. The many advances in access times and data storage capacity that holographic memory provides could exceed conventional storage and speed up data mining considerably. This would result in more located patterns in a shorter amount of time. PETAFLOP COMPUTING: Another possible application of holographic memory is in petaflop computing. A petaflop is a thousand trillion floating point operations per second. The fast access in extremely large amounts of data provided by holographic memory systems could be utilized in a petaflop architecture. Clearly advances are needed in more than memory systems, but the theoretical schematics do exist for such a machine. Optical storage such as holographic memory provide a viable solution to the extreme amount of data which is required for petaflop computing.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )



The future of holographic memory is very promising. The page access of data that holographic memory creates will provide a window into next generation computing by adding another dimension to stored data. Finding holograms in personal computers might be a bit longer off, however. The large cost of high-tech optical equipment would make small-scale systems implemented with holographic memory impractical. Holographic memory will most likely be used in next generation super computers where cost is not as much of an issue. Current magnetic storage devices remain far more cost effective than any other medium on the market. The current storage in a personal computer operates on the same principles used in the first magnetic data storage devices. The parallel nature of holographic memory has many potential gains on serial storage methods. However, many advances in optical technology and photosensitive materials need to be made before we find holograms in computer systems. Holographic techniques may provide a long sought ideal: a mass memory with archival permanence and yet electronic accessibility. It also promises to provide a long wished-for mass storage device for data processing that is devoid of any mechanical motion and which integrates in a single unit, permanent recording with high speed electronic random accessibility.
HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

E. Chuang, Methods and architecture for rewritable holographic memories, Ph.D. dissertation, California Inst. Technol., Pasadena, 1998.silicon/liquid crystal devices. JeanJacques is currently with Micro Display Corporation, San Pablo, CA. Holographic Random Access Memory (HRAM):ERNEST CHUANG, WENHAI LIU, JEAN-JACQUES P. DROLET, ASSOCIATE MEMBER, IEEE,AND DEMETRI PSALTIS, SENIOR MEMBER, IEEE. IBM Journal of Research and Development ,HOLOGRAPHIC MEMORIES by, J. Ashley PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 87, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1999 http://www.optics.arizona.edu/Glenn/holograp1.htm http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/rd/443/ashley.html http://optics.caltech.edu/Publications/Papers/Chuang %20HRAM.pdf.

HOLOGRAPHIC DATA STORAGE Seminar Report By RAJARSHI RAJ ( Regd No:- 0801289320 )

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