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1. Whether the plaintiff proves that the suit schedule property is

liable to partition as bar under Section 14 of Hindu Succession
2. Whether the plaintiff proves that the court fee paid by the
plaintiff is sufficient?
3. Whether the suit filed by the plaintiff is maintainable or not?



O.S. NO.2887/2012

Smt. Shyamala Vatsa and others Plaintiffs


Smt. Shashikala R. Nayak and others Defendants


I, R Varadaraj Naik, S/o Late: G Ramdas Nayak aged about 58

years, residing at No.6, S.K.R. road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore-
560004, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows: -
1. I submit that I am the third defendant in the above case. I am
aware of the fact and circumstances of the case and
accordingly I am swearing to this affidavit.

2. I submit that the plaintiff filed above suit seek judgement and
decree granting 1/6th share to each of the Plaintiff with
respect to schedule property, by effecting a partition by meats
and bounds through process of court to each of the Plaintiffs,
so secure the ends of justice and equity.

3. I submit that at para 6 of my written statement, I contend

that schedule property is not a partible property at all. Hence,
the suit is not maintainable. I also sought that the
maintainability of the suit may be tried as a preliminary issue.
Where the maintainability of the suit is question before the
court. The issue required to be heard in this regard. In respect
of 2nd Issues concern in para 9 of my written statement I
contend that the plaintiffs have valued the suit relief under
section 35(2) of the Karnataka Court Fees and Suit Valuation
Act, 1958.as contemplated under section 35(2) of the
Karnataka Court Fees and Suit Valuation Act the Plaintiff
require to pay the court fee on the market value of the
property. Since the plaintiffs have fails to establish they are
the co-owners of the suit schedule property.

4. I submit that I am given to understand the issues will arise for

consideration based on the Plaint averment aswell as the
written statement.

5. When I clearly contend in my written statement above these

aspects the issue in relation to the same it is required to be
framed on this regard.

6. I submit that though I raised this contention in my written

statement at the time of getting ready for my evidence and
verifying the papers I came to know that issues on these
aspect the court have not framed any issues

7. I submit that the power confirmed under Order 14 Rule 5 an is

absolute. The Court may at any time before passing a decree
amend the issues or frame additional issues on such terms as
it thinks fit, and all such amendments or additional issues as
may be necessary for determining the matters in controversy
between the parties. The additional issues which I sorted this
application is very much required for the adjudication of the
dispute and matter in controversy. The suit itself is not
maintainable and plaintiffs are not the co-owners of the suit
schedule property. Suit in present form is not at all
maintainable. In addition to that the issues sorted in this
application are very much require for the purpose of
disproving the case of the plaintiffs

8. I submit that despite of due diligence I was unable to file this

application at earliest point of time. Delay if any in filling the
above application may kindly be condoned.
9. I state that, if the above application is allowed, no
hardship or injury will be caused to the Plaintiff. On the
other hand, if the same is not allowed, the defendant will
be put to great hardship and injury.

WHEREFORE, I humbly pray that the above application may

kindly be allow as prayed for, in the interest of justice and equity.

Identified by me


Date: 30.07.2024

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