Canons of Judicial Ethics

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[Administrative Order No. 162 dated August 1, 1946 of the

Department of Justice.]

In the interest of the administration of justice, the following Canons

of Judicial Ethics, proposed by the Philippine Bar Association and
approved by the judges of First Instance of Manila re hereby adopted
for the guidance of and observance by the judges under the
administrative supervision of the Department of Justice (now of the
Supreme Court), including municipal judges and city judges:
1. Relations of the judiciary chan robles virtual law library
The assumption of the office of judge casts upon the incumbent
duties in respect to his personal conduct which concern his relation
to the State and its inhabitants, the litigants before him, the
principles of law, the practitioners of law in his court, and the
witnesses and attendants who aid him in the administration of its
functions. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

2. The public interest chan robles virtual law library

The courts exist to promote justice; and thus to aid in securing the
contentment and happiness of the people. Their administration
should be speedy and careful. Every judge should at all times be
alert in his rulings and in the conduct of the business of his court, so
far as he can, to make it useful to litigants and to the community. He
should avoid unconsciously failing into the attitude of mind that the
litigants are made for the courts instead of the courts for the
litigants. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

3. Avoidance of appearance of impropriety chan robles virtual law

A judge's official conduct should be free from the appearance of
impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only upon the bench and
in the performance of judicial duties, but also in his every day life,
should be beyond reproach. chanrobles virtual law library

4. Essential conduct
He should be temperate, patient, attentive, impartial, and, since he
is to administer the law and apply it to the facts, he should be
studious of the principles of the law, diligent in endeavoring to
ascertain the facts. chanrobles virtual law library

5. Industry chan robles virtual law library

He should exhibit an industry and application commensurate with
the duties imposed upon him. chan robles virtual law library chanrobles virtual law library

6. Promptness
He should be prompt in disposing of all matters submitted to him,
remembering that justice delayed is often justice denied. chanrobles virtual law library

7. Punctuality
He should be punctual in the performance of his judicial duties,
recognizing that the time of litigants, witnesses, and attorneys is of
value and that if the judge is unpunctual in his habits he sets a bad
example to the bar and tends to create dissatisfaction with the
administration of justice. chan robles virtual law library chanrobles virtual law library

8. Court organization
He should organize his court with a view to prompt and convenient
dispatch of its business and he should not tolerate abuses and
neglect by clerks, sheriffs, and other assistants who are sometimes
prone to presume too much upon his good-natured acquiescence by
reason of friendly association with him. chanrobles virtual law library

9. Consideration for witnesses and others

He should be considerate of witnesses and others in attendance
upon his court. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

10. Courtesy and civility chan robles virtual law library

Judges should be courteous to counsel, especially to those who are
young and inexperienced, and also to all others concerned in the
administration of justice in their courts. chanrobles virtual law library

They should also require, and, as far as their power extends, enforce
on the part of clerks, court officers and counsel civility and courtesy
to witnesses, litigants and others having business with the court. chanrobles virtual law library

11. Appointments of the judiciary and their compensation

Trustees, receivers, masters, referees, guardians, and
administrators appointed by a judge to aid in the administration of
justice under his supervision should have the strictest probity and
impartiality and should be selected with a view solely to their
character and competency. Patronage of a judge is conferred by him
for no personal or partisan advantage. A judge should not permit his
appointments to be controlled by others than himself, and he should
avoid the allowance of excessive compensation to the appointees.
He should also avoid nepotism in his appointments. chanrobles virtual law library

12. Kinship or influence of parties and counsel chan robles virtual law
A judge should not, unless it is unavoidable, sit in litigation where a
near relative is a party or of counsel; and he should not suffer his
conduct to create the impression that any person can unduly
influence him or enjoy his favor, or that he is affected by the rank,
position, or influence of any party. chanrobles virtual law library

13. Independence chan robles virtual law library

A judge should not be swayed by public claim or considerations of
personal popularity. chanrobles virtual law library
14. Interference to conduct of trial
While a judge may properly intervene in a trial of a case to promote
expedition and prevent unnecessary waste of time, or to clear up
some obscurity, nevertheless, he should bear in mind that his undue
interference, impatience, or participation in the examination of
witnesses, or a severe attitude on his part toward witnesses,
especially those who are excited or terrified by the unusual
circumstances of trial, may tend to prevent the proper presentation
of the cause, or the ascertainment of the truth in respect thereto. chanrobles virtual law library

Conversation between the judge and counsel in court is often

necessary, but the judge should be studious to avoid controversies
which are apt to obscure the merits of the dispute between litigants
and lead to its unjust disposition. In addressing counsel, litigants, or
witnesses, he should avoid a controversial tone. chanrobles virtual law library

He should avoid interruptions of counsel in their arguments except

to clarify his mind as to their positions, and he should not be
tempted to an unnecessary display of learning or a premature
judgment. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

15. Ex parte applications chan robles virtual law library

Judges should discourage ex parte hearing of applications for
injunctions and receivership where the order may work detriment to
absent parties; they should act upon ex parte applications only
where the necessity for quick action is clearly shown; if this be
demonstrated, then the judge should endeavor to counter act the
effect of the absence of opposing counsel by a scrupulous cross-
examination and investigation as to the facts and the principles of
law upon which the application is based, granting relief only when
fully satisfied that the law permits it and the emergency demands it.
The judge should remember that an injunction is a limitation upon
the freedom of action of defendants and should not be granted
lightly or inadvisedly. one applying for such relief must sustain the
burden of showing clearly its necessity and this burden is increased
in the absence of the party whose freedom of action is to be
restrained even though only temporarily. chanrobles virtual law library

16. Continuances
Delay in the administration of justice is a common cause of
complaint; counsel are frequently responsible for this delay. Judges,
without being arbitrary or forcing cases unreasonably or unjustly to
trial when unprepared, to the detriment of parties, may well
endeavor to hold counsel to a proper appreciation of their duties to
the public to their own clients, and to the adverse party and his
counsel, so as to enforce due diligence in the dispatch of business
before the court. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library
17. Judicial opinions
In disposing of controverted cases, judges should indicate the
reasons for their action in opinions showing that they have not
disregarded or overlooked serious arguments of counsel. They
should show their full understanding of the case, avoid the suspicion
of arbitrary conclusion, promote confidence in their intellectual
integrity and contribute useful precedents to the growth of the law. chanrobles virtual

law library

But the volume of reported decisions is such and is ever so

increasing that in writing opinions which are to be published, judges
may well take this fact into consideration, and curtail them
accordingly, without substantially departing from the principles
stated above. It is of high importance that judges constituting a
court of last resort should use effort and self-restraint to promote
solidarity of conclusion and the consequent influence of judicial
decision. A judge should not yield to pride of opinion or value more
highly his individual reputation than that of the court to which he
should be loyal. Therefore, except in case of conscientious difference
of opinion on fundamental principle, dissents should be
discouraged. chanrobles virtual law library

18. Influence of decisions upon the development of the law chan

robles virtual law library
A Judge should be mindful that his duty is the application of general
law to particular instance, that ours is a government of laws and not
of men, and that he violates his duty as a minister of justice under
such a system if he seeks to do what he may personally consider
substantial justice in a particular case and disregards the general
law as he knows it to be binding on him. Such action may have
detrimental consequences beyond the immediate controversy. He
should administer his office with a due regard to the integrity of the
system of the law itself, remembering that he is not a depository of
arbitrary power, but a judge under the sanction of law. chanrobles virtual law library

19. Idiosyncrasies and inconsistence

Justice should not be bounded by the individual idiosyncrasies of
those who administer it. A judge should adopt the usual and
expected method of doing justice, and not seek to be extreme or
peculiar in his judgment, or spectacular or sensational in the
conduct of his court. Though vested with discretion in the imposition
of mild or severe sentence, he should not compel persons convicted
or accused to submit to some humiliating act or discipline of his own
devising, without authority of law, because he thinks it will have a
beneficial corrective influence. chanrobles virtual law library

Judges imposing sentence should endeavor to conform to a

reasonable standard of punishment and should not seek popularity
either by exceptional severity or undue leniency. chanrobles virtual law library

20. Review
In order that a litigant may secure the full benefit of the right of
review accorded to him by law, a trial judge should scrupulously
grant to the defeated party opportunity to present the situation
arising upon the trial exactly as it arose, was presented, and decided
by full and fair bill of exceptions or otherwise; and failure in this
regard on the part of the judge is peculiarly worthy of condemnation
because the wrong done is remediable. chan robles virtual law library chanrobles virtual law library

21. Legislation
Judges have exceptional opportunity to observe the operation of
statutes, especially those relating to practice, and to ascertain
whether they tend to impede the just disposition of controversies;
and they may well contribute to the public interest by advising those
having authority to remedy defects of procedure of the result of their
observation and experience. chan robles virtual law library chanrobles virtual law library

22. Infractions of law

The judge should be studiously careful himself to avoid even the
slightest infraction of the law, lest it be a demoralizing example to
others.chanrobles virtual law library

23. Inconsistent obligations chan robles virtual law library

A judge should not accept inconsistent duties; nor incur obligations,
pecuniary or otherwise, which will in any way interfere with his
devotion to the expeditious and proper administration of his official
functions. chanrobles virtual law library

24. Business promotions and solicitations for charity. chan robles chanrobles virtual law library

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He should avoid giving ground for any reasonable suspicion that in
utilizing the power or prestige of his office to persuade or coerce
others to patronize or contribute, either to the success of private
business ventures, or to charitable enterprises. He should, therefore,
not enter into such private business, or pursue such a course of
conduct, as would justify such suspicion, nor use the power of his
office or the influence of his name to promote the business interest
of others; he should not solicit for charities, nor should he enter into
any business relation which, in the normal course of events
reasonably to be expected, might bring his personal interests into
conflict with the impartial performance of his official duties. chanrobles virtual law library

25. Personal investments and relations chan robles virtual law library
A Judge should abstain from making personal investments in
enterprises which are apt to be involved in litigation in his court;
and, after accession to the bench, he should not retain such
investments previously made, longer than a period sufficient to
enable him to dispose of them without serious loss. It is desirable
that he should, so far as reasonably possible, refrain from all
relations which would normally tend to arouse the suspicion that
such relations warp or bias his judgment, or prevent his impartial
attitude of mind in the administration of his judicial duties. chanrobles virtual law library

It is highly improper for a judge to utilize information coming to him

in a juridical capacity for purposes of speculation and it detracts
from the public confidence in his integrity and the soundness of
judicial judgment for him at any time to become a speculative
investor upon the hazard of a margin. chanrobles virtual law library

26. Executorships and trusteeships chan robles virtual law library

While judges are not disqualified from holding executorships or
trusteeships, they should not accept or continue to hold any
fiduciary or other position if the holding of it would interfere or seem
to interfere with the proper performance of their judicial duties, or if
the business interests of those represented require investments in
enterprises that are apt to come before the court, or to be involved
in questions of law to be determined by it. chanrobles virtual law library

27. Partisan politics chan robles virtual law library

While entitled to entertain his personal view on political questions,
and while not required to surrender his rights or opinions as a
citizen, it is inevitable that suspicion of being warped by political
bias will attach to a judge who becomes the active promoter of the
interests of one political party against another. chanrobles virtual law library

A Judge should avoid making political speeches, contributions to

party funds, the public endorsement of candidates for political office,
or participating in party conventions. chanrobles virtual law library

28. Self-interest chan robles virtual law library

He should abstain from participating in any judicial act in which his
personal interests are involved. If he has personal litigation in the
court of which he is judge, he need not resign his judgeship on that
account, but he should, of course, refrain from any judicial act in
such a controversy. chanrobles virtual law library

29. Gifts and favors chan robles virtual law library

He should not accept any presents or favors from litigants or from
lawyers practicing before him. chanrobles virtual law library

30. Social relations chan robles virtual law library

It is not necessary to the proper performance of judicial duty that
judges should live in retirement or seclusion; it is desirable that, so
far as the reasonable attention to the completion of their work will
permit, they continue to mingle in social intercourse, and that they
should not discontinue their interests in or appearance at meetings
of members of the bar. A judge should, however, in pending or
prospective litigation before him be scrupulously careful to avoid
such action as may reasonably tend to waken the suspicion that his
social or business relations or friendships constitute an element in
determining his judicial course. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

31. A summary of judicial obligations chan robles virtual law library

A judge's conduct should be above reproach and in the discharge of
his judicial duties he should be conscientious, studious, thorough,
courteous, patient, punctual, just, impartial, fearless of public
clamor, and regardless of private influence should administer justice
according to law and should deal with the patronage of the position
as a public trust; and he should not allow outside matters or his
private interests to interfere with the prompt and proper
performance of his office. chan robles virtual law library
chanrobles virtual law library

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