FakeBit Imitation and Limitation
FakeBit Imitation and Limitation
FakeBit Imitation and Limitation
Fake Bit: Imitation and Limitation
Camper, Brett
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
Brett Camper
[email protected]
Figure 5. Despite their amateur origins, La-Mulana’s textual La-Mulana does limit the number and position of its sprites to
riddles and conversations are better translated and more approximately those of the MSX, but not with complete accuracy
intelligible than their professional predecessors from the or fanaticism (while there are generally no more than four sprites
1980s. on any line, there also doesn’t appear to be any specific policing
of this requirement). More importantly, the game makes no
attempt to re-create the flickering seen on real 8-bit hardware.
4. LOST IN IMITATION And the same is true of the vast majority of faux 8-bit games,
How might La-Mulana have been different had it been developed despite the widespread prevalence of sprite flicker in their
for an actual MSX? Many hobbyist programmers, for instance, do historical sources of inspiration (to my knowledge, the only
continue to create games for the MSX platform today, so the example of a game that does implement a “fake flicker” is Mega
option was clearly available. On one hand, La-Mulana goes to Man 9, though this is only visible when the player enables “legacy
great lengths to match the observable behavior of the MSX. On mode”). While flickering could easily be considered as essential
the other hand, this imitation is clearly selective and intentional, a to the aesthetics of 8-bit gaming as color palette and pixel
vehicle for stylization. And there are technical aspects of the resolution, it is instead more often perceived as a glitch, a
platform that are not adopted or enforced, fundamental low-level technical limitation to be left behind rather than preserved.
structural elements such as the maximum addressable memory
space. These limitations were often significant hurdles to Generating pixels within the internal memory of the machine
programmers writing real-time graphics code on 8-bit platforms, itself is just part of the hardware equation: most 8-bit home
and while they could be overcome through skilled coding, La- computers, the MSX included, output a standard CRT (cathode
Mulana’s programmers, developing on the much more “friendly” ray tube) TV signal (NTSC in Japan and North America, PAL in
and flexible environment of the modern Windows-compatible PC, Europe, etc.). The images on CRT televisions of the 1980s were
were able to conveniently skip these challenges, and instead substantially less precise than those we see on our super-stable
implement only those ultimately resulting visual behaviors which LCD screens today (or even on the dedicated CRT computer
monitors that were standard in the 1990s, which had much higher Cure, though, because the player’s eye is often drawn directly to
refresh rates than TVs did). These CRTs were blurry, noisy (think the enemies, as opposed to the brief, non-interactive use it serves
TV snow and poor reception), the colors bled into one another, in La-Mulana (in the latter case, there is no negative gameplay
and the relative intensities of colors to one another (known as consequence to the animation being less smooth than one might
“temperature”) were different. Sprites looked less blocky. 8-bit want, while in the former, misjudging the enemy’s position
artists took all this into account quite naturally, because the because of an imprecise graphic could actually cause the player
displays they were developing on themselves exhibited these harm). On the other hand, in return for this sacrifice The Cure’s
qualities. When we view the palettes and pixels of the MSX, the developer gained the ability to devote all four MSX sprites to the
Atari VCS, or the NES on an LCD (whether on a screenshot display of the player character, overlaying them on top of one
online, through an emulator, or within mimic software like La- another to increase the number of available colors from one to
Mulana), we are literally not seeing the same colors and shapes. four and therefore substantially upping the character’s detail level
in comparison to most MSX titles.
A recent comment from a homebrew developer creating a role-
playing game for the 8-bit TI-99/4a computer (which shares the
same TMS9918A graphics chip as the MSX, and thus the same 16
color palette) illuminates the difference in practice:
For example, I originally had my foothill tiles in dark and
light yellow. Then I discovered on NTSC that you couldn’t
really see the color differences. They also didn’t appear very
distinct against desert tiles. My solution was to change the
light yellow to dark red. On a crisp emulation display, it
seems a little jarring. But on an NTSC display, it’s subdued,
and even comes close to making the hills seem more
“brown” [3].
Yet this example aside, the hallmarks of CRT displays, as with
sprite flicker, are ignored much more often than not in today’s
treatment of 8-bit aesthetics (both in emulation, and the
production of new software). At least two examples come to mind
that show that awareness is improving, however. Ian Bogost
challenged his students at Georgia Tech to modify the popular
Atari VCS emulator Stella, adding graphical post-processing to Figure 6. Beluga Mk II evokes a fuzzy Cathode Ray Tube
simulate many of the properties of CRTs [1]. And on the faux 8- television with its blurry and cheerfully bright blue, green,
bit side is the indie game Beluga Mk II (T. Matsushima, 2008), a red, and yellow colors.
horizontal shooter with an astronaut protagonist that recalls a
childhood spent 12 inches from the TV screen, with a fuzz filter But amongst The Cure’s very positive reception, another MSX
and four-color palette of fully-saturated green, blue, red, and developer made an observation in comparing it to its source of
yellow, that evokes the blur and bleed of a CRT. All these inspiration:
hardware properties – color selection and pixel resolution One thing that bugged me a bit in The Cure was exactly the
governed by the CPU and graphics chips, or clarity and brightness fact that with tile enemies you didn’t have a real limit, as
shaped by the optical effects of the screen – are interdependent, with sprites. [W]hen climbing stairs in [Vampire Killer] there
and their compound effects are not always linearly cumulative. was usually a limit for those purple witches so there was a
Picking and choosing (as a faux 8-bit game like La-Mulana or chance to actually reach the higher platform. But in [The
Beluga Mk II must) can significantly, if at first subtly, alter these Cure] they just kept coming and coming. So, in [Vampire
games’ “8-bit” character. Killer] this sprite limit at least contributed to the
Another illustrative case from the world of today’s 8-bit hobbyist gameplay/balance [13].
homebrew developers is found in The Cure, a platform game The following chain of events had occurred: the MSX’s four-
inspired by Vampire Killer (an early MSX entry in the sprite maximum was viewed as a gameplay hindrance because it
Castlevania series), created in 2005 for native MSX hardware and limited how many simultaneous enemies the developer could
winner of the MSXdev’05 programming competition. The Cure’s display. Because increasing the number of sprites would have
developer chose to minimize MSX sprite flickering by drawing caused flickering – an undesirable visual artifact – the developer
enemy characters on the actual screen background itself, rather instead decided to cleverly use the background tile method for
than through sprites (the traditional method). The 8x8 background representing the game’s enemies. Yet without the natural limit
tiles are simply replaced with images of the game’s enemies, such provided by the sprite hardware, the developer actually
as a skeleton. As with sprite flickering, this was a conscious unwittingly overloaded the game’s difficulty. In other words,
compromise on the part of the programmer: because the skeleton hardware sprites on the MSX often play the classic role of a
is drawn on background tiles with fixed positions every eight prescribed artistic constraint, and circumventing them is far from
pixels, it can not be moved smoothly and freely as it approaches certain to lead to “improvement”.
the player character. Instead, the skeleton “jumps” across the
screen in eight pixel increments, similar to the “chunky” scrolling While no such similar sprite charges have been leveled at La-
used to transition between room screens in La-Mulana. This low Mulana (a game that is deeply difficult for other reasons, yet
granularity motion is arguably more distracting in the case of The never physically overwhelms the player in this manner), the
lesson is that the manifestations of hardware are unpredictable. into the new for legitimization. A similar strategy can be seen in
When we’re trying to create a piece of software that mimics the the artificial film grain layered onto the sci-fi role-playing game
observable behavior of an 8-bit platform, how do we determine Mass Effect (Bioware, 2007). The allure of such effects emerges
what “observable” is? As The Cure shows, the answer to this from the dialectic of Bolter and Grusin’s “double logic of
question isn’t straightforward even on native MSX hardware remediation”: an ideal of immediacy – a perfectly, preternaturally
itself. Simple surface level observations of graphics and sounds sharp 3-D rendering on today’s gaming hardware – mitigated by
are not enough – a true assessment can require considerable hypermediacy, the awareness and exploitation of a medium’s
computational (and even physical) investigation. The discarding artificiality. The unreality of one medium helps to make the other
of prominent effects such as sprite flicker and CRT glow from feel subjectively “real”.
many of today’s re-imaginings of 8-bit aesthetics shows how
selective and subjective such a project is. Remediation also happens “locally”: as a medium evolves, its
earlier stages begin to be remediated within it. The emphasis on
Nonetheless, it is equally interesting that a meaningful exploration legitimization or realism fades, and remediation drifts from a
of “8-bit” design can result from studying fake 8-bit software. La- fallback to a conscious stylistic choice, a tactic for evoking and re-
Mulana’s lack of comprehensive platform fidelity hasn’t affected interpreting the medium’s past, an expert vehicle for the homage,
its reputation in the slightest, even amongst hardcore, hobbyist the parody, or the genre revival. This is where remediation meets
MSX programmers, where there is a perception that La-Mulana is retro. The technique is relatively new to gaming, but it is richly
a better “MSX” game than many actual MSX games (present and developed in other media like film and music. For example, in the
past): “I do think it would be great if something just as good film Pleasantville (Gary Ross, 1998), two present-day teenagers
would be made for MSX” [13]. And the game’s developers are are transported into a black and white, suburban 1950s-style
similarly lauded for their well-balanced MSX color choices: alternate reality. The monochrome presentation of the world
“some good techniques can be found” in the graphics of La- evokes its mid-century American naïveté, and as viewers we
Mulana, noting their superiority to the very game which inspired understand this connection because of our familiarity with actual
them, Maze of Galious – “the background of [La-Mulana] is television shows of that period. The original, technical
usually dark’ish [sic], whereas [Maze of Galious’s] background is requirement of black and white film and broadcasting is long
very colored. A single color sprite could do well as long as they gone, but in our historical memory it is closely associated with the
show-up clearly in front of the background. It’s why lots of MSX1 content it represented. The twin sociological and technological
games have a black background: so that a single color sprite looks transitions of the past five decades become the backbone of the
ok” [13]. film’s symbolism: as elements of 1990s modernism slowly seep
into 1950s innocence, the world is literally colorized, one
Had the developers desired, La-Mulana could (with some modest
character, building, and flower at a time. La-Mulana extends this
changes) have been a native MSX game, as is The Cure. But logic from film hardware to game hardware: it is an MSX
unlike 8-bit homebrew programmers, the deep technical challenge platform remediation, and as we’ve seen, evocation through
of such a task was not their primary motivator. While they are technological aesthetics is similarly central to its origins.
unabashed fans of the MSX platform (by all accounts amongst its
biggest), they were more concerned with making an aesthetic But in terms of both aesthetic presentation and formal ambitions,
statement about technology and game design. Not to mention the perhaps a more apt film comparison than Pleasantville would be
severe distribution limitations of compiling your game for an 8-bit avant-garde filmmaker Guy Maddin’s The Saddest Music in the
platform (this hasn’t stopped impressive games such as the recent World (2003). Shot in a varying pastiche of early film tropes,
Knight ’n’ Grail, a non-linear platform-adventure similar to La- including black and white (with some color sequences), heavy
Mulana but written natively for the Commodore64, from offering film grain, and fuzzy iris lens-induced edges, the plot centers on a
commercial distribution through a digital download store) [5]. The bizarre musical competition set in 1930s Winnipeg, and “evokes
modern PC was simply a more appropriate target platform for Busby Berkeley musicals, silent melodramas and Depression-era
their ultimate goals. studio fantasies of wealth, romance, and intrigue” [15]. Most
notably, a shock of temporal displacement marks the critical
5. PLATFORM REMEDIATION reception of both Saddest Music and La-Mulana, with reviewers
in each case expressing the disorienting (and undeniably striking)
La-Mulana’s 8-bit mimicking is a highly specific example of the
simultaneity of a technologically dated presentation paired with a
broader phenomenon of technological remediation for aesthetic
contemporary sensibility:
purposes – a strategy to which games are no stranger. As 3-D
game technologies advanced in the mid-1990s (most notably on La-Mulana: “You get the feeling that the history of video
the PC and Sony’s PlayStation console), graphics programmers games went awry about 20 years ago, and that La-Mulana
looked for ways to bring an aura of “realism” to their images. One somehow came to us through a wormhole from a beautiful
effect they often used was the “lens flare”, the blinding white parallel universe” [14].
starbursts and concentric rings that form when an optical lens
catches a bright light source. These were especially popular in Saddest Music: “[S]eems to pop out of an otherworldly time
leading titles with urban settings, like Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec capsule. It is a tribute to, and a sendup of, old movies that
(SCEA, 2001) and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (Rockstar Games, never quite existed…. delving into a past that never was to
2002). For awhile, lens flares were the game graphics state of the prophesy an alternative vision of the future of movies” [15].
art, part of the ecosystem, from the evaluative criteria of game That the retro mode created by the remediation of La-Mulana and
reviewers to the selling points of third-party game engine The Saddest Music in the World is expressed in science fiction or
licensers. The irony, of course, is that lens flares are the artifacts mystical terms of “time travel” belies the degree to which we
of curvature in physical optics, an old media signature injected historicize the aesthetics of our technologies. This notion of
generative retro views the past neither reverently nor quaintly, but same techniques. It’s also possible that La-Mulana, which
instead, as Elizabeth Guffey says, with an “unsentimental predates each of these by three years or more, may have helped to
nostalgia” [2]. Retro is delineated from the more classical form of inspired them.
revivalism, which while taking great pleasure in the past
nonetheless considered it from a detached perspective, as a
“completed” protocol rather than as a still viable branch of
evolution. This retro strategy is to mix up recognizable
components of past aesthetic styles and genres, reassembling them
into previously unseen forms.
From these examples, we see retro as a unique subset of artistic
inspiration and influence: retro carries with it a source of
discontinuous influence, resemblance coupled with temporal
distance. This is distinct from the more generally incremental
nature of game design, such as the step-by-step evolution of the
“matching tile” puzzle game genre over more than 20 years,
traced by Jesper Juul from Chain Shot! (Kuniaki Moribe, 1985),
to Dr. Mario (Nintendo, 1990), to Bejeweled (PopCap Games,
2001) [4]. Retro media, on the other hand, is not that which
innovates upon its direct parents, but rather those ancestors which
are unequivocally “outdated”. Of course, the determination of
currency vs. obsolescence is itself imprecise and up for debate.
But broadly speaking, creative industries that are structured upon Figure 7. In the WiiWare version of La-Mulana, the graphics
cyclical change have a particular predilection to retro as are re-drawn without the “8-bit” constraints.
phenomenon and rhetoric. This is no doubt why fashion was at the
center of the term’s establishment by 1970s French critics [2]. So there is no small irony that in joining the ranks of the
Gaming hardware may not be quite as pliable as fabrics and commercial world, La-Mulana is doubling back on itself,
colors, but the break-neck leapfrogging of technology and undergoing its own “retro remake”. That is not to say that La-
periodic turnover of game consoles provides a built-in Mulana’s “effectiveness” or success as either a piece of art or an
obsolescence that almost guarantees the emergence of retro enjoyable video game must suffer when it is re-incarnated on
gaming. The aesthetic potential of a game platform is only WiiWare. Nor are there signs of anything but enthusiasm from the
beginning to be understood by the time it is discontinued game’s developers, who appear re-invigorated at the opportunity
commercially. to return to their work anew (La-Mulana was their first project
together, and is now four years old). A telling comment about the
forthcoming version comes from The Independent Gaming
6. CONCLUSION: LA-MULANA COMES Source, which has tirelessly raised awareness of the original
TO WIIWARE game: “less alienating graphics wouldn’t be a bad idea” [6]. The
A fascinating turn of events is that La-Mulana, an amateur-made game’s MSX-styled visuals have always engendered a divided
game with a strong cult following, is now being remade for response from players, and for all those who appreciate its 8-bit
Nintendo’s WiiWare downloadable game service – but with a pedigree, many simply find them too arcane to be comfortable.
change that goes to its core: the graphics are being re-drawn (and Some of the “8-bit” gameplay elements, such as the scrolling
the sound re-composed) without the 8-bit constraints, in a higher transitions between discrete rooms, may lose their coherence and
resolution and full 32-bit color palette that matches current 2-D context when the associative graphical waypoints are removed.
technology. From a theoretical perspective, one of the most But La-Mulana has always been something of a “time warp”, and
intriguing aspects of the original La-Mulana is the way in which I suspect its re-configured patchwork of styles will bring its 8-bit
its 8-bit MSX platform remediation turns what usually passes for influence and design philosophy of contemplative difficulty to a
“retro” in commercial gaming inside-out: it has been neither the wider audience – it may simply induce a different form of
simple re-publishing or emulation of older titles that we find on disorientation when presented primarily as a “contemporary”
Nintendo’s own Virtual Console on the one hand, nor the re- game.
packaged, graphically updated games often seen on Microsoft’s
Xbox Live Arcade on the other (the re-drawn Prince of Persia 7. REFERENCES
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