Attended Annual Review and planning meeting on IRRI-India drought breeding network and
STRASA planning Workshop during 16-18th March, 2009.
Attended Annual Review and planning meeting on IRRI-India drought breeding network and
STRASA planning Workshop during 12-13th March, 2010.
Attended inception meeting and planning workshop on IRRI-India drought breeding network and
STRASA planning Workshop during 5-7th April, 2011.
Attended review and planning workshop for India and Nepal on IRRI-India drought breeding
network and STRASA planning Workshop during 11-13th April, 2012.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Rabi-2012-13 held at IGFRI,
Jhansi during September 14-15, 2012.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Kharif-2013 held at AAU,
Jorhat during May 10-11, 2013.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Rabi-2013-14 held at JNKVV,
Jabalpur during September 7-8, 2013.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Kharif-2014 held at SKRAU,
Bikaner during March 7-8, 2014.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Rabi-2014-15 held at PAU,
Ludhiana during August 26-27, 2014.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Kharif-2015 held at PJTSAU,
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad during April 17-18, 2015.
Participated in AICRP on Forage Crops National Group Meeting Rabi-2015-16 at MPKV,
Rahuri during September, 2015.
f) Contribution to the scientific advancement:
Varieties: Developed eight rice varieties for different ecologies and 13 forage crops varieties in
collaboration through AICRP-FC&U. Through several cross combination, new germplasm
developed in Rice and BN hybrid. Handled several segregating population and selected promising
germplasm in Rice for different ecologies. Thousand of germplasm screened, conserved, maintained
and documented in forage crops and range grasses.
Project Handled: Four projects externally funded and three institutional projects handled. Now
working with one externally project and four institutional projects.
Organizing Capacity Building Programmes: Association as coordination of organizing six
National Group Meetings (Kharif & Rabi)-AICRP on forage Crops & Utilization (ICAR, New
Extension Activities: Involved in several extension activities viz., popularization of
technologies, FTD, on-farm trials and farmers fair.
Breeder Seed Production: Actively involved in Breeder Seed Production of forage crops and
sugarcane varieties.
3. Future Planning of research (in bullets):
Sugarcane drought breeding for sub-tropical areas.
Mapping of Loci linked to Sugar Content in Sugarcane.
Developing Sugarbeet Varieties for Indian Agro-climates.
Sugarbeet varieties for bio ethanol production.
Enhance the Breeder Seed Production area than the existing areas.