RT Vol. 10, No. 2 Obituaries
RT Vol. 10, No. 2 Obituaries
RT Vol. 10, No. 2 Obituaries
by Gene Hettel
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o b i t uar iE S
homas Hargrove, Robert Huggan, Dao The Tuan, and Michael Wayfour giants in the world of agriculture and developmentwere lost to us all within a 28-day period in January-February 2011. Respectively, two were cutting-edge international agricultural communicators, one a professor-agriculturalist-scientist in his home country of Vietnam, and one an international champion of integrated pest management (IPM). In their respective disciplines, all had important ties to rice at various times in their careers. The two communicators had a profound influence on my own life and career. Tom Hargrove, long-time editor and head of the International Rice Research Institutes (IRRI) Communication and Publications Services (CPS; 1973-91), brought me from Iowa State University to IRRI in 1982-83 as a visiting editor. During this time, he introduced meup to then, I was still a Midwestern U.S. farm boy who had never seen rice growing in the fieldto the worldwide importance of this staple grain and the overall significance of agricultural communication. Bob Huggan, Toms successor as head of both IRRIs Information Center and CPS (1993-97) and a senior advisor in public relations (1997-98), brought me back to IRRI in 1995 for a longer stay now 16 years and countingduring which time Ive made an attempt to fill the shoes of these two prolific and often larger-thanlife personalities who preceded me. tom Hargroveinternational agriculturalist, author, and adventurer Tom, 66, passed away unexpectedly on 23 January in his native Texas. He was a mentor, colleague, and friend to many, not only at IRRI but also at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Colombia, the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) in the United States, and many other places around the world. He was an amazingly creative writer and editor. He turned his 1994-95 harrowing experience as a kidnap victim
of FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, in English) guerrillas in the Colombian mountains into a bestselling book, Long March to Freedom (http://snipurl.com/march_to_freedom), which was a source for the Hollywood movie Proof of Life (http://snipurl.com/ proof_of_life). He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, bringing along IRRIs Green Revolution rice variety, IR8. He wrote much about this particular experience in his book A Dragon Lives Forever: War and Rice in Vietnams Mekong Delta (http://snipurl.com/dragon_ war_rice), and in two subsequent feature articles in Rice Today (see Breeding history on pages 34-38 at http://snipurl. com/breeding-history and I remember Honda rice on pages 39-44 at http:// snipurl.com/honda-rice in Vol. 5, No. 4). During his 18 years at IRRI, he had an intimate connection with the scientists, pictured above at right with World Food Prize Laureate and Principal Scientist Gurdev Khush in the 1980s. Indeed, Tom conducted and published his own rice research on the use of cross analysis to predict the genetic composition of improved rice varieties. On the communications front, he pioneered innovative designs, procedures, and policies for multilanguage publication in agriculture, and conducted workshops on promoting the concept. As a result, hundreds of thousands of IRRI-promoted pocket field guides have been produced for farmers and extensionists to read and use in their native languages. For example, between 1983 and 2010, Field problems of tropical rice (http:// snipurl.com/field-problems) has had 12
Rice Today April-June 2011
France (1990-93). He was also a visiting professor, Institute of Development Communication, University of the Philippines, Los Baos (UPLB, 1993-98). He was an inspirational teacher and communication strategist in the agriculture and development arena and a colleague and friend to many throughout the world. In addition to being a strategist, he was a hands-on person who relished opportunities to mingle with visitors to IRRI, explaining to them the latest Institute innovations, such as the new rice plant type, as shown in the mid1990s photo below. IRRI Director General Robert Zeigler, a staff plant pathologist at IRRI when Bob was here in the mid-1990s, writes: Bob came in to fill Toms enormous shoes and did so in a way that both charmed and reassured. He also inspired and put us on the right track that has served us well. Bobs vision about what quality communications meant, his understanding that our targets were not just scientists, but everyday folks, and his seeing long before the rest of us that the Internet would grow into a powerful vehicle for IRRI have earned him a special place in IRRI history. Paul Mundy, a development communication specialist based in Germany, writes: I first met Bob when he was at IRRI and I was at the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction. Together with the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, then based in Manila (now the WorldFish Center in Malaysia), we organized an occasional get-together of our communication departments. Like a true communication professional, Bob was very willing to spend time sharing the IRRI communication units latest initiatives. But, unlike so many professionals, he really carednot only about getting his
message across but also about the people he was talking to. See more tributes to Bob Huggan at http://snipurl.com/huggan. Prof. Dao the tuanprofessor, academician, administrator, and rice breeder Prof. Tuan, 79, passed away unexpectedly on 19 January in Hanoi. He was the former director of the Vietnam Academy of Agricultural Sciences (VAAS; www. vaas.org.vn) and had strong partnership ties to IRRI throughout the Institutes long and fruitful relationship with Vietnam. Just last November, during the International Rice Congress (IRC), he was a whirlwind of activity, meeting with numerous participants during the 3-day event. He is pictured above at right consulting with Dr. Zeigler during a Congress session break. I sat next to him during the opening session of the Congress and he relayed to me how happy he was that his home country was hosting the 3rd IRC, with the largest attendance ever for such an event. During his funeral on 22 January, Cao Duc Phat, Vietnamese minister of agriculture and rural development, said: We lost a great scientist who always contributed frank opinions that were full of wisdom. Colleagues lost a big brother, students lost a dedicated teacher who cherished them, and the farmers lost a great friend. Prof. Tuan was known as the father of many highly productive rice varieties in Vietnam and he built a scientific foundation for intensive rice cultivation that garnered yields as high as 10 tons per hectare as early as the 1970s, which is explained in his book High-yield rice physiology. His research was applied widely, paving the way for the Green Revolution in Vietnam. See more on Prof. Tuan at http:// snipurl.com/the_tuan. Michael James Wayentomologist and IPM champion Professor Way, 89, passed away in England on 18 January after a short illness. The world lost a great man and an IPM champion who devoted most of his lifes work to developing IPM methods
Rice Today April-June 2011
to rationalize and reduce insecticide use, mentoring students, and helping and nurturing scientists in developing countries. He had served on the FAO Panel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control and participated in numerous missions to develop IPM in Asia and Africa. Professor Way was an inspiration to many entomologists throughout the world, especially those involved in IPM. His contributions to ecologically based insect management are enormous and far ranging. According to IRRI senior scientist K.L. Heong, from 1992 to 1999, Professor Way, then retired, was an occasional consultant/visiting scientist at IRRI. He spent 3 months a year away from the UK winter to wade through hot and muddy rice fields in Victoria, Laguna, Philippines. He worked with me to understand the role of bunds in the rice ecosystem. During that period, Professor Way, with Dr. Heong, produced the classic 1994 paper in the Bulletin of Entomological Research on the Role of biodiversity in the dynamics and management of insect pests of tropical irrigated rice (http:// snipurl.com/biodiversity_role). This work and the ideas it developed have formed the scientific foundations of the ecological engineering approach that is now promoted in IPM, concludes Dr. Heong. To view Dr. Heongs full tribute to Prof. Way, see http://snipurl. com/michael_ way.