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A Test in Tear pattern has woven itself to bring the

By Tam al'Moff players to the same place where they are

most needed.

Summary The characters will arrive in Tear a week

after the Dragon and the mysterious Aeil
Background: have taken over the fortress known as
the Stone. Various attempts to gain
Rand Al'Thor has taken Tear and information regarding Vermis will alert
declared himself The Dragon Reborn. the local Darkfriend conspirators that
Prophecy has been fulfilled and the another group needs dealt with. After the
sword that is not a sword is in the hands ambush the ringleader will be ripped to
of a man who can channel. The Aeil shreds by a Fade. Eventually the
have come across the spine of the world characters will discover that a Lord has
and are protecting him as he studies made some strange purchases lately and
prophecy and decides where to move has sold a number of items from the
next. His enemies meanwhile are Age of Legends on the black market to
plotting to test him. Into this crucible finance it.
come the player characters, they are
contacted by an old acquaintance who Seven days later the characters will
needs their help and in the end they will witness Matt having an episode in a bar
aid the Dragon in his battle for survival. where he imagines he is attacked by a
For 3-4 players of 3rd Level pack of cards and three days after that
trace the Lords men back to a ranch
Introduction: north of Tear too late to stop eight
barges full of Trollocs but just in time to
As the PC's are passing through Aringill scupper enough to cause the attack to
they receive a note to meet with fail. They will also meet an Aeil warrior
someone at the Teamsters Tavern. This Blademaster who has been turned to the
is the captain of the guard from a Dark against his will. They will then
'conspiracy in shadows' or another PC rush back to Tear in time to aid the
contact the players find clues in defenders as they try to repel the
Tanchico that lead them to Tear. He attackers from the forces of the Dark
informs them of his belief that a One.
merchant by the name of Vermis was in
league with the wool merchant. He had
sent a friend to ask questions about this
merchant and he had not returned, the An old Aquaintence
captain was in the process of going to
Tear to look for his friend when he You receive an anonymous note asking
received news that the Stone of Tear had you to meet at the Teamsters Tavern,
been taken by a Male channeler who had and ask for Master Baren. The man they
declared himself the True Dragon. His find is the captain of the guard from
duty now is to return home to be with his Baerlon. He has come East to see what
family and the only group of people he has happened to his friend who has been
knows to be trustworthy just happen to making inquiries on his behalf but with
be passing through the same town. The
the announcements about the Dragon he think the merchants sold up eh? Because
wishes to return home to be with his they are getting out too. No Lords and
family and to fulfill his duties in the city. no merchants means death for a City.
What I am doing is getting good, true
It is good to see you again. Once again I men under the High lords banner so that
thank you for what you have done for my we can take the Stone back, how does
family and my city. Since we last met I that sound?'
have had a scholar look over the papers
of that damned Darkfriend, he has For characters with an ear for language
discovered an irregularity that points to there is a possibility that they can
money laundering for a merchant named discern that Sorano is not from Tear, he
Vermis of Tear. I have no contacts in is laying the accent on thick but he is not
Tear to speak of but I asked a merchant a native (DC 15/DC 12 if the character is
named Alacs Mitcha to make inquiries from Tear). It is impossible to guess
for me regarding this. Neither he nor his what his true accent is though. In reality
guards have returned and are now a Sorano is a gleeman working for Lord
month overdue. It is a terrible time we Estolan to hire the local scum to aid in
live in that I suspect my own men of his attack on the Stone in a weeks time.
being Darkfriend but I can trust only
you. I have some money which I have There is a good chance of a non-lethal
brought with me should you wish it. As brawl if the characters are totally against
you are the only ones I can trust I must this jovial fellow. He will make a scene
beg you to discover what has happened and try to get the bargemen and
to my friend.” teamsters at the next table to start a fight
while he makes his escape. Don't worry
As the characters are sitting around the characters will get a chance to get
discussing what they should do they may their own back later on.
notice a lively debate going on at the
next table (Listen DC 11). One of the Sorano is a vindictive man and will meet
men gets up and approaches the up with a hand of Trollocs outside of
characters table. He is short and red town and set them on the trail of the
faced with the look of a regular drinker. players. The next time the players try to
He smiles heartily and asks to sit down make camp they will be set upon by this
and informs you his name is Sorano. group. Give the players a listen check
What he is really doing is recruiting (DC 10) not to be caught flat footed.
rough looking fellows of a dubious They may or not link it to Sorano, what
nature to 'take the Stone back for the they decide the reason a group of
High Lords' what he says, Trollocs would attack them out of the
blue so far from the Blight is up to them.
'--many of the good men around here
have been laid off due to some Lord or The players should make it to Tear
other buying all the barges and wagons without too much fuss, feel free to add a
he can. It looks like he will be leaving few random encounters on the road or
with everything he owns rather than river journey whichever your players
staying on under the rule of a madman. decide is the best way to travel.
He won't be the last either, why do you
Gather information DC10:(DC +2 if the
The leaping Trout - An Inn in the city of player is not from Tear)
Tear 1.The Lord Dragon has made all equal
under the law. He has even
The smell of fish and smoke fill the threatened to hang Lords. (true)
common room. Working men smoke 2.He is a rabid dog under the control of
tabac in small groups, drinking warm the white tower. (possible)
beer and discussing the change of rule in 3.A number of barge crews have been
the Stone of Tear. All the windows are laid off. (true)
open to combat the damp heat that 4.Lord Estolan is giving an outrageous
permeates the city. Sweat marks on the price for wolf hides upriver. (true)
backs of those present show the futility 5.Upriver a few farms were burned out
of the attempt. A tall sweaty man smiles by pillagers/whitecloaks. or in a tit
invitingly at the players from behind the for tat house war. (false)
bar as his eyes measure their worth. 6.Some of the forests upriver have been
infested with wolves and bears.
The landlord remembers the merchant (partly true wolves have been drawn
and that he booked one of his excellent to the Fades)
rooms for a week but then went out one
night with his two guards and never After a few days asking for Vermis on
came back. He reported it to the leaving an Inn the characters will be set
constables who took his possessions upon by (no. of PC's + 3) warriors led by
away but has heard nothing else and had Sorano. They are not out to rob they are
“--quite forgot about it until you asked, out to kill (beef this up if PC's are real
what with all the fuss going on at the hard looking). Rather than have the PC's
Stone.” If questioned about Vermis the take Sorano prisoner have a group of
landlord replies “--that other fella was constables turn up and arrest them all.
lookin' for a Vermis too but I will tell Sorano will weave a good story about
you same as I told him, never heard of honest Tear folk being attacked by
nobody with that name, merchant or foreigners. The constables will arrest
otherwise. That doesn't mean he isn't everyone and let a magistrate sort it out
here but if he is -- he is not the sort of in the morning. During the night Sorano
merchant you want to be doing business will be torn limb from limb in his cell,
with mark my words. You might have the characters will be awoken by his
more luck asking down at the docks for blood curdling screams,
that sort of merchant.”
'as the screaming abruptly stops you
The landlord believes Vermis to be a wait, locked in and weaponless. A single
smuggler. In fact Vermis is an alias used torch outside the cell door is the only
by Lord Estolan, if anyone starts asking light. Someone walks past your cell door
questions about a merchant named and its face is partly revealed. A cold
Vermis then eventually a visit from a DF dread sits in the pit of your stomach as
welcoming committee will be in order. you see an eyeless face framed in the
Rumours discovered while searching for small window of the cell door. It looks at
Vermis in the various Inns and Taverns:- you momentarily then moves on.'
bottom and curved on top with a single
(I saw this as sitting in a college thumb indentation on the edge it is 3
dormitory, hearing a blood curdling inches in diameter and 1 inch tall at its
scream and having Hannibal Lectar walk highest point and several small Ogier
by your open door and smile at you.) made objects. If a player presses his
thumb to the indentation he will see and
If a player runs to the door they can see hear a six inch representation of a young
the Fade walk into and be swallowed by Sorano singing a song in High Chant
the deepest shadows, when the guards appear in the disk. It is mesmerising, as a
arrive a minute or so later the cloaked young man Sorano was quite handsome
figure is gone and wimpering can be and very talented. The players may
heard from some of the other cells. notice that the recording also shows a
When the jailers arrive with lanterns the large tapestry with a crest upon it behind
players can see a thick crimson liquid Sorano as he moves about the hall. The
pooling under Sorano's cell door. The players can discover this is the crest of
players will be questioned by Moraine the Estolan family (Local Knowledge
Sedai as to what happened and what they DC10) or by speaking with another
saw. Depending on your game she may Lord/Lady and describing the crest
remember the players and have them (gather information DC15). It will not
released immediately otherwise this is an be possible for the players to show the
opportunity for them to meet a few of glass disk working to a Tearien without
the main book characters during their causing alarm. A channeler can use the
questioning. disk to record a new image by
channeling spirit into it while their
Curiouser and curiouser. thumb is on the indent and looking at the
item to be recorded. The Veil is of good
Searching for Sorano's house will quality green silk and the stain appears
eventually lead to a small apartment to be reddish in colour and in the shape
deep within the Maule (really muddy of a mouth. Anyone with knowledge of
and disgusting underfoot requiring the Tanchico will recognise this as being
use of clogs or bare feet). There are from that part of the world. Note that a
always individuals around but they channeler must have recorded this image
appear to pay no interest to the players initially.
as they enter Sorano's two room
apartment. It is a dank dusty place, filth
from a dozen half eaten meals lies in a On returning to their Inn the landlord
corner of the main room. It is hard to say greets them with a warm smile (it doesn't
whether the room has been trashed or it make good business if patrons
has always been this way, it is difficult disappear) and hands them a sealed
to move without kicking an empty envelope. The letter was delivered by a '-
bottle. After searching for a few hours in -plain unremarkable woman, seamstress
the apartment (Search DC14, +1/hour by the look of her I would say my Lord'
searching bonus), hidden behind a false
brick in the fireplace, the players find Lord Estolan is the one you seek. --
wrapped in a stained silken veil an Aes A Friend
Sedai ring, a small glass disk, flat on the
This letter is sent by an agent of a Information:-Diplomacy or Gather
forsaken who is against the attack on Information
Rand. He/she hopes to stop the attack DC5:
without having to openly oppose it. 1.Lord Estolan is the only living member
The characters now have some contacts of his immediate family. (true)
within the Stone from whom they can 2.He is one of the most brutal of the
discover what they can about this Lord Lords ruling with an iron hand.
Estolan. (debatable)
3.He is in conflict with another lord and
This is an opportunity for characters to a few deaths have resulted. (false -
mingle with the aristocracy, play some spread by Sorano)
cards/dice and let the wanderers and
nobles in the party get to use their skills. DC10:
They should also get to see Matt have a 4.He has a new bodyguard and he is a
run in with a set of playing cards. It may blademaster. (true)
require a few favours to be called in or a 5.He has been seen in the company of
little 'problem' of a delicate nature sorted the Dragon. (false this is actually
to get the more important information (a Caleb)
lady was almost caught in a precarious 6.He bought a number of barges and sent
situation with another woman's husband, them upriver. (true)
unfortunately in her haste she left her
glove behind, this bears her family's DC15:
moniker. If only a friend could recover it 7.He is about to upsticks and move
-- she would be more inclined to help a rather than live under the new rule.
friend than a stranger) . If your players (false -- excuse for buying wagons
are not geared for this then have the and barges)
agent spoon feed them some 8.The new bodyguard has been seen in
incriminating evidence and move to the some unsavoury places. (true)
journey to the keep. If you wish to have 9.He is a poor business man but has
the players attend an evening plenty of money. (false -- he is an
entertainment so that they can meet with average business man, with plenty of
Lords and Ladies have the note arrive money)
with an invitation for each of your
players. DC20:
10.He is selling stuff, power made stuff.
Some interesting characters to talk to. (true -- Diplomacy only. This rumour
House Seneschal - I based him on B5's can only be discovered from an
Londo aristocrat)
Warship Captain - Voyagers Chekotay 11.He has some warehouses which he
Smuggler Captain - Han Solo has heavily guarded recently. (true --
+2 bonus for players with underworld
12.An old servant says the Lords keep is
haunted, ghostly figures etc. (true --
these were visits by Fades)
If the players visit the Chalm to inspect and engage the Trollocs. Within minutes
the warehouse they will find it heavily the farm is mayhem with Trollocs and
guarded. There is a very difficult climb Wolves fighting to the death. Any
up a neighbouring warehouse (Climb Wolfbrother players should make a will
DC20) followed by a running jump check DC 20 or be drawn into the melee.
(DC15) to Lord Estolan's warehouse. Eventually the players and wolves are
After a few sneak and hide opposed rolls victorious and the wolves withdraw to
with the guardsmen the successful player the forest. A wolfbrother will be able to
should be rewarded with discovering communicate with the wolves and learn
boxes of spears and crudely made axes, the location of a large group of Trollocs.
swords and helmets but the warehouse is
3/4 empty. These are the supplies for the The Keep
human contingent of the attacking force.
If the player is discovered have him From a vantage point some 600m to the
chased by a few guardsmen but let him west of the keep the players can get a
escape by the skin of his teeth (hiding in fairly good view of the surrounding area.
a large pile of fish entrails would This is an opulent two story building
suffice). with extensive gardens as becomes a
wealthy Lord. a mile or so to the rear can
be found a ranch with a number of
horses and stabling facilities. It is here
To The Keep - optional that the players can see a hastily built
pier with several barges moored to it.
As the characters make their way The piers are built over reed beds that
towards the keep of Lord Estolan they grow out some 15ft from the edge of the
will come across many farms and river. If the characters approach they will
outbuildings burned to the ground. Caleb find a number of Trolloc tracks leading
was ordered to kill all the local farmers from the woodland behind them towards
and burn down the farms near the the pier. If the players approach the edge
waygate, Lord Estolan decided there was of the forest a feeling of well being
too much risk of discovery by a farmer floods over them and any channeler will
with so many Trollocs around. It also no longer be capable of sensing the
meant their livestock could be used to source. Any Ogier players will sense a
feed the Trollocs while they waited. stedding. Every 30 mins or so a hundred
If a channeler is in the party and he/she Trollocs will appear and make their way
has the Sense Residue feat he will be to the pier at the ranch and enter one of
able to discern a weave on a successful the barges. The crew will pull the
weavesight check DC 25(DC35 for male tarpaulin over the hold once again. As
to learn the weave if he has Air or Fire the players are watching two of the
affinity, DC40 if not). barges will cast off and head downriver.
Two small figures in hooded cloaks
As the players make camp for the night make their way to a small boat moored
in one of the burned out farm buildings to the end of the furthest away pier. The
they are discovered by a patrol of 100 boatman offers his hand to both of these
Trollocs. In the middle of this hopeless figures as they enter the boat and then
battle wolves rush from the forest edge casts off and follows the barges
downriver (if the players are following a Both these guardsmen are in on the
clue from Tanchico then these are the attack, no one could miss the smell of 30
Black Ajah they are following). wagons filled with Trollocs. If the
players try to warn them of their
Orchestrating all of this is a large goat suspicions as to the contents of the
faced Trolloc. It stands a head taller than wagons then the guards will attack. All
the others and has large black scimitar the Trollocs from the last wagon will
shaped horns, it is directing the Trollocs emerge and also attack the players.
with a heavy, spiked axe. All the Meanwhile the wagons will make their
Trollocs defer to it and it stands as an way deeper in to the fortress. One of the
equal beside the few Fades who are teamsters will realise that the game is up
around. Only an old man with a tall and the covers will be torn from the
youth at his side seem to cause the wagons releasing the contents. From the
creature to lose its demeanour of other side of the gate the players will see
superiority. the horde charge towards the Stone
attacking any who get in their way. If the
There is no way for a normal party to players are doing well have a group of
deal with a hundred Trollocs so an disgruntled bargemen appear behind
alternative method must be sought. The them and join in the attack.
most likely is to sabotage the barges that
are left so that they sink on the way Eventually the players should fight their
downriver. This will require a number of way free and make their way into the
opposed sneak and simple swim rolls fortress, they should run into Lan and
followed by a disable device DC15 that Moiraine at some point just as Lan
will take roughly 5 rounds a barge (if a receives a heavy blow from the large
player has seafaring knowledge give goat faced Trolloc with scimitar shaped
them a synergy bonus of +2 and reduce horns that the players recognise from
the time on each barge to 3 rounds on a back at the Keep. For a moment down a
successful check against DC10). No side corridor they glimpse a large red
matter how many the players manage to haired youth carrying a flaming sword
scupper eight barges will make it to the before a group of Trolloc force him out
Stone to take part in the attack. of sight. With her help they manage to
rescue Lan and clear the chamber. They
Return to Tear then are taken in tow by Moiraine and
they charge through the fortress fighting
"As you ride into Tear your horse Trollocs and the occasional fade that Lan
stumbles in some deep wheel ruts cut can't kill immediately (show the effect
into the soft ground. on Trollocs when the joined Fade dies).
The streets are eerily quiet as you make
your way towards the Stone. A convoy of As Lan and Moiraine deal with a Fade in
wagons is proceeding through the main the junction of two corridors the players
gate. As you approach the last wagon a see a group of Aeil maidens trapped in a
musky odour catches in your throat. Two large chamber and fighting for their lives
spearmen move to bar your way into the against a Fade and some joined Trollocs.
Stone. " One of them is badly injured and can
barely stand while the others use all their
skill to keep the Fade and Trollocs at too exhausted to heal them but has a
bay. If the players do not immediately local wisdom brew them a potion and
decide to aid the Aeil then Moiraine deal with their wounds. The potion
orders them to do so. In the middle of makes the players drowsy and they are
battle with the Trollocs and Fade one of soon fast asleep.
the players will catch a glimpse of the
two hooded figures making their way
along a corridor several floors below. Return to Estolan Keep
They have a group of Trollocs in tow
and they appear to be carrying a number Moiraine sends the players back to the
of large objects in their arms. After the Estolan Keep to find out who or what
players kill the Fade all the other has been left. As they approach they see
Trollocs fall to the ground screaming in thick black smoke coming from the
agony. By this time the corridor below is location of their objective. The keep and
empty and the two figures are nowhere stables have been set aflame and the
to be seen. The Aeil quickly gather their piers destroyed. They catch up to Lord
injured and depart, a white haired Estolan and Caleb in the Stedding on
maiden looks long and hard at the their way to the Waygate with two
players, nods an acknowledgement and Trollocs in tow. Lord Estolan makes a
throws the dagger from her own belt to run for it while the Trollocs and Caleb
the player who dealt the killing blow. make ready to fight (remember Caleb
has a death wish). After the fight with
'--keep it as a token of my debt to you Caleb the players will arrive at the mine
wetlander. Should you need aid from a just in time to see Lord Estolan striking a
maiden show them that dagger and they support beam with a sledgehammer and
will not refuse you.' collapsing the tunnel entrance.

By this time the players should be in a On returning to the stone they are taken
fairly rough state and Moiraine will for an audience with Moiraine:
order them to lie low stay out of danger.
If the players mention the cloaked During the attack one of the great stores
figures she will look torn between a deep within the stone was broken into
course of action before telling them 'I and a number of items taken. These have
have other work this night, we will talk not been identified as yet.
of this later'. Eventually the sounds of After speaking with Moiraine it is fairly
battle will die down and they will be clear that the players have been almost
discovered by a patrol of guardsmen. solely responsible for causing the attack
They are very suspicious and take them to fail. If it were not for their quick
under guard to a yard set aside for thinking in disabling so many of the
captives. Before they are put in with a barges the attack would have been a
bunch of prisoners they are recognised complete success. She might suggest
by a Lieutenant who promptly has their going to Tar Valon to train as warders.
weapons returned and leads them to Lan too recognises that the players
Moiraine's chambers. He assumed that actions saved his life and when they pass
the players where part of her group as he him to leave he blocks their path.
had seen them fighting together. She is '--you did well yesterday. I am in your
debt. Consider her words carefully head of the estate. The main reason that
before you make a decision.' With that the DF removed Estolan's parents was
he steps aside and moves to stand next the discovery of a lost stedding on his
to Moirainne. land that brought about the demise of his
kin. Recently with the Trollocs
exploration of the Ways a Waygate has
Aftermath been discovered on his land. Deep
within the cave that the Waygate had
Moiraine has some new contacts that she remained hidden in for years was an
can use with no connection to the White Ogier crafted building. Over the past
Tower. They can also train at Tar Valon year Estolan has been excavating this
if they so wish. The Aeil Maidens and discovery and a few Terangrael and a
Lan have also acknowledged a debt to couple of angrael have been discovered
them. along with many Ogeir crafted items.
This appears to have been a prison
One of the Forsaken has used them in where the Ogier kept their charges until
their scheme to interrupt the plans of such time as a decision was made as to
another Forsaken. Good help is hard to their guilt and also where they could be
find so they can expect to be involved in bound by an oath rod and perhaps in the
another one of his/her plans some time Trolloc Wars as a safe house from
in the future. channelers (in my game this is where the
forsaken got an oath rod ). This
The black Ajah have managed to steal a discovery has brought Estolan a visit
number of items from the age of legends. from Rhavin who has ordered Estolan to
keep this secret from the other Chosen,
the recent discovery of a small statuette
Characters of an owl on a tree stump (+2 Angreal)
and an Oath Rod has gained Estolan a
Lord Estolan --based on Ian Richardson bodyguard. Wherever Estolan goes he is
in "House of Cards" followed by a very tall, muscled red
haired individual. To Estolan's
annoyance has ordered Estolan to
Lord Estolan is a 50+ lord of the old organise an attack on the stone within a
school. He treats his peasants with harsh week. Lord Estolan is a careful man and
cruelty which until the arrival of Rand realises that the attack has only a small
Al'Thor he did with impunity. At an chance of success and there is no time to
early age Sylvester Estolan showed signs hide his involvement either.
of his cruel nature but his parents did Lord Estolan has come up with a plan.
nothing to temper this as long as it was He will do nothing to hide his
the local peasantry. Later on in his involvement in organising the attack.
teenage years he was introduced to Caleb is ordered to kill all the local
carnal pleasures and torture by a DF. farmers and burn down the farms near
Within only a few years he was a full DF the waygate. Serano will spread a
himself. Both parents and a younger rumour that this is the work of another
sibling met with unfortunate accidents Lord due to a disagreement. On the
that Sylvester himself could not have evening of the attack he will make his
been responsible for and he was now
way with Caleb into the ways intending His training as a Gleeman has gained
to come out in Tar Valon. He will kill all him access to the rich and powerful or
the miners and seal the mine in passing. the dregs of society when needs be. He
During his journey he will instruct Caleb has now come to the end of his useful
to use compulsion on him (to say he has life as an agent for Estolan. His heavy
only one leg if asked how many legs he drinking has ruined his singing voice and
has for instance). He will then emerge in his appearance. He still has uses dealing
Tar Valon with an interesting story. with the lowest rungs of society but
Estolan considers him to be totally
Caleb --'Edge' from WWE expendable. Sorano suspects this and
will quite happily 'see the light' if things
Caleb was an Aeil of the Stone Dog sept go bad. The Fade sent by Estolan will
who discovered he could channel, as was ensure this will not happen.
custom he set off into the blight to spit in
sightblinders eye. For many years he Trolloc
Large Shadowspawn
managed to use a mixture of channeling HP 16, Init +1, Spd. 30ft, Def 14, Attack: Scythsword
and his excellent combat skills to kill +4 melee, Dmg 2D4+3, Saves: Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1
hundreds of Trollocs and a few Fades. Feats: Alertness, Light Sensative (-2 in bright light)
Skills: Climb +2, Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently
Unfortunately he was eventually +3
captured by a couple of Chosen and Notes:
taken to Shyul Ghul. There he was These large creatures have reach.
tortured and against his will bound to the Goat Trolloc Champion:
Dark One. Since his capture Caleb has CR 4; large-size shadowspawn; HD 4d8+8; hp 26; Init
taken up the sword and has recently +1; Spd 40 ft; AC 16 (-1 size, +1 dex, +3 natural, +4
mail shirt);
earned the right to carry a Heron marked Atk + 7 melee (battleaxe 1d8 + 4 /x3), +4 ranged; SQ
blade, he is still struggling against his charge, light sensitive, lowlight vision, Myrddraal
conditioning but it is a losing battle, this Link, Reach;
SV Fort +6, Refl +2, Will +0; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15,
is why he will not use an Aeil spear as Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 7
he sees himself as a coward for not Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Hide +3, Intimidate +8,
taking his own life and will not Listen +4, Jump +4, Move Silently +3, Spot +4;
Alertness, Power Attack.
dishonour his sept any more than he has Charge (Ex): When charging a goat Trolloc performs a
to. As you will have noted from the gore attack doing 4d6+4 damage.
basic description of Caleb his physical
build is similar to Rand although facially Medium Sized Shadoespawn
they bear no real resemblance. His HD: 9D8+36 HP: 76, Init +6 Dex, Spd 40ft, Defense
superiors have also noted this and plan 22 (+6 Dex, +2 natural, +4 Black Plate)
Attacks: Shadowblade +13/+8 melee, Damage:
on using this to discredit Rand at some Shadowblade 1D10+4
point in the future. Saves: Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +5 Skills: Hide +10,
Listen +6, Move Silently +10, Spot +6
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack Special:
Sorano -- Aubrey from 'Firefox' Shadowblade, Fear Gaze(fail Will Save DC17 suffer -
2), Disease
55 year old Gleeman who is used by Special Qualities: Blindsight, Dark Vitality, Trolloc
Link, One Sense, Shadow Walk
Estolan to perform various roles that
require a softer touch. He has been a
Darkfriend for over 30 years and has
done too many evil deeds to mention.

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