By this time the players should be in a On returning to the stone they are taken
fairly rough state and Moiraine will for an audience with Moiraine:
order them to lie low stay out of danger.
If the players mention the cloaked During the attack one of the great stores
figures she will look torn between a deep within the stone was broken into
course of action before telling them 'I and a number of items taken. These have
have other work this night, we will talk not been identified as yet.
of this later'. Eventually the sounds of After speaking with Moiraine it is fairly
battle will die down and they will be clear that the players have been almost
discovered by a patrol of guardsmen. solely responsible for causing the attack
They are very suspicious and take them to fail. If it were not for their quick
under guard to a yard set aside for thinking in disabling so many of the
captives. Before they are put in with a barges the attack would have been a
bunch of prisoners they are recognised complete success. She might suggest
by a Lieutenant who promptly has their going to Tar Valon to train as warders.
weapons returned and leads them to Lan too recognises that the players
Moiraine's chambers. He assumed that actions saved his life and when they pass
the players where part of her group as he him to leave he blocks their path.
had seen them fighting together. She is '--you did well yesterday. I am in your
debt. Consider her words carefully head of the estate. The main reason that
before you make a decision.' With that the DF removed Estolan's parents was
he steps aside and moves to stand next the discovery of a lost stedding on his
to Moirainne. land that brought about the demise of his
kin. Recently with the Trollocs
exploration of the Ways a Waygate has
Aftermath been discovered on his land. Deep
within the cave that the Waygate had
Moiraine has some new contacts that she remained hidden in for years was an
can use with no connection to the White Ogier crafted building. Over the past
Tower. They can also train at Tar Valon year Estolan has been excavating this
if they so wish. The Aeil Maidens and discovery and a few Terangrael and a
Lan have also acknowledged a debt to couple of angrael have been discovered
them. along with many Ogeir crafted items.
This appears to have been a prison
One of the Forsaken has used them in where the Ogier kept their charges until
their scheme to interrupt the plans of such time as a decision was made as to
another Forsaken. Good help is hard to their guilt and also where they could be
find so they can expect to be involved in bound by an oath rod and perhaps in the
another one of his/her plans some time Trolloc Wars as a safe house from
in the future. channelers (in my game this is where the
forsaken got an oath rod ). This
The black Ajah have managed to steal a discovery has brought Estolan a visit
number of items from the age of legends. from Rhavin who has ordered Estolan to
keep this secret from the other Chosen,
the recent discovery of a small statuette
Characters of an owl on a tree stump (+2 Angreal)
and an Oath Rod has gained Estolan a
Lord Estolan --based on Ian Richardson bodyguard. Wherever Estolan goes he is
in "House of Cards" followed by a very tall, muscled red
haired individual. To Estolan's
annoyance has ordered Estolan to
Lord Estolan is a 50+ lord of the old organise an attack on the stone within a
school. He treats his peasants with harsh week. Lord Estolan is a careful man and
cruelty which until the arrival of Rand realises that the attack has only a small
Al'Thor he did with impunity. At an chance of success and there is no time to
early age Sylvester Estolan showed signs hide his involvement either.
of his cruel nature but his parents did Lord Estolan has come up with a plan.
nothing to temper this as long as it was He will do nothing to hide his
the local peasantry. Later on in his involvement in organising the attack.
teenage years he was introduced to Caleb is ordered to kill all the local
carnal pleasures and torture by a DF. farmers and burn down the farms near
Within only a few years he was a full DF the waygate. Serano will spread a
himself. Both parents and a younger rumour that this is the work of another
sibling met with unfortunate accidents Lord due to a disagreement. On the
that Sylvester himself could not have evening of the attack he will make his
been responsible for and he was now
way with Caleb into the ways intending His training as a Gleeman has gained
to come out in Tar Valon. He will kill all him access to the rich and powerful or
the miners and seal the mine in passing. the dregs of society when needs be. He
During his journey he will instruct Caleb has now come to the end of his useful
to use compulsion on him (to say he has life as an agent for Estolan. His heavy
only one leg if asked how many legs he drinking has ruined his singing voice and
has for instance). He will then emerge in his appearance. He still has uses dealing
Tar Valon with an interesting story. with the lowest rungs of society but
Estolan considers him to be totally
Caleb --'Edge' from WWE expendable. Sorano suspects this and
will quite happily 'see the light' if things
Caleb was an Aeil of the Stone Dog sept go bad. The Fade sent by Estolan will
who discovered he could channel, as was ensure this will not happen.
custom he set off into the blight to spit in
sightblinders eye. For many years he Trolloc
Large Shadowspawn
managed to use a mixture of channeling HP 16, Init +1, Spd. 30ft, Def 14, Attack: Scythsword
and his excellent combat skills to kill +4 melee, Dmg 2D4+3, Saves: Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +1
hundreds of Trollocs and a few Fades. Feats: Alertness, Light Sensative (-2 in bright light)
Skills: Climb +2, Hide +6, Listen +3, Move Silently
Unfortunately he was eventually +3
captured by a couple of Chosen and Notes:
taken to Shyul Ghul. There he was These large creatures have reach.
tortured and against his will bound to the Goat Trolloc Champion:
Dark One. Since his capture Caleb has CR 4; large-size shadowspawn; HD 4d8+8; hp 26; Init
taken up the sword and has recently +1; Spd 40 ft; AC 16 (-1 size, +1 dex, +3 natural, +4
mail shirt);
earned the right to carry a Heron marked Atk + 7 melee (battleaxe 1d8 + 4 /x3), +4 ranged; SQ
blade, he is still struggling against his charge, light sensitive, lowlight vision, Myrddraal
conditioning but it is a losing battle, this Link, Reach;
SV Fort +6, Refl +2, Will +0; Str 19, Dex 12, Con 15,
is why he will not use an Aeil spear as Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 7
he sees himself as a coward for not Skills and Feats: Climb +5, Hide +3, Intimidate +8,
taking his own life and will not Listen +4, Jump +4, Move Silently +3, Spot +4;
Alertness, Power Attack.
dishonour his sept any more than he has Charge (Ex): When charging a goat Trolloc performs a
to. As you will have noted from the gore attack doing 4d6+4 damage.
basic description of Caleb his physical
build is similar to Rand although facially Medium Sized Shadoespawn
they bear no real resemblance. His HD: 9D8+36 HP: 76, Init +6 Dex, Spd 40ft, Defense
superiors have also noted this and plan 22 (+6 Dex, +2 natural, +4 Black Plate)
Attacks: Shadowblade +13/+8 melee, Damage:
on using this to discredit Rand at some Shadowblade 1D10+4
point in the future. Saves: Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +5 Skills: Hide +10,
Listen +6, Move Silently +10, Spot +6
Feats: Cleave, Dodge, Power Attack Special:
Sorano -- Aubrey from 'Firefox' Shadowblade, Fear Gaze(fail Will Save DC17 suffer -
2), Disease
55 year old Gleeman who is used by Special Qualities: Blindsight, Dark Vitality, Trolloc
Link, One Sense, Shadow Walk
Estolan to perform various roles that
require a softer touch. He has been a
Darkfriend for over 30 years and has
done too many evil deeds to mention.