CoC - Adv - Lord Karma Has Gone Insane

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The court finds Lord Karma suddenly insane and unable to comprehend simple things, so they embark on a mission to find the only thing that can save him according to Dream Lore.

The characters embark on a mission to find the Man on Three-Side Island, as Dream Lore suggests he is the only one who can cure Lord Karma's madness.

The Man offers the characters two choices: take Lord Karma out of the Dreamlands themselves, which is dangerous, or petition the god Nodens to save him, which has a safer route but means certain death for Lord Karma.

Lord Karma Has Gone Insane

A Call Of Cthulhu Adventure

The court of Lord Karma is surprised to find that he is suddenly babbling unintelligibly and unable to
comprehend the most simple thing. There's nothing for it but to embark on a mission to find the only thing
that can possibly save him! A Call of Cthulhu Dreamlands adventure for five players, originally run at
Vaticon 2000.

This scenario is set in the Dreamlands. It is centers around a group of the King's advisor (Lord Karma
who is a Cthulhu Investigator). The poor man has gone insane, his own pet cat (Timmy), has spurred the
kingdom into action. (don't worry about the specific logic, ITS A DREAM !)

The Characters

Timmy: The Ambassador of the Cats of Ulthar, a cat himself, a dreamer

Lady Jane: The shapely and bodacious mistress of Lord Karma, she too is a dreamer.

Lord Borik: A large Viking-type Warrior and Lord Karma' general, he wears furs made out of zebra-skin
and carries a huge axe

Sir Vito: The Sage, think ADND wizard. Vito is a wise old man who knows much about the Dreamlands
and the Mythos

Admiral Andy: Lord Karma' only warship Captain, a now-dead dreamer

Scene One: Lord Karma has gone mad

All the characters are dressed as courtesans and are to attend a ball in Lord Karma' honor. Describe the
tables and ballroom extensively, including a number of thing Lord Karma likes very much (don't
emphasize on it too much though, describe a number of things: the Purple Velvet Drapes, the Swords on
the walls, the Table itself, the Crown on its pedestal, etc… (it'll all be important later)

However, when the Lord shows up, he is but a babbling idiot. SOMETHING IS WRONG!!! Let the
Players try and sort it out, but eventually call for a Dream Lore Roll. Someone should make it, otherwise
suggest to them via NPC-JOE, that most idiots and babbling people have been cured by the Man on

Scene Two: The Trip

The Trip through the Dreamland should be easy, and you may decorate the scenario here with a few
strange (but Sanity-Safe) encounters (its a dream). They will have to travel on Zebras for speed, until they
reach Celephais and from there, take Andy' ship to 3-side Island.

Embarking on an oar-ship the PCs will reach 3-Side Island. From there, it is very easy to find the Man.
The Man will listen to what they have to say, not asking any question and finally speak. He will tell the
players that their Lord has been indeed the victim of a serious threat, but not one he can speak of now.

He will offer the players two choices: Either they themselves take Lord Karma out of the Dreamlands and
save him from whatever is threatening him or they might petition the god Nodens to save him. Taking
Lord Karma out of the Dreamlands is extremely dangerous for the players, but safer for Lord Karma.
Going to implore Nodens has a somewhat safer route, but means certain death to Lord Karma.

The Man will not go further until the PCs have made their choice.

So in both case the players must do the following:

-Go to Mnar and enter the Great Library, then, they must learn the 'Sigil of the Ancients' from a book.
-They must take that which is most valuable to Lord Karma and inscribe the Sigil upon it
-Follow the trail

Scene Three: Mnar

There are two ways to go to Mnar: Land-based or sea-travel.

The Seas are dangerous because of the numerous Black Galleys of the Moon-Beasts. If they go by sea,
they will be attacked by some Pirates from Leng (stage a fight, but don't kill anyone), the Pirates will
retreat as they find the opposition too strong to

On land, have the PCs encounter the thieving Zoogs. Though not dangerous, these little creatures from the
Enchanted woods will snag most of the PCs possession (no, they can't take away clothes or belts, but they
may untie swords THEN take them away. Have some fun, make this mysterious. If the PCs have Lord
Karma favorite item, them the Zoogs will DEFINETLY take it away !

Once they reach the Library, depending on the time, make them look some before finding the 'Sigil of the
Ancients' (its an Elder Sign)

Scene Four: Lord Karma' Favorite item

Okay, here you can have fun with the Players. Lord Karma' favorite thing should be something inside his
castle. (sorry, its not Jane or Timmy). Have them make the trip back to the castle to try and find his
favorite item. Have the debate over it, but once they will have made a choice, it will be the correct one
(unless the find it too quickly…)

Scene Five: Lord Karma' House

As soon as the Sigil is inscribed on the item, it will begin floating around then begin to make its way
around the castle, from there it will lead into the woods near the castle. Suddenly, the PCs will then
appear in Steve St-James' house. Lady Jane will wake up in her own body and Timmy will wake up, from
his nap in the sunlight. All the others remain unchanged and appear in Jeremy's room.

Take Timmy and Lady Jane apart and explain to them the situation. The others have been here, and this
1890s house should feel quite strange. Let them find each other.

After a short while, St-James (lord Karma) comes running, screaming upstairs to into his room. There is
something in the house... The PCs will have some explaining to do "How can a Dream be real !???"
Remember though that St-James knows Andy, Borik & Vito.

The only way to save all the PCs from the Dimensional Shambler that St-James has summoned (without
knowing exactly what it was or did) it to inscribe the symbol upon a door and to exit through the
Dreamlands (Timmy has ways to enter the dreamlands and bring everyone with him).

All Dreams (Borik, Vito & Andy will lose a point of power for every hour they spend in the real world.
So the longer they stay, the more likely they are to vanish... Have no mercy...)

Scene Six: The Ball

When they return, all the Guests to the ball are still there, awaiting the Lord' arrival. Normally this should
be a big happy end, with Lord Karma and Lady Jane getting Married (in real life too). Have the ball at the
end and everyone should be happy…

If anyone died in the real world, they are dead, gone, sorry. Those who went insane in the real world are
allowed a POW*5 when re-entering the Dreamlands to avoid become insane there too.


Timmy is a housecat who likes to nap often so he can go and explore the Dreamlands. In the Dreamlands,
he has grown to the esteemed rank of Cat Ambassador. Though he official serves the Cat Patriarch of
Ulthar, his loyalty is with Lord Karma who keep him well fed on cream and mice. He understands and
speaks human very well in the Dreamland, he understands but cannot speak in the real world.

Timmy knows Lady Jane and Lord Karma are both Dreamers.

In the real world, Timmy lives with an old Briton named Steve St-James.

Basically, think 'Salem' in Sabrina, only not so wacky.


Create food: make Dreaming roll & spend 1 Magic Point (Dreamland only)

Acrobatic Feat: spend 4 Magic Point to re-roll any physical roll (jump, climb, DEX, Dodge)

Enter Dreamlands: Spend 3 Magic Point plus one for each additional individual


Lady Jane: She is very kind to you. However she has something she knows about you. She is a dreamer
Lord Borik: A mighty warrior, you and him spend some time talking about wars and strategy
Sir Vito: The Sage bores you. He is a bookworm who has little time to spend with you.
Admiral Andy: You don't like water, but you like him. You spend some time together taking about fishes
in the sea
Lady Jane

In the Dreamlands, Lady Jane is a bodacious femme fatale and Lord Karma' loving mistress. In the real
world, she is an aging spinster who works as a maid for Steve St-James, a reclusive who lives in his
books. Her name is Patricia Thorne. She hates her life and has a deep love for her boss, a love he does not

To better her own lot, Lady Jane has created this persona in the dreamlands and has a steamy love affair
with another dreamer, Lord Karma. She often takes short naps on the job.

Lady Jane knows Timmy is one of St-James numerous cats, but the cat does not know about her.

Because she is a dreamer, Lady Jane has some powers in the dreamlands.

Dream Power:

Create Small object: make Dreaming roll & spend 2 Magic Point. Object must fit in her two hands
(daggers are okay)

Charm Male: Spend 3 Magic Point and force a man to obey one of your orders.


Timmy: The Cat Ambassador is quite friendly. He is a pig however and keeps eating all the time.

Lord Borik: A boor. However he is as loyal as a dog, which make you smile because he & Timmy spend
much time together

Sir Vito: The Sage you rarely see. He seems to be in love with you though, but he is too shy to say

Admiral Andy: Andy lives to travel. He has a strange wisdom about him. You like him.

Lord Borik

Lord Borik is a big Barbarian-like man. He carries a huge axe around and is typically gruff, loud and tends
to brag a lot. He constantly wears furs from a moon-beast he killed with his bare hands. He has killed a
number of monsters and has faced even more. He proudly shows off his battle scars to any one who

Borik' most important trait is his loyalty.


Borik' Armor absorbs 1 point of damage from any hit.


Furious Attack: spend 1 Magic Point and attack first

Berserk Attack: Spend 3 Magic Points and get two attacks in a round

Timmy: The Cat Ambassador is quite friendly. He has strange ideas about tactics, but is a well-learned

Lady Jane: A tease. She keeps trying to show off and get you in her bed, but you would never do so, for it
would be betrayal of your Lord.

Sir Vito: You don't care about the Sage. He has too much on his mind. (he's the nerd, you're the jock)

Admiral Andy: Andy is carefree and you envy him a little. But you know that if you were to leave your
Lord' side, the domain would go to hell.

.Sir Vito

Vito is the Court's sage. He knows much and even has some degree of magic. He spends most of his time
researching things for Lord Karma. He eyesight is poor and he wears big glasses. He carries a number of
bizarre items on him all the time (mostly useless junk).

Vito's main trait is his shyness and his knowledge


Healing: spend 2 magic point per hit point healed

Magic Zap: spend 1 sanity point and a number of magic points equal to the amount of damage to deal the

Deep Thinking: by spending 5 magic points, Vito can re-roll any academics roll


Timmy: The cat ambassador doesn't like you much, but he keeps requiring your help for a number of
trivial tasks

Lord Borik: Borik tends to bully you around all the time because he is bigger than you.

Lady Jane: You have a soft spot for Lady Jane, but you'd never do anything about it.

Admiral Andy: Andy often performs small tasks for you, bringing you rare items from faraway. A good

Admiral Andy

Admiral Andy used to be a living sailor, but he has since moved to the Dreamlands (read: he's dead) He
has established himself in Lord Karma' domain. He prefers his current life to the one he had before, and
he never speaks of it. However, he has stories about any sea.

He looks like an older captain in his early 40s with graying temples and a full beard. He smokes nice-
smelling herbs in a pipe made of emerald.
Andy' main trait is his freedom and lust for adventure.


Absolute Direction: spend 1 Magic Point (Dreamland only)

Survive shipwrecks: spend 7 Magic Points (+1 for each additional person) and 10 sanity points and
(somehow) survive any shipwreck


Timmy: The cat has a fascination with the ocean, especially with the fishes living within. He bores you

Lady Jane: A dreamer. She likes to boss people around, but does not do so frequently with you

Lord Borik: Borik is the eternal warrior. He envies you because he is like a puppy tied to the same place
all the time.

Sir Vito: You kinda like the nerdy Vito. You often performs small tasks for him on your travels


Investigator Name: Admiral Andy STR: 14 DEX: 13 INT: 12 Idea: 60

Occupation: Captain CON: 15 APP: 12 POW: 12 Luck: 60
Colleges, Degrees: SIZ: 11 SAN: 60 EDU: 12 Know: 60
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 84 Damage Bonus: +1D4
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 42
Accounting 10% Archery 10% Axe 20%
Bargain 35% Climb 55% Conceal 45%
Cthulhu Mythos 15% Dodge 26% Dream Lore 45%
Dreaming 20% Drive Carriage 20% Fast Talk 5%
Fencing Foil 10% First Aid 30% Hide 10%
Jump 25% Knife 25% Legal Customs 25%
Library Use 25% Listen 25% Locksmith 1%
Martial Arts 1% Medicine 5% Natural History 10%
Navigate 70% Occult 5% Other Language: Men of Leng 15%
Other Language: Merfolk 10% Other Language: Moon Beast 25% Own Language: Human 60%
Persuade 15% Pilot: Sailboat 90% Pole Arms 10%
Ride 5% Sneak 30% Spear 15%
Spot Hidden 45% Swim 25% Throw 45%
Track 10% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10%
Kick 25% Grapple 25% Rapier* 70%
Investigator Name: Sir Vito STR: 10 DEX: 11 INT: 19 Idea: 95
Occupation: Sage CON: 10 APP: 7 POW: 19 Luck: 95
Colleges, Degrees: SIZ: 8 SAN: 95 EDU: 19 Know: 95
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 69 Damage Bonus: none
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 45
Accounting 80% Archery 10% Art: 5%
Axe 20% Bargain 5% Climb 40%
Conceal 15% Cthulhu Mythos 30% Dodge 22%
Dream Lore 50% Dreaming 19% Drive Carriage 20%
Fast Talk 5% Fencing Foil 10% First Aid 80%
Hide 10% Jump 25% Knife 25%
Legal Customs 80% Library Use 80% Listen 25%
Locksmith 1% Martial Arts 1% Medicine 80%
Natural History 80% Navigate 10% Occult 80%
Other Language: CAT 30% Other Language: Zoog 30% Own Language: English 95%
Persuade 15% Pole Arms 10% Ride 5%
Sneak 10% Spear 15% Spot Hidden 25%
Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25%
Grapple 25%

Investigator Name: Lord Borik STR: 18 DEX: 10 INT: 6 Idea: 30

Occupation: Warrior-Knight CON: 16 APP: 8 POW: 8 Luck: 40
Colleges, Degrees: SIZ: 16 SAN: 40 EDU: 6 Know: 30
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: +1D6
Mental Disorders:
Sex: m Age: 30
Accounting 10% Archery 10% Axe 20%
Bargain 5% Climb 60% Conceal 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 0% Dodge 50% Dream Lore 20%
Dreaming 8% Drive Carriage 30% Fast Talk 5%
Fencing Foil 10% First Aid 50% Hide 10%
Jump 45% Knife 25% Legal Customs 30%
Library Use 25% Listen 25% Locksmith 1%
Martial Arts 1% Medicine 5% Natural History 10%
Navigate 10% Occult 5% Own Language: Human 30%
Persuade 15% Pole Arms 10% Ride 45%
Sneak 45% Spear 15% Spot Hidden 25%
Swim 25% Throw 25% Track 10%
Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10% Kick 25%
Grapple 25% Axe, Battle 80%

Investigator Name: Lady Jane STR: 9 DEX: 12 INT: 10 Idea: 50

Occupation: Lord' Mistress CON: 12 APP: 18 POW: 12 Luck: 60
Colleges, Degrees: SIZ: 8 SAN: 60 EDU: 8 Know: 40
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: none
Mental Disorders: Real Life Age : 36 RL APP=9
Sex: F Age: 0
Accounting 10% Archery 10% Axe 20%
Bargain 30% Climb 40% Conceal 30%
Craft: Housework 60% Cthulhu Mythos 0% Dodge 24%
Dream Lore 10% Dreaming 45% Drive Carriage 20%
Fast Talk 5% Fencing Foil 10% First Aid 50%
Hide 10% Jump 25% Knife 50%
Legal Customs 25% Library Use 25% Listen 50%
Locksmith 30% Martial Arts 1% Medicine 5%
Natural History 10% Navigate 10% Occult 35%
Own Language: English 40% Persuade 65% Pole Arms 10%
Ride 45% Sneak 30% Spear 15%
Spot Hidden 40% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Track 10% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10%
Kick 25% Grapple 25% Dagger* 50%

Investigator Name: Timmy the Cat Ambassador STR: 2 DEX: 19 INT: 10 Idea: 50
Occupation: Ambassador CON: 15 APP: 14 POW: 12 Luck: 60
Colleges, Degrees: SIZ: 4 SAN: 60 EDU: 7 Know: 35
99-Cthulhu Mythos: 99 Damage Bonus: -1D6
Mental Disorders:
Sex: M Age: 7
Accounting 10% Archery 10% Axe 20%
Bargain 30% Climb 75% Conceal 15%
Cthulhu Mythos 0% Dodge 60% Dream Lore 30%
Dreaming 20% Drive Carriage 20% Fast Talk 40%
Fencing Foil 10% First Aid 30% Hide 50%
Jump 50% Knife 25% Legal Customs 5%
Library Use 25% Listen 60% Locksmith 1%
Martial Arts 1% Medicine 5% Natural History 10%
Navigate 10% Occult 5% Other Language: Human 30%
Own Language: Cat 35% Persuade 30% Pole Arms 10%
Ride 5% Sneak 60% Spear 15%
Spot Hidden 60% Swim 25% Throw 25%
Track 30% Fist/Punch 50% Head Butt 10%
Kick 25% Grapple 25% Claw 55%

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