Diss Q1 Week5

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School Dapa National High School Grade Level 11


Grade 11 Teacher Angel Mar M. Casana Learning Area
February 26 - March 1, 2024
Teaching Dates and Time 8:35 – 9:35AM HUMSS 2 Quarter QUARTER 3 / WEEK 5
10:55 -11:55AM HUMSS 1
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of…
A. Content Standards
the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
The learners shall be able to…
B. Performance Standards
connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
*Analyze the basic concepts and principles of the major social science theories:
a. Structural-functionalism
b. Marxism
c. Symbolic Interactionism
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives  To define the concepts Structural Functionalism, Marxism and Symbolic Interactionism.
 To discuss the features peculiar to each of the three concepts.
 To creatively interpret Structural Functionalism, Marxism, or Symbolic Interactionism.
 To conduct a case study about Structural Functionalism of any institution of your choice.

A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
 The teacher will ask the students if
they have heard of the three concepts
 Teacher will ask the students to  Introduce the topic by asking the  Greet the students and ask if they
being discussed today - Structural
share what they know about the three students what they know about have any questions from the
Functionalism, Marxism, and
concepts: Structural Functionalism, Structural Functionalism, Marxism, previous lesson on Structural
1. Reviewing previous lesson or Symbolic Interactionism. If the
Marxism, and Symbolic or Symbolic Interactionism. Briefly Functionalism.
presenting the new lesson students are not familiar, the teacher
Interactionism. Then, the teacher discuss the importance of  If necessary, give a brief review of
will briefly introduce the idea of
will introduce the topic and explain understanding these theories in the the key concepts and principles of
social science as a discipline that
the importance of the lesson. social sciences. Structural Functionalism.
seeks to understand the society and
the behavior of people within it.
The purpose of this lesson is to define The purpose of this lesson is to creatively
2. Establishing the purpose of the  The teacher will explain that the  Explain the purpose of the lesson: to
and discuss the three sociological interpret Structural Functionalism,
lesson purpose of this lesson is to introduce apply the concepts of Structural
concepts: Structural Functionalism, Marxism, or Symbolic Interactionism in
Functionalism to a real-world
institution through conducting a case
the three major theoretical study.
perspectives in sociology - Structural Marxism, and Symbolic Interactionism.  State the learning objectives: to
Students will learn the features peculiar order to understand their significance in define Structural Functionalism, to
Functionalism, Marxism, and
to each concept and their significance in the social sciences. identify the key features of
Symbolic Interactionism. the social sciences. Structural Functionalism in an
institution, and to apply Structural
Functionalism concepts to a case
 The teacher will use real-world
 The teacher will present the three examples to illustrate the concepts.
 Present examples of institutions that
perspectives and provide examples For example, the teacher will use the
can be analyzed using Structural
of how each perspective views social social structure of schools to explain  Present examples of how these
Functionalism, such as schools,
3. Presenting examples/instances of phenomena differently. The teacher Structural Functionalism. The theories are applied in different
hospitals, or government agencies.
the new lesson will use examples such as education, teacher will use the concept of fields such as economics, politics,
 Provide handouts that define
family, and inequality to illustrate capitalism to explain Marxism. The and sociology.
Structural Functionalism and explain
how each perspective views these teacher will use the role of symbols
its key features.
topics. in communication to explain
Symbolic Interactionism.
 Ask students to select an institution
 The teacher will introduce the
that they want to analyze using
concept of Structural Functionalism  The teacher will define each concept,
Structural Functionalism and provide
and explain its basic assumptions explain their key features and
 Discuss the key concepts of them with a case study template.
and characteristics. The teacher will significance, and engage students in
Structural Functionalism, Marxism,  Discuss the case study template and
4. Discussing new concepts and also provide examples of how a discussion about each concept.
or Symbolic Interactionism. Break guide the students on how to conduct
practicing new skills #1 Structural Functionalism views Students will be asked to give
down the key concepts and how they their case study.
social phenomena, such as the examples of each concept from their
relate to one another.  Remind them to focus on the key
importance of institutions and how personal experience or from current
features of Structural Functionalism
they contribute to the overall events.
and to apply the concepts learned in
functioning of society.
 The teacher will then introduce the
concept of Marxism and explain its
 The teacher will present case studies
basic assumptions and
to students and ask them to identify  In groups, have the students create a  Allow time for the students to work
characteristics. The teacher will
5. Discussing new concepts and the concepts presented in each case visual representation of one of the on their case studies.
provide examples of how Marxism
practicing new skills #2 study. Students will be asked to theories, using symbols or images to  Encourage them to work in groups to
views social phenomena, such as
analyze each case study and identify represent the key concepts. share their insights and ideas.
how economic inequality affects the
the key features of each concept.
social structure and how the ruling
class maintains its power.
6. Developing Mastery  The teacher will divide the class into  In this activity, students will work in  Ask each group to present their case
groups and assign each group a groups to create a skit or role-play study to the class.
theoretical perspective to research. that illustrates one of the three  Allow time for questions and
The groups will be asked to create a concepts. They will present their skit discussion after each presentation.
presentation that explains the basic or role-play to the class. The other  Encourage the students to provide
assumptions and characteristics of students will have to guess which
the assigned theoretical perspective,
and how it views social phenomena. feedback and suggestions to improve
concept is being presented.
Each group will present their the case studies.
findings to the class.
 The teacher will facilitate a class  Students will brainstorm ways in
which the three concepts can be  Discuss how the concepts of
discussion on how each theoretical  Discuss how these theories can be
applied to their daily lives. They will Structural Functionalism can be
perspective can be applied to our applied in our everyday lives, such
7. Finding practical applications of applied to their daily lives, such as
daily lives. The students will be discuss how they can use the as understanding the dynamics of
concepts and skills in daily living understanding the functions of the
encouraged to share their own concepts to analyze and solve our families, workplace, or
different social institutions that they
experiences and observations to problems in their communities. communities.
interact with.
support their ideas.
 The teacher will guide the class to  Students will be asked to summarize
reflect on the different perspectives the key features of the three concepts  Discuss the similarities and  Encourage the students to reflect on
presented and how they differ from and their significance in the social differences between the three the lesson and write down their key
8. Generalizing and abstractions
one another. The teacher will ask the sciences. They will also discuss how theories, and how they can be takeaways.
about the lesson
students to think about how these the three concepts are interconnected applied in different contexts.  Ask them to share their reflections
perspectives can be used to better and how they can be used together to with the class.
understand the world around us. analyze social phenomena.
Evaluate the students based on their case
The teacher will evaluate student learning The teacher will evaluate student learning The teacher will evaluate student learning
study presentations, participation in class
9. Evaluating Learning through class participation, group work, through class participation, group work, through class participation, group work,
discussion, and completion of the case
and individual assessments. and individual assessments. and individual assessments.
study template.
 For application, ask the students to
 The teacher will provide a list of  For application, students will be
 For remediation, have the students conduct another case study using a
articles or videos that the students given a list of social issues and asked
create a written explanation of one of different theoretical framework, such
can read or watch to gain a deeper to analyze them using one or more of
the theories in their own words. For as Marxism or Symbolic
10. Additional Activities for understanding of the three theoretical the three concepts. For remediation,
application, have them research how Interactionism.
Application or Remediation perspectives. The teacher will also students who need additional help
one of the theories has been applied  For remediation, provide additional
provide opportunities for students to can work in a small group with the
in a real-world scenario and present resources on Structural
ask questions or seek clarification teacher to review the key features of
their findings to the class. Functionalism or offer extra help to
about the concepts covered in class. the three concepts.
students who need it.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked By: Noted:


Asst. Principal-Designate/SHS Coordinator Principal IV

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