Social Anthropology

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Social Anthropology
Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage
1. Culture 10%
2. Anthropological theories 18%
3. Anthropological Research Methods 17%
4. Social organization: Family, marriage and Kinship 10%
5. Economic Organization 10%
6. Political Organization 10%
7. Evolution and development of Religion 15%
8. Social change and development 10%
Total 100%
Social Anthropology (Detailed)
Sr. No. Core Areas Percentage
1.1 Definition
1.2 Elements of culture
1.3 Characteristics
1. 1.4 Functions 10%
1.5 Types of cultures
1.6 Cultural relativism and cultural ethnocentrism
1.7 Culture and personality
1.8 Culture and environment
2.1 Cultural Evolutionism:
2.1.1 Unilineal evolution (Lewis Henery Morgan, E. B.
Taylor etc.)
2.1.2 Multilineal evolution (Leslie White, and Julian
2. Steward etc.) 18%
2.2 Functionalism (Brownislaw Kasper Malinowski)
2.3 Structural-functionalism (A. R. Radcliffe-Brown)
2.4 Diffusionism (various schools)
2.5 French Structuralism (Levi-Strauss)
2.6 Historical particularism (Franz Boas etc.
3.1 Research Process:

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3.1.1 Designing a research proposal including selection,

narrowing and statement of the problem
3.1.2 Research question, concepts, hypothesis and
variables etc.
3.2 Qualitative and quantitative research/approaches:
3.2.1 Participant observation
3.2.2 In-depth interview
3.2.3 Focus group discussion
3.2.4 Case study method
3.2.5 Peer-reviews
3.2.6 Study of Genealogy
3.2.7 Social-economic survey
3.2.8 Questionnaire
3.2.9 Etic and emic approach
3.3 Inductive and deductive
3.4 Ethics of Research
1. Validity and Reliabilty
2. Subjectivity and objectivity
3. Honesty and accuracy
3.5 Research design
1. Case study
3. 2. Longitudinal 17%
3. Comparison
4. Longitudinal comparison
5. Experiment
6. Quasi Experimental Design
3.6 Purpose of research
1. Descriptive/narrative
2. Explanatory
3. Exploratory
4. Relationship testing
3.7 Sampling
4. Social organization: Family, marriage and Kinship: 10%
4.1 Concepts, Definitions and scope
4.2 Family: definition, types, structure and functions
4.3 Marriage: definition, types, structure and functions
4.4 Kinship: definition, types, structure and functions
4.5 Descriptive and classificatory kinship terminology, Six
systems of kinship terminology, (Hawaiian, Eskimo,
Iroquois, Omaha, Crow, and Sudanese).

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4.6 Determinants of Social stratification

Economic Organization:
5.1 Definitions and scope
5.2 Substantivism
5. 5.3 Formalism 10%
5.4 Mode of Production in different societies
5.5 Systems of Distribution in different societies
5.6 Patterns of Consumption in different societies
Political Organization:
6.1 Concepts, Definitions, scope, and characteristics of the
following types of socio-political organizations
6. 6.2 Band 10%
6.3 Tribe
6.4 Chiefdom
6.5 States
Evolution and development of Religion:
5.7 Concepts, definition, types, structure and functions
5.8 Anthropological approaches to magic and religion
5.9 Rites and practices of magic and religion
5.10 Early types of religions (animism, animatism, fetishism,
7. totamism, naturalism). 15%
5.11 Myth
5.12 Shamanism
5.13 Revitalization movements
5.14 Early types of magic (imitative and contagious)
5.15 Witchcraft
Social change and development:
8.1 Concepts, Definitions, scope
8.2 Theories of social change / development
8. 10%
8.3 Dynamics of change
8.4 Barriers to change
8.5 Diffusion of innovations
Total 100%

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