73 Habits To Live by Everyday
73 Habits To Live by Everyday
73 Habits To Live by Everyday
1. Live each day as though it were your last day.
2. Declutter your space to free stagnant energy.
Live Minimalistically
3. Practice Yoga to harmonize your body, mind,
and spirit
4. Meditate to Access Higher Realms
5. Be aware of the NOW. Practice Mindfulness
to heal
6. Read. Learn. Grow. Repeat
7. Start a Gratitude Journal. What we focus on,
8. Join a Spiritual Community. We mirror what
surrounds us & what surrounds us mirrors us
9. Write your Manifestation Journal daily.
Evidence strengthens faith
10. Practice Grounding. Spend Time in Nature or
take Salt Baths to heal
11. Trust The Generous & Abundant Universe.
Seek Sign to nurture beliefs eg. 1111, white feathers
12. Believe in Miracles. If you can imagine it, you
can achieve it
13. Choose words Wisely. They have magical
powers. Work with Incantations, Switchwords,
Symbols & Numbers
14. Learn to see Co-incidences & Synchronicities. It
is the language of the Divine Intelligence
15. Bask in The Sun. Sunshine is the Best
16. Take a Moon Bath. It Strengthens Psychic
17. Light a Diya Everyday. Fire element purifies
& increases Sattvik vibrations
18. Use Scented Incense Sticks & Diffuser to relax
your senses
19. Listen to Soulful Music. They release
dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins
20. Speak Less. Listen More. Think More. Do
21. Consciously Choose Better Feeling Thoughts &
Words. We Create what We Feel
22. Smile Big. Laugh Often.
23. Be Truthful to keep your Aura clean
24. Trust Your Instincts to make informed and
intuitive decisions
25. Love & Be Kind to Yourself. Be Better, not
26. Don’t Be Overly Attached.
27. Be Humble & Compassionate.
28. Do a Random Act Of Kindness.
29. Serve Others. What we Give We Get
30. Forgive & Let Go to create space for better
things to enter your life
31. Listen to Critics. Have the Courage to Evaluate
32. Stay away from Lust, Anger, Greed, &
Gossip. They Poison Soul
33. Get rid of Jealousy. Celebrate The Success of
Others to BE the essence of that which you desire
34. Judge Less. Be Open-minded & flexible
35. Give others Benefit of Doubt. Your beliefs
about people & the world can turn into a negative
36. Don’t make Assumptions. Communicate
Cleary to avoid misunderstandings, sadness &
37. Build Patience.
38. Believe in Yourself. Faith can move
Mountains & Doubts Can Create Them.
39. Never worry about small things, Everything is
40. Always Do Your Best. Don’t negatively
judge yourself even if you fail
41. Don’t take anything Personally. Don’t let
people’s praise or criticism define you. Their
behaviour is oftently, a reflection of their own
wounds & where they are in their growth
42. Learn from every Situation. Trust that
everything happens for a reason and purpose.
43. Don't Give Up Even When You Can't See the
Road Ahead. In Every Situation There is Always
a Bigger Picture and a Greater Purpose. The
Universe is always conspiring in your favour
44. You Can’t Control Everything. Stop
Complaining. Change what you can, Accept what
you can’t or Leave
45. Control the way you Respond to the Situation
46. To Change things that you Can see, Change
things that you Can’t see.
47. Reject What You Don't Want. Don't Try to
Please Everyone
48. Know your Worth. Find the Courage to Leave
when people/ circumstances No Longer Serves You
49. Win your Morning. Commit the first 90
minutes of your day for 90 days to high-value and
difficult task
50. Be organized. Plan your day with a to-do list
51. Dedicate 2 hours of your life in Personality
Development & rest in Action
52. Be more Productive by Doing Less
53. Do More than what Others are willing to do
54. Set a Goal & Then Focus on the Process
Every Single Day. Eat, Live, Breathe that Idea
55. Put off short-term gratification & temptations
for the long-term gain (social media, junk food,
56. Be Persevering. Breakthrough moments are
often result of many precious actions
57. Never overestimate 3 months practice &
underestimate 10 years practice
58. Think Big. Have Burning Desire, Hunger &
undying commitment to achieve a goal
59. Challenge Yourself More Often. Be
Courageous, try new stuff, face your fears
60. Continuously Improve Everyday. What Got
You Here Won't Get You There. Keep developing
your Mindset, Skillset & Environment
61. Study Multiple Subjects each day, rather
than focusing on just one or two subjects
62. Do more of what already works
63. Avoid tiny losses by doing fewer things wrong
64. Remove Distractions & Stay Focused
Complacency is almost always the product of
success or perceived success
65. Take a 5-10 min break for every 40 min of
studying. Don't let the 5-10 min of break become
1-2 hr of social media scrolls
66. Attend training courses, workshops, seminars
and webinars. Find a Guru, a Mentor
67. Improve your writing skills/write a lot
68. Keep an idea journal to write your ideas
69. Practice the art of following up.
70. Eat High Vibrancy Healthy Foods. A
Healthy Body Equals a Healthy Mind, and a
Healthy Mind Takes Care of Business
71. Fake it Till You Make It. Set Aside 15 min for
Day-dreaming. Imagine The Best Possible Life
For Yourself
72. Clear Your Mental Space by resetting a new
date for all uncompleted task, before sleeping
73. Record your suggestions and play them to
yourself before bed to intentionally direct the
workings of their subconscious mind