TCEE-Unit 4

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What is a circuit breaker?

 A circuit breaker can make or break a circuit either

manually or automatically under all conditions viz. no-
load, full load and short circuit
A circuit breaker is an equipment which is designed to protect
an electric circuits from damage caused by short circuit or
The basic circuit breaker working principle is that it is an
automatically operated electric switch.
It detects the fault condition and interrupt the continuity to
stop the flow of electricity immediately.
It is not like a fuse which operates once and need to be
replaced, a circuit breaker can be reset (either manually or
automatically) to resume it’s normal operation.
There are variable sizes and varieties of circuit breakers are
available according to the use.
It is used for the protection of small household appliances up 3
to the large distribution systems(Power Stations).
 Requirements of Circuit Breaker :
1. The normal working current & the short circuit current must be
safely interrupted by the circuit breaker .
2. The faulty section of the system must be isolated by circuit
breaker as quickly as possible keeping minimum delay.
3.It should not operate with flow of over current during healthy

4. The faulty circuit only must be isolated without affecting the

healthy one.



1.Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)
2.Vaccum Circuit Breaker (VCB)
3.Oil Circuit Breaker
4.SF6 Circuit Breaker

1.Air Circuit Breaker (ACB)
2.Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
3.Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
4.Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
5.Motor Protection Circuit Breaker



The design includes the following
1. Actuator lever - used to manually
trip and reset the circuit breaker. Also
indicates the status of the circuit
breaker (On or Off/tripped). Most
breakers are designed so they can
still trip even if the lever is held or
locked in the "on" position. This is
sometimes referred to as "free trip"
or "positive trip" operation.
2. Actuator mechanism - forces the
contacts together or apart.
3. Contacts - Allow current when
touching and break the current when
moved apart.
4. Terminals
5. Bimetallic strip.
6. Calibration screw - allows the
manufacturer to precisely adjust the
trip current of the device after
assembly. 9
7. Solenoid
8. Arc divider/extinguisher
Now for understanding the circuit breaker working let us take an
example of AC motor(See the diagram below).
In the following explanation, an AC motor is connected through a
circuit breaker to a voltage source.
When the circuit breaker is closed, a complete path for current exists
between the voltage source and the motor allowing the motor to run.
Opening the circuit breaker breaks the path of current flow and the
motor stops. The circuit breaker automatically opens when it senses a
After the fault has been cleared, the breaker can be closed, allowing
the motor to operate.

Operating Mechanism
 The operating handle is connected to the moveable contact arm
through an
operating mechanism
 In the following illustration,
The operating handle is moved from the “OFF” to the ON”
In this process a spring begins to apply tension to the mechanism.
When the handle is directly over the center, the tension in the spring is
strong enough to snap the contacts closed.
Handle in On Position Handle in Off Position
Contacts Closed Contacts Open

The contacts are opened by moving the operating handle from
the “ON” to the “OFF” position.
In this process a spring begins to apply tension to the
When the handle is directly over the center, the tension in the
spring is strong enough to snap the contacts open.

Handle in On Position Handle in Off Position

Contacts Closed Contacts Open


The circuit breaker are classified by various ways.

The different criteria for classification of circuit breaker are as
1. Interrupting medium,
2. According to service,
3. Way of operation,
4. Action,
5. Method of control,
6. Way of Mounting,

7. Tank construction,
8. Contacts

 According to the Interrupting medium the circuit
breakers are classified as air circuit breaker, air blast
circuit breaker, oil circuit breaker & magnetic circuit
 According
breaker. to service there are two types of circuit
breakers viz indoor circuit breaker & outdoor circuit
 breaker.
Depending on the operation, the types of circuit
breakers are gravity opened, gravity closed & horizontal
 break
On thecircuit
basis breaker.
of action, the circuit breaker are classified
as automatic & non-automatic circuit breaker
 According to method of control, the circuit breaker may
be controlled directly or it may be operated remotely.
 The Way of Mounting, classifies the circuit breakers into
panel mounted, near of panel or remote from panel
 Depending on the tank construction, the circuit breakers
are classified as separate tank for each pole or one tank
for the
 On all poles
of Contacts, the different types of circuit breaker
are Butt,
Wedge, Laminated flat contacts. 15
Types of Air-Blast Circuit Breakers:

Axial Blast Type Cross Blast Type

Air Blast Circuit Breaker

These type of circuit breaker were employed in

earlier days for voltage ranging from 11 to 11000 KV.
At high voltage this type of circuit breaker are most
In this type of circuit breaker the compressed air is
used for the arc extinction. Hence it is called
compressed air circuit beaker.

Axial-Blast type
In which the air-blast is directed along the arc path .

Single Blast Type Double Blast Type

Radial Blast Type

Cross-Blast type
In which the air-blast is directed at right angles
to the arc path.

The cross blast breakers are commonly used in

indoor circuit breaker of medium high voltage class.
 No fire hazard.
 High speed of operation.
 In every operation fresh air intake.
 Arcing time is less so burning of contact is

 Air compressor maintenance is high,
 Air compressor is noise making device,
 Air leakage problems are present,
 Contacts get damaged frequently, 21
The ABCB, their best application in system operating
range of 132 KV to 400 KV with breaking capacities
upto 700 MVA.

Vacuum Circuit Breakers (VCB):

In such breakers, vacuum (degree of vacuum being in the

range from 10 -7 to 10-5 torr) is used as the arc quenching
medium. Since vacuum offers the highest insulating strength,
it has far superior arc quenching properties than any other

Vacuum Circuit Breaker 24
(i) They are compact, reliable and have longer life.

(ii) There are no fire hazards.

(iii) There is no generation of gas during and after operation.

(iv) They can interrupt any fault current. The outstanding

feature of a VCB is that it can break any heavy fault current
perfectly just before the contacts reach the definite open

(v) They require little maintenance and are

quiet in operation.

(vi) They can successfully withstand lightning surges.

(vii) They have low arc energy. 25

(viii) They have low inertia and hence require smaller power

For a country like India, where distances are quite

large and accessibility to remote areas difficult, the
installation of such outdoor, maintenance free circuit
breakers should prove a definite advantage. Vacuum
circuit breakers are being employed for outdoor
applications ranging of applications in rural areas.

Air Break Circuit Breaker
In the Air Break Circuit Breaker the atmospheric air is used as an
arc extinguishing medium.
These circuit breakers employ high resistance
interruption principle.
These type of circuit breaker is employed in both a.c & d.c type
of circuits upto 12 KV.
These are generally indoor type & installed on vertical
These type of circuit breaker are 460 V – 3.3 KV with current
range 400-3500A
6.6 KV with current range 400-2400 A.

There are two set of contacts:
(1) Main contacts
(2) Arching contacts

Under the normal operation the Main contacts are closed.

They have low contact resistance and are silver plated.
The arching contacts are hard, heat resistance and usually made of
copper alloy
In below fig, the contact remain in closed position during normal condition.
Whenever fault occurs ,the tripping signal makes the circuit breaker contacts
to open.
While opening the contact, the main contacts separated first. The
current is shifted to the arcing contacts.

The arching contacts separating and arc is drawn between them (3).
This arc is forced upwards by the electromagnetic force and thermal
The arc ends travel along the Arc Runner (Arcing horns). The arc moves
upwards and is split by arc splitter plates (5). The arc is extinguished by
lengthening, cooling, splitting etc.
In some breakers the arc is drawn in the direction of the splitter by
magnetic field.

This type of circuit breaker are commonly employed
for industrial switchgear, auxiliary switchgear in
generating station.

Oil Circuit Breaker

Bulk Oil Circuit Minimum Oil

Breaker Circuit Breaker

Plain Break Arc Control

Type Type

Single Break Double Break Forced Blast

Self Blast Type
Type Type Type

Plain Explosion Cross Jet
Pot Explosion Pot
Explosion Pot

These are one of the oldest type of circuit breakers which
employs oil as arc quenching medium.
The contacts of the circuit breakers are separated in the oil.
There are two types of circuit breaker:
(i )The Bulk Oil Circuit Breaker,
(i i )Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker.

Plain Break Oil Circuit Breaker
Bulk oil circuit breakers are enclosed in metal-grounded weatherproof
tanks that are referred to as dead tanks.
There are two types of plain-break circuit breaker,
(i )Single break oil circuit breaker
(i i )Double break oil circuit breaker

There are two types of contact in single break OCB.
(i )Fixed Contact
(i i )Moving Contact.
The IN and OUT of current is through the terminal bushings.
When separation of contact, there is only one arc, because of one
contact pair.


Single break OCB

This type of CB there are two bushings, IN and OUT of current is through
the terminal bushings.
In this, there are two pairs of contact, when contacts are separated, two
arcs are drawn.


Double Break Type Circuit Breaker

In case of a plain break oil circuit breaker, there is no control
over the arc other than increase in length caused by the moving
However, it is necessary and desirable that final arc extinction
should occur while the contact gap is still for this
purpose,some arc control is to be provided and the breaker
There arewith arctypes
two control are control
of arc called arc control
circuit circuit breaker.
(a) Self blast or Self Generated Pressure oil circuit breaker
(b) Forced Blast or Externally Generated Pressure Impulse oil
circuit breaker

(a) Self Blast or Self Generated Pressure Oil
Circuit Breaker:
This type of circuit breaker are also called Self blast oil circuit breaker,
where arc is control by internal means.
The pressure developed by the arc is used in speeding up the
movement of oil in the contact by pressure chamber.
The size of the pressure chamber is small.
Due to the small pressure chamber ,pressure of gas developed between
the contact is very high.
(i )Breaking Capacity is high,
(i i )Arcing time is less,
(i i i ) The pressure chamber is relatively cheap to make.
The design of the chamber or pot should be such that the pressure
developed is sufficient to quench the arc even at low values of current but
not so much as to break the chamber or pot on heavy current.

Due to this reason different types of circuit breakers are developed,

(i )Plain Explosion Pot
(i i )Cross Jet Explosion Pot
(i i i ) Self Compensated Explosion Pot
(i)Plain Explosion Pot:
It is a rigid cylinder of insulating material enclosing the fixed &
Moving contacts, closed at the top but with a restricted opening
called throat,contact
The moving at the is
a cylindrical rod which can pass through a small
opening called throat. The motion of moving contact is vertical.
When fault occurs in the system the contacts will start separating with
the formation of arc between them.
The heat contained in the arc causes the decomposition of the oil into
gas at very high pressure in the pot.
This high pressure forces the oil and gas around the arc to extinguish
it.If the arc is not extinguished while the moving
contact is still within the pot, it happens just after
the moving contact leaves the pot due to axial high
velocity blast,released through the slot.
Since the plian explosion pot performs axial
extinction of the arc, it is sometimes called the
axial extinction pot.

(i) It cannot be used for very high or very low fault Plain Explosion Pot
(ii) Cross Jet Explosion Pot:
This type of pot is just a modification of plain explosion pot.
It is made up of insulating material & has channel on one side which
act as a arc splitters.
The arc splitter help in increased the arc length.thus faciliating arc
When a fault occurs, the moving contact of the circuit breaker begings to
When the moving contact uncovers the arc splitter ducts, fresh oil is
foced across the arc path.
The arc is therefore, driven sideway into the “arc splitter ” which
increased the arc length, causing arc extinction.
Since jet of oil of is forced at right angles to the arc path, this type of
pot is referred to the “Cross Jet Explosion Pot”.

f Compensated Explosion Pot:
This type of pot is essentially a combination of plain explosion pot and
cross jet explosion pot. Therefore , it can interrupt low as well as heavy short
circuit the fig, itwith
consists of twoaccuracy.
reasonable chambers, the upper chamber is the
cross jet explosion pot with two arc splitter ducts while the lower one is
plainthe short circuit
explosion pot. current is heavy, the rate of generation of gas is
very high and device behaves a cross jet explosion pot.
When the low short circuit current ,the rate of generation of gas is low &
the tip of the moving contact has the time to reach the lower chamber.
During this time , the gas builds up sufficient pressure as there is very
little leakage through arc splitter ducts due to the obstruction offered by
the arc path
When & right angle
the moving bends.
contacts comes out of the throat, the arc is
extinguished by plain pot action.

How air blast circuit breaker is better than oil circuit breaker:
1. The growth of dielectric strength is so rapid that final contact gap
needed for arc extinction is very small. this reduces the size of device.
2. The risk of fire is eliminated.
3. Due to lesser arc energy, air blast circuit breakers are very suitable for
conditions where frequent operation is required.
4. The arcing products are completely removed by the blast whereas the
oil deteriorates with successive operations; the expense of regular oil is
replacement is avoided.
5. The energy supplied for arc extinction is obtained from high pressure
air and is independent of the current to be interrupted.
6. The arcing time is very small due to the rapid build up of dielectric
strength between contacts. Therefore, the arc energy is only a fraction
that in oil circuit breakers, thus resulting in less burning of contacts.
1. Considerable maintenance is required for the compressor plant which
supplies the air blast.
2. Air blast circuit breakers are very sensitive to the variations in the rate
of restriking voltage.
3. Air blast circuit breakers are finding wide applications in high voltage
installations. Majority of circuit breakers for voltages beyond 110 kV are 41
of this type
Forced blast oil circuit breaker OR
Externally generated pressure type oil circuit breaker
In self blast circuit breaker discussed, the arc itself generates the
necessary pressure to force the oil across the arc path.
The major limitation of such breaker is that arcing times tend
to be long,it is because the gas generated is much reduced at low
This difficulty
values is overcome in forced blast oil circuit breakers in
of fault current.
which the necessary pressure is generated by external
mechanical means independent of the fault currents to be broken.
In a forced blast circuit breaker ,oil pressure is created by the
piston-cylinder arrangement.
When fault occurs , the contacts get separated by the
protective system & arc is struck between the contacts.
The piston forces a jet of oil towards the contact gap to
extinguish the arc.
The performance at low current is more consistent than
with self blast oil circuit breaker.
The quantity of oil required is reduced considerably. 42
The oil has to perform two functions.
(i) It acts as an arc quenching medium,
(ii) It insulates the live parts from the earth.
It has been found that only a small percentage of oil is actually
used for arc extinction while the major part is utilized for
insulating purpose.
For this reason, the quantity of oil in bulk oil circuit breakers
reaches very high values as the system voltage increased.
This circuit breaker is divided in three parts:
(a) Supporting Chamber
(b) Circuit Breaking Chamber
(c) Top Chamber

 Supporting Chamber:
It is a porcelain chamber mounted on a metal chamber.
It is filled with oil in which is physically separated from the oil in
the circuit breaker compartment.
This oil is used for insulation purpose.

 Circuit Breaking Chamber:
It is made up of a porcelain chamber .
It is mounted on the top of the supporting compartment.
It is filled with oil.
It has following parts:
(i) Fixed contacts
(ii) Moving Contacts
(iii) Turbulator
The moving contact is hollow &
includes a cylinder which moves
down over a fixed piston.
The turbulator is an arc control device
& has both axial & radial vents.
The axial venting ensures the
interrupting of low current
whereas radial venting helps in
the interrupting of high current.

 Top Chamber :
It is a metal chamber & is mounted on the circuit breaking
It provides expansion space for the oil in the circuit breaking
The top chamber is also provided with a separator which
prevents any loss by centrifugal action caused by a circuit breaker
operation during fault conditions

Minimum Oil Breaker
1 vent valve
2 terminal pad
3 oil level indication
4 moving contact
5 lower fixed contact
6 separating piston
7 terminal pad

8 upper drain valve

9 lower drain valve


(a) three phase circuit breaker

(b) cross-section through a single phase
When a fault occurs, the moving contact is pulled down by the tripping
springs & an arc is struck.
The arc energy is vaporises the oil & produces gases under high
This action constrains the oil to pass through a central hole in the
moving contact & results in forcing series of oil through the respective
passages of the turbulator.
 A low oil circuit breaker has the following advantages and
Disadvantages over a bulk oil circuit breaker.

It requires less quantity of oil.
It requires smaller space.
There is reduced risk of fire.
Maintenance problems are reduced.

Due to smaller quantity of oil , the degree of carbonnision is
There is a difficulty of removing gasses from the contact space. 49
Due to high degree of carbonisation, dielectric strength of the oil is
Maintenance of Oil Circuit Breaker:
o Check the current carrying parts. If they are burnt
replace them.
o Check the dielectric strength of oil.
o Check the insulation for any damage.
o The oil level should be check.
o The closing & tripping mechanism should be checked.

In such circuit breaker sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) gas is used as the arc
quenching medium.
The SF6 is an electro – negative gas & has a strong tendency to absorb
free electrons.
When arc is produced, SF6 gas is entered in arc contact space & due to
this electrons are absorbed & immobile negative ions is produced.
So dielectric strength of the medium is increased and arc is extinguish.

Properties of SF6 Gas:
(1) Physical properties
(2) Chemical properties
(3) Dielectric properties

(1) Physical properties:

The gas is colourless ,non-toxic, & non harmful to health.
The gas is non-inflammable.
The gas is electronagative.
It is heavy gas having high density.

(2) Chemical properties:

The gas is chemically inert & stable upto 500ºC.
The metallic fluorides are good dielectric material.hence
are safe for electrical equipment.

(3) Dielectric properties:

The dielectric strength of gas SF6 gas at atmospheric pressure is
2.9 times that of air & 30% less than that of dielectric oil. 52
At higher pressure, the dielectric strength of gas increases.
Fig shows the constructional details of SF6 CB.
It consists of arc interruption chamber where in fixed & moving contacts
are enclosed.
The chamber is filled with SF6 gas.
The tips of fixed & moving contacts are coated tungsten arc resistance

During the normal working condition the contacts are in closed
position which are surrounded by SF6 gas at pressure of about 2.8
When the breaker operates , the moving contact is pulled apart
& an arc is struck between the contacts.
The movement of the moving contact is synchronised with the
opening of a valve which permits SF6 gas at 14Kg/cm2 pressure
from the reservoir to the arc interruption chamber.
The high pressure flow of SF6 rapidly absorbs the free electrons
in the arc path to form immobile negative ions which are
ineffective as charge carries.
so the increasing the dielectric strength & causes the extinction
of the arc.
After the breaker operation,the valve is closed by the action of a
set of springs.

o The size of SF6 breaker is smaller than conventional circuit breaker of
same ratings.
o SF6 gas is non inflammable & chemically stable.
o The breaker is silent in operation.
o Minimum maintenance required for this breaker.
o No contact replacement required.
o Ability to interrupt low & high fault currents.
o Same gas is recirculated in the circuit hence requirement of gas is small.
o Due to the superior arc quenching property of SF6, such circuit breakers
have very short arcing time.

o Sealing problem arises due to the type of construction.
o Imperfect joint lead to leakage of gas.
o The presence of moisture in the system is very dangerous.
o SF6 breaker are costly as there is high cost of SF6 gas.

 This type of CB is used for high power, high voltage . 55
 SF6 CB are developed for voltage ranges upto 230 KV & power of 10
MVA to 20 MVA ratings.
Ratings of circuit breaker
1. Rated voltage.
2. Rated insulation level.
3. Rated frequency.
4. Rated normal current.
5. Rated short Circuit Breaking current.
6. Rated transient recovery voltage for terminal faults.
7. Rated short circuit making current.
8. Rated operating sequence.
9. Rated short time current
10.Rated supply voltage for opening & closing devices &
auxiliary circuits
11.Rated peak withstand current
12.Rated pressure of compressed gas for interruption.
Rated voltage: It is a voltage of a circuit breaker which refers to higher
system voltage for which it is designed.
Rated normal current: It is defined as r.m.s value of the current that can
be carried by the circuit breaker continuously with temperature rise within
the specified limits.
Rated frequency : The performance of circuit breaker is greatly influenced b

Rated short Circuit Breaking current: It is r.m.s value of highest short

circuit current which the circuit breaker is capable of breaking under
specified conditions of TRV & Power frequency voltage & expressed in kA
r.m.s at constant separation.

Type Medium Voltage, Breaking Capacity
1 – Air break Circuit Air at atmospheric (430 – 600) V– (5-15)MVA
Breaker pressure (3.6-12) KV - 500 MVA
2 – Miniature CB. Air at atmospheric (430-600 ) V
3 – Tank Type oil CB. Dielectric oil (3.6 – 12) KV
4 – Minimum Oil CB. Dielectric oil (3.6 - 145 )KV
5 – Air Blast CB. Compressed Air 245 KV, 35000 MVA
(20 – 40 ) bar up to 1100 KV, 50000 MVA
6 – SF6 CB. SF6 Gas 12 KV, 1000 MVA
36 KV , 2000 MVA
145 KV, 7500 MVA
245 KV , 10000 MVA
7 – Vacuum CB. Vacuum 36 KV, 750 MVA
8 – H.V.DC CB. Vacuum , SF6 Gas 500 KV DC



Below 1 KV Air- break C B
3.3-33KV Vacuum CB, Vacuum prefer
SF6 CB red
Minimum CB
132-220KV SF6 CB, Air SF6 preferred
Blast CB,
Minimum Oil
CB 59

400-760KV SF6 C B,Air SF6 preferred

Mechanical Test

High Voltage Test

Test of
temperature Rise,

Basic Short Circuit

(c) Operating
(b) Breaking (a )Making
Critical current Test Test
Single Phase short
circuit test

Short time current


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