Comprehensive Gis
Comprehensive Gis
Comprehensive Gis
Electric and Gas Utilities
Overcoming the challenges being faced by
utilities today seems overwhelming at times.
However, utility issues and solutions have one
thing in common: location. It’s hard to think of
a utility process that ignores location. Around
the globe, utilities use maps. Why? Utilities
work better using location intelligence.
4 Thriving in a Changing 11 System of Insight—
Industry What Is Your Data
Telling You?
5 The Language of Location
12 A Comprehensive GIS
Supports Your Needs
6 Mature Systems Deliver
Business Value
13 The Geographic Approach
7 A Complete GIS—
More Than Making Maps 15 A Basis for Solutions
9 System of Engagement—
How Many Are Actually
Using Your Data?
CoServ, one of the nation’s largest co-op utilities, uses location
intelligence to digitally transform its organization.
The Language of Location
Utilities have made substantial investments in Employees from different departments
technology to address business problems. Yet speak their own lingo and have the following
these solutions have largely automated manual problems:
processes, reinforcing silos with suboptimal • Their data is different from other
results. Today’s problems require next-level departments’.
improvements. These improvements demand a
• They struggle to understand each other.
better understanding of network behavior and
customer expectations. • They need a common language to work
Utilities’ issues and solutions have one thing in
common—location: That language is location. A map turns huge
datasets into colorful pictures, quickly revealing
• Where are outages occurring?
the underlying business meaning. ArcGIS is
• Where is the network vulnerable? a location intelligence system. It provides
• Where are customers behaving an understanding of patterns and situations.
differently? ArcGIS provides the enterprise infrastructure
Location yields perspective—most utility for location-aware business solutions.
processes revolve around where they occur.
Managers, employees, and customers have
a common need to know what is happening,
“Location provides the
when it’s happening, and where. framework to absorb new
ideas and accomplish
true transformation.”
—Pat Hohl,
Director, Electric Utility Solutions, Esri
“Digital disruption is
forcing all enterprises
to make big changes”
-Geoffrey Moore
A Comprehensive GIS
System of Engagement
Sharing, Collaboration, and
System of Record
Data Management and
System of Insight
Analytics, Models,
and Data Exploration
System of Record
How Complete Is Your Data?
As utilities moved to automated mapping, they all mandate better data inputs. Many utilities
began to see the strategic value of digital facility look forward to a strategic investment in new
data. They harnessed the basic mapping data capabilities—a system of record that goes further!
for other applications like system analysis. Soon, In response, Esri has designed a new data
shortcomings in the data designed for mapping foundation—a network optimized specifically
became self-evident, such as utility lines that looked for utilities. ArcGIS Utility Network adds new
fine on paper but in actuality lacked correct network capabilities.
A utility network fully represents today’s complex
Despite the data flaws, utilities began to view GIS energy networks, sustaining powerful analytics and
as a system of record, particularly for the location of real-time modeling. It’s fast and scalable. But it
assets. A system of record is the authoritative source goes even further by delivering its capabilities to
for a data element—the place where that element is engineering staff and extending them across the
systematically maintained. organization and into the field.
In this data-driven world, advanced systems,
digitally savvy customers, and the modern workforce
System of Engagement
How Many Are Actually Using Your Data?
To make a system of record more valuable, the customers, and regulators with the information
information must be shared, allowing everyone they need. ArcGIS gives all users live access to the
to access and understand it. To be most useful, a appropriate information captured in the system of
system of record needs a system of engagement. record.
The ArcGIS system of engagement manages and Mobile workers easily update maps while they
promotes user collaboration and interaction. work, naturally reinforcing the system of record.
Engagement starts with communication— Moreover, those updates become available
connecting people in real time, using location- immediately, without the delay of transcribing notes
aware devices. It’s a move to empower employees, scribbled on paper.
“I used to inspect 10
Case Study
Given Muscat Electricity Distribution Company’s (MEDC) to 15 substations
culture of innovation, management directed the GIS team daily, but now
to create a new mobility-based inspection process. Using
ArcGIS, the project removed the problems mobile workers with smart
had experienced. MEDC was also able to get better insight
into the health of its assets. For example, MEDC was able to
transformation, I
discover that transformers installed in 2007 were more prone can inspect more
to leaking, so MEDC began analyzing the location of each
of them. This initiated targeted inspections of transformers
than 30 per day.”
based on their tendencies to leak. —Mahmood Al Qassabi, MEDC
System of Engagement (continued)
How Many Are Actually Using Your Data?
Executives monitor dashboards that track real-time media, the utility immediately gleans the
events and key performance indicators, making information, improving safety and response.
decisions at a glance. Using GIS this way is easy, productive, and fun,
Customers get maps from the web. They see the thanks to a whole suite of out-of-the-box apps that
progress of projects in their neighborhood or run anywhere. They support intelligent mapping,
report a streetlight that is out. When customers field data collection, location tracking, routing,
mention “wire down” or “gas odor” on social spatial analytics, and situational awareness.
System of Insight
What Is Your Data Telling You?
A system of insight enables discovery—creating requires state-of-the-art data science tools. ArcGIS
new understanding. Incremental improvements delivers exciting analytical capabilities such as spatial
create slightly better processes. Breakthroughs analysis, machine learning, big data analytics, and
require new knowledge. They require seeing image processing.
things differently—discovering insights that are Business intelligence comes from examining raw
not visible using conventional means. data through the lens of location. The powerful
Analytics allows the discovery of secrets in data analytic features in ArcGIS release more significant
and the evaluation of trends. insights. They uncover relationships that simple
A system of insight dramatically magnifies reporting cannot find. They detect patterns and
business value. It explores the diverse data correlations. Data-driven predictions form the
maintained in the system of record and derived foundation of decision-making based on following
from the system of engagement. business rules logic:
• Where will solar be added next?
The ArcGIS system of insight adds information
• Where are the greatest risks to resiliency?
gained from outside sources over the web—weather,
• What factors are affecting asset
traffic, and vehicle location services. It takes in
performance and longevity?
real-time data from Internet of Things (IoT) sensors
collaborating with other operational systems such as This is actionable business intelligence.
SCADA, AMI, and ADMS. Exploiting complex data
“Customers were able
Case Study to estimate potential
Dubai Electric and Water Authority (DEWA) determined that a
lack of convenient information was limiting the adoption of solar
electricity production
panels. Analyzing each project’s potential was taking too long and and savings on
costing too much. DEWA utilized the powerful analytic capabilities
of ArcGIS to rate the suitability of any potential location. The electricity charges by
ArcGIS deployment is helping DEWA reach its renewable energy installing solar panels.”
goals by providing timely information, eliminating barriers, and
—Manal Ahmed Salem Alshamlan,
improving solar energy adoption. Senior Manager, DEWA
A Comprehensive GIS Supports Your Needs
ArcGIS is a comprehensive GIS. Systems of record, engagement, and insight provide a
mature information system that creates real business value across the utility enterprise.
The Geographic Approach
Getting the most out of the comprehensive GIS The geographic approach is all about
requires a new way of thinking. It demands a a process—not just a technology but a
way of problem-solving that integrates all the framework—for widely applying geographic
information that is available to a utility. This knowledge. It starts with data collected from
process is called the geographic approach. various sources and assessing that information
Whether engineering, facility, real-time, network, leveraging visualization and maps. But it doesn’t
or environmental data, the information is science stop there. As noted above, the analysis and
based. GIS and the geographic approach bring modeling help predict what may happen,
this information together and help utilities such as where gas leaks might occur or where
understand—and predict. customer satisfaction might wane.
The geographic approach sets up a framework In addition, the geographic approach leads
for action, applying all of this knowledge to projects being planned holistically using
in meaningful ways directly into a utility’s geodesign, helping utilities understand the
workflows. Since the vast majority of work long-term impacts and consequences of their
involves location, GIS enables this approach. It plans and make adjustments if necessary.
allows utilities to measure things in very focused The geographic approach leads to
ways, make maps, visualize conditions, and help comprehensive understanding and science-
people understand and predict the future. This based decision-making.
approach also provides an environment where
engineers and planners can design using this
geographic understanding and make better
decisions supporting various kinds of actions. “Understanding
precedes action.”
—Jack Dangermond,
Cofounder and President of Esri
Esri Geospatial Infrastructure Supports the Geographic Approach
Geospatial Infrastructure
GIS is increasingly becoming interconnected between the desktop,
the cloud, enterprise servers, apps, and portals. This ecosystem of
interconnected components is about streamlining collaboration.
A Basis for Solutions
GIS is much more than a technology for making Esri’s location intelligence system is a comprehensive
maps—it is a basis for solutions. As a result, utilities GIS for utilities. ArcGIS helps you work better
worldwide are making strategic investments in location- and smarter—advancing your operations, design
aware information capabilities as a foundation for and engineering, safety and compliance, asset
business refinements, modernization, and customer management, and customer experience efforts.
Truly comprehensive models of utility systems are
based on Esri utility network models. These models
enable smooth data compilation and compelling
analytics. When solutions are visualized clearly and
shared widely, they make it possible to thrive in a Empower transformation through innovation.
changing industry.
To learn more, visit our site:
ArcGIS is a comprehensive GIS—the strategic
investment that every utility needs to make
to move the utility forward.
About Esri
Esri, the global market leader in GIS software, offers the
most powerful mapping and spatial analytics technology
available. Since 1969, Esri has helped customers unlock the
full potential of data to improve operational and business
results. Today, Esri software is deployed in more than
350,000 organizations including the world’s largest cities,
most national governments, 75 percent of Fortune 500
companies, and more than 7,000 colleges and universities.
Esri engineers the most advanced solutions for digital
transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and location
analytics to inform the most authoritative maps in the world.
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