CPAR - DLL Week 1
CPAR - DLL Week 1
CPAR - DLL Week 1
The learner demonstrates appreciation of contemporary art forms, found in the various regions by understanding the elements and principles.
A. Content Standards:
The learner presents a form of integrated contemporary art based on the region of his / her choice. e.g. choreography, musical instrument, literary
B. Performance and music composition, visual design, and/or theatrical performance.
Describes various Identifies various Identifies various Identifies various Identifies various
C. Learning contemporary art contemporary art forms and contemporary art forms and contemporary art forms and contemporary art forms and
Competencies/ forms and their practices their practices from the their practices from the their practices from the their practices from the
Objectives from the various regions various regions various regions various regions various regions
(with LC codes) (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1) (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1). (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1). (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1). (CAR11/12IAC-0a-1).
Define arts, art works, and Define arts, art works, and Define subject of art and art Define subject of art and art
Discuss the contemporary
A. Cognitive contemporary arts. contemporary arts. appreciation. appreciation. art forms: visual arts and
performing arts found in the
Create a concept map that Create a concept map that Create a graphic organizer
B. Psychomotor shows examples of arts and shows examples of arts and that shows examples of art
practices in the Philippines. practices in the Philippines. forms: visual arts and
performing arts across the
Recognize the subject of art Recognize the subject of art Appreciate the significance
C. Affective and the art appreciation in and the art appreciation in of art forms: visual arts and
one’s art. one’s art. performing arts in one’s life.
Definition: Art, Art Work and Definition: Art, Art Work and Definition: Art Appreciation Definition: Art Appreciation Art forms: visual arts and
II. CONTENT Contemporary Art Contemporary Art and Subject of Art and Subject of Art performing arts
A. References:
Contemporary Philippine Contemporary Philippine Contemporary Philippine Contemporary Philippine Contemporary Philippine
1. Teacher’s Guide Arts from the Regions – Arts from the Regions – Arts from the Regions – Arts from the Regions – Arts from the Regions –
Pages Students Learning Students Learning Students Learning Students Learning Students Learning
Modules. Modules. Modules. Modules. Modules.
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
Search engines (for photo Search engines (for photo Search engines (for photo Search engines (for photo Search engines (for photo
B. Other Learning example, additional input; example, additional input; example, additional input; example, additional input; example, additional input;
Resources and subject-related and subject-related and subject-related and subject-related and subject-related
activities like educational activities like educational activities like educational activities like educational activities like educational
videos). videos). videos). videos). videos).
MEET AND GREET MEET AND GREET The teacher will review the The teacher will ask at least The teacher will ask at least
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will introduce The teacher will introduce topic that was discussed one to three students for one to three students for
Lesson or Presenting the the subject description. the subject description. last meeting. the recap of the previous the recap of the previous
New Lesson lesson. lesson.
The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will present the The teacher will present the
1. Establishing a Purpose lesson objective/s. lesson objective/s. lesson objective/s. lesson objective/s. lesson objective/s.
for the Lesson Teacher introduces the Teacher introduces the Teacher introduces the Teacher introduces the Teacher introduces the
lesson for today. lesson for today. lesson for today. lesson for today. lesson for today.
Teacher asks students to Teacher asks students to Teacher asks students to Teacher asks students to Teacher asks students to
connect the previous lesson connect the previous lesson connect the previous lesson connect the previous lesson connect the previous lesson
to the day’s lesson. to the day’s lesson. to the day’s lesson. to the day’s lesson. to the day’s lesson.
The teacher will show the The teacher will show the The teacher will have a The teacher will have a The teacher will show the
2. Presenting examples or jumbled letters and the jumbled letters and the game, students will spell game, students will spell material culture of a certain
instances of the Lesson students will form those students will form those the topic after given the the topic after given the tribes – Ilonggos,
letters into words. letters into words. meaning. meaning. Cebuanos; and
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will discuss the
3. Discussing New students what they knew students what they knew students what they knew students what they knew art forms: visual arts and
Concepts and Practicing about arts, art works, and about arts, art works, and about subject of art and art about subject of art and art performing arts.
New Skills #1 contemporary arts. contemporary arts. appreciation. appreciation.
The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will discuss the The teacher will show the
4. Discussing New definition of arts, art works, definition of arts, art works, definition of subject of art definition of subject of art examples of art forms:
Concepts and Practicing and contemporary arts. and contemporary arts. and art appreciation. and art appreciation. visual arts and performing
New Skills #2 arts through the use of
online generated pictures.
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
5. Developing Mastery students to define art, students to define art, students to recognize what students to recognize what students the specific art
(Leads to Formative artwork and contemporary artwork and contemporary are the following art works are the following art works forms: visual arts and
Assessment 3) art. art. that can found in the that can found in the performing arts found in the
Philippines. Philippines. Philippines.
As a student, do you As a student, do you The teacher will ask the . The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
6. Finding Practical believe that art is believe that art is students what are the students what are the students that why do the
Applications of Concepts everywhere? Why or why everywhere? Why or why subject of art among their subject of art among their following Filipino people
and Skills in Daily Living not? not? given examples of art given examples of art practiced this kind of art
works. works. forms: visual arts and
performing arts
The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the
7. Making Generalizations students to define art, students to define art, students what art students what art students that how this art
and Abstraction about the artwork and contemporary artwork and contemporary appreciation is. appreciation is. forms: visual arts and
Lesson art in unison. art in unison. performing arts is important
to the Filipino people.
(see PPT attached) (see PPT attached) The students will create a The students will create a The students will create a
8. Evaluating Learning concept map that shows concept map that shows graphic organizer and will
examples of arts and examples of arts and provide a short description
practices in the Philippines practices in the Philippines of the specific examples of
and will provide a short and will provide a short art forms: visual arts and
description about that arts description about that arts performing arts in the
and practices. and practices. Philippines.
(see PPT attached) (see PPT attached) Bring art materials on Bring art materials on Advance reading for the
9. Additional Activities for Friday. Tuesday. next lesson – Art forms:
Application or Advance reading for the Advance reading for the literary arts and music
Remediation next lesson – Art forms: next lesson – Art forms: composition.
visual arts and performing visual arts and performing
arts. arts.
Prepared by:
Teacher II Teacher II Teacher II Teacher II Teacher II
Master Teacher II. Master Teacher II. Master Teacher II. Master Teacher II. Master Teacher II.
Principal II Principal II Principal II Principal II Principal II