According To Niinimäki Et Al

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According to Niinimäki et al.

(2020), The fashion industry's sustainably harmful supply

chain methods have come under more scrutiny on the globe. Firstly, they business is still
expanding despite the extensively reported negative effects on the environment especially
because fast fashion which depends on low-cost production, frequent consumption, and
disposable clothing is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, analyse the
environmental implications at key stages in the textile and fashion value chain, with an
emphasis on water use, chemical pollution, CO2 emissions, and textile waste. The fashion
sector has a significant impact on the environment, producing about 92 million tonnes of
rubbish yearly and using 79 billion litres of water. While the consumption of water,
resources, chemicals, and energy in each stage of production influences the environment.
They also show that the supply network for the fashion and textile industries is extensive
and difficult, extending from the manufacture of chemical products and agriculture to
production, shipment, and sale. Furthermore, they adoption of sustainable practices all the
way through the supply chain, and a change in customer behaviour, specifically a reduction
in the number of new clothes purchases and an increase in the useful life of current
garments. Hence, the fast fashion is putting our environment at risk by creating for wastes,
polluting the water and air that was extracted from manufactories. In conclusion, water
pollution chemical and energy are very important and accurate to think about the
Text Response:
I totally agree with the author that fast fashion impacts the environment in various
possible ways from production to consumption. The research in this article is up to
date as fast fashion is a current massive threat to environment that we are
living in. It is a problem which is hard to solve or reduce because people love
trends, but trends can never last long. The main evident that author raised is
strong because it clearly concludes the statistics of waste produced and
water consumed each year. ‘Impacts from fashion industry include over 92
million tonnes of waste produced per year and 79 trillion tonnes of water
consumed’. One of the main strengths is that this article clearly identifies the
problem that is currently happening with statistics as evidence. One of the
weakest things is the evidence does not provide the source of information
and solutions to the discussed problems are not given. I believe that more than
90% of people, it is not likely of them to donate the unused clothes but dispose in the bin

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