Ecmed 0153-8756 2015 Num 41 1 1251 t3 0088 0000 1
Ecmed 0153-8756 2015 Num 41 1 1251 t3 0088 0000 1
Ecmed 0153-8756 2015 Num 41 1 1251 t3 0088 0000 1
Carmen Van Mechelen 2015 Nature as a template for a new concept of extensive green roofs Thèse de doctorat en
cotutelle entre les universités d’Avignon et de KU Leuven, soutenue le 10 mars 2015 à l’université de Leuven (Belgique).
In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 41 n°1, 2015. pp. 88-89;;
The main goal of this thesis was to elaborate and test a new
Carmen VAN MECHELEN 2015 concept for extensive green roof design, comprising both
plant selection and design elements. The work is based on
the habitat template theory, which states that natural habitats
Nature as a template for a new with similar characteristics as extensive green roofs should
concept of extensive green roofs be targeted when searching for suitable plant species. Medi-
terranean regions are a hotspot of biodiversity and contain
244 p. many habitats that match to some extent the conditions on
Thèse de doctorat en cotutelle entre les universités d’Avi- extensive green roofs (e.g. shallow, free draining, nutrient
gnon et de KU Leuven, soutenue le 10 mars 2015 à l’univer- poor and calcareous soils, high temperature fluctuations,
sité de Leuven (Belgique). windy). We hence hypothesized thatit would be possible to
find potential plant species for use on extensive green roofs.
Jury - Nigell Dunnett (Pr, université de Sheffield, Royaume-Uni), Because of practical reasons we selected the southern part
Nathalie Machon (Pr, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris) of France as study region.
rapporteurs ; André Maes (Pr, université de Leuven, Belgique), Bart
Muys (Pr. université de Leuven, Belgique), Dirk Raes (Pr, université During fieldwork in southern France during the spring of
de Leuven, Belgique) examinateurs ; Thierry Dutoit (directeur de 2011, 372 potential plant species were recordedin 20 natural
recherche Cnrs, Imbe, université d’Avignon), Martin Hermy (Pr, uni- open Mediterranean habitats. Variation in species composi-
versité de Leuven, Belgique) codirecteurs. tion in relation to environmental factors was analyzed, and
the vegetation could be classified into four major vegeta-
Keywords: Ecological engineering, plant ecology, functional tion types. When comparing the potential species with a list
ecology, community ecology, urban ecology, ecoroofs, plant of species commonly used on green roofs in northwestern
traits, phylogenetic diversity, mycorrhizal fungi, irrigation, Medi- Europe, it was found that 79% is currently not used on green
terranean and continental climate.
roofs. Results also show that annual species comprise an
important part of Mediterranean vegetation; however this
included different substrate compositions (substrate depth species richness and composition, substrate depth, installa-
5 or 10 cm; presence/absence of a water retention layer) tion method and functional and phylogenetic diversity. Cor-
and exposition (exposed or sheltered). Weather conditions relation between functional diversity and species richness
greatly affected vegetation development in both locations. was strongly positive, suggesting that species-rich systems
Overall, the deepest substrate depth of 10 cm combined might offer more ecosystem services. We proposed two
with a water retention layer resulted in the highest cover, methods to select the species combination with maximal
species abundance and biodiversity values throughout the- functional diversity. The described approach is generic in
experiment. The exposition proved to be a less important nature and can be used for plant selection for a broad range
factor for species performance. Both bryophytes and weeds of novel ecosystems.
established spontaneously over the two years, especially in
the sheltered plots. We conclude that natural habitats in the Mediterranean
region can definitely inspire us as a source for development
Plant growth and survival on green roofsduring drought and improvement of extensive green roof design, whether
remains challenging as the substrate is supposed to be light this is for the current Mediterranean climate itself or for
weight, shallow and relatively low in nutrients. In horticul-
other climates under predicted climate change. Appropriate
ture, the positive effects of organic matter and arbuscular
vegetation choice is essential, as well as the design in terms
mycorrhizal fungi (AM fungi) are acknowledged, but evi-
of sustainable irrigation techniques, appropriate substrate
dence of the effects on green roofs is still scarce. We hence
depth and composition, and water retention possibilities.
examined how AM fungi and organic matter affect early
growth and survival of plants in experimental green roofs. Finally suggestions for further research were made.
The experiment was conducted both in a greenhouse and on
a rooftop in Heverlee, Belgium. A seed mix of commonly
used green roof plants and an inoculum consisting of Glo-
mus species were used. Organic matter positively affected
plant height, dry weight and cover in the greenhouse. No Farah ABDEL SAMAD 2015
significant effect of AM fungi on initial plant growth and
survival was found, although microscopic evidence of AM
fungi - root associations was demonstrated. We concluded Caractérisation écogéographique
that a small increase in organic matter can already stimulate et génétique du genre Astragalus
plant growth on green roofs. More time is probably needed
for the AM fungi - root associations to result in positive du Liban : approches de conservation
effects on plant growth and survival under drought. biogéographique
As stated earlier, irrigation can also help plant growth and
Thèse de doctorat de l’université d’Aix-Marseille, soutenue
survival on green roofs, although this often has a negative
le 3 juin 2015.
connotation in sustainable water management. As informa-
tion on appropriate green roof irrigation is still very scarce, Jury - Joan Vallès (Pr, université de Barcelone, Espagne), Gian-
we reviewed the existing literature and drew attention to luigi Bacchetta (Pr, université de Cagliari, Italie) rapporteurs ; Katia
alternative water sources and water conservation strategies. Diadema (Dr, Conservatoire botanique national méditerranéen de
Water can be conserved by adapting irrigationrequirements Porquerolles, France), Alex Baumel (Dr, Aix-Marseille Université,
(i.e. by targeting the green roof vegetation or materials), by France) examinateurs ; Frédéric Médail (Pr, Aix-Marseille Univer-
using alternative irrigation sources (e.g. gray water and rain- sité, France), Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat (Pr, université Saint
water harvesting) or by controlling and monitoring irrigation Joseph, Liban) codirecteurs.
regimes. Some form of irrigation is essential during estab-
lishment and the first growing season on all types of green Keywords: Astragalus L., Lebanon, chromosome counts,
roofs and in all considered climates. Afterwards, irrigation is genome size, phylogeny, ITS, Irano-Turanian region, Mediterra-
necessary on green roofs in (semi)-arid climates, and advised nean region, diversification, evolution, biogeographic conserva-
in small amounts in the other climates. Minimum irrigation tion.
specifications for different climates were proposed, based
on the deficit irrigation theory. Ifgreen roofs are designed
carefully, then irrigation practices can be sustainable in the
long term and contribute to better urban life quality.
T he genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae) is one of the genera
with the largest number of representatives among the
angiosperms. Its center of origin and diversity is located
In a final study we focused on the biodiversity and ecosystem in the arid mountains of Central and Southwest Asia. In
services aspect of extensive green roof systems. There is Lebanon, this genus is also one of the most represented gen-
a growing consensus that ecosystem services can be pre- era in the flora, with 62 species and subspecies. The genus
dicted through functional and phylogenetic diversity of plant Astragalus also has the largest number of endemic species
communities. We analyzed the initial plant composition of in Lebanon, with 22 endemic species identified. The differ-
commercial extensive green roof systems in terms of their ent taxa of this genus are difficult to identify based only on
functional and phylogenetic diversity. Clustering techniques morphological characters and their current status of distribu-
grouped the systems in three green roof types that differ in tion must be evaluated.