ECDoE VO Policy Effective 1 January 2017
ECDoE VO Policy Effective 1 January 2017
ECDoE VO Policy Effective 1 January 2017
The VO Sub-committee will therefore not be involved in the approval process, but will play
an ex post facto oversight role. This function forms part of the DoE and DRPW risk
management responsibility, particularly with regard to irregular expenditure.
However, prior to approving variations that have material changes in scope (i.e. changes
to the approved site development plan), the PIA shall obtain the written approval of the
DoE via the relevant DoE programme manager. Such approval is not part of the VO
approval process, which is internal to the PIA.
Once the VO has been approved by the PIA, a copy shall be submitted to the Variation
Order Sub-committee for scrutiny. The VO Sub-committee will consider the VO and
provide a written opinion on the VO to the DoE and DRPW. A copy of this response will
also be forwarded to the relevant PIA, as it may detail issues that need to be addressed
by the PIA before the Final Account is submitted.
The PIA who initiates a VO must load the request on the EFMS as a pending VO. Once
this has been approved by the PIA, the PIA must load the approved VO on the EFMS,
together with the written response from the VO Subcommittee.
NB. As indicated, this response from the VO Subcommittee may detail issues to be
addressed by the PIA before submission the Final Account, and must thus also be
included with each VO that is submitted with the Final Account and Close-Out report.
3.5.2 Representation
To advise the DoE, DRPW and PIAs promptly of its recommendations in writing, and
issue the relevant documentation as soon as possible
To keep a record of all decisions, and table these at the following PTC meeting
To make recommendations to the PTC for any improvements in the functioning of the
VO approval processes or compliance with regulations
3.5.4 Chairperson
The DoE and the DRPW Provincial Office officials nominated to serve on the VO
Subcommittee, and provided with the necessary delegations, will co-chair all meetings of
the VO Subcommittee.
When the Subcommittee considers variation orders approved by the DRPW, the DRPW
representative will vacate the chair in favour of the DoE representative for the duration of
that particular discussion, and likewise when VOs approved by the DoE are considered
the DoE representative will vacate the chair in favour of his DRPW counterpart.
3.5.6 Secretariat
The DRPW shall provide the necessary secretarial and administrative support for the all
meeting logistics.