CuramCERPropagationOfNonCuramData PDF
CuramCERPropagationOfNonCuramData PDF
CuramCERPropagationOfNonCuramData PDF
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This edition applies to IBM® Cúram Social Program Management 8.0.0, 8.0.1, and 8.0.2.
Licensed Materials - Property of IBM.
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2022.
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Chapter 1. Propagating non Cúram Data for Cúram
Express Rules
Use this information to learn how to run the batch program to store initial CER rule objects for rate data
that is loaded into the system outside of application APIs. When rate table data is published via the
application APIs, the system creates, updates, or removes stored CER rule objects as appropriate. The
exact data that is written is configured via the CER rule object propagators.
This guide is intended for system administrators, in particular those involved with the deployment and
data loading of a new system.
Related Reading
There are several related documents, some of which provide helpful background information, others
that provide more detailed information on topics covered in this guide. The following provides a brief
description of the related reading materials available:
Process Overview
When rate table data is published via the application's APIs, the system creates, updates or removes
stored CER Rule Objects as appropriate. The exact data written is configured via the CER Rule Object
Propagators. See "Understanding Rule Object Propagators and Converters" in the Inside Cúram
Eligibility and Entitlement Using Cúram Express Rules guide for further details.
In contrast, there may be situations where the rate data on a production system is created, modified or
removed outside of application's APIs, in particular, the initial bulk population of business data via the use
of SQL scripts to insert large volumes of data. Under these circumstances, no CER Rule Objects will be
stored and the system will not yet be in a usable state.
The application includes a batch program to create CER Rule Objects for rate data which was inserted into
a system outside of the application's APIs. You must run this program so that any functionality that relies
on CER use of this data will operate correctly.
Process Details
The following provides full details of the steps that should be taken to ensure all rate data loaded has
been fully propagated to CER Rule Objects.
The business processing included with the application only stores CER Rule Objects in one area, namely
for rate tables. The processing detailed below caters only for the creation of initial CER Rule Objects for
rate tables.
• if you have not bulk-populated rate table data, you do not need to follow these steps; and
• if you have custom processing which stores its own CER Rule Objects, you must also create your own
custom processing to create those rule objects for any bulk-populated initial data.
Initial Setup
The batch process is named
The RateCreateInitialRuleObjects batch program takes the following parameter:
• rateTableType - The rate table to process (or blank to process all rate tables).
2 IBM Cúram Social Program Management: Propagating Non Cúram Data For Cúram Express Rules
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