Reported Speech Practice
Reported Speech Practice
Reported Speech Practice
b. “I’m staying with some friends”, Jim said. e. “We have a lift but very often it doesn’t work”, they
_________________________________________ said.
c. “I’ve never been to Russia”, Mike said. ____________________________________________
________________________________________ f. “I must go to the dentist tomorrow”, he said.
d. “Tom can’t use a computer”, Ella said. ____________________________________________
g. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday
e. “Everybody must try to do their best”, Jill said.
and I am going to take it to the museum this af-
ternoon”, he said.
f. “Jane may move to a new flat”, Rachel said.
g. “I’ll stay at home on Sunday”, Bill said.
4. Write these sentences in indirect speech.
2. Report what the guests said at a wedding last a.“I’m very tired”, she said.
Sunday. ____________________________________________
b. “I’ll see them soon”, he said.
a.Miss Moore: “They’ll make a lovely couple.”
c. “I’m going to the cinema”, she said.
b. Mr Smith: “They’re going to live in Brighton.”
d. “I see the children quite often”, he said.
c. Mrs Jones: “The bride and the groom are very
nice young people.”
e. “I’m having a bath”, she said.
_________________________________________ ____________________________________________
d. Mr Roberts: “The bride is wearing a beautiful f. “I’ve already met their parents”, she said.
wedding dress.” ____________________________________________
_________________________________________ g. “I stayed in a hotel for a few weeks”, she said.
e. Mr Clarke: “The couple’s parents look happy.” ___________________________________________
_________________________________________ h. “I must go home to make dinner”, he said.
f. Miss Mayall: “The bride’s father has bought them ____________________________________________
a big flat.” i. “I haven’t been waiting long”, she said.
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
j. “I’m listening to the radio”, he said.
3. Change the following statements into the repor- ____________________________________________
ted speech. k. “I’ll tell them the news on Saturday”, she said.
a.“I have something to show you”, I said to her. ___________________________________________
________________________________________ l. “I like swimming, dancing and playing tennis”, he
b. “I’m going away tomorrow”, he said. said.
________________________________________ ____________________________________________
c. “I’ve been in London for a month but I haven’t
Reported Speech ______________________________________
m. “I can drive tomorrow”, she said. l. “We’ll see her next summer” they said.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
n. “I walked home after the party”, he said. m. “They were here three months ago”, he said.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
o. “I’m going to be sick”, she said. n. “I’m meeting them at four o’clock today”, he said.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
p. “I must go out to post a letter”, he said. o. “I can see you tomorrow”, she said.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
q. “I spoke to Jane last week”, she said.
QUESTIONS 6. Report the police-officer’s ques-
tions to the shop owner.
r. “I’m trying to listen to the music”, he said.
___________________________________________ a. What’s your name?
s. “I’ll phone the office from the airport”, she said. __________________________________________
_________________________________________ b. Did you see the robbers?
t. “I can’t speak any foreign languages”, he said.
c. What were they wearing?
5. Write these sentences in indirect speech, chan- d. How do you think they got in?
ging words where necessary. __________________________________________
a.“I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said. e. What did they take?
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
b. “I saw her today”, he said. 8 f. Has this ever happened before?
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
c. “I don’t like this film”, she said. 7. Write these sentences as reported questions using
___________________________________________ the words given.
d. She said, “We went swimming today.” a. “What’s your name?”, he asked. (wanted to know)
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
e. “I met her about three months ago”, he said. b. “Do you like Marlon Brandon?”, she asked.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
c. “How old are you?”, she said. (asked)
f. “I’ll see Mary on Sunday”, she said. __________________________________________
___________________________________________ d. “When does the train leave?”, I asked.
g. “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow”, she __________________________________________
said. e. “Are you enjoying yourself?”, he asked.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
h. “Stephen’s bringing some records to the party to- f. “How are you?”, he said. (asked)
morrow”, she said. __________________________________________
___________________________________________ g. “Does your father work here?”, she asked.
i. “I really like this furniture”, she said.
h. “Do you live near your father?”, he asked.
j. “My parents are arriving tomorrow”, she said. i. “Who did you see at the meeting?”, my mother as-
___________________________________________ ked.
k. “We visited her this morning” they said. __________________________________________
___________________________________________ j. “Why did you take my wallet?”, he asked.
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
k. “How did you get to school?”, she asked. f. “Go home, Paul”, Francis said.(tell)
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
l. “Are you a foreigner?”, she asked. g. “Please stay for supper, Bob”, he said.(try to per-
____________________________________________ suade)
m. “Where do you live?”, the boy asked. ___________________________________________
9. Report the following sentences.
n. “Have you met Danny before?”, he asked.
____________________________________________ a. “Don’t try to be funny.” (Margaret told Bob)
o. “Are you hungry?”, he asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ b. “Wait here till I come.” (Dolly told her son)
p. “Why wasn’t Judy at the party?”, she asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ c. “Go to bed and don’t get up till you’re ca-
q. “Why didn’t you telephone?”, my father asked. lled.” (Father told the children)
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
r. “Did you borrow my dictionary?”, he asked. d. “Be a good girl and sit quietly for five minu-
____________________________________________ tes.” (The teacher told Anna)
s. “Why are you so late?”, the teacher asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ e. “Watch the milk and don’t let it boil over.”
t. “Have you finished your exams?”, she asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ ______________________________________
u. “Did you invite Judy and Mitch?”, he asked. f. “Don’t take your coat off.” (Jenny told her daugh-
____________________________________________ ter)
v. “Does your brother live in London?”, she asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ g. “Don’t forget to thank Mrs Jones when you’re sa-
w. “Why didn’t the police report the crime?”, the judge ying good bye to her.” (Mother told me)
asked. ___________________________________________
____________________________________________ h. “Stop that dog.” (Mrs Robinson told us)
x. “Do you know who broke the window?”, he asked. ___________________________________________
10. Write the sentences in reported speech using
y. “Why you won’t let me in?”, he shouted. the words given.
a. “Sit down, Mary.” (he told)
b. “Would you pass my suitcase?” (he asked me)
Rewrite these sentences in reported speech. ___________________________________________
a. “Make some coffee, Bob”, Carol said.(ask) c. “Don’t go near the sea, children.” (the children’s
____________________________________________ mother warned)
b. “You must do the homework soon, Jane”, she said. ___________________________________________
(tell) d. “Don’t be late, Tim.” (Tim’s father told him)
____________________________________________ ___________________________________________
e. “Be quiet, children.” (the librarian told the chil-
c. “Remember to buy a map, Ann” he said.(remind)
d. “You should see a doctor, Mrs Clark”, he said.
f. “Have your tickets ready, please.” (the inspector
told us)
e. “Keep all the windows closed, Bill” they said.(warn)