Cs625 Final Term Mcqs File by Adil Yousaf Jutt
Cs625 Final Term Mcqs File by Adil Yousaf Jutt
Cs625 Final Term Mcqs File by Adil Yousaf Jutt
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Final Term
M.C.Q.S File
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What is the main difference between the legal and social status of the engineering profession
in different countries?
➢ Similarities
➢ Uniformity
➢ Variations
➢ Similarities and differences
How many levels does the structure of the engineering profession have?
➢ One
➢ Three
➢ Four
➢ Two
What is the characteristic of the structure of the engineering profession mentioned in the
➢ Simple
➢ Complex
➢ Single-tiered
➢ Multi-tiered
How many areas do the BCS and the IEE collaborate in?
➢ None
➢ One
➢ A few
➢ Many
What can be concluded about the collaboration between the BCS and the IEE based on the
➢ It is limited
➢ It is extensive
➢ It is nonexistent
➢ It is occasional
What are the two requirements for entry into almost all professions?
➢ Professional experience and personal qualities
➢ Personal qualities and personal contacts
➢ Educational qualification and personal qualities
➢ Educational qualification and professional experience
What is the first step in the normal procedure for an engineering institution to accredit a
degree course?
➢ On-site visit by the Institution
➢ Verification of student results
➢ Written submission from the department
➢ Approval by the government
How is the "substantial part" test applied in a case of a 500 page book of detective fiction?
➢ Only by evaluating the quantity of the copied material.
➢ Only by evaluating the quality of the copied material.
➢ By evaluating both the quantity and quality of the copied material.
➢ By evaluating the relevance of the copied material.
Question No: 14 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Can the defense that only a small part was copied be used in copyright infringement cases?
➢ Yes, as long as the part was not a key element.
➢ No, even if the part was not a key element.
➢ No, especially if the part was a key element.
➢ Yes, if the part was not essential to the work.
What was the intention of the Health and Safety at Work Act?
➢ To replace all existing health and safety legislation
➢ To coexist with pre-1974 legislation
➢ To make the situation more complex
➢ To implement EC directives
Has the intention of the Health and Safety at Work Act been achieved?
➢ Yes
➢ No
➢ Partially
➢ Not specified
What is the main focus of the statement regarding health and safety at work?
➢ The focus is on the consequences of health and safety at work.
➢ The focus is on the impact of major disasters on the public.
➢ The focus is on the lack of interest in the toll of deaths and injuries due to activities at
➢ The focus is on the impact of EC law on health and safety legislation in the UK.
What is the statement's perspective on the attention given to health and safety at work in
➢ Society reacts keenly to major disasters in health and safety at work.
➢ Society is not interested in health and safety at work.
➢ Society is more concerned about individual deaths and injuries due to activities at
➢ Society is not aware of the consequences of health and safety at work.
➢ Certification
➢ Liability
➢ Licensing
➢ Standards
➢ Negligence
➢ Competence
➢ Liability
➢ Regularity
➢ 1976
➢ 1977
➢ 1978
➢ 1979
➢ Computer Fraud
➢ Computer Hacking
➢ Eavesdropping
➢ Program Fraud
➢ Computer Fraud
➢ Computer Hacking
➢ Eavesdropping
➢ Program Fraud
➢ 1989
➢ 1990
➢ 1991
➢ 1992
➢ Nmap
➢ Scanners
➢ Telnet
➢ Software Requirement
➢ Software Design
➢ Software Testing
➢ Software Maintenance
➢ White Box
➢ Black Box
➢ Automated
➢ Red Box
Question No: 33 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
➢ Gray Box
➢ Validation
➢ Verification
➢ Maintenance
➢ Semi-Government
➢ Government
➢ Academic
➢ Private
➢ Risk Assessment
➢ Risk Classification
➢ Risk Analysis
➢ Risk Determination
➢ Twitter
➢ edX
➢ Facebook
➢ Skype
➢ Bullying
➢ Plagiarism
➢ Spam
➢ Addiction
E-commerce refers to companies and individuals that buy and sell goods and services over
the ___________.
➢ TV
➢ Internet
➢ Cable
➢ Tablet
➢ Games Addiction
➢ Stealing WiFi
➢ Privacy
➢ Gambling