MI-259 - Rev. A
MI-259 - Rev. A
MI-259 - Rev. A
level to keep the button latched. The Fig. 1 - Combination Low Water And
detectors require the water leveltobe Crankcase Pressure Detector
at the top of the sight glass. Since this
is the maximum height the water can a. Loss of water level.
reach, the latching of the detector will
b. Pump cavitation due to air entrain-
be marginal until the engine is started
ment, as when starting engine.
and water pump pressure is available.
c. Pump cavitation due to water being
The low water reset button may trip near boiling temperature.
on initially starting the engine (par- d. Excessive air box pressure due to
ticularly the 645 engine). After 1 to 2 turbine surging at low throttle
minutes depress reset button whether
it has tripped or not. This willensure
positive latching. e. Air box pressure surge due to a
slipping clutch on turbocharged en-
2. The low water reset button will trip
when water pressure is within l/2 lb.
of airbox pressure. The following 3. The rate at which the largediaphragm
conditions will cause water pressure moves from trip to latch position on
to be less than air box pressure and the crankcase pressure portion is
will therefore trip the detector: dependent on pressures involved and
the freeness with which air can enter 6. Manual operation of crankcase pres-
the vent fitting at top of detector body. sure diaphragm through crankcase
opening must be done with caution to
When pressing the crankcase pressure avoid distorting a 1 u m i n u m backup
detector reset button on a dead engine, plates. Damaged detectors will not
the air pressure on the diaphragm is latch properly, if at all.
the same on both sides and only the
light spring force is available tomove 7. Both reset buttons actuate lube oil
diaphragm to a latched position. With valves which are sealed with “0”
the reset button held in to release rings, To ensure lubrication and free
the diaphragm, air must enter front movement of the valves, the “0”
of the diaphragm through the vent rings and retaining grooves are de-
fitting to permit the spring to move signed to seal only when normal oil
the diaphragm until the valve stem and pressure is present.
reset button remain latched. This
takes several seconds when detector When engine is being started or
is reasonably warm (60’ - 70” F.) and stopped and oil pressure falls below
longer when detector is cold. The 20 psi, the “0” rings will seep oil
reset button must therefore be pressed momentarily and thereby lubricate
and held in for several seconds to “0” ring, valve stem, and guide. No
ensure complete latching. leakage should occur when oil pres-
sure is above 20 psi.
4. The crankcase pressure portion of
the detector will trip when crankcase
pressure becomes positive. Condi-
tions which cause the detector to
sense positive pressure are as follows:
The maintenance of these detectors is
a. Blockage of oil separator or aspi- very important and requires the use of
rator tube in exhaust. special tools and a test panel to assure
correct functioning of the detector at the
b. Cylinder compression leak to
time of assembly. In order to ensure
proper operation the detectors should be
c. Overheated part causing ignition of dismantled, cleaned, and inspected annu-
oil vapor. ally. Special care should be taken in
cleaning and handling the parts to avoid
d. incorrectly applied lube oil relief
scratching or marring the finish of the
valve in accessory gear train. Oil
valve shafts or surfaces mating with “0”
splash reaches the diaphragm.
rings or diaphragms.
e. Excessive oil level in crankcase.
- 2 -
M.I. 259
Reset Button
i’H,Valve Stem
Reset Button
Latch Position
tl Valve Stem
eset Button
Bleed Port
6. Apply new “0” rings to valve stems reset button spring, reset button and
and lubricate with Lubriplate grease. retaining screw. Tighten retaining
Insert stem guide housing and slide screw to 15 in.-Ibs torque.
back and forth to ensure seating of “0”
ring without twisting. Clamp stem at 7. Place upper block containing oil pas-
major diameter in manner that will sages over water and air box pressure
not damage valve stem. Apply new portion with new “0” ring gasket.
M.I. 259
M.I. 259
M.I. 259
20. Turn crankcase valve to ON position 29. Turn water valve, No. 12, Fig. 6, to
and adjust crankcase pressure regu- OFF position.
lator until crankcase gauge reads zero.
If the needle remains above zero this 30. Remove water line from detector.
may be due to air being trapped in
back of detector, loosen mountingnuts 31. Position detector on spring tester (if
slightly to release the air and retighten not available use 8 lbs. weight) with
nuts. If needle fluctuates move crank- reset buttons upward.
case pressure button in and out in the
latched position and turn surge release 32. Deflect water reset button with ram on
knob on and off to obtain stable condi- spring tester, to bottom position and
tions. raise ram .032” and hold. Springforce
to be 8 lbs. minimum.
21. Turn crankcase pressure regulator to
raise pressure slowly until crankcase 33. Deflect crankcase reset button with
pressure button trips (see Maintenance ram on spring tester, to bottom posi-
Data for trip point). Repeat test three tion and raise ram .032” and hold.
times and use third test for final Spring force to be 8 Ibs. minimum.
34. Check lo-24 NC-2B thread at six
22. Reduce crankcase pressure regulator holes, depth l/2” - l-1/4” center to
to 0” H20 and turn crankcase valve center.
to OFF position. 35. Check 11/32” drill through eight holes
for size and location onmountingface.
23. Remove oil and air lines from detec-
tor .
36. Check vent cap (on top of reset button
block) for freeness. (Must be loose.)
37. Check button labels for securemount-
24. Remove detector from test panel and
lay on side with port No. 3 up.
38. Replace closure caps at reset buttons
25. Turn water valve, No. 12, Fig. 6, to and ports.
ON position.
26. Turn water pressure regulator topro-
vide 10 psi pressure, water gauge The following are some conditions and
No. 3, Fig. 6. their causes that may be encountered in
testing and servicing these detectors.
27. While turning water valve, No. 12,
Fig. 6, on and off observe movement 1. Low water button latches and trips in
of ball latch cup, within spring, through area of 30” H 0 pressure.
port No. 3. Travel must be .050”
minimum with low water valve button Ans. Steel balls are not all in l-lace in
in tripped position. ball retainer.
28. Turn water pressure regulator to zero 2. Low water button latch point OK, trip
reading of water gauge, No. 3, Fig. 6 point low.
M.I. 259
4. Low water button fails to trip with air 9 . Crankcase pressure button trips at
box pressure and no water pressure. too high pressure.
Litho in U.S.A
8358536 8358537 8358538 8362040 8370362
Port No. 1 Oil Inlet Oil Inlet Oil Inlet Crankcase Oil Inlet
(100 PSI Max.) (100 PSI Max.) (100 PSI Max.) Normally Negative (100 PSI Max.)
Port No. 2 Oil Outlet Oil Outlet Oil Outlet Oil Outlet
Port No. 3 Air Box Air Box Air Box Breather and
(0 to 20 PSI) (0 to 20 PSI) (0 to 20 PSI) Test
Port No. 4 Engine Cooling Engine Cooling Engine Cooling Crankcase
Water (0 to 60 PSI) Water (0 to 60 PSI) Water (0 to 60 PSI) Normally Negative
Port No. 5 Breather and
Port No. 6 Crankcase
Normally Negative
Test Limits
8358536 Port No. 1 normally blocked from Port No. 2.
and Port No. 1 connected to Port No. 2 if Port No. 4 pressure does not exceed Port No. 3 pressure
8358537 by 10” to 20” H20.
Manually resetable when Port No. 4 pressure exceeds Port No. 3 pressure by 28” H20 maximum.
8358538 Port No. 1 normally blocked from Port No. 2.
Port No. 1 connected to Port No. 2 if:
a. Port No. 4 pressure does not exceed Port No. 3 pressure by 10” to 20” H20.
b. Crankcase pressure exceeds .8” to 1.7” H20.
Low Water Detector:
Manually resetable when Port No. 4 pressure exceeds Port No. 3 pressure by 28” H20 maximum.
Crankcase Explosion Detector:
Manually resetable when crankcase pressure does not exceed 0” H20.
Test Panel 8349133
Alignment Tool 8361214
Air Box Diaphragm Centering
Fixture 8361216
Crankcase Diaphragm Centering
Fixture 8361217
Torque and T-Bar Wrench Kit 8361215