Stormcast p2g 1

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Stormcast p2g 1 (Age of Sigmar) [590pts]

**Narrative and Open Play** 2,000 (Order - Stormcast Eternals) [590pts]

Leader [290pts]
Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger [170pts]
Selections: Aetherstave, Chain Lightning, Razor Beak and Claws
Leader, LORD-ARCANUM, 9 or less wounds Leader, LORD
Magic: Wizard, Spell: Arcane Bolt, Chain Lightning, Healing Light, Mystic Shield, Unit: Lord-Arcanum on
Gryph-charger, Unit Abilities: Cycle of the Storm, Mount, Ride the Winds Aetheric, Weapon:
Aetherstave, Razor Beak and Claws

Magic Cast/Unbind Spells Known Ref

Wizard 1/1 Arcane Bolt, Mystic Shield and Healing Light

Spell Range Description Ref

If successfully cast, at the start of any 1 phase before

your next hero phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit
5 12" within range and visible to the caster. That unit
suffers 1 mortal wound. If that unit is within 3" of the
caster, it suffers D3 mortal wounds instead of 1.
If successfully cast, pick 1 enemy unit within range
12" KNIGHT and visible to the caster. That unit suffers D3 mortal
6 18" LORD or wounds. Then, roll a dice for each enemy unit within
DRACONITH 6" of that unit. On a 3+, that other unit suffers 1
mortal wound.
If successfully cast, pick a friendly STORMCAST
ETERNALS unit within range. Heal up to D3 wounds
5 18" allocated to that unit. If the unmodified casting roll
was 8+, heal up to D6 wounds allocated to that unit
If successfully cast, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within
Mystic range and visible to the caster. Add 1 to save rolls for
5 12"
Shield attacks that target that unit until your next hero

Unit Move Wounds Bravery Save Ref

Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-charger 12" 8 9 3+

Ability Details Ref

Once per turn, before you allocate a wound or mortal wound to another friendly
Stormcast Eternals unit within 18" of this unit, and that wound or mortal wound
Cycle of the
would cause a model in that unit to be slain, you can say that this unit will
capture and return that warrior’s soul. If you do so, that wound or mortal wound
is negated.
Mount This model’s Gryph-charger attacks with its Razor Beak and Claws.
Instead of picking this unit to make a normal move or retreat, you can say that
Ride the
it will ride the winds aetheric. If you do so, remove this unit from the battlefield
and set it up again on the battlefield more than 1" from all terrain features and
objectives and more than 9" from all enemy units.

Weapon Type Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Ref

Aetherstave Melee 2" 4 3+ 3+ -1 2

Razor Beak and Claws Melee 1" 3 3+ 3+ -2 1
Lord-Relictor [120pts]
Selections: Bless, Bless Weapons, Relic Hammer, Smite
wounds Leader, LORD, Champion
Prayer: Bless, Bless Weapons, Healing Storm, Lightning Storm, Smite, Unit: Lord-Relictor, Unit Abilities:
Mortis Priest, Weapon: Relic Hammer

Prayer Range Description Ref

Pick 1 friendly unit wholly within range and visible to the

Bless 4 12" chanter. Until the start of your next hero phase, that unit
has a ward of 6+.
If answered, pick 1 friendly STORMCAST ETERNALS unit
wholly within range and visible to the chanter. Until your
Bless next hero phase, if the unmodified hit roll for an attack
3 12"; LORD:
Weapons made by that unit is 6, that attack scores 2 hits on the
target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for each
If answered, pick 1 friendly STORMCAST ETERNALS unit
4 12" wholly within range and visible to the chanter. Heal up to
D3 wounds allocated to that unit.
If answered, pick 1 enemy unit within range and visible to
Lightning the chanter. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. In
4 12"
Storm addition, subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks made by
that unit until your next hero phase.
Pick 1 enemy Priest within range and visible to the
chanter. That enemy Priest suffers 1 mortal wound. If the
Smite 2 48"
chanting roll was 6 or more, that enemy Priest suffers D3
mortal wounds instead of 1.

Unit Move Wounds Bravery Save Ref

Lord-Relictor 5" 6 9 3+

Unit Abilities Ability Details Ref

Mortis Priest Add 1 to chanting rolls for this unit.

Weapon Type Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Ref

Relic Hammer Melee 1" 4 3+ 3+ -1 2

Battleline [100pts]
Liberators [100pts]
Selections: 5 Liberators [100pts]
Unit: Liberator, Unit Abilities: Champion, Lay Low the Tyrants

Unit Move Wounds Bravery Save Ref

Liberator 5" 2 7 4+

Unit Abilities Ability Details Ref

1 model in this unit can be a Liberator-Prime. Add 1 to the Attacks

Champion characteristic of that model's Heavens-wrought Weapons, Paired Heavens-
wrought Weapons, or Grandweapon.
At the end of the combat phase, you can pick 1 enemy unit that is both within
Lay Low the
1" of this unit and within 6" of an objective, and roll a dice. On a 4+, that unit
suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Other [200pts]

Castigators [90pts]
Selections: 3 Castigators [90pts], Heavy Stock, Thunderhead Greatbow
Unit: Castigator, Unit Abilities: Burst of Celestial Energy, Castigator Aetheric Channelling, Champion,
Weapon: Heavy Stock, Thunderhead Greatbow

Unit Move Wounds Bravery Save Ref

Castigator 5" 2 7 4+

Unit Abilities Ability Details Ref

If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with a Thunderhead

Burst of Celestial Greatbow that targets a MALIGNANT or DAEMON unit is 6, that attack
Energy scores 2 hits on the target instead of 1. Make a wound and save roll for
each hit.
At the start of the shooting phase, you must say whether this unit will
increase either the accuracy or the power of its Thunderhead Greatbows.
If you pick accuracy, until the end of that phase, add 1 to hit rolls for
attacks made with this unit's Thunderhead Greatbows.
If you pick power, until the end of that phase, this unit's Thunderhead
Greatbows have a Rend characteristic of -2 instead of -1.
1 model in this unit can be a Castigator-Prime. Add 1 to the Attacks
characteristic of that model's Thunderhead Greatbow.

Weapon Type Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Ref

Heavy Stock Melee 1" 2 4+ 3+ - 1

Thunderhead Greatbow Missile 18" D3 3+ 3+ -1 1
Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers [110pts]
Selections: 3 Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers [110pts], Grandweapon
Unit: Prosecutor with Celestial Hammers, Unit Abilities: Champion, Dispersed Formation, Fly, Heralds
of Righteousness, Weapon: Grandweapon

Unit Move Wounds Bravery Save Ref

Prosecutor with Celestial Hammers 12" 2 7 4+

Unit Abilities Ability Details Ref

1 model in this unit can be a Prosecutor-Prime. Add 1 to the Attacks

Champion characteristic of that model's Celestial Hammer or Pair of Celestial
If this unit has 2 to 5 models, it is coherent if each model in the unit is
Dispersed within 3" horizontally of at least 1 other model in the unit instead of 1". If
Formation this unit has more than 5 models, it is coherent if each model in the unit is
within 3" horizontally of at least 2 other models in the unit instead of 1".
Fly This unit can fly.
You can attempt to charge with this unit if it is within 18" of the enemy
Heralds of
instead of 12". Roll 3D6 instead of 2D6 when making a charge roll for this

Weapon Type Range Attacks To Hit To Wound Rend Damage Ref

Grandweapon Melee 1" 2 3+ 3+ -1 2


Selections: Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
Categories: Allegiance
Battle Trait: Blaze of Glory, Scions of the Storm, Stormhosts

Battle Trait Battle Trait Details Ref

If a friendly STORMCAST ETERNALS model is slain within 1" of an enemy unit,

before removing that model from play, pick 1 enemy unit within 1" of that
Blaze of model and roll a number of dice equal to the Wounds characteristic of that
Glory model. Add 1 to the number of dice you roll if the slain model has the
THUNDERSTRIKE keyword. For each 6, the target suffers 1 mortal wound at
the end of that phase.
During deployment, instead of setting up a SCIONS OF THE STORM
STORMCAST ETERNAL unit on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and
say that it is set up in the Celestial Realm as a reserve unit. You can set up 1
Scions of
unit in the Celestial Realm for each SCIONS OF THE STORM STORMCAST
the Storm
ETERNALS unit you have set up on the battlefield. At the end of your
movement phase, you can set up 1 or more of the reserve units in the Celestial
Realm on the battlefield, more than 9" from all enemy units.
You can pick 1 of the following subfactions for your army (core rules, 27.2.1).
All STORMCAST ETERNALS units in your army gain the keyword of the
subfaction you picked, and you can use the allegiance abilities for that
Stormhosts subfaction. If a unit already has a different subfaction keyword on its
warscroll, it cannot gain another one. This does not preclude you from
including the unit in your army, but you cannot use the allegiance abilities for
its subfaction.
Game Options

Game Type
Selections: 2000 Points - Battlehost
Categories: Game Options, Battlehost

Created with BattleScribe

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