TR Conf Paper Iwcs 10.17

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The advantages of using reduced coating diameter optical fibers (200µm) in

ADSS cables for deployment in FTTx networks

Paul van Zyl Ian Davis
CBI Electric Telecom Cables Corning Limited
Brits, South Africa Ewloe, Flintshire CH5 3XD, United Kingdom
+27-12-381-1498 · [email protected] +44-1244-525-386 · [email protected]

Abstract design using conventional ITU-T G.652.D compliant fiber as

Smaller, lighter All-dielectric Self-supporting (ADSS) cables are shown in figure 1. The bend-tolerance of the G.657.A1 200µm
enabled by reduced diameter optical fiber to allow faster FTTx fiber also enables smaller hardware and equipment in the network
installation. (as the fiber may be installed in tighter turns) and upgrades to
protocols relying on longer wavelength transmission (where the
Conventional ADSS optical fiber cables incorporate fairly large bend resistance of the fiber is even more critical to maintaining
buffer tubes and make use of standard ITU-T G.652.D fibers of low-loss).
245µm diameter. The maximum fiber count of conventional
ADSS cables in South Africa is 144 fibers and such cables are Testing of the 288-fiber ADSS cable is presented. The cable
substantial in diameter and weight. Smaller, lighter cables can be performed equivalently to the 144 fiber conventional cable and
achieved through the use of ITU-T G.657.A1 and G.652.D demonstrated enhanced bend properties. Excellent tensile testing
compliant, bend-tolerant fiber featuring a reduced fiber diameter demonstrates a wide strain-free window for the cable, essential for
of 200µm. maintaining operation in high winds over large temperature
variations. Temperature cycling and other standard mechanical
The operational advantages of the smaller, lighter cables include tests for the cable such as crush, impact, torsion and bend
faster deployment with significantly fewer returns due to failures delivered results well within standards requirements and operator
caused by inappropriate storage of slack lengths of buffer tubes in specification.
tight bends within closures. In addition, 200µm fiber enables the
generation of an ADSS cable with total fiber count increased from
144 to 288, enabling much more network capacity.
This paper will focus on ADSS cables incorporating up to 288
fibers having a span capability of approximately 60 m for
deployment in FTTx networks.

Keywords: ADSS; Reduced diameter; Bend-tolerant; Smaller,

Lighter cables; Faster deployment; Strain free window.

1. Introduction
The largest FTTx deployment on the African continent is Figure 1. ADSS Cables – 144 Fiber cable incorporating
currently taking place in South Africa. Initially, FTTx deployment conventional ITU-T G.652.D fibers (left), and 288 Fiber
is being concentrated in major metropolitan regions where cable incorporating G.657.A1 200µm fibers (right).
telecommunications operators are competing in a fierce “fiber
land-grab”, targeting areas where anticipated connection rates are 2. Reduced Coating Diameter Optical
high and where cables can be installed quickly to deliver the
largest possible network footprint. The incumbent operator set a Fiber Technology
target during 2015 for 1 million homes connected by 2018 [1]. As major telecoms operators embark on large-scale deployments of
Achieving this target is challenged by alternative providers fiber in the access network, maximizing both the volume of fiber
achieving significant take-up in prime suburbs through fast build- installed and the fiber density in the cable is important. The former
out and aggressive pricing. consideration addresses the need to maximize total data carrying
capacity, important as developments such as High Density and
In order to accelerate build-out the incumbent operator’s initial Virtual Reality Video, 5G and Internet of Things absorb more
policy of mainly underground deployment (to safeguard their capacity. The latter consideration addresses using the often limited
investment from potential damage, either intentional or incidental) space in the existing duct network most efficiently, deferring the
was revised to include more aerial deployments. Due to the need to install costly new duct infrastructure into the future. Note
availability of existing overhead infrastructure (telephone and that, although overhead ADSS cables are not necessarily space-
street lighting poles), ADSS fiber optic cables are in huge demand constrained, the limitation on size and weight has an impact on pole
as this installation method is the fastest and can allow an operator or tower loading and is an analogous driver towards higher fiber
to more quickly pass all the homes in a targeted region, achieve density in these cables.
high connection rates through being the first available provider
and thereby establish an early revenue stream. Despite significant evolution since the first commercially viable
Use of 200µm fiber enables an improvement of more than x2 in product emerged in the early 1980s, geometrical dimensions of
the fiber density of the 288-fiber cable compared to a 144-fiber optical fibers have remained largely the same; a 9µm core and
125µm cladding traps the light using the principle of internal providing improved ground clearance for the cable. It is easier and
reflection while a 245µm diameter coating protects the glass from faster to install smaller and lighter cables. It also makes it easier to
mechanical damage. The coating also protects the light-carrying co-locate such cables on existing poles/towers over larger, heavier
capability of the glass by shielding it from external stresses that conventionally designed cables.
otherwise could cause small deviations in the axis of the core
leading to loss of optical power through microbending.

To enable tighter packing of fiber in the cable, a new generation

of single-mode fibers has been introduced with coating diameter
reduced from 245µm to 200µm while still retaining the same
125µm glass diameter of conventional single-mode fibers. The
unchanged glass diameter is important as it ensures that
established industry equipment and procedures for splicing and
connectorization are unchanged, eliminating a potential barrier to
wide-scale adoption. The smaller coating diameter delivers an
overall fiber cross-sectional area reduction of ~30% which
together with other down-sized elements of the cable that are
enabled by 200µm (e.g. buffer tube), leads to cable designs with
much higher fiber density. This benefit can be exploited by either Figure 2. Every-Day-Stress vs Sag
designing smaller cables with a particular fiber count, or by
designing cables of similar size with much higher fiber count.
Figure 1 illustrates cables that combine these advantages.

Reduced cushioning of external stresses by the thinner coating

could lead to more microbend losses for a 200µm fiber in a
densely packed cable, so an ITU-T Recommendation G.657
compliant glass design is typically employed, as this tends to
deliver both superior macrobend performance and enhanced
microbend resistance to the product. The fiber employed in this
study was of the G.657.A1 category, with nominal mode-field
diameter of 9.2µm, well matched for compatibility with legacy
fiber in the network. Enhanced macrobending performance can
be exploited by allowing smaller, more visually unobtrusive
closures to be introduced to the network. Figure 3. Worst Case Load vs Deflection (Blow-out)

3. Critical ADSS Cable Design

Considerations (1)
3.1 Installation Conditions Where:
For the purpose of tensile testing the customer specification T1 = Every-Day-Stress (EDS) (N)
requires cable tension under normal and worst case conditions to W= Cable weight (kg/km)
be calculated for each cable size using equations 1, 2 and 3 [2]. g = Gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
Calculations are carried out based on a span distance of 60 m, L = Span distance (m)
installed cable sag of 0.5 m, and a worst case wind loading of 125 S = Cable sag (m)
km/h (723 Pa).
For the 288-fiber cable Every-Day-Stress (T1) was calculated at
1.64 kN, and a worst case load (T) of 2.4 kN. This compares
favourably with the conventionally designed 144-fiber cable that (2)
was calculated at 1.9 kN and 2.7 kN respectively for Every-Day-
Stress (T1) and worst case load (T).
Figure 2 shows Every-Day-Stress (T1) against cable sag for 144- (3)
fiber(200µm), 288-fiber(200µm) and 144-fiber conventional
cables. Figure 3 shows the worst case load (due to 125 km/h
W1 = Resultant force (N)
wind) and cable deflection (blow-out) based on the initial sag
T = Resultant tension due to wind load (N)
without wind, from 0.4 m to 0.6 m for the same cables.
E = Net Young’s modulus of load bearing elements (MPa)
It is clearly evident that the smaller and lighter compactly a = Cross-sectional area of load bearing elements (mm2)
designed cables incorporating 200µm fibers can be installed at k = Net Coefficient of linear expansion of load bearing elements
reduced sag levels with acceptable levels of cable tension, (per degree Celsius)
t1 = Temperature at which T1 is calculated (55⁰ C) 5. Testing of a 288-Fiber ADSS Cable
t = Temperature at which T is calculated (-6⁰ C)
P = Wind pressure (Pa)
Using 200µm Fibers
D = Projected area per meter of cable (m) Cable qualification testing was carried out to determine compliance
F = Shape factor (0.6 for circular cable) with customer specifications and the requirements of IEC 60794-3-
20. In addition, tests were also carried out to ensure certain company
internal requirements are met (i.e. cable / hardware compatibility).
3.2 Strain Free Window (The above mentioned requirements are the same as for
ADSS cables are designed to de-couple fiber stresses from other conventional cables).
cable materials. It is necessary for optical fibers to have sufficient
strain free window as ADSS cables are self-supporting and
5.1 Mechanical Tests
continuously exposed to tensile stresses when in service.
Installation conditions such as span distance, maximum sag, wind 5.1.1 Tensile Test
loads and temperature variations form an integral part of the Figure 6 shows the tensile performance of the cable. Fiber strain
specification and are reflected in qualification tests. Due to the use for fibers in the center and outer layer buffer tubes were measured
of 245µm diameter optical fibers and having to meet specified separately. Fiber strain in both buffer tube layers started at
requirements, buffer tube sizes cannot be very small. Reduced approximately 2 kN. The cable produced zero fiber strain at
coating diameter optical fibers made it possible to reduce the buffer Every-Day-Stress (T1 = 1.64 kN), and less than 0.2 % fiber strain
tube size by 24%. For buffer tubes containing 12 fibers, fill ratios of at worst case load (T = 2.4 kN) which met customer requirements.
34% and 48% are calculated for conventional and 200µm fiber (IEC 60794-3-20 requires fiber strain at maximum allowed
cables respectively, by using equation 4. tension (MAT) not to exceed 0.2% [3]).

d = Fiber bundle diameter (mm)
D = Buffer tube inner diameter (mm)

4. Construction of ADSS Cables Using

Reduced Coating Diameter Optical Fibers
A new range of ADSS cables incorporating ITU-T G.657.A1 and
G.652.D compliant, bend-tolerant 200µm diameter fibers was
designed. Physical properties of the cables compared to
conventional cables are shown in figures 4 and 5.
Figure 6. Cable Tensile Performance

5.1.2 Tube Kink Test

Tube kink tests are carried out in accordance with IEC 60794-1-
23 (Method G7). The purpose of this test is to determine the
ability of tubes containing optical fibers to withstand mechanical
stresses encountered during cable installation and splicing. Since
the 288-fiber cable features smaller, thinner tubes to achieve the
higher packing density, maintaining sufficient resistance to
kinking under stress was important to establish. A typical
minimum value for the tube loop diameter is 60 mm, since this
Figure 4. Cable Diameter Comparison aligns with the minimum specified bend diameter in the ITU-T
Recommendation G.652 for standard single-mode fiber, and also
represents a minimum practical value of coiled tube loops within a
joint or other connectivity plant. The minimum loop diameter is
calculated based on the movable distance during the test.
In addition to the stated requirements it was decided to carry out
tests to simulate seasonal atmospheric conditions (0⁰ C, 25⁰ C and
50⁰ C) at a loop diameter less than the recommended 60 mm. The
rationale here was to verify the more severe conditions
encountered in an FTTx installation environment.
The results are shown in Table 1. A “Pass” result indicates that no
Figure 5. Cable Weight Comparison kinking of the tube was visible.
Table 1. Tube Kink Test Results
Test Calculated
Temperature minimum tube Result
distance (L) *
(⁰ C) loop diameter
23 (Ambient) 60 mm 60 mm Pass

0 100 mm 48 mm Pass

25 100 mm 48 mm Pass

50 100 mm 48 mm Pass
* As defined in IEC 60794-1-23, Method G7 Figure 8. Temperature Cycling at 1550 nm

5.1.3 General Mechanical Tests

General mechanical test results are shown in Table 2. The cable 5.3 Hardware Compatibility Test
The purpose of the hardware compatibility test is to verify there is
passed all the tests.
a certain safety margin when the cable and clamp combination is
exposed to extreme temperatures and tensile loads. This is an in-
Table 2. Mechanical Test Results house test also known as the “hot-box” test, see Figure 9.
Test Method Worst Case
Load During the test a 15 m length of cable is attached to the capstan
(IEC 60794- Test Conditions (under
released wheel of a tensile machine. At the other end the recommended
1-21) load)
Crush galvanized steel spiral wire dead-end clamp is applied and fixed to
1500 N 0.04 dB 0.03 dB
(Method E3A) an anchor. The clamped area of the cable is conditioned at 60⁰ C
Impact 2 J ; 25 mm Striking
0.02 dB 0.02 dB
for 2 hours in a “hot-box”. A tensile load of 3 times the worst case
(Method E4) surface radius loading (as calculated using equations 1, 2 and 3) is then applied
Torsion for 10 minutes.
1 m ; 180⁰ 0.03 dB 0.02 dB
(Method E7)
Mandrel Bend The load in this case was 7.2 kN and there was no slippage
(Method 12 d 0.04 dB 0.01 dB between the clamp and cable during and after the test. After
E11A) removal of the clamp the cable did not show signs of permanent
Repeated damage or deformation.
Bend 90⁰ ; 50 cycles ; 20 d 0.05 dB 0.04 dB
(Method E6) The cable and clamp combination therefore met the requirements.
Pass criteria: 1) Under visual examination without magnification,
there shall be no damage to the sheath and cable elements. 2)
There shall be no change in attenuation at 1550 nm after the test
(No change is considered to be ≤ ± 0.05 dB).

5.2 Environmental Test Heaters

The cable was subjected to 4 cycles where the minimum Markings on

the Cable
temperature was –10⁰ C and the maximum +70⁰ C. The total
duration of the test was 96 hours. The temperature performance Clamp
was well within the requirements of not exceeding 0.1 dB/km
during the test and having no change in attenuation after the test at
1310 nm and 1550 nm. The results are presented in figures 7 and Box


Figure 9. Test Arrangement (“Hot-box”)

6. Installation Performance
6.1 Typical Installation Environment
Access and FTTx networks require feeder cables from the central
office that generally incorporate high fiber counts. Although the
incumbent operator tries to utilize existing underground
infrastructure for feeder cables where possible, competitors often
opt for overhead installation as they do not have access to
underground infrastructure. The increased fiber density of 200µm
Figure 7. Temperature Cycling at 1310 nm fiber cables now provides an opportunity for more fiber to be
installed using the same effort (In a situation where two 144-fiber
conventional cables is planned for installation, now only one 288-
fiber 200µm fiber cable is required, therefore installation effort is
halved). In addition, overhead installation is much faster and There are also cases where bare fibers are accidently routed
reduces costs. incorrectly in splice trays resulting in coil diameters significantly
A large portion of distribution cables are typically installed on less than 60 mm (Figure 13). This situation increases the possibility
wooden telephone poles carrying existing copper infrastructure of encountering macro bending losses for conventional G.652.D
that often runs between houses in residential areas as shown in fibers.
Figure 10. This is a challenging environment as property owners
are not always available to allow access to the property to
facilitate the installation and in some cases disallow the cutting
back and clearing of garden trees that would provide the installer
with a more straightforward routing of the cable. In addition to
these difficulties, the skill levels of installation teams are not always
as high as would be desired and so the final installation may not
always be completed perfectly.

Central Office
Figure 11. Storing Buffer Tubes in a Closure

Buffer tube bundle diameter

Distribution cable
Feeder Residential area Road
Inner diameter
Inner diameter

Telephone pole

Fiber Drop point

Main road

Fiber cable
Figure 12. Inner Coil Diameter

Old copper

Figure 10. Typical Network Scenario

Figure 13. Bare fibers in a Splice Tray

6.2 Connectivity Plant
Procedures regarding fiber and cable handling in conjunction with
splice closures, slack storage boxes, cabinets, pedestals, hardware, 6.2.2 Advantages of Reduced Size Fibers and Cables
etc., require careful consideration to ensure successful “first-time” The use of 200µm fibers resulted in a 24 % buffer tube size
installation. It becomes problematic and costly when technicians reduction compared to conventional cables. Due to the size
have to return after initial installation to remedy problems. It is a reduction of buffer tubes in 200µm fiber cables the resultant tube
requirement for connectivity plant in FTTx networks to be as bundle diameter to be stored in a closure also decreases
small as possible due to space constraints and aesthetics. Bend significantly. Table 3 shows the size relationship between tube
tolerant fibers, and smaller, light-weight buffer tubes and cables, bundles of conventional cables and cables containing 200µm fibers
are therefore required to match connectivity plant. for various cable sizes.
6.2.1 Connectivity and Storing Enclosures Handling capabilities are enhanced due to the following:
Telecommunication operators required a certain length of buffer (a) The smaller buffer tube bundle for a particular cable size
tubes to be stored inside closures (i.e. 1.8 m). The process of storing is easier to control and store in connectivity plant without
buffer tubes in such closures involves a manual process whereby the complications.
tubes are carefully removed from the cable and finally coiled into a
(b) Higher fiber count cables can be used without having to
circular bundle that is stored in a closure as shown in Figures 11 and
use larger connectivity plant.
12. This process requires proper procedures and skilled technicians
to ensure damage does not occur to the buffer tubes and fibers. (c) Bend-tolerant fibers can handle accidentally introduced
bends of small radii therefore mitigating attenuation losses
Unfortunately due to difficult working conditions and the presence
due to poorly controlled installation conditions.
of some less-skilled technicians, procedures are not always followed
precisely. Also, some closures have limited space and depending on
design, the resultant inner coil diameter is not always properly
controlled, as illustrated in the picture on the right in Figure 12.
Table 3. Buffer Tube Bundle Sizes 10. Authors
Cable size (Number of fibers)
48 72 96 144 288
Paul van Zyl
Number of buffer tubes 4 6 8 12 24
[email protected]
# Number of buffer tubes
12 18 24 36 72 Paul van Zyl’s tertiary studies
per bundle
## Bundle diameter (mm) earned him a diploma in
10.4 12.5 15.0 17.5 -
Conventional cables electrical engineering after
## Bundle diameter (mm) which he joined Siemens
7.9 9.5 11.4 13.3 19.3
200µm fiber cables Cables, South Africa in 1983.
# Coiled 3 times to store approximately 1.8 m. He worked alongside
## Assuming a symmetrical and tightly packed bundle experienced cable design
engineers contracted from
Siemens, Neustadt (Germany)
7. Conclusions and was appointed Cable
A new range of ADSS cables was presented incorporating 200µm Design Engineer in 1985. In
ITU-T Recommendation G.657.A1 compliant, bend-tolerant 1986 he was appointed Cable
fibers. The cable design demonstrates enhanced overall Development Engineer at ATC
performance for suitable deployment in an FTTx environment. (Pty) Ltd (now CBI Electric Telecom Cables) where they
Faster, more efficient overhead installation is enabled with manufactured mainly telecommunication cables including fiber
improved ground clearance compared to conventional designs. optics. His first major project at ATC was to investigate the pros
The enhanced macro bend performance of the optical fibers and and cons of different optical fiber cable designs to determine the
smaller buffer tubes allows bending to smaller radii therefore company’s future direction in this regard. In 1996 he was
allowing reduced size connectivity plant. Installation is optimized appointed as Technical Manager.
due to cables and hardware being reduced in size compared to van Zyl is currently also the chairman of the South African mirror
conventional cables. Lower skilled installation teams may be committee for IEC TC 86 and SC 86A dealing with fiber optics.
utilized as cables are more “forgiving” regarding errors resulting
in tighter bending of the fibers in the buffer tubes. The bend
tolerant property of the fibers also provides a future upgrade path
for higher speed transmission relying on longer wavelength Ian Davis
operation. Qualification testing demonstrated compliance with
industry and customer standards (same requirements as for [email protected]
conventional cables). Ian Davis is the regional
marketing manager for EMEA,
responsible for developing and
executing optical fiber product
8. Acknowledgments strategy within the region. He
Special thanks to Christo Theron for the tests he carried out, and joined Corning in 1989 and has
to Wynand Frost for his contributions regarding installation held various positions in
performance. product engineering, product
line management, and
applications engineering
9. References management. Most recently, he
was a strategic alliances manager, establishing and maintaining
[1] G. van Zyl, ed., “Fibre coming to 12 000 Bryanston homes”,
relationships with key suppliers, customers, end-users, and system
fin24tech. fin24 news, (September, 2015).
equipment manufacturers.
[2] H. Hughes, ed., Telecommunications Cables Design,
Davis received First Class Honors from Nottingham University,
Manufacture and Installation, 1st ed., Wiley, Chichester UK, p.
graduating with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics. He also
210 (1997).
received a diploma in Management Studies from St. Helens
[3] IEC 60794-3-20, Optical fibre cables – Part 3-20: Outdoor Technical College in Merseyside, England.
cables – Family specification for self-supporting aerial
telecommunication cables, IEC, 3rd ed., (2016)

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