Electrodiagnosis in Myopathies
Electrodiagnosis in Myopathies
Electrodiagnosis in Myopathies
a, b
Sabrina Paganoni, MD, PhD *, Anthony Amato, MD
Electromyography Muscle biopsy Muscle membrane irritability
Motor unit action potential Recruitment
Electrodiagnostic studies are an extension of the physical examination.
In the appropriate clinical setting, they are an important tool in the evaluation of patients
with suspected myopathies.
Electrodiagnostic patterns may help recognize the underlying pathophysiologic process
and help direct further testing.
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, 125 Nashua Street, Suite 753, Boston, MA 02114, USA;
Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 75
Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
reasonable to skip or limit the extent of the EDX studies. Finally, EDX studies may be
normal in selected muscle diseases (certain endocrine, metabolic, congenital, and
mitochondrial myopathies). Thus, in the appropriate clinical context, normal EDX
studies do not necessarily rule out the presence of a myopathy.
EDX studies are most useful to diagnose a myopathy when further data are needed
to exclude alternative diagnoses, confirm the presence of a muscle disease, and
narrow down the differential. The role of EDX studies is summarized in Box 1. First
of all, the results of nerve conduction studies (NCSs) and electromyography (EMG)
are used to exclude neuromuscular conditions that may mimic a myopathy (such as
motor neuron disease and neuromuscular junction disorders or, occasionally, motor
neuropathies). Second, EMG is often able to confirm the diagnosis of a muscle
disorder, when motor units with characteristic morphology and recruitment pattern
are identified (Figs. 1 and 2). In such cases, EMG may also add diagnostic information
relating to the location, type, and severity of the underlying process. For example, the
presence of abnormal spontaneous activity may help narrow down the differential
among different myopathic processes (Box 2). Finally, EMG may be useful in identi-
fying target muscles for biopsy. This is particularly helpful when the only clinically
weak muscles are not easily accessible for biopsy (such as the gluteal muscles, the
hip flexors, or the paraspinals). The yield of a muscle biopsy increases when a weak
(Medical Research Council grade 4 of 5), but not end-stage, muscle is biopsied.
EMG analysis allows the evaluation of multiple sites and the identification of affected
muscles that are not weak on neurologic examination.
A practical EDX approach for patients with suspected myopathy is outlined in Box 3
(adapted from other sources).1,2
Nerve Conduction Studies
The authors usually perform routine NCSs first, expecting sensory NCSs to be
normal in myopathies, unless there is a coexistent neuropathy. Motor NCSs are
also generally normal, because routine motor NCSs assess distal muscles that are
preserved in most myopathic processes. Exceptions in this respect are distal
Box 1
Role of electrodiagnostic studies in the diagnosis of myopathies
Fig. 1. Physiologic model of motor units in myopathies. The pathologic process in myopa-
thies results in dysfunction and dropout of individual muscle fibers located randomly within
the motor unit. Motor neurons and motor axons are not affected. As a result, each MUAP is
generated by fewer motor fibers. MUAPs become polyphasic, short in duration, and low in
Fig. 2. Morphology and recruitment pattern of MUAPs in myopathies. Myopathies are char-
acterized by the presence of polyphasic, short-duration, low-amplitude MUAPs. Because
each small motor unit is able to generate only a reduced amount of force compared with
normal, with little muscle contraction, many MUAPs are recruited.
Box 2
Myopathies associated with muscle membrane irritability/myotonic discharges on EMG
Box 3
Suggested EDX protocol for the assessment of a suspected myopathy
1. Routine NCSs
a. At least one motor and one sensory conduction study from one upper extremity and one
lower extremity (eg, ulnar motor, ulnar sensory, tibial, or sural)
If there is a clinical history of fatigability, consider repetitive nerve stimulation studies of at
least one distal and one proximal muscle to evaluate for neuromuscular junction disorders.
If the amplitudes of the compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) are reduced, exercise
the muscle maximally for 10 seconds, then repeat a single supramaximal stimulation. A
significant (>100% of baseline) increment in CMAP amplitude is suggestive of a presynaptic
neuromuscular junction disorder.
If there is clinical suspicion for a myotonic disorder, consider performing short and long
exercise tests.
2. EMG
a. At least one proximal and one distal muscle from one upper extremity (eg, deltoid,
biceps, extensor digitorum communis, or first dorsal interosseous)
b. At least one proximal and one distal muscle from one lower extremity (eg, iliopsoas,
vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, or gastrocnemius)
c. Thoracic paraspinals
The number and location of muscles studied depends on the pattern of weakness.
It is best to study muscles that are clinically weak.
If both sides are affected equally, perform EDX on the dominant side. Muscle biopsy then is
performed on the nondominant side.
It is best to study muscles that can be easily biopsied on the contralateral side (eg, deltoid,
biceps, extensor digitorum communis, or vastus lateralis).
If results of routine EMG are indeterminate, consider quantitative MUAP analysis.
syndrome. This can be generally accomplished by exercising the muscle maximally for
10 seconds and repeating a single supramaximal stimulation. A significant increment
in CMAP amplitude is suggestive of a presynaptic neuromuscular junction disorder
(Fig. 3). The cutoff for significant CMAP increase has traditionally been considered
greater than 100% of baseline, although recent studies suggest that a cutoff of
60% may provide better sensitivity without sacrificing specificity in the appropriate
clinical setting.3 Finally, if there is clinical suspicion for a channelopathy, short and
long exercise tests may be considered to help narrow down the differential and direct
genetic testing (discussed later and by Fournier and colleagues4,5).
Needle EMG examination is the most informative part of the EDX study in myopathic
disorders.6,7 It can confirm the presence of a myopathy, narrow down the differential,
and identify an appropriate biopsy site. The number and location of muscles studied
depends on the pattern of weakness. At a minimum, the authors recommend studying
one proximal and one distal muscle from one upper extremity and from one lower
extremity as well as the thoracic paraspinals. This may be sufficient when there is
a high clinical suspicion of myopathy and a patient does not have comorbidities that
may affect the needle study (such as a radiculopathy or entrapment neuropathy).
Commonly assessed muscles include the deltoid, biceps, triceps, pronator teres,
extensor digitorum communis, first dorsal interosseous, gluteal muscles, iliopsoas,
vasti, tibialis anterior, and gastrocnemius. Additional muscles may be selected
depending on a patient’s pattern of weakness and the clinical suspicion. For example,
finger flexors are often evaluated in suspected IBM because they tend to be preferen-
tially affected in this condition. Because most myopathies generally involve proximal
muscles first, the diagnostic yield increases when more proximal muscles are
sampled. The paraspinals are the most proximal muscles that can be examined and
may be the only ones with abnormalities in selected myopathies, such as Pompe
disease. Instead of cervical or lumbosacral thoracic paraspinals are examined
because they are less likely to be affected by unrelated processes, such as nerve
root impingement secondary to degenerative spine disease.
The yield of needle EMG increases if clinically weak muscles are studied. EMG is
more sensitive than clinical examination and may reveal abnormalities in muscles
that, clinically, were believed spared. This is particularly helpful when a decision needs
to be made with regards to which muscle to biopsy. Commonly biopsied muscles
include the deltoid, biceps, and vasti, and, occasionally, the extensor digitorum com-
munis and tibialis anterior. The gastrocnemius is also easily accessible, but muscle
biopsy results may be confounded by the presence of unrelated chronic neurogenic
changes secondary to preganglionic neuropathy, which are commonly encountered
in asymptomatic individuals. In some patients, the only clinically weak muscles are
not readily accessible for biopsy, such as the hip girdle muscles. In these circum-
stances, the value of the EMG is to identify suitable targets for biopsy. It is best not
to biopsy a muscle where needle EMG has been recently performed in order not to
mistake inflammatory changes secondary to needle insertion for true pathologic find-
ings. If both sides are affected equally, the authors perform needle EMG on the domi-
nant side. Muscle biopsy then is performed on the nondominant side, which is
generally more comfortable for the patient, especially if an upper extremity is biopsied.
The analysis of spontaneous activity is helpful in narrowing down the differential
diagnosis. Muscle membrane irritability, in the form of increased insertional activity,
fibrillation potentials, and positive sharp waves (PSWs), is characteristic of certain
myopathies but not others (inflammatory and toxic/necrotic processes, muscular
dystrophies, and selected congenital and metabolic disorders [see Box 2]). Although
fibrillation potentials and PSWs are often colloquially referred to as denervating poten-
tials, the authors do not favor this term. Denervation implies the presence of an under-
lying neurogenic pathophysiologic mechanism. Fibrillation potentials and PSWs may,
however, also be present in myopathic disorders when the muscle membrane is
irritable due to the presence of inflammation or necrosis. Thus, these myopathies
are reported as myopathy with muscle membrane irritability or membrane instability
and include inflammatory and toxic/necrotic processes, muscular dystrophies and
selected congenital and metabolic disorders.
Occasionally, in chronic myopathies, complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) may be
seen. This type of abnormal spontaneous activity is nonspecific and simply speaks to
the chronic nature of the underlying process. Alternatively, myotonic discharges yield
additional diagnostic information (see Box 2). Myotonic discharges, similarly to fibril-
lations, PSWs and CRDs, are generated at the muscle fiber level. Although their
morphology is similar to fibrillations and PSWs, they characteristically wax and
wane in both frequency and amplitude. They are typically seen in myotonic disorders,
such as DM1 and DM2, myotonia congenita, PMC, potassium-aggravated myotonias,
and potassium-sensitive periodic paralysis. In addition, electrical myotonia may be
occasionally encountered in selected myopathies that do not present with clinical
myotonia, including inflammatory myopathies, metabolic myopathies (eg, Pompe
disease), and toxic myopathies (see Box 2).
Finally, there are some circumstances when the normal insertional activity gener-
ated by needle insertion is decreased. This may occur in chronic end-stage myopa-
thies, when electrically active muscle fibers are replaced by fat or connective tissue,
typically in muscular dystrophies or, occasionally, in long-standing inflammatory
myopathies. The electromyographer may also feel increased resistance to needle
advancement due to the fibrotic nature of the remaining muscle. Decreased insertional
activity may also been seen in patients with certain glycogen storage disorders, such
as McArdle disease, experiencing a contracture in that muscle or during an episode of
severe weakness from periodic paralysis.
Analysis of motor unit action potential (MUAP) morphology and recruitment pattern
is the key element of needle EMG that helps establish the diagnosis of a myopathy.
In myopathic processes, there is dropout or dysfunction of individual muscle fibers
(see Fig. 1). Thus, the size of the motor unit decreases. The number of available
motor units does not change because the pathologic process occurs distal to the
motor axons. This results in the emergence of short, small, polyphasic MUAPs
(see Figs. 1 and 2). Sometimes, this combination of findings is referred to as
myopathic unit. The authors discourage the use of this term because similar MUAPs
may be occasionally found in neurogenic and neuromuscular junction disorders and,
therefore, do not always imply a primary muscle disease. Most notably, they may be
seen in early reinnervation after severe denervation (nascent motor units) when each
motor unit is composed of only few fibers that have successfully reinnervated. More
rarely, they may be seen in neuromuscular junction disorders when there is signifi-
cant block resulting in functional dropout of individual muscle fibers within each
motor unit.
When analyzing MUAP morphology, 3 parameters are evaluated: duration, ampli-
tude, and number of phases. In myopathies, MUAP duration and amplitude both
decrease, whereas the number of phases increases; hence MUAPs are brief, small,
and polyphasic (see Figs. 1 and 2). The most important of these parameters is
MUAP duration. The decrease in MUAP duration most closely reflects the decrease
in the total number of muscle fibers per motor unit, including those that are located
at a distance from the recording electrode. Acoustically, this corresponds to a crisp,
high-pitch sound. To diagnose a myopathy, however, many MUAPs should be
analyzed per muscle and the results compared with what is normally expected for
that particular muscle. There is a range of MUAP duration, influenced by age
(MUAP duration increases with age) and muscle studied (eg, some small facial
muscles normally have much smaller MUAPs than big limb muscles). Mean MUAP
duration is reduced in myopathies, although some of the MUAPs may still be normal.
Occasionally, the results of qualitative needle EMG are indeterminate. This may
occur when there are only subtle MUAP changes. In such cases, if there is a high clin-
ical suspicion of an underlying myopathy, quantitative MUAP analysis may be
performed to increase the diagnostic yield. This is accomplished using standard
EMG equipment. Quantitative data regarding the duration of at least 20 MUAPs are
collected. Results are then compared with established age-matched, muscle-specific
normative values (for a complete description of quantitative EMG and normative data,
see Nandedkar and colleagues8).
In a myopathy, these short, small, polyphasic, high-pitch MUAPs display a charac-
teristic early recruitment pattern. Because each motor unit is smaller than normal, it
can generate only a small amount of force. Therefore, to produce even a small amount
of power, individuals need to recruit many MUAPs that fill the screen early on during
muscle contraction (see Fig. 2). Only the electromyographer performing the study can
adequately identify recruitment as early because how much force is being generated
to make such an assessment needs to be known. Importantly, in myopathies, a full
interference pattern is seen even in very weak muscles, with many units firing at the
same time but producing little power. This is in contrast to weakness secondary to
neurogenic processes or central processes. In the former, the interference pattern
is not full due to the loss of available motor units. The remaining motor units fire rapidly
as a compensatory mechanism creating the pattern of reduced recruitment with rapid
firing. In the latter, recruitment is actually normal, but the interference pattern is not full
due to lack of activation, with resulting slow firing rate.
The only exception to the pattern of short, small, polyphasic MUAPs with early
recruitment (described previously) is cases of end-stage muscle that may occasionally
be seen in severe chronic myopathies. If all the muscle fibers of an individual motor
unit are lost, there is a reduction in the number of available motor units resulting in
reduced recruitment. Some reinnervation and motor unit remodeling may also occur
overtime and a mixed population of short and long duration MUAPs may occasionally
be seen in severe chronic myopathies, such as IBM, long-standing polymyositis and
dermatomyositis, and end-stage muscular dystrophies. Finally, as discussed previ-
ously, short, small, polyphasic MUAPs may also be seen in nascent motor units. In
these cases, recruitment of such units is reduced, reflecting the reduced number of
motor units available due to the underlying neurogenic process.
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis are idiopathic inflammatory myopathies that are
characterized on needle EMG by the presence of prominent muscle membrane irrita-
bility (fibrillations, PSWs, and even myotonic discharges), especially in proximal
muscles.13,14 MUAPs are small, short, and polyphasic and recruit early. These
abnormal features do not distinguish inflammatory myopathies from other myopathies
with muscle membrane instability. In long-standing disease, a mixed population of
small and long duration MUAPs may be seen (discussed previously).
The degree of abnormal muscle membrane irritability is believed to reflect the
ongoing disease activity. Many patients with inflammatory myopathies are treated
with high-dose steroids. Some may develop new weakness after a period of symptom
improvement on steroids. In these cases, it needs to be determined whether the new
weakness is secondary to an increase in disease activity or is attributable to type
2 muscle fiber atrophy, which may occur from disuse or chronic steroid administration.
Abnormal spontaneous activity is expected in active myositis, although it is not asso-
ciated with isolated type 2 muscle fiber atrophy (discussed later).
long MUAPs, reflecting the chronicity of the disease.15,16 Although the morphology of
these units may resemble those seen in a chronic neurogenic process, the recruitment
pattern in IBM is early pointing toward a myogenic basis. In addition, approximately
a third of the patients also demonstrate a mild axonal sensory polyneuropathy on
nerve conduction studies.
Toxic/Necrotic Myopathies
Toxic/necrotic myopathies may be induced by several drugs, such as the lipid-
lowering agents, or by multifactorial mechanisms, such as in the setting of a critical
illness. Asymptomatic CK elevation is common in patients taking lipid-lowering
agents. In the absence of symptoms, EMG is often normal. More rarely, these same
agents may trigger a toxic myopathy and result in clinical weakness. In these circum-
stances, fibrillations, PSWs, and even myotonic discharges with early recruitment of
short-duration MUAPs become apparent in weak muscles.17,18
Patients in an ICU may develop generalized weakness due to critical illness poly-
neuropathy or myopathy.19,20 It can be difficult to differentiate between these two
conditions and patients can present with a combination of the two. Distal and proximal
muscles are both affected. Nerve conduction studies demonstrate low CMAP ampli-
tudes without any evidence of demyelination. Sensory nerve action potential may also
be reduced in amplitude if there is a concomitant polyneuropathy or from technical
reasons if there is third spacing and edema, which are not uncommon in critically ill
patients. Needle EMG shows prominent muscle membrane irritability as well as early
recruitment of short-duration MUAPs.
Steroid Myopathy
Steroid myopathy manifests as proximal muscle weakness and atrophy, affecting
the leg more than the arms. The needle EMG is typically normal.21 On histopa-
thology, steroid myopathy is characterized by type 2B muscle fiber atrophy, which
explains the paucity of findings on EDX testing. The evaluation of MUAP morphology
on needle EMG is limited to the analysis of type 1 fibers, which, based on the size
principle of recruitment, are the first recruited fibers. Because type 2 fibers are pref-
erentially affected in steroid myopathy, the abnormal MUAPs they generate are
not detectable because these are obscured by their initially recruited type I
Pompe Disease
Pompe disease (GSD II or acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency) is a metabolic myopathy
caused by deficiency of a lysosomal enzyme, which is important in carbohydrate
metabolism causing muscle weakness. It may present in a classic severe infantile
form or have a later childhood or adult onset. The diagnosis of the adult-onset form
may be elusive because CK levels may be normal and the pattern of weakness (gener-
ally proximal) may be confused with several other myopathies. There can be a predi-
lection for involvement of the muscles of ventilation, with dyspnea the presenting
symptom in some patients. Recognition of this disease is important because infusion
of the recombinant enzyme is available. Characteristically, needle EMG in Pompe
disease is irritable.22 Abundant spontaneous activity may be present in proximal
muscles and may include not only fibrillations and PSWs but also CRDs and myotonic
discharges. These findings, however, in mild cases, may be limited to the paraspinal
Box 4
Myopathies that may have a normal EMG
Box 5
Myopathies that may have a normal CK level
A normal or only mildly elevated CK level does not preclude the following diagnoses in the
appropriate clinical context:
Congenital myopathies
Metabolic myopathies
Mitochondrial myopathies
More rarely, some of the muscular dystrophies (limb-girdle, facioscapulohumeral, scapuloper-
oneal, Emery-Dreifuss, and oculopharyngeal and distal) may be present with normal or only
mildly elevated CK levels.
The long exercise test involves isometric contraction of the selected muscle for
5 minutes, with periods of brief rest (3 to 4 seconds) every 30 to 45 seconds during
the exercise. This is followed by sequential CMAP measurements immediately after
exercise, then every minute for the first 5 minutes after exercise, and finally every
5 minutes for approximately 45 minutes. In normal subjects, a transient mild decrease
in CMAP amplitude (5%–10%) is observed immediately after exercise, but the CMAP
amplitude normalizes within 1 min and remains stable for the remainder of the test.
Box 6
Diagnostic studies used to characterize myopathic processes
The short exercise test may identify characteristic response patterns in some patients
with PMC and myotonia congenital (MC). In PMC, there may be a decrement in the
CMAP amplitude compared with baseline that worsens with successive stimuli and
Typically, performing the short exercise test after limb cooling bring out even more
marked reductions in CMAP amplitude. In MC, the short exercise test may be normal
(usually in the autosomal dominant form) or abnormal (in the autosomal recessive
form). The abnormal pattern seen in autosomal recessive MC includes an initial
CMAP reduction immediately after exercise that improves with successive stimuli
returning to baseline within 1 minute. Such CMAP amplitude reduction is less marked
during subsequent trials. The long exercise test is most useful to identify hereditary
periodic paralysis. In periodic paralysis, there is an early increase in CMAP amplitude
immediately after exercise that is followed by a gradual delayed decrease over a pro-
longed period of time. The long exercise test is also abnormal in PMC, with early
decrease in CMAP amplitude immediately after exercise that may persist for hours.
For a more detailed description of these techniques, readers are referred to the
seminal articles by Fournier and colleagues.5,6
In summary, EDX studies may play an important role in the evaluation of patients with
suspected myopathies (Boxes 4 and 5). Although multiple diagnostic tests are often
used to work-up a patient (Box 6), they are often expensive and uncomfortable for
the patient. Thus, the authors cannot emphasize enough that these tools should be
used judiciously in a step-wise, hypothesis-driven fashion. A comprehensive history
and physical examination along with pattern recognition are invaluable in directing
further testing, so as to avoid unnecessary tests and, most importantly, interpret
test results correctly (Fig. 4).
23. Logigian EL, Ciafaloni E, Quinn LC, et al. Severity, type, and distribution of
myotonic discharges are different in type 1 and type 2 myotonic dystrophy.
Muscle Nerve 2007;35:479–85.
24. Matthews E, Fialho D, Tan SV, et al, CINCH Investigators. The non-dystrophic
myotonias: molecular pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Brain 2010;
133(Pt 1):9–22.