Lec. 3 - Myopathies
Lec. 3 - Myopathies
Lec. 3 - Myopathies
Lec 3
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Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
Note: This lecture has been extensively edited by the students and contains
much more information than the one presented by the doctor.
Myopathy: is a muscular disease in which the muscle fibers do not function for
any reason, resulting in muscular weakness. "Myopathy" simply means muscle
disease (myo- Greek "muscle" + -pathy Greek "suffering"). This meaning implies
that the primary defect is within the muscle, as opposed to the nerves
("neuropathies" or "neurogenic" disorders).
2 Noor Ali Majeed
Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
There are many types of myopathy; generally it is classified as either hereditary
or acquired and each of these is sub classified into many other types.
Please note that you don’t need to memorize all the boxes’
information below as it contains much more information than the
doctor discussed or wanted for the exam!
4 Noor Ali Majeed
Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
Muscular dystrophies
6 Noor Ali Majeed
Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
These are inherited disorders with progressive muscle destruction, and may be
associated with cardiac and/or respiratory involvement and sometimes non-
myopathic features (Box 26.107). Myotonic dystrophy is the most common,
with a prevalence of about 12/100 000.
Clinical features The pattern of the clinical features is defined by the specific
syndromes. Onset is often in childhood, although some patients, especially
those with myotonic dystrophy, may present as adults.
7 Noor Ali Majeed
Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
There is no specific therapy for most of these conditions but physiotherapy and
occupational therapy help patients cope with their disability. Steroids are used
in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Treatment of associated cardiac failure or
arrhythmia (with pacemaker insertion if necessary) may be required; similarly,
management of respiratory complications (including nocturnal hypoventilation)
can improve quality of life. Improvements in non-invasive ventilation have led
to significant improvements in survival for patients with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy. Genetic counselling is important.
There are a large number of rare inherited disorders that interfere with the
biochemical pathways that maintain the energy supply (adenosine
triphosphate, ATP) to muscles. These are mostly recessively inherited
deficiencies in the enzymes necessary for glycogen or fatty acid (β-oxidation)
Box 26.108). They typically present with muscle weakness and pain.)
Mitochondrial disorders
Mitochondria are present in all tissues and dysfunction causes widespread
effects, on vision (optic atrophy, retinitis pigmentosa, cataracts), hearing
(sensorineural deafness), and the endocrine, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal
and renal systems. Any combination of these should raise the suspicion of a
mitochondrial disorder, especially if there is evidence of maternal transmission.
8 Noor Ali Majeed
Dr.Zuhair 21/2/2017
Periodic Paralysis:
Ø Hypokalemic:
Ø Na, Ca channel
Ø After heavy carbohydrate meals, salt
Treament: Low sugar\salt diet, rich K diet
Ø Acetazolamide
Ø Hyperkalemic:
Ø Na channel
Ø After K rich meals
Treatmen: low K diet